22. Aliens and Fascists In the 21st Century

Let's cut straight to the chase. We are not alone here on Earth, and advanced extraterrestrial life forms, some malevolent, are vying for influence and control over our lives and our world.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, so let's begin stacking up some evidence that can be analyzed and progressively proved or disproved.

When we see one piece of evidence, it may be an anomaly. When we see two pieces of evidence, we should perhaps really start paying attention. When we see three pieces of evidence, it becomes very likely that it is not a mere coincidence. When thousands of witnesses present thousands of pieces of evidence that triangulate to one another, the probability that there is not a real underlying phenomena asymptotically approaches zero.

I am going to very quickly lay out a Story, which We can work together to improve. The United States government is legally obligated to disclose what it knows by October 2024, which at present it appears to be making every effort to avoid.

This story is designed to serve as a baseline BS detector. What the US Government discloses should be far more comprehensive than what follows, and explain at least all of the following incredible story.

Try to follow the names and patterns, over time we can work together to link everything up in the Wiki to make the picture more clear.

Perhaps the approximate story of extraterrestrial and fascist involvement in the late 1800s and 2000s is something like:

Egyptian Hieroglyphics

People have long been interested in identifying the true builders of the Pyramids, who are likely related to Beings From Beyond.

Perhaps specifically relating to the Orion Nebula.

The last chapter discussed this.

Interest and efforts accelerate in the early 1900s.

Waking Up in the Late 1800s

It bears repeating...

After the construction of the ancient wonders that each civilization that has them reports were built by "the gods"...

...Sources tell us that ~2,500 years ago the benevolent extraterrestrial forces pull out from the Earth...

...Over a 400 year period there is an obvious conspiracy to conceal the knowledge and endarken humanity...

...The great Republics fall, the Empires rise, and for 2,000 years society becomes shrouded in Darkness and Deceit, with all the High Science Technology concealed deep behind the religious priesthood set up in the Image of the new Roman Empire.

...In 1,500 We manage to rediscover the cipher, and thereby begin to reclaim some basic computational proficiency that begins to unveil the Deceit...

...We begin to protest a bit and nail theses to the wall, but we are ostracized, assassinated, and burnt at the stake...

...Then, strangely, and all of a sudden... in the 1880s and 1890s, and early 1900s...

...Over a 20 or 30 period, after millennia in Darkness, a couple pockets of human beings in America and Germany / Austria / Hungary and beyond all of a sudden understand electricity, electromagnetism, quantum physics, antigravitation, x-rays, alternative propulsion systems, start taking flight in giant dirigibles, etc...

...and then by the 1920s and 1930s thousands of human beings all over the planet suddenly decide to risk everything they have to figure out how to build advanced space vehicles and get off the Earth, and out into the cosmos.

Further, many these individuals directly and forthrightly purport to be interfacing with extraterrestrial technologies and influence.

What if our ancestors and these thousands of modern people with direct firsthand experience are telling the Truth?

In Germany, in the Late 1800s

The MTM-622 Unconventional Propulsion Schemes carried by Klemperer, who you will meet later in the story, reveal apparent extraterrestrial involvement in aeronautical and space-faring activities in Germany back to 1873 and 1895, and in the United States back to the 1910s.

1900 - Max Planck and the Planck Scale

Max Planck was a German theoretical physicist. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918 for his significant breakthroughs in the early 1900s, including his discovery / revelation of Energy Quanta and his origination of Quantum Theory, which revolutionized modern human understanding of atomic and subatomic processes.

1900 - Count Zeppelin and the First Airship

After completing and retiring from a career in the German military, at age 52 Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin "first becomes interested" in technology and innovations, and "rapidly becomes a visionary of his time".

Under his influence, the city of Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance becomes a center of advanced technology.

On July 2, 1900, the LZ 1, the first Zeppelin airship, was launched.

Zeppelin initiated a number of company foundations to develop the necessary technologies and supply chains that did not yet exist.

Successor companies and foundations still exist in Friedrichshafen to this day.

1917 - Count Zeppelin Dies

Count Zeppelin dies in 1917.

1917 - Goodyear-Zeppelin Starts Making High Altitude Balloons in Akron, Ohio

The same year, Goodyear-Zeppelin starts designing and building High Altitude Balloons.

1914-1918 - World War I Erupts

In 1914, the first of a series of world wars breaks out, through which humanity will weaponize the advanced technology it is developing against itself, and send its children to kill over 100 Million of its children in a single century.

Looking back, what role did extraterrestrial influence and multi-dimensional warfare for control spiral humanity into conflict with itself, instead of its true enemies?

1920 - Klemperer joins Aachen Aerodynamics Institute as an Assistant to Future Founder of Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

In 1920, after serving in the Austrian Air Force during World War I, Klemperer joins Aachen Aerodynamics Institute as assistant to Professor Theodore von Karman.

Theodore von Karman would later go on to help found Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) via the series of events below.

Klemperer would go on to lead advanced engineering relating to extraterrestrial technologies at Douglas.

1920s - German Design of Space Vehicles Using Extraterrestrial Information?

In the 1950s, Douglas Think Tank engineers learn that German scientists and engineers have been designing space-type vehicles since at least the 1920s, using what appears to be extraterrestrial information.

1926 - Daniel Guggenheim Funds University Aerospace and Rocketry Programs

In 1926, mining, aviation, and rocketry magnate Daniel Guggenheim founds the Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics.

Between 1926 and 1930, he makes grants and establish schools or research centers at New York University, Stanford University, University of Michigan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Washington, Georgia Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Syracuse University, Northwestern University, University of Akron, and perhaps most importantly, Caltech.

