In the Lionsberg System, Love is used as a Word Tool to point towards the Ineffable, Ultimate, Absolute, Highest Unconditional relationship between two things.
This Value impels us to seek the true, highest, and most beautiful Good for our Selves, for others, and for All Creation. Arising from the Source and Sustainer of Life, Love leads us to honor the inherent dignity and worth of all beings, and treat All Creation with honor and respect as the basis for community and Right Relationship.
It is akin to the use of Agape Love in Christian theology, or the Jewish notion of Chesed, which describe the ultimate and unconditional Love of One for All.
It is differentiated from the sexual, brotherly, or romantic loves we often associate the Word Tool with.
Beyond these, it points to a Frequency of Being that regards the One We Love with (something like) unconditional affection, Goodwill, and positive desire directed towards the fullness of their unique Potential.
Love longs for the One We Love to develop into the fullness of their Potential and flourish.
It sees in them the fullness of all they could possibly become, beyond who they presently are, and then moves beyond mere longing into powerful action to help them bring forth and manifest the fullness of that Potential.
It is passionately committed not only to the wellbeing of what is, but to the highest Potential of what could be.
It calls up. It urges on. It comes to the aid. It encourages. It hopes. It persists. It endures. It forgives. It is kind. It is merciful. It is Just. It is Good.
It gives freely of itself, expecting nothing in return. It gives without precondition.
It longs for but is not conditional upon reciprocity.
The natural response to this kind of Absolute and Unconditional Love is to reciprocate it.
Therefore, as One Loves All, so too should All strive to embody One's Love in return towards One, One Another, and All.
This is the Universal Law, and the single overarching and uniting design principle of the Lionsberg System.
Love One Another.
Pages that link to this page
- Ultimate Reality
- Universal Values
- Who We Are Becoming
- The Sacred Tree
- The Fibonacci Unfolding Model
- The Golden Seed
- The Lionsberg Alliance
- The Body
- Shalom
- Lionsberg Treaty
- Inbreaking And Displacing
- In A Lionsberg World
- Justice
- Goodness
- Cultivating Healthy Interdependencies
- Creator
- Bottom Up Jump Page
- Transforming Conflict
- Jordan and A - 2023.04.21
- Lionsberg Subscription Agreement
- Jordan and Faith
- Provisional Code
- Provisional Community Agreement
- Provisional Conditions
- Lionsberg Intention
- Lionsberg Constitution
- LC 49. Permissible Use of System Power
- LC17. Communication and Information Sharing
- LC 25. The Lionsberg System of Reconciliation
- LC 28. The Lionsberg Economic System
- Introduction to Lionsberg (v.2023)
- Lionsberg Manifesto (2023.10.10)
- Best Possible Future
- Harm One Another
- Help One Another
- Love
- Meta Idea
- Meta Intention
- One Another
- One Thing
- Total Nested Hierarchy of Values
- Unity
- Universal Law
- Values
- Way of Being
- Principles
- Meta Aspiration
- Problems and Needs
- Rights and Responsibilities
- 1.1 Designer's Intent
- Lionsberg Plans and Specifications
- 1. Intention
- Above The Chaos, April 2024 Above The Chaos Tour Findings
- Above The Chaos, Breakthrough With George Orbelian
- Above The Chaos, Game Plan For March
- Above The Chaos, How To Design And Build A Better World, Part I
- Above The Chaos, Introducing Lionsberg
- Above The Chaos, Invitation To The Great Game of Lionsberg
- Above The Chaos, The Common Journey
- The Bottom Line - Humanity's Final Test, and the Path to Unity
- The Seven Commitments of Every Co-Creator
- Agreement to Join The Lionsberg Alliance
- A Letter to Our Loved Ones (January 2025)
- A New Cosmic Narrative
- 2025 - The Call to Rise, Unite and Co-Create
- Welcome to LIONSBERG, We Are Glad You Are Here
- 3.9 What Limits The Stories We Tell Our Selves?
