The Cosmic Chronicles - Illuminating the Hidden Knowledge of Universal Consciousness and Contact

After reading Jordan's Final Report, We began using AI to rapidly research and document Evidence of his claims.

Here We are curating and documenting some of the top evidence and events relating to extraterrestrial and interdimensional consciousness and contact.

Chapter 22. Aliens and Fascists In the 21st Century in Aliens, Fascists, and Giants - Our Epic Battle for The Future of Civilization cross references and goes beyond.

Of the countless thousands of credible and verified topics and events, these 200+ people, stories, and events provide a starting point for getting up to the speed on the Reality that We Are Not Alone in the Universe.

This is a Work In Progress. We are perhaps 150 cases in, and will be adding as Time, Energy, and Resources allow.

  1. The Jersey Devil Encounters (1735–Present)
  2. The Thunderbird Sightings (Various Locations, 1800s - Present)
  3. The Marfa Lights (Texas, 1880s–Present)
  4. The Great Airship Mystery (1896–1897)
  5. The Aurora UFO Crash, Texas (1897)
  6. The Giant Flying Creatures of Alaska (1900s–Present)
  7. The Tunguska Event (1908)
  8. The Hessdalen Lights (1930s–Present)
  9. The Magenta, Italy UFO Crash (1933)
  10. The Foo Fighters Phenomenon (1940s)
  11. Battle of Britain UFOs (1940)
  12. The Cape Girardeau UFO Crash (1941)
  13. The Battle of Los Angeles (1942)
  14. The Manhattan Project and UFOs - The Birth of a New Era (1942–1946)
  15. The Los Alamos National Laboratory Sightings (1940s–1950s)
  16. The Philadelphia Experiment (1943)
  17. The San Antonio, New Mexico "Trinity" UFO Crash (1945)
  18. UFOs Over Hanford Nuclear Site (1945)
  19. The Kapustin Yar Incident (1948)?
  20. The Gobi Desert Crash (194?)?
  21. Operation Paperclip and Extraterrestrial Technologies (1945–1950s)
  22. William Tompkins and The Secret Space Programs (SSP)
  23. The Ghost Rockets of Scandinavia (1946)
  24. The Roswell Incident (1947)
  25. Kenneth Arnold's Sighting of Flying Crescents (1947)
  26. The Maury Island Incident (1947)
  27. The MAJESTIC-12 (MJ-12) Program (1947 - Present)
  28. The Laredo Crash and "Burnt Alien" (1948)
  29. The Aztec UFO Crash (1948)
  30. The Mantell UFO Incident (1948)
  31. The Gorman Dogfight (1948)
  32. The USS Roosevelt UFO Encounters (1950s–1960s)
  33. The Green Fireballs Mystery (1948–1955)
  34. The Mojave Desert Contact Cases (1950s–Present)
  35. UFOs Over Oak Ridge, Tennessee (1950s)
  36. The Washington D.C. UFO Flap (1952)
  37. The Flatwoods Monster Incident (1952)
  38. The Kinross Incident (1953)
  39. The Kingman UFO Crash (1953)
  40. The Albert Bender Men In Black Encounters (1953)
  41. The 1954 European UFO Wave
  42. The Hopkinsville Goblins Incident (1955)
  43. RAF Bentwaters UFO Incident (1956)
  44. The Antonio Villas Boas Case (1957)
  45. The Levelland UFO Wave (1957)
  46. UFOs and the Soviet Cosmonauts’ Sightings (1960s–1980s)
  47. The Montauk Project (1960s–1980s)
  48. The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction (1961)
  49. Eisenhower’s Farewell Warning (1961)
  50. UFOs and the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
  51. The Socorro Incident - Lonnie Zamora Encounter (April 24, 1964)
  52. The Kecksburg UFO Incident (1965)
  53. The Edwards Air Force Base Landing (1965)
  54. The Exeter Incident, New Hampshire (1965)
  55. The Valensole Incident (1965)
  56. UFOs and NASA’s Gemini Missions (1965-1966)
  57. The Mothman Sightings (1966–1967)
  58. The Tully Saucer Nest (1966)
  59. The Portage County UFO Chase (1966)
  60. The Westall UFO Encounter (1966)
  61. The Malmstrom Air Force Base Missile Shutdown (1967)
  62. The Falcon Lake Incident (1967)
  63. The Shag Harbour Incident (1967)