1930s - Ongoing Nazi Exposure to Extraterrestrial Technology

Additional classified documents reviewed by Douglas Think Tank members reveals Nazi exposure to extraterrestrial technology at least from the 1930s.

It is suspected that this exposure may date back to Count Zeppelin, flights of enormous dirigibles flights, and designs for futuristic cities with overhead monorail trams dating back to 1895.

Alien involvement in German activities possibly leading into both of the World Wars.

1930 - Theodore von Karman Accepts Dictatorship at Caltech and Brings Rocketry to US

In 1914, Robert Millikan picked up on Plack and Eistein's work to obtain an accurate value of the Plack Constant.

In 1921, he joined Caltech and worked with Victor Hess on detecting and analyzing radiation coming from space, later proving that it is of extraterrestrial origin.

Millikan became chairman of Caltech, and along with Guggenheim convinced Theodore von Karman to emigrate the US and lead the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at Caltech.

In 1930, Theodore von Karman accepted the dictatorship at the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).

In 1936, he leads the start of work on rockets at Caltech.

GALCIT was the first and only university-based rocket program from 1936-1940.

1936 - Theodore von Karman founds Jet Propulions Laboratory (JPL)

Based on GALCIT's JATO (Jet Assisted Take-Off) project, in 1936 von Karman, along with a group of Caltech graduate students he was advising, founds Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

1924 - German Aerospace Scientist / Engineer Wolfgang Klemperer Migrates to the US and Joins Goodyear-Zeppelin Corporation

Back to Klemperer...

Seven years later after Count Zeppelin's death and the start of High Altitude Balloon operations at Goodyear-Zeppelin, in 1924 German aerospace scientist / engineer Wolfgang Klemperer migrates to the United States and joined Goodyear-Zeppelin Corporation in Akron, Ohio.

Zeppelin Airship Company, based out of Friedrichshafen, held a 66% stake in the company.

Klemperer, who would later be a lead figure in the Douglas Think Tank / Douglas Advanced Design UFO operations and reverse engineering, brings with him to Douglas a "bible" of Unconventional Propulsion Designs.

These relationships and back story pave the way towards the early extraterrestrial information and technology provided to German / Austrian / Hungarian scientists, and the later collaboration among JPL, Douglas, etc. relating to extraterrestrial technologies and defense.

Aerial Motherships to Carry Fighter Planes

The US Navy becomes interested in aerial motherships to carry fighter planes.

In the 20s, Klemperer becomes involved in the designs for two large aerial motherships for the US Navy - the U.S.S. Akron and U.S.S Macon.

In 1928, a contract is issued from the US Navy for their build.

1930s U.S.S. Akron and U.S.S. Macon Dirigible

Operating in the 1930s, The U.S.S. Akron and U.S.S. Macon designed by Klemperer were dirigible models of large aircraft, which served as "motherships" to the fleet of warplanes they carried.

Photos from the time show the U.S.S. Macon refueling warplanes.

At 785 feet long, they ranked among the largest flying objects ever constructed.

1934-1935 - US Army Stratospheric Research Project

In 1934-1935, the US Army lauches the Stratospheric Research Project, launching high altitude baloons to research the upper atmosphere of Earth.

Klemperer in significantly involved.

Note this is happening concurrently with the rocket programs by Klemper's former supervisor at Caltech.

1930s - Thousands of People Influenced to Get Off The Planet

In the 1930s, American civilians begin testing rocket designs in the deserts of New Mexico.

In Europe, concentrated in Germany, thousands of people, apparently unrelated, become increasingly influenced / inspired to build a spacecraft and get off the planet.

Many were not scientists or engineers, but farmers and blue collar workers. For instance a shoe salesman in Berlin working on electrostatic force acceleration.

Why were there so many civilians, taking risks, mortgaging homes and farms, trying to get off the planet, in Germany, long before Hitler comes to power?

Electrostatic force accelerator beams. Light energy. Ion propulsion. Electrical oscillators. Electromagnetism. Counteracting Gravity.

German SS Interest, Confiscation, and Kidnapping

During the rise of the SS, according to Klemperer, every time the SS located one of these inventors, they arrested them, confiscated everything, and put them to work in their underground in-mountain research laboratories, working on their "star machines."

Years later - 1,442 or 1,444 Germans working on Klemperer's RLR-744 unconventional propulsion schemes.

Douglas Think Tank participants believe that many of these individuals were receiving information and being telepathically influenced to develop the capability to move off the planet with their family and friends.

Propulsion Research, German / Alien Alliance, and Spies

  • In January 1937, Admiral Rico Botta is assigned to the Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Department, until December 1942. He becomes head of the Power Plant Design Section (for advanced flying craft).
  • In December 1942 he reports for duty as Assembly and Repair Officer at the Naval Air Station, San Diego, California.
  • Before he accepts the post, he visits the heads of the three major aerospace companies in California.
  • In 1943, William Tompkins is mysteriously assigned to San Diego, and becomes staff to Admiral Rico Botta.
  • Flies monthly to Douglas and the other companies Admiral Rico Botta had visited, delivering highly classified intelligence on US efforts to keep up with German work with alien forces.
  • They information being delivered to the US aerospace companies is coming from US spies / operatives embedded in German operations, who confirm the Germans are being given brand new alien craft, and technical assistance from the aliens.

I know it is hard to believe, but please keep and open mind and read on...

Pre-World War II Nazi / Hitler Deals with Aliens

William Tompkins reports, and Linda Moulton Howe reports that multiple high ranking sources confirm he spoke truthfully, that...