- 4.9 Raising The Standard To The Highest One
- 4.5 Making Our Selves Strong
- 16.1 The principles and values that guide the New Vision and Plan
- Day 13 - Committing To Our Co-Creation - Taking Up The Pen That Writes And Rights Our Future
- 1. Introduction
- 13. Embracing Our Shared Values - Truth, Love, Justice, Stewardship, Wisdom, and Liberty
- 14. Nurturing Hope and Resilience - Lessons from Diverse Perspectives
- 15. Taking Action - Simple Steps to Make a Difference
- 3. The Story of Lionsberg - A Tale of Unity and Transformation
- 5. The New Vision and Plan - Charting a Path Towards a Better Future
- 6. The Lionsberg Manifesto - Principles for a New World
- 1.2 A Day Well Lived
- 1.20 Why Martial Arts?
- 1.3 The Bondage of the Old Ways
- 0.6 Our Story
- 1.13 Harmony, Equilibrium, Right Relationship, Flow, Oneness
- 1.15 Co-Creating the World
- 1.17 The Chosen Ones
- 1.18 All Things Helping One Another Rise
- Pass The Flame - Illuminating the Way Beyond the Meta Crisis
- K. Overcoming the Fear of Suffering and Death
- 1.4 What is Possible if we Succeed?
- 1.8 Operationalizing Wisdom and Truth
- 1.17 Infrastructure
- 1.23 Choosing The Flood
- 1.24 Final Words and Departure
- 1.25 Warning 1
- 1.28 Warning 2
- 1.29 Becoming
- 1.3 The Right Questions
- 1.30 Warning 3
- 10.36 The Meta Community
- 10.40 Embodying the Spirit Before Hardening the Systems
- 10.24 Individuals And Systems
- 10.17 Higher Order Sub-Systems
- 11.1 A Dark Tale of Old
- 11.11 The New Game Requires an Ancient and Eternal Foundation
- 11.12 The Ordo Amoris - The Order of Loves
- 11.14 The Order of Goals
- 11.2 A Light Tale of New
- 11.25 Acceptance Criteria For Our New Lives and New World
- 11.26 The Meta Goal of the Meta Game
- 11.27 The Meta Movement of the Meta Game
- 11.3 The Meta Quest. The Meta Game. The Meta Project. The Meta Goal.
- 11.33 Why Play The Game?
- 11.34 The Circle of Life
- 11.37 The Order of Rules
- 11.4 Acceptance Criteria for the Meta Game
- 11.43 Pragmatic Application, Not Esoteric Notions
- 11.47 Historical Context of the Broken Paradigms
- 11.69 Like a Pattern, But More Like a Spirit
- 12.17 Liberating Humanity From The Fear Of Hell
- 13.32 The Choice is Ours
- 13.20 Fear, Mistakes, and Shame
- 13.10 There is no Turning Back
- 13.16 Waiting For A Meta Hero
- 13.17 Becoming a Hero
- 13.27 Loving Right Relationship
- 14.1 To Know the Way One Must Live It
- 3.12 All Things Helping One Another Rise
- 3.14 Love
- 3.15 Highest Level Concept to Lowest Level Detail
- 3.16 The Quality of the New World
- 3.17 The Universal Law and Logic of Love
- 3.18 Powerful Love
- 3.19 Fierce Love
- 3.20 The One We Love
- 3.21 The One We Love Is Suffering
- 3.22 Moving Heaven And Earth
- 3.23 The Logical End Of Love Is The Goal
- 3.4 Supercharging Progress
- 3.5 The Universal Movement
- 3.6 The Universal Invitation
- 3.7 The Universal Intention and Goal
- 4.34 Towards Perfect Oneness, Through Perfect Love
- 4.14 Why?
- 4.16 Towards Oneness Through Love
- 4.17 Moving Through Love
- 4.24 The Reciprocal Opening of Being and Doing
- 4.26 Every Defect Is A Gift
- 4.29 The Terrifying Existential Awe And Fear Of Not Knowing
- 4.5 Without A Shared Vision and Structure of Values, We Perish
- 4.9 Who We Are
- 5.10 Experiencing the Greatest Possible Purpose and Meaning
- 5.11 Who Is The One We Must Learn Love?
