Work In Progress
As reflected in The Story of the Builder, everything about Lionsberg is a Work In Progress.
We are discerning, designing, and building at the same time, as we labor in partnership with the Creator, One Another, and All Creation to co-create the Best Possible Future for All.
The work to date reflects lifetimes of work from many people around the world past and present. However it likely does not reflect a unique puzzle piece you are holding!
Expect changes, and big ones! Expect unfinished links, untied loose ends, gaps in the plans and specifications, and typos. Every aspect is a Work In Progress.
For now, think of this as a joining an unfolding effort to design and build a City on a Hill. Pardon our dust, and don't forget your boots and hard hat.
Like Gold Refined Seven Times, eventually the best and most pure will emerge as the Dross is burned away.
All that is Dross can be attributed to Jordan Nicholas Sukut.
All that is Wise, Right, and True can be attributed to One, All, and the emergent network of co-creators.
Pages that link to this page
- Project Management
- Minimum Standards of Interoperability
- Lionsberg Lexicon
- Jordan's Voice Notes
- Core, Official, and Ancillary Groups
- Raising A Standard
- Lionsberg Core Documents
- Provisional Code
- Provisional Community Agreement
- Provisional Conditions
- Provisional Declaration
- Concepts And Ideas
- Most Important Things
- Periods of Action
- The Way
- Principles
- x.x Timeless Wisdom, Principles, and Values
- Agreements
- Lionsberg Community Development Guide
- Lionsberg Individual Development Guide
- Meta Project Program Statement
- Above The Chaos, Hello World
- Above The Chaos, Lionsberg Wiki Repairs and Update
- Emergent Ideas On Emergency Relief
- Welcome to LIONSBERG, We Are Glad You Are Here
- Lionsberg Wiki Books
- A Way Beyond Fear, Anxiety, And Depression
- 5.0 A Way Forward
- Aliens, Fascists, and Giants - Our Epic Battle for The Future of Civilization
- 0. Introduction
- 25. If We Knew The Wise Right Answer...
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Rediscovering The Way - A Guide For The Warrior Spirit
- The Battle For The Spirit Of America
- The Book of Lionsberg
- 0.4 The Meta Story
- 0.7 No Boundaries
- The Great Game of Lionsberg
- 8.4 Fostering a Culture of Stewardship and Collaboration within the Project Team
- Lionsberg Academy
- The Lionsberg Blueprint - Manifesto For Worksite Earth 2.0
- The Lionsberg Book of Meditations
- The Lionsberg Book of People
- Lionsberg Co-Creator's Handbook (v.0.1)
- The Lionsberg Elevation Initiative
- The Lionsberg Handbook
- The Lionsberg Pattern Language
- 4. Our Highest Duty to One, All, Wisdom, and Truth
- 1. Introduction to the Lionsberg Strategy and Plan
- The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan
- The Lionsberg Toolkit
- The Lionsberg System of Values
- The Power of One
- The Power of Today
- The Theses of Lionsberg
- Circumambulation and Progressive Illumination - The Benefits of Multiple Lamps
- Introduction To The Way Of God
- The One - A Sacred Blueprint for Awakening All Consciousness
- Introduction to The Chronicles of Lionsberg
- The Cosmic Chronicles - Illuminating the Hidden Knowledge of Universal Consciousness and Contact
- Sandpoint Links and Resources
- Harvested by Aliens, Kontrolled by Fascists, and Hunted by Dogs - The Plight of the Children of Earth
- The Chronicles of J
- Above The Chaos, The Meta Project - Enacting the New Vision and Plan
- 2022.07.05 Request For Guidance