The operatives embedded reported that:

  • Hitler and the SS made agreements with the Reptilian Extraterrestrials
  • To give the SS secret information regarding ET vehicles, propulsion, controls, operation, and everything needed to build and put those technologies into production
  • To be used for the Aryan / German SS to remove the Jewish people from the planet, along with any organization that would be opposed to German dominance of Earth, in conjunction with Reptilian battle groups
  • Then they would expand to other star systems
  • The obsession of Hitler was to have the Aryan blondes take over the world, and exterminate the Hebrews
  • Blond Nordics were also aiding the US Military and aerospace industry in ensuring the success of the eventual Apollo program, which was to build a 10,000 man naval research base on the moon as Phase I.
  • Phase II was to develop naval bases on all habitable planets in the solar system, and / or their moons.
  • Phase III was to go to the 12 closest stars, and build naval bases on all of their habitable planets and moons.
  • Blondes vs. Reptilian extraterrestrials
  • In Germany, do we have many many Nordics, some wearing White Hats, and some wearing Black Hats
  • Some have said their may be as many as 100 different Nordic type ETs
  • What Hitler was doing, the real mission...
  • Germany, unlike the US was given 250' diameter UFOs... (small ones)... by the reptilians. Given the controls, communications, methods of propulsion.
  • WWII was an alien war fought through human bodies
  • Given everything in them, even food processing to operate out in galaxy for years at a time.
  • In US, starting from scratch and trying to reverse engineer.
  • We are dealing with likely thousands of ET species, some of which come, take a look and leave
  • Others have various good, bad, and neutrally self-interested agendas
  • Reptilians can make themselves look like Nordics.
  • They can also make Nordics
  • We have White Hats and Black Hats
  • Most importantly - you are living on a laboratory that has been being used for millennia for other advanced ET agendas, and supermarket for genetic materials.
  • Hitler and Germany didn't lose the war...
  • We did Operation Paperclip, bringing over 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians...
  • Joint Objectives Intelligence Agency (JOIA)...
  • Paperclip initiated by US Government... personnel getting into Germany, bringing this equipment to US, and some to Russia. But 80% was already removed, and we got the left-overs.
  • The German scientists continued the German mission of getting to the moon with Apollo, and then planning on going out into the galaxy.
  • Except the Reptilians were already on the moon, already had facilities there.
  • Many other extraterrestrial civilizations also working on "the moon", which is not a moon.
  • Unlike natural objects in the solar system, the moon doesn't rotate. It stays there looking at planet Earth. It is a vehicle for control.
  • When we got to the moon, the astronauts rotated cameras around the rim of the crater, revealing enormous vehicles parked there, and reptilians standing on the surface underneath their vehicles.
  • We are dealing with thousands of civilizations
  • Certainly the Dracos and the Reptilians are part of that system of control
  • There are various organizations out in the galaxy... spanning many galaxies... that monitor star systems, their planets, their civilizations, and their aggression against other star systems
  • Many other species out there that are operating slave organizations
  • Reptilians had found that human Aryans were brilliant, even beyond themselves.
  • They wanted to modify themselves into something between a reptilian and a human as far as they could.
  • Abducting humans and interbreeding with different species, going on for hundreds of years with multiple extraterrestrial species
  • Then operating out in galaxies, and taking over other star's planets and enslaving them
  • This was part of the specific space missions using the reptilian space technologies
  • We have possibly 100 different types of humanoid extraterrestrials here... some which are nice and helpful... others are working with the reptilian / draco type... and taking over... not just to take over Earth and make it a slave planet... but going out into the galaxy to do the same thing...
  • For at least 5k years - since the Annunaki / Enlil / Enki line - told that we are alone in Universe - which is a lie
  • Titans vs. Zeus Greeks...
  • Competing territorial ET groups...
  • Who were the Annunaki?
    • As we better understand our own real history...
    • we have been lied to for over 5k years at least...
  • the kings and queens - continually had sexual relations with other countries - creating more of aryan race...
  • harvesting genetic materials from Earth, to make hybrids, clones, and worker bee androids
  • Harvesting DNA to make life forms, body parts, and containers - like humans work with manufacturing
  • Humans abducted for sperm and egg collections, minds and memories altered.
  • Cloned and hybridized bodies

According to Defense Intelligence Analyst: "Earth's secret war is between three geopolitical, territorial, non-human intelligences in conflict with each other." Who have been in conflict for thousands if not millions of years. Including Nordics vs. the Reptilians and vs. Greys / Eben types... fighting using manipulation of time, minds, and 3D holographic projections that can transform how they and other material elements appear. All kinds of illusions in frequencies that humans cannot perceive with their eyes.

Resurrection technologies. Able to manufacture biological bodies that can be inhabited.

Requires technology to detect which player is inside of which body inside of which resurrection technology.

Reptilians disclosed to Hitler and SS that they had 3 massive caverns in Antarctica. Agreement that Reptilians would allow Germans to take over two of those, in order to continue building UFO technologies, and working on a collaborative mission to take over the Earth, and make the entire population blond haired blue eyed Nordics working with the reptilians.

Military personnel report being in caverns and witnessing alien craft capable of being in air or underwater.

Deep under ice, in massive structures, that still had light, power, long corridors, lime green light that moves with body.

Half mile long alien spacecraft support German military from space.

1933 - UFO Recovered in Magenta, Italy, With Vatican Involvement

Grusch and Sheehan both that a partially intact vehicle was recovered by the Italian government in 1933 with assistance from the Vatican.

The Vatican is reported to have significant information, predating the current era.

1942 Los Angeles Air Raid

As World War II raged, three months after the attacks on Pearl Harbor, residents in Los Angeles reported seeing brilliant white lights illuminating their homes.