- 5.12 The True Self
- 5.14 Human Being, Doing, and Becoming
- 5.16 Becoming And Doing Are One
- 5.17 The Inbreaking New World
- 5.18 The Inbreaking True Self
- 5.3 The Purpose And Meaning Of Life
- 5.4 Quality and Quantity of Service
- 5.5 Quality and Quantity of Meaning
- 5.7 Advancing in Relationship
- 6.4 The Song Of Creation
- 6.7 The Golden Thread
- 6.1 The Quest Of The Creative One
- 6.10 From Good to God
- 6.11 The Big Man In The Sky
- 6.18 Consciousness And Its Source
- 6.19 The Nature And Location Of The Source
- 6.20 Towards The One Highest Aim
- 6.21 The Simple Message Of The Quest Towards Oneness Through Love
- 6.22 Air, Water, Love, and Unity
- 6.26 The Tsunami
- 6.27 Love, Compassion, and Floodwaters
- 7.36 One Living System
- 7.6 The Conditions That Precipitate The Emergence Of Flourishing And Abundant Life
- 8.39 Why Spend So Much Time On Teachers And Philosophy?
- 8.64 The Deception And Temptation Of Power And Control
- 8.9.3 The Heroes And Highlights Of History
- 8.45 The Spirit, Heart, and Intention Of Jesus
- 8.62 Judging By The Fruit
- 8.9 Not So Simple
- 8.35 Power And Control
- 8.46 The Co-Opting Of Christianity
- 8.51 The Ideal
- 8.33 Judaism
- 8.49 Heaven And Hell
- 8.22 Mo Tzu
- 8.36 Philo-Nikia
- 8.16 Philo-Sophia
- 9.9 The Law That All People Know On A Level Deeper Than Words
- 9.8 The Lower, Temporal, Secular Law, And The Higher, Eternal, Spiritual Law
- 9.7 The Temporal Nature And Evolution Of Human Authority
- 9.49 Our Relationship To Systems of Injustice
- 9.51 Charity Vs. Justice Along The Pathways of Life
- 9.52 Who Has The Authority And Responsibility To Fix It?
- 9.22 All Generations Of Life Are Sacred And Sovereign
- 9.35 Government And Religion Get Authority Backwards
- 9.28 The Invitation To Sovereignty
- 9.16 The House Of Wisdom
- 9.24 Right Relationship And Inter-Existence
- Scene 12 - Xion's Awakening
- The Lionsberg Book of Emotions
- Meditation 626
- Meditation 629
- Meditation 631
- Meditation 639
- Meditation 642
- Meditation 647
- Meditation 652
- Meditation 653
- Meditation 564
- Meditation 569
- Meditation 570
- Meditation 586
- Meditation 587
- Meditation 615
- Meditation 616
- Meditation 617
- Meditation 627
- Meditation 516
- Meditation 477
- Meditation 485
- Meditation 488
- Meditation 490
- Meditation 491
- Meditation 545
- Meditation 397
- Meditation 412
- Meditation 425
- Meditation 430
- Meditation 335
- Meditation 390
- Meditation 398
- Meditation 291
- Meditation 293
- Meditation 294
- Meditation 314
- Meditation 230
- Meditation 232
- Meditation 240
- Meditation 249
- Meditation 255
- Meditation 259
- Meditation 292
- Meditation 295
- Meditation 308
- Meditation 319
- Israel's Desire For A King
- Lionsberg Co-Creator's Handbook (v.0.1)
- Lionsberg Membership Agreement (v.0.1)
- 2.6 Spontaneous Wise Right Thought, Speech, and Action
- 1.1 The Central Animating Spirit
- 1.2 The Vision and Intention of the Lionsberg Elevation Initiative
- 2.1 Love as the Driving Force
- 2.15 A Diverse Highest Order Functional Unity
- 2.3 Lifelong Learning and Continuous Transformation
- 2.4 Integrated and Holistic Wellbeing and Development
- In The Beginning...
- The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan
- The Lionsberg System of Values
- 2.6 The Gift Of Philosophy
- 1.14 Prerequisites To A Great Day
- Unity, Estrangement, and At-One-Ment
- Getting To Know God
- The Values And Anti-Values Of God
- A Properly Ordered Society
- An Image Of Righteousness And Its Reward - If, Then
- 13. Loving Embodiment, Not Form
- 15. Memento Mori
- 4. The All
- 1.3 Looking Back From Beyond
- In Case I Don't Finish
- Meta Game