Lionsberg Wiki Books

The books below all explore the same core Challenges, Mission, Vision, and Goal, examining it from a variety of angles and possibilities.

They are each a Work In Progress. Some areas have been accelerated or roughed in using AI. Others are channeled. All True ideas are contributed by and belong to The Commons and the body of thought, progress, and ideation to date. No ownership or originality is implied.

Works In Progress

  1. 144 Threads - A Desperate Prayer to Weave Humanity's Last Best Hope
  2. The Greatest Fraud, Deception, and Existential Threat in History
  3. EXISTENTIAL THREAT - Are You Curious What Lurks Behind The Veil?
  4. The Cosmic Chronicles - Illuminating the Hidden Knowledge of Universal Consciousness and Contact
  5. The Chronicles of Lionsberg
  6. The Chronicles of J
  7. Beyond Earth - The Secret Wars, Ancient Alliances, and the Future of Humanity
  8. Harvested by Aliens, Kontrolled by Fascists, and Hunted by Dogs - The Plight of the Children of Earth

Books by Jordan (Pre-November 2024)

  1. The Lionsberg Co-Creator's Handbook
  2. The Book of Lionsberg
  3. Aliens, Fascists, and Giants - Our Epic Battle for The Future of Civilization
  4. Pass The Flame - Illuminating the Way Beyond the Meta Crisis
  5. The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan
  6. The Lionsberg Blueprint - Manifesto For Worksite Earth 2.0
  7. The Dawn of the New World
  8. The Lionsberg Book of Meditations
  9. Beyond The Meta Crisis - A Blueprint for a Better Future
  10. Most People Have No Idea What Is Coming
  11. An Alternative to Apocalypse - The New Covenant
  12. The Last Chance - A Revolutionary Approach to Averting Global Collapse
  13. The Theses of Lionsberg
  14. A New American Revolution - A Vision for a Stronger, Freer, and More United Nation
  15. The Lionsberg Approach to Citizen Led Governance
  16. A Way Beyond Fear, Anxiety, And Depression
  17. The Way of God
  18. Lionsberg - A Biblical Perspective
  19. The Lionsberg Book of Quotes
  20. The Great Game of Lionsberg
  21. The Power of Today
  22. The Power of One
  23. Playing With Poetry
  24. Frequently Asked Questions

Essays and Drafts That Might Become Books

  1. A New Sovereignty - by Jordan Nicholas Sukut
  2. Resourcing Guide - by Jordan Nicholas Sukut
  3. Above The Chaos, Introducing The Meta Game - by Jordan Nicholas Sukut
  4. Jordan's Guide to Lionsberg
  5. Co-Creating Heaven On Earth - An Invitation To The First Three Percent
  6. The One - A Sacred Blueprint for Awakening All Consciousness
  7. UnVeiling The Sacred Texts
  8. Messages From Beyond
  9. Threads of Eternity
  10. Tao Te Ching
  11. Adventures With Penny

Also See Jordan's Podcast and Blog Series

  1. Above The Chaos - by Jordan Nicholas Sukut

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