Upon exiting their homes, they reported a large extraterrestrial space craft overhead, with anti-aircraft shells from the US Military exploding against it in vain.

3 to 5 other ships then appeared near it. 12 other crafts eventually appeared and were also fired upon by US military and police forces.

This was not a fringe event. There were thousands of witnesses.

Motherships and Landing Vehicles

These various sized crafts, and hundreds subsequently reported, made it clear that there were very likely interplanetary or interstellar mothership(s) orbiting our planet...

...that had dispatched hundreds of surveillance and landing craft to Earth.

Observation and Influence

Prior and subsequent events made it very clear that some form, or forms, of advanced alien intelligence were not only observing our planet, but influencing it.

July 16, 1945 - Trinity Nuclear Test Causes UFO to Crash

Famed astrophysicist Jacques Vallee, consultant to Project Blue Book, reports that the first US nuclear test, Trinity, caused a 5 ton avocado shaped UFO to crash.

1945 Top Secret Report to Secretary of War

  • Commanding Geeral of the Army Air Fores, H.H. "Hap" Arnold calls for unprecedented coordination among the military, industry, and the universities. "Scientific planning must be years in advance of the actual research and development".
  • This apparently arose from the emergent conclusion / concern that alien beings were among us, and might be thousands or millions of years more technologically advanced than us.
  • This accelerates the creation of Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warns American's about in his departure from office speech.

October 1945 - Building the Team

  • At direction of James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy, October 1, 1945, General Hap Arnold, Edward Bowles of MIT, Donald Dougas (President of Douglas Aircraft), Arthur Raymong (Chief Engineer at Douglas) and Frank Collbohm (also Douglas) added to the secret team to study and address the threats posed by UFOs and the advanced extraterrestrial beings apparently operating them.

Douglas Think Tank / RAND Predecessor Forms

In the mid 1940s, in response to the growing alien awareness and threats, a way-above-top-secret think tank was established at Douglas, led by Elmer Wheaton (Caltech PHD) and his German Scientific Advisor Wolfgang B. Klemperer.

Note earlier ties of German engineers to the inception of the Caltech aeronautics programs.

Numerous CalTech PHDs would be subsequently recruited into various aspects of the broader military programs relating to alien craft and intelligence, including family members of people Jordan knows directly.

The Think Tank predecessor defines the RAND concept mission for the US Military. - Includes communications and receiver antennas to identify alien craft entering Earthian air space.

December 1945 - RAND

  • In late 1945 there was apparently a secret meeting at the Army Air Corps Headquarters at Hamilton Field, California to set up Project RAND.
  • Project RAND was to be a hyper secret think tank to grapple with the implications of the threatening alien agendas.
  • RAND was formally created in December 1945 as a special contract to Douglas Aircraft Company (DAC).

1945 - New Government Positions

  • At the same time, the office of the Deputy Chief of Air Staff for Research and Development was established.
  • Major General Curtis Le May is first appointee.
  • RAND Reports into the newly created position.

1946 - Operation Highjump - Antarctica

Admiral Richard Byrd leads a large military expedition to Antarctica in December 1946, including 4,700 military personnel, aircraft carriers, battleships, and dozens of aircraft.

Look up Admiral Byrd's journal.

1946 - 1950 - Getting Off the Planet

As disclosed in the MTM-622 Unconventional Propulsion Schemes... questions relating to why, from 1946 to 1950, technically qualified experts from around the planet were massively driven / induced to conceive of methods to get off the planet, and into the galaxy and beyond.

And the origins of apparent extraterrestrial involvement back to the 1870s in Germany and 1910s in US.

1945 - 1959 - Operation Paperclip Imports Over 1,600 German and Nazi Scientists, Engineers, and Technicians

Between 1945 and 1959, under a secret United States intelligence program over 1,600 German and Nazi scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from Germany and imported into the United States for employment by the US Government and Military Industrial Complex. These include many former members and leaders of the Nazi party, who subsequently ran many of the programs mentioned below.

The effort began in 1945, after the Allies entered Germany and revealed the advanced science and technology that Germany had apparently inherited from their deal with the aliens.

Subsequently, US President Truman would reportedly make a similar deal with the aliens.

The scientists imported were primarily involved in the Nazi rocket program, aerospace, and chemical and biological warfare.

The lists were obtained from Werner Osenberg and Wernher von Braun.

Operation Paperclip was the apparent successor to Operation Overcast, established by the US Joint Chiefs of staff July 20, 1945.

National Interest / Project 63

Project 63 provided job placement assistance for Nazi engineers at Lockheed, Martin Marietta, North American Aviation, and other aerospace companies while American engineers were being laid off.

1946 - Swedish Ghost Rockets

Swedish, US, and Greek officials investigate about 2,000 sightings of unidentified flying objects in Swedish airspace in 1946.

A Greek official reports that secrecy is invoked because officials were afraid to admit superior technology against which we have "no possibility of defense".


1946 - Douglas Think Tank Officially Born

  • March 2, 1946 - letter of contract places Project RAND under direction of Frank Collbohm of Douglas Aircraft Company (DAC).
  • Douglas Think Tank is officially born.
  • Scope of work encompasses the full gamut of problems and threats posed by the aliens, who were considered to be technologically thousands of years beyond us.

1946 - Douglas / RAND Hires the German Rocket Engineers

Douglas then hires many of the German rocket engineers.

The Path to TRW

After Douglas hired the German rocket engineers...

..they collectively collaborated with their peers at North American Aviation, Northrop, Aerojet General Engineers, etc....

...who collaborated with engineers at Hughes, Caltech, UCLA, etc...

...to eventually form the Ramo Wooldridge Corporation 1953...

