At the heart of the Lionsberg System, Manifesto, and The Great Game lies a set of shared values that serve as the foundation for our collective pursuit of a better future. These values—Truth, Love, Justice, Stewardship, Wisdom, and Liberty — act as a guiding Compass for our actions, decisions, and interactions, fostering a sense of unity, collaboration, and common purpose among Citizens from all walks of life as we Navigate towards The Goal.
Truth is the pursuit and recognition of objective reality as it actually is, as well as the commitment to honesty, transparency, and integrity in all aspects of life. By embracing truth, we challenge ourselves and others to confront the realities of the Meta Crisis, to question conventional thought, and to seek wisdom-based and evidence-based solutions that genuinely address The Challenges we face and co-create The Future we desire.
Love is the expression of empathy, compassion, and care for all beings, fostering a sense of shared existence and interconnectedness. Love helps us to overcome fear, prejudice, and division, encouraging us to work together in pursuit of a world that nurtures and supports every individual, community, and ecosystem. Love is the essence of the Spirit of the Creator, who generates and sustains All life and consciousness, and desires for All Creation to flourish in harmony.
Justice is the pursuit of fairness, equality, balance, and Right Relationship, ensuring that all Citizens have access to the resources, opportunities, and support they need to develop towards their unique potential and thrive. By championing justice, we work to create a more inclusive, just, and resilient world, where no one is left behind and every life is valued and respected.
Stewardship is the responsible management and care of our society, our resources, the planet, its resources, and its inhabitants, with a focus on the well-being of all present and future generations of life. As stewards, we recognize our duty to protect and restore our society and the Earth, and to promote sustainable, regenerative solutions that foster harmony between humans and the natural world.
Wisdom is the ability to see from the highest perspective, arising from Divine insight and the cultivation and application of knowledge and experience derived from our own lives, as well as the diverse perspectives and experiences of our fellow Citizens. This leads to valuing diverse perspectives and promoting a culture of learning, curiosity, openness and growth. By embracing wisdom, we equip ourselves with the tools and understanding needed to navigate the complexities of the Meta Crisis, and to make informed, thoughtful decisions in pursuit of the New World we seek.
Liberty is the promotion and protection of individual freedom, sovereignty, autonomy, and self-determination, recognizing that each person has the right to live their life in accordance with their values, beliefs, and aspirations. Liberty empowers citizens and localities to take control of their own destinies, fostering creativity, innovation, resilience and agency in the face of adversity.
By internalizing and embodying these shared values, citizens of Lionsberg can work together more effectively to confront and overcome the Meta Crisis, halt the Advance of The Giants, and co-create the New World. In doing so, we forge a brighter, more flourishing future for all generations of life—a future built on a foundation of truth, love, justice, stewardship, wisdom, and liberty, applied in the context of our shared Quest towards Right Relationship Between One and All.
Forward to 14. Nurturing Hope and Resilience - Lessons from Diverse Perspectives
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