  64. The Betty Andreasson Affair (1967)
  65. The 1967 Michigan "Swamp Gas" Wave
  66. The Minot Air Force Base Incident (1968)
  67. Reptilian Encounters by U.S. Soldiers in Vietnam (1960s–1970s)
  68. Crop Circles - Mysterious Formations (1970s-Present)
  69. The Family Encounter Cases (Brazilian Farms, 1970s)
  70. UFOs at NORAD Facilities (1970s)
  71. The Imjärvi Snow Case (1970)
  72. The Delphos Ring Case (1971)
  73. The 1973 North American UFO Wave
  74. The Pascagoula Abduction (1973)
  75. The Coyame UFO Crash, Mexico (1974)
  76. The Berwyn Mountain Incident, Wales (1974)
  77. The Loring Air Force Base Incidents (1975)
  78. The Northern U.S. Strategic Air Command UFO Incursions (1975)
  79. The Travis Walton Abduction (1975)
  80. The Allagash Abductions (1976)
  81. The Tehran UFO Intercept (1976)
  82. UFOs Over Colares Island, Brazil (1977)
  83. The Dover Demon (1977)
  84. The Kaikoura Lights, New Zealand (1978)
  85. The Frederick Valentich Disappearance (1978)
  86. The Val Johnson Incident (1979)
  87. The Livingston UFO Landing (1979)
  88. The Hudson Valley UFO Wave (1980s)
  89. The Rendlesham Forest Incident (1980)
  90. The Cash-Landrum Incident (1980)
  91. The Black Triangle Phenomenon (1980s–Present)
  92. The Trans-en-Provence Case (1981)
  93. The Copley Woods Encounter (1983)
  94. The Whitley Strieber Communion Encounters (1985–Present)
  95. The Japan Airlines 1628 UFO Encounter (1986)
  96. The Dalnegorsk UFO Crash, Russia (1986)
  97. The Ilkley Moor Encounter (1987)
  98. The Gulf Breeze UFO Sightings (1987)
  99. The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp, South Carolina (1988-Present)
  100. The Kalahari Desert UFO Crash (1989)
  101. The Voronezh UFO Landing, Russia (1989)
  102. Bob Lazar's Area 51 Testimonies (1989 On)
  103. The Legacy of Montauk - Advanced Research After the Montauk Project (1980s–Present)
  104. The Belgium UFO Wave (1989–1990)
  105. The Skinwalker Ranch Phenomena (1990s–Present)
  106. The Mexico City Solar Eclipse UFO Sightings (1991)
  107. UFOs and the Gulf War (1990–1991)
  108. The Kelly Cahill Encounter (1993)
  109. The Phoenix Lights (1997)
  110. The Zimbabwe School Encounter (1994)
  111. The Bothell UFO Burn Circles (1994)
  112. The Trumbull County UFO Chase (1994).
  113. The Varginha UFO Crash, Brazil (1996)
  114. The Yukon UFO Encounter (1996)
  115. The Skinwalker Ranch Investigations (1996–Present)
  116. Philip Corso and "The Day After Roswell" (1997)
  117. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Witnesses (2001)
  118. UFOs in Iraq and Afghanistan (2000s)
  119. The Giants of Kandahar (2002)
  120. UFOs Over the USS Nimitz (2004)
  121. Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP)
  122. The Stephenville UFO Sightings, Texas (2007-2008)
  123. The Chris Bledsoe Encounters (2007–Present)
  124. The Needles UFO Crash, California (2008)
  125. The Walton Family Encounters (Utah) (2010s)
  126. Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)
  127. Navy Pilots’ Testimonies on UAP (2015)
  128. The 2017 New York Times UFO Revelations (Approved Leak)
  129. The Wilson-Davis Memo Leak (2019)
  130. The Pentagon's UAP Task Force (UAPTF) (2020)
  131. All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) (2022)
  132. United States Congressional UFO Hearings (2023)
  133. David Grusch's Whistleblower Testimony (2023)
  134. Immaculate Constellation Leak (2024)
  135. United States Congressional UAP Hearings (2024)
  136. Wisdom From an African Sangoma
  137. Wisdom From a Zuni Elder
  138. The Story of the Akua and Mo'o of Hawaii
  139. The Black-Eyed Children Phenomenon
  140. The Men in Black Phenomena
  141. Reptilian Encounters in North America (Various Dates)
  142. Reptilian Lore in Indigenous Mythology