...and then merging and hiring many of the above into the Thompson Ramo Wooldridge Company in 1958, subsequently shortened to TRW.

(Thompson Products being a valve manufacturer that aided in early flight feats).

Interestingly, the origins of TRW, Inc. go back to 1901.

It was acquired by Northrop Grumman in 2002, along with Grumman Aerospace and Westinghouse plus.

Northrop Grumman founded by Leroy Grumman as Grumman Aircraft Engineering in 1929. During World War II, builds all aircraft for the US Navy. Later builds the Apollo Lunar Module.

Jack Northrop founded Northrop Corporation in 1939, creating the experimental XB-35 and YB-49 aircraft in the 1940s and 1950s after cycling through Douglas Aircraft (1923) and Lockheed Corporation (1927) (chief engineer on record setting Lockheed Vega). Specialty in fixed wing and experimental concepts.

Northrop Grumman spun off TRW Automotive to none other than ZF Friedrichshafen, looping the German engineering cycle full circle back to Count Zeppelin.

June 24, 1947 UFOs Over the Cascades

  • June 24, 1947, private pilot Kenneth Arnold encounters nine disc-shaped UFOs over the Cascade Mountains of Washington.

Summer 1947 - Hundreds of Credible Reports

  • After Kenneth Arnold sighting gains media attention, hundreds of similar reports follow, breaking the silence of experience over the past years.
  • Many reports are from highly credible military and civilian sources.

Summer 1947 - Unsuccessful Military Pursuits

  • US military tries unsuccessfully to use its craft to pursue discs in flight.
  • Many US planes are shot down. Top pilots and planes lost.

July 5, 1947 - UFO Crash in New Mexico - and Military Coverup

  • July 5, 1947, local rancher reports UFO crash in New Mexico 75 miles Northwest of Roswell Army Airfield
  • 4 small extraterrestrial beings ejected from crash before explosion.
  • Multiple examples of hieroglyphic-style writing on ship that cannot be deciphered.
  • Dr. Menzel (allegedly of MJ-12): “We are dealing with beings from another solar system entirely.”
  • Walter Haut, the retired Army officer who wrote both the initial press release staking the Air Force had recovered a flying saucer, and the later retraction saying it was a weather balloon, stuck to the official story until the day he died. However, he left a sworn posthumous statement admitting he had been ordered to lie and that the recovered craft had been of alien origin and that small bodies of the alien pilots had also been recovered by the Army.

1947 - Military Personnel + Family Interference

Military personnel and their families experiencing strange things.

For instance a military pilot (in his craft) and his wife (at home) both experience an intense electromagnetic sensation right before his craft is jammed and crashed by alien interference.

Numerous alien interferences with US military craft and missiles.

1947 - Truman Reportedly Meets With and Makes Deal With Aliens

While it is nearly impossible to believe, multiple apparently credible sources report that after the Roswell crash in 1947 and US Military / Alien UFO air battles, President Truman physically meets with the Aliens.

It is (almost incredibly) reported that the US Government made a deal with the aliens to allow a limited number of citizens to be kidnapped / abducted / harvested each week, in exchange for advanced extraterrestrial technology.

Following this meeting, it is reported that at least hundreds of people a week are being abducted.

September 1947 - Operation MAJESTIC-12

  • September 24, 1947 - Operation MAJESTIC-12 created on recommendation of:
    • James Forrestal, now Secretary of Defense, formerly Secretary of Navy, later assassinated.
    • Dr. Vannevar Bush,
    • Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter
  • Admiral Hillenkoetter leads the group.
  • Reports only to President of the United States.
  • MAJESTIC-Eyes-Only R&D / Intelligence operation.
  • Newly created Deputy Chief of Air Staff for Research and Development and the Project RAND Group reported only to Majestic-12 at the time.

1948 - Douglas Think Tank and RAND Split

  • By early 1948, conflicts of interest were emerging between RAND and Douglas Manufacturing.
  • RAND and Douglas divorce.

1948 - Order to Intercept and Shoot

Since early 1948, American military forces were under orders to intercept and shoot down unknown alien craft.

This status effectively puts America at war with several hostile alien civilizations for a number of years.

Engagements provide increasing clarity about the multiples types of alien craft operating on and around Earth.

Alien Craft Down Military Craft

Admiral Conway reports to Secretary Forrestal's people that multiple types of alien craft are operating, and will continue to operate, in restricted airspace, and over every secret US nuclear research facility.

When US military craft are scrambled to try to force the aliens to land, the aliens respond by shooting "all our craft down".

Military patrol aircraft are also attacked and destroyed.

An unknown ray weapon is used to down the planes and kill the crews.

Years later, after losing many top pilots and aircraft in the effort to chase and take down UFO, orders were changed to intercept but do not engage.

Missile Interference

Alien forces undertake a systematic campaign to interfere with, intercept, and prevent success on missile tests and missions.

At White Sands and other locations.

1949 - Civilian Background Radiation Testing Detects UFO Radiation Bursts

In 1949, Dr. Walter Riedel, of rocket engine research (later known as Rocketdyne Division) at North American Aviatation (NAA), leads a group of scientists to start measuring background radiation in association with sightings of UFOs.

From their base in the desert, the UFOs seemingly consciously interact with them, and large bursts of radiation with no other apparent causes are detected at the time of the sightings.

1949 - Civilian Saucer Investigation (CSI) Established

Civilian Saucer Investigation (CSI) is established to investigate the phenomenon further.

1949 Project Sign, and Project Bluebook

In 1949, Project Sign is established by the Air Force to further investigate UFO sightings and phenomena.

Later, it gained the backing of Admiral Delmar Fahrney, head of Navy's guided missile program, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, and Air Force General Nathan Twining, and becomes Project Blue Book.

Captain Edward J. Ruppelt becomes first head of Project blue Book.

12,618 sightings are reported to Project Blubook, with 701 remaining unidentified.

The leads involved all acknowledge that UFOs are real and a threat to Earth.

The national security elite continue to press to keep all information secret.

1949 - Secretary of Defense Forrestal Forced to Resign, and Subsequently Assassinated

After tensions build between Truman and Forrestal, who opposed the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 and the centralizing of power of the Department of Defense, in 1949 Secretary Forrestal is forced by Truman to resign.

He is suddenly hospitalized for supposed mental health issues / stress-induced paranoia.

He is placed on the top floor of the hospital he being treated at, and thrown out of the window during the night, dying on impact.

The MAJESTIC 12 documents report that military officials called his "untimely death" unfortunate but necessary.

We have noted that citizens of fascist states who know too much and fall out of favor tend to fall out of windows at an alarming rate.

President Truman apparently conceals his medical records as part of teh coverup.

If Forrestal Is Not Running Things, Who Is?

After Forrestal's assassination, it becomes increasingly unclear who is running the newly created Deep State / Security State, and its extraterrestrial operations.

1950 - Cover Almost Blown by Book "Flying Saucers Are Real"

In 1950, Major Donald Keyhoe, an American Marine Corps naval aviator, revealed in the book "Flying Saucers Are Real" that the military knew that flying saucers were extraterrestrial, and was concealing the information to avoid public panic.

Keyhoe argued that extraterrestrials had been surveiling the Earth for at least two centuries, with their observation and interventions increasing suddenly and dramatically following the series of atomic bomb explosions in 1945.

This book almost blew the cover, but the flare up was later covered over by the government.

Government conspiracy and coverup became the focus of his second book in 1955 The Flying Saucer Conspiracy.

1951 - A Craft Over a Mile Long Visits a Air Craft Carrier Battle Group

In early 1951, Admiral Steve McDonley, a top combat officer in the Navy, was leading a battle group including the US Coral Sea CVB-41 through the South China Sea.

A massive cylindrical vehicle over a mile long (~8,000 feet) and 500' in diameter descended above the ship, encompassing the entire battle group in brilliant light.

1951 - CSI Confirms High Levels of Radiation in Soils at 1951 Crash Sites

CSI confirms that high levels of radiation were detected in soil at the area of the January and February 1951 UFO crashes.

This confirms their earlier observations of radiation bursts associated with UFO sightings.

This provides further information regarding the advanced Unconventional Propulsion and Weapons Systems in use.

1952 - Washington DC Sightings

From July 12 to 29, 1952, multiple UFO sightings over Washington DC.


Sightings Increase, and Concern Grows

Sightings become more and more frequent, particularly around nuclear and missile testing areas.

This raises concerns among a growing number of military and industrial personnel that the UFOs and their extraterrestrial pilots (and the battle groups they operate as part of) are engaged in systematic and targeted surveillance of advanced military facilities and technologies.

It becomes apparent that it was possible or likely that at least thousands of years ago, these species had become technologically advanced enough to move off their planet, beyond their solar systems, and that we were now encountering their battle and cruiser groups in our local area of the galaxy.

And that the long term survival of a non-enslaved and exploited human species depends on our ability to confront and overcome the threat.

1952 - Douglas Determines that UFOs are Short Range Reconnaissance Vehicles Operating From Mother Ships

In 1952, working on studies of deep space starship designs, Douglas Advanced Design determined that UFOs were short-range reconnaissance vehicles operating out of motherships (essentially space-based aircraft carriers).

This had been apparent to some since the 40s, and was now confirmed.

This led to a design push around Spacecraft Carriers for the US Military, the largest ships in our forthcoming galactic Navy.

Note that this is long pre-NOVA / pre-Apollo.

1952 - Douglas Reveals US and Soviet Awareness

  • In 1952, studies from Douglas Think Tank reveal that members of the US Government and Soviet Union are definitively aware of alien involvement in human affairs.
  • Soviet union may be working with "alien assistance" to get to the moon first, establish missile bases, and control the planet.
  • This turns out to be the same as Hitler's plan.

Air Force Releases Information Countering the Existence of UFOs and Their Threat

After approximately three years of study by Projects Sign and Blue Book, the Air Force releases information countering the existence of UFOs and their threat to the planet.

Eventually Ruppelt leaves the Air Force.

Douglas hires him as a consultant on extraterrestrials for Advanced Design.

Shortly thereafter, he is dead, ostensibly because of a second heart attack.

"Catch Up With Whoever Is Out There..."

The increasingly irrefutable reality that we are interacting with hostile forces thousands of years more technologically advanced than us creates a massive mandate / push to "catch up with whoever is out there."

Telepathic Communications

In the 1950s, becomes increasingly obvious that numerous individuals are receiving telepathic messaging from alien entities.

Alien Infiltration and Co-Workers

In the 1950s, becomes increasingly obvious that aliens have physically infiltrated and are actively working in, for, and against multiple companies and agencies involved in the efforts surrounding the phenomena.

Numerous scientists and inventors report clear telepathic communications which forthrightly present to them solutions to the most difficult problems facing various programs to reach space and counter alien threats.

Conversely, there is open discussion of other alien forces infiltrating and disrupting progress.

"Some of the Reptilians Are Really Getting Hard to Deal With"

Klemperer is reported first hand to have said "Some of the Reptilians are really getting hard to deal with."

Jim Cooper reports that there are Reptilians managing Greys in underground facilities in several western states.

