The Kingman UFO Crash (1953)

The Kingman UFO Crash of May 1953 is an alleged incident in which a metallic, disc-shaped craft crashed near Kingman, Arizona. According to whistleblower accounts, the craft was retrieved by military personnel, and at least one humanoid occupant was recovered alive. The event is significant for its detailed testimonies, including descriptions of advanced materials and the being’s non-human physiology. Though officially denied, the Kingman incident remains a cornerstone of UFO crash retrieval lore and continues to spark debate about government secrecy and extraterrestrial technology.

Why It Matters:
The Kingman UFO Crash stands out for its compelling whistleblower testimonies and claims of a living extraterrestrial being. It underscores recurring patterns in UFO crash retrieval cases: rapid military response, advanced materials, and secrecy. The event provides a fascinating lens into the alleged government efforts to conceal extraterrestrial encounters.

Narrative Overview

The Crash and Recovery

In May 1953, a metallic craft reportedly crashed in a remote desert area near Kingman, Arizona. The craft was described as disc-shaped, approximately 30 feet in diameter, and composed of a seamless, metallic material. Military personnel quickly secured the site, removing the craft and transporting it to an undisclosed location, allegedly Wright-Patterson Air Force Base or Area 51.

Whistleblowers later claimed that at least one humanoid being was recovered alive. Described as small, with a large head and slender body, the being was said to exhibit behavior indicating intelligence, though communication attempts reportedly failed.

Witness Accounts

The incident gained prominence through the testimony of Arthur Stansel, a military engineer who claimed to have been involved in the recovery operation. Stansel described the craft as metallic and undamaged except for minor surface marks, suggesting it may have landed rather than crashed. He also confirmed the recovery of a small humanoid being.

Aftermath and Secrecy

As in other UFO retrieval cases, the military imposed strict secrecy, confiscating all evidence and issuing non-disclosure orders to those involved. Whistleblower accounts only emerged decades later, often under pseudonyms, as witnesses feared repercussions for breaking their silence.

Key Observations

  • Craft Description:
    • Disc-shaped object approximately 30 feet in diameter, made of seamless metallic material.
  • Humanoid Being:
    • A small, slender being with a large head, reportedly recovered alive.
  • Military Presence:
    • Rapid and coordinated response, including secure transport of the craft and being.

Physical and Psychological Evidence

  • Crash Site:
    • Descriptions of a clean impact with minimal damage to the craft, suggesting a controlled landing.
  • Material Properties:
    • Reports of lightweight, heat-resistant materials, unlike any known technology of the era.
  • Witness Testimonies:
    • Multiple accounts from military personnel corroborate the incident, though anonymity is often maintained.


  • Whistleblower Testimonies:
    • Arthur Stansel and others provided detailed accounts, lending credibility to the incident.
  • Skeptical Theories:
    • Some argue the craft was an experimental aircraft or weather balloon, but these explanations fail to align with witness descriptions.
  • Lack of Official Acknowledgment:
    • As with many UFO cases, official records of the incident remain classified or nonexistent.

Outcome and Significance

  • Advanced Technology:
    • The Kingman crash is frequently cited as an early example of the retrieval of advanced materials and extraterrestrial technology.
  • Living Beings:
    • The recovery of a living being, if true, sets the Kingman case apart from other UFO incidents.
  • Patterns of Secrecy:
    • The event reinforces patterns of military retrievals, secrecy, and whistleblower revelations.

Related Topics

  • Military UFO Retrieval Operations
  • Extraterrestrial Beings
  • Government UFO Secrecy
  • UFO Crash Sites in the U.S.

Further Reading

  • Primary Accounts:

    • Interviews with Arthur Stansel and other whistleblowers.
  • Documentaries:

    • The Kingman UFO Crash: Arizona’s Alien Mystery.
  • Analytical Works:

    • Friedman, Stanton. Top Secret/Majic.
    • Randle, Kevin D. Crash: When UFOs Fall From the Sky.