  1. Beneath Earth's Surface - Vast Caverns, Bases, Tunnels, and Non-Human Connections
  2. Undersea Bases and USOs
  3. Antarctica and Non-Human Intelligence
  4. The Missing 411 Phenomena and Alien Links (1800s - Present)
  5. Ancient Vimana Descriptions in India
  6. Nazca Lines and Extraterrestrial Theories
  7. The "Chariots of the Gods" Hypothesis

Types of Non-Human Intelligences

  1. Integration and Transcendence of Existing Scientific and Cosmological Models
  2. Spiritual, Ethical, Cultural, and Historical Contexts
  3. The Transcendent Creator-Ultimate Reality-God, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  4. Manifest Universal Spirit and Consciousness, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  5. The Diversity of Being, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  6. The Dimensionality of Being, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  7. Interdimensional Overlap and Travel, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  8. The Vast Diversity of Interdimensional Beings, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  9. The Archetypal Divine Feminine Beings, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  10. The Human and Non-Human Ascended Masters, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  11. The Angelic Realms, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  12. The Demonic Realms, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  13. The Ultra-Terrestrials, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  14. The Asuras and Devas, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  15. The Reptilians, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  16. The Greys, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  17. The Nordics, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  18. The Tall Whites, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  19. The Mantis Beings, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  20. The Insectoids, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  21. The Plant People, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  22. The Ebens of Project Serpo, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  23. The Annunaki, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  24. The Elohim, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  25. The Pleiadians, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  26. The Andromedans, and Hypotheses Therabout
  27. The Arcturians, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  28. The Orions Group, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  29. The Sirians, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  30. The Lyrans, and Hypotheses Therabout
  31. The Tau Cetians, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  32. The Avians, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  33. The Nagas, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  34. The Agarthans, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  35. The Hybrid Program, Human-Alien Hybrids, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  36. The Watchers, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  37. Ancient Builders, Technological Remnants, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  38. The Guardians of Sacred Sites, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  39. Inner Earth Inhabitants, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  40. The Shadow Entities, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  41. The Djinn, Interdimensional Tricksters, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  42. The Interdimensional Parasites, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  43. The Men In Black, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  44. Time Travelers, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  45. The Cryptoterrestrials, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  46. The Sasquatch, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  47. The Giants, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  48. The Elementals, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  49. Advanced Autonomous Synthetic Intelligences, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  50. Breakaway Civilizations, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  51. Human Hybridization and Breakaway Civilizations
  52. Galactic Councils, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  53. Interdimensional Councils, and Hypotheses Thereabout.
  54. The Dark Empires, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  55. The Fourth Reich, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  56. The Generally Benevolent Guides, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  57. The Generally Malevolent Manipulators, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  58. Current and Historical Links, Opposition, and Alliances Among Groups
  59. The Generally Neutral or Self-Interested, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  60. Cultural, Mythological, and Linguistic Intersections, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  61. Archeological and Historical Intersections, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  62. Variability of Spirit, Consciousness, and Ethics Between Species
  63. Variability of Spirit, Consciousness, and Ethics Within Each Species
  64. Navigating Contact with Non-Human Intelligence, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  65. Spiritual Protection, Warfare, and Discernment, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  66. The Role of Consciousness in Contact, and Hypotheses Thereabout
  67. The Simulation Theory, Our Partially Simulated Reality, and Hypotheses Thereabout

The Fascist Security States and their extraterrestrial collaborators... The Reptilians, The Greys, The Nordics, The Tall Whites, The Sirians, and The Anunnaki


  1. The UFOs and Time Travel Hypotheses
  2. The Holographic Universe and UFOs
  3. UFOs and the Akashic Records
  4. The Inseparability of Psychic Phenomena, Extraterrestrials, and UFOs
  5. Advanced Consciousness, Miracles, and The Siddhis
  6. Popol Vuh
  7. The Story of the Sons of Osanobua

Other Historical and Ancient Mysteries

  1. The Sphynx and Extraterrestrial Hypotheses
  2. The Egyptian Pyramids and Extraterrestrial Hypotheses
  3. Puma Punku and Advanced Masonry
  4. The Dogon Tribe and Sirius B Knowledge
  5. The Zulu and Astronomical Knowledge
  6. Easter Island Moai Construction Theories
  7. The Antikythera Mechanism as ET Technology
  8. Stonehenge


  1. Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defense Minister
  2. Admiral Rico Botta’s Role in UFO Research
  3. Richard Doty and MJ-12 Allegations
  4. Colonel Robert Salas and Malmstrom AFB
  5. Nick Pope’s Ministry of Defence UFO Files
  6. Eric Davis
  7. Hal Putoff
  8. James Lacatski
  9. Luis Elizondo
  10. Christopher Mellon
  11. Paul Hellyer
  12. Haim Eshed
  13. Wernher Von Braun
  14. Hermann Oberth
  15. Kurt Debus
  16. Arthur Rudolph
  17. Daniel Sheehan
  18. Philip Corso
  19. Bob Dean
  20. Andrija Puharich
  21. Uri Geller
  22. Clifford Stone
  23. Clifford Mahooty
  24. Credo Mutwa
  25. Michael Wolf
  26. Steven Greer

Other Secret Projects and Black Budget Programs

  1. Project Serpo Allegations
  2. Project Aquarius Files
  3. The Manhattan Project and UFOs
  4. Operation Paperclip and ET Tech
  5. MK Ultra and Extraterrestrial Technologies
  6. The Black Triangle TR-3B Allegations
  7. The Nazi Bell and UFO Development
  8. The Reverse Engineering Programs at Area 51

For Further Research