US Navy is attempting to monitor activies.

It is later discovered that aliens have apparently been living and operating in massive underground facilities connected by tunnels for at least hundreds of years.

Alien Mind Control

Alien capabilities to engage in both telepathic communication and mind control becomes increasingly clear.

Mind interference and control includes forced forgetting / memory wipe.

This is very widely also experienced by abductees, as later confirmed by Harvard John Mack in a 10 year plus intensive study of 200 men and women who reported recurrent alien encounter experiences.

Douglas Think Tank participants would later learn that there were at least nineteen different Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs) operating at present on Earth, who possess the ability to control our minds and conceal their physical presence, as well as the physical presence of their craft.

Einstein is credibly reported to have worked with the US Military on similar invisibility capabilities for its assets.

It should be investigated whether this occurred in combination with alien technology transfers.

CIA Mind Control

In the early 1940s, Nazi scientists conducted mind control experiments on prisoners in the concentration camps.

In 1943, the Office of Strategic Services begins development of a "truth drug".

In 1947, US Navy initiates Project CHATTER, an interrogation project testing LSD on human subjects.

In 1950, CIA initiates series of interrogations projects beginning with the launch of Project Bluebird.

August 20, 1951, Project Artichoke initiated to see if any individual could be made to involuntarily perform an act of attempted assassination, followed by amnesia. Morphine, mescaline, and LSD were administered on unknowing CIA agents.

April 13, 1953, on order of CIA Director Allen Dulles, project advanced to develop mind-controlling drugs and techniques for use against soviet bloc, prisoners of war, and foreign leaders.

These programs often conducted experiments without knowledge or consent of the subjects.

Subproject 54 was the Navy's "Perfect Concussion" program to use frequency blasts to erase memory.

MK Ultra initiated by CIA to explore ways to weaken, destroy, and control the human mind.

  • Included numerous forms of torture, abuse (including sexual) and experimentation on citizens of multiple countries without their consent.
  • Included over 80 institutions aside from the military
  • More than 150 secret subprojects sponsored by MKUltra and related CIA programs.

1957 Subproject 68 explored techniques for manipulating and controlling human behavior through methods of psychic driving and depatterning, often couple with placing subjects under the influence of powerful psychoactive substances.

1964 - MKULTRA transformed and continued under MKSEARCH, subdivided into MKOFTEN and MKCHICKWIT.

These tested the covert use of biological, chemical, and radioactive materials to produce predictable behavioral and psychological changes in humans in support of secret operational requirements.

Historians suggest a goal was to produce a "Manchurian Candidate" (someone brainwashed into being an unwitting assassin).

MKUltra records destroyed in 1973 by order of CIA director Richard Helms.

In concert with panic around Watergate.

1976 Church Committee reports found that MKDELTA and MKULTRA materials were used for harrassment, discrediting, and disabling purposes.

Experiments on US Citizens and Candians

CIA and other departments of the Security States conducts experiments on unwitting and congnizent human subjects in US and Canada.

"Prior consent was obviously not obtained from any of the subjects".

According to Ted Kennedy on Senate Floor:

"The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an "extensive testing and experimentation" program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens "at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign." Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to "unwitting subjects in social situations.""

Secret CIA Detention Camps, Torture, and Experimentation

Starting at least in early 1950s, CIA creates secret detention centers in Europe and East Asia, capturing and detaining people who were subjected to torture and experimentation on how to destroy and control human minds.

1952 - Dr. Robert's Report to the CIA - The Potential Threat of Some Extraterrestrial Life Forms

In 1952, Dr. Robert's delivers to CIA a report titled "The Potential Threat of Some Extraterrestrial Life Forms."

1952 - Requirements for a Galactic Navy

By 1952, open and frequent discussion underway regarding the requirements for galactic Navy

1952 - Planning the First 12 Star Missions

Long prior to the creation of NASA and public launch of moon mission, the group is in deep planning and discussion for missions to visit the 12 nearest stars, some of which are the "home" solar systems of alien life we are interacting with.

Deep Waters

USOs - Underwater Submerged Objects encountered give rise to the military desire to develop an undersea reconnaissance missions operations center.

Requirements included giant boring machines capable of operating in deep ocean trenches, and tunneling deep into the Earth's crust.

Military believes there are extraterrestrial underground and underwater bases possibly operating secretly all over the planet.

Admiral Davis and Admiral Conway.

Underground Development Facilities

Similarly, plans made for massive underground facilities connected to major bases on both coasts by high speed tunnels.

US Military continues to identify and monitor underground alien bases / cities.

Bases on the Moon(s) and Beyond

Designs are advanced for a Navy base on the moon. Planned as a city / base for 2,000 personnel, including all aspects of a long-term human colony.

Similar plans are drawn up for other planets in our solar system, their moons, and the planets of other star systems, and their moons.

1953 - Eisenhower Establishes Predecessor to Project Acquarius

"The Project was originally established in 1953, by order of President Eisenhower, under control of XXXXX and MJ12. In 1960, the Project's name was changed from Project XXXXX to Project Aquarius."

"The Project XXXX(for 1 full line)XXX Dec 1969 after Project Blue Book was closed. The purpose of Project Aquarius was to collect all scientific, technological, medical and intelligence information from UFO/IAC sightings and contacts with alien life forms. This orderly file of collected information has been used to advance the United States' Space Program."

"The preceeding briefing is an historical account of the United States Government's investigation of Aerial Phenomenas, Recovered Alien Aircraft, and contacts with extra-terrestrial Life Forms."


1953 Douglas Advanced Design Confirms Operation on Earth of Interplanetary Alien Craft and Highly Advanced Extraterrestrial Beings

After years of extensive study, Douglas Advanced Design again confirms that UFOs were interplanetary spacecraft, operated by highly advanced extraterrestrial beings.

"Specifically, we resolved that they were the greatest threat our planet had ever faced."

Civilian Saucer Investigation (CSI) came to the same conclusion.

Civilian Saucer Investigation Raided and Disbanded

Civilian Saucer Investigation (CSI) had been composed of highly qualified engineers from aerospace industry.

Douglas, Lockheed, North American, Northrop, CalTech, and JPL, or representatives therefrom, are also stated to have been involved in the CSI study.

Led by Dr. Walter Riedel of NAA.

They examined well over 1,600 eyewitness reports and case files.

Via Ruppelt, the CSI eventually informed the Air Force that they had determined that UFOs were real, that humans were controlled by aliens, and that the aliens appeared to be a significant threat to our planet.

The Air Force did not want the intelligence leaking.

Winter of 1953, someone (likely the Air Force) stole / confiscated their files, and the group was told to disband, no questions asked.

Later, whenever the topic of CSI is brought up in Douglas meetings, conversation is abruptly cut short.

A Dark Government Scheme

After the disbanding, file-confiscation, and silencing CSI, associated with public denial of alien phenomena and threat by the Air Force despite being the most knowledgeable of it, participants in the secret programs increasingly feel caught up in dark government conspiracy puppeted by invisible masters.

The Galactic Federation of Planets

Jacques Vallee discloses knowledge of the Federation of Planets - a galactic governing force.

The Think Tank begins to surmise that the galactic federation apparently operates and controls ~60 stars in the near sector of the galaxy.

Governance is non-democratic, similar to an aristocratic hierarchy.

1953 - President Eisenhower Meets With Aliens

In 1953, President Eisenhower is reported to have met with alien representatives in a hangar at Edwards Air Force Base.

The aliens are apparently deviating from the pact made with Truman.

Eisenhower attempts to make the aliens live up to the pact made with Truman, and is brushed off / dismissed.

1954 - President Eisenhower Meets With Aliens

Linda Moulton Howe reports that in 1954 Eisenhower meets with aliens three times, signing at least one treaty, and possibly three.


July 14, 1954 Memorandum for General Twining Acknowledging Existence of MJ-12

Available on Reagan Library website, recovered via FOIA request.


1954 - Predecessor to Project Sigma Created to Establish Communications with Extraterrestrials

"PROJECT SIGMA: (PROWORD: :XXXXXXXX. Originally established as part of Project XXXX in 1954. Became a separate project in 1976. Its mission was to establish communication with Aliens. This Project met with positive sucess when in 1959, the United States established primitive communications with the Aliens. On April 25, 1964, a USAF intelligence officer met two aliens at a pre- arranged location in the desert of New Mexico. The contact lasted for approximately three hours."


1954 - The Threat Intensifies

In the mid 1950s, the pressure of the massive-yet-unknown threats intensifies.

Military Industrial Complex secretly working to design massive starship fleets to combat hostile alien battle groups.

It is believed that massive mother ships, possibly two miles long, are operating between the moon and mars supporting alien UFO operations on and under the Earth.

Klemperer believes that some of the alien forces may be from a star system near the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

More Missile Interference

Additional information is surfacing on the unknown beams being used to distort missile testing at White Sands.

Photographic evidence shows small discs tracking missiles on ~20% of the flights.

Mission test programs being continually blocked and interfered with in multiple ways by alien forces, slowing progress.

During the final phase of Kwajelein Island Nike Zeus test program, missiles being interfered with an prevented from intercepting ICBMs launched from Vanderberg.

Film from theodolite cameras showing alien space projectiles pushing Zeus missiles off trajectory.

Interference continues at least through 2005 into launch failures of Star Wars missiles (updated configuration of Zeus).

Long before Reagan proposed Star Wars program in the 70s, interceptions were successfully being undertaken (1950s), before interference accelerates.

Klemperer's Unconventional Propulsion Schemes MTM-622

"The Bible" for the secret Douglas Think Tank is Klemperer's Unconventional Propulsion Schemes MTM-622 Reports.

This is regarded by some as potentially the comprehensive proof of extraterrestrial involvement and interference information on the planet.

1,442 primarily German imports apparently end up working with Klemperer on the schemes.

Many individuals all over the planet are reportedly receiving similar information (telepathically) and become passionately or desperately impelled to work on electromagnetic anti-gravity propulsion to get off the planet.

The study of MTM-622 reveals to Douglas Think Tank the vast array of potential extraterrestrial threats from multiple alien civilizations, requiring the highest priority need to conceive the most capable intergalactic battle force ever created.

Northrop's Extraterrestrial Involvement

Extraterrestrial involvement between Northrop Grumman and the extraterrestrials is openly known and discussed in the Douglas Think Tank.

1954 - Designs For a One Mile Long Transport Vehicle

Plans are drawn up in the Douglas Think Tank for a one mile long space transport vehicle, among many others for the galactic Navy.

1955 - The Flying Saucer Conspiracy

In 1955, Major Keyhoe publishes a second book called The Flying Saucer Conspiracy, shifting his focus of concern from the flying saucers, to the secret silence group in the government orchestrating the conspiracy to conceal the information from the public.

The book featured the possible discovery of an orbiting space base or "moon base", and incorporated information on the Bermuda Triangle disappearances.

1956 - A Moon Base and An Interplanetary Network of Sensors

In 1956, Army Lieutenant General Arthur Trudeau, Director of Army Research and Development, former commander of Army Intelligence, develops a proposal called Project Horizon, