Letting go can be scary. As human beings, we tend to be somewhat like toddlers clinging to the side of the pool. We know that we want to swim, we know that we must swim in order to get to the other side, we see other children swimming so we know it is possible, and yet we cling petrified to the side of the pool, frozen in a state of existential dread.
As we talk about constructing new paradigms, new games, and a New World, one of the helpful coaching mechanisms that sometimes helps us release our death grip on the side of the pool is to very intentionally articulate and write down the criteria for success, or Acceptance Criteria, for this moment of transition and the New frame we are moving into.
For example, if we are selling a home that we feel is unsustainable, the first thing that might come to mind is the fear that we will end up somewhere worse, and regret selling our home. So we could begin to write down criteria for success.
We could begin to make commitments to ourselves about the New life that we are progressing towards, and begin to differentiate it from the old Old that we are leaving behind.
We could then couple those Acceptance Criteria to written plan of action, using those acceptance criteria as constraints on the plan.
One easy commitment we can make to One Another right away is the following:
We can design and build a new frame that retains all the benefits and best features of the previous frame, while correcting its deficiencies and shortcomings so that it performs far better across a far broader array of applications.
This is the basic process of the development and realization of potential.
This is a core tenant of applying the Transformational Patterns of Life. As we let go of things, we are not falling into a pit or plummeting to our ruin. We are liberating our Selves up to rise into a New and higher quality and state of being that will be superior in every way to the Old one we are leaving behind.
In the same way an architect articulates a concept into an increasingly more well-defined and well-differentiated set of blueprints and specifications for a building, so too can we, in community, articulate an increasingly more well-defined and well-differentiated understanding of the blueprints and specifications for the new lives and [New World] we are co-creating.
This can start with questions:
What is the single guiding / defining word or concept for the New World?
Our design will need to be perfectly consistent, from highest level concept to lowest level detail. What one word will permeate and define every element of the properly ordered system of systems?
Hypothesis: Love
What are our desires and acceptance criteria for the following functional elements of our world?
The built environment…
The natural environment…
The relationship and balance between the order of society and the wildness of nature…
Meaningful work…
Meaningful relationships…
Life in community…
Adjacency to certain centers of life and society…
Sociopital and community-building spaces…
Cultivation and consumption of food…
Cultivation and consumption of energy…
Culture and values…
Safety, security, and freedom from intentional harm…
Adjacency and relationship of neighbors…
Ability to walk to _______…
Common sense of purpose, vision, and mission…
Common sense of meaning…
Familial and inter-generational relationships…
How we give to and receive from the young…
How we give to and receive from the old…
How we relate inter-generationally and pass the torch…
How we develop all beings into the fullness of their potential…
How all beings flourish together in harmony as they help one another develop…
The goal is to place ourselves within an environment, a game, a project that is life giving; that refreshes our soul and our spirit day by day, so that we will be happier individually, happier as families, happier as communities, and doing better and more meaningful work together as we all help one another progress towards the Goal.
What are the Patterns of Life that we can identify, that we want to make sure we always consciously build into every element of the New World?
What are the Patterns of Death that we can identify, that we want to make sure we always consciously and vigilantly exclude from every element of the [New World]?
These patterns begin to form a Pattern Language through which billions of people simultaneously around the world can transform their own lives, their own local communities, and their own worlds. We want that language to be as close to The Pattern Language of Heaven as we can possibly articulate.
We want that language to be as close to the properly articulated will and intention of the Creator as we can possibly conceive.
And then we want to properly embody that language and intention, so that the New World manifests itself to us, and the Old World ceases to manifest itself to us.
Articulated, spoken and embodied will and intention is what creates our world.
When our articulated, spoken, and embodied will and intention becomes entirely Truthful, Loving, Wise, Beautiful and Good…
…Then a truthful, loving, and good world beyond our imagination can come forth, which will be the habitation suitable for the enlightened consciousness bringing it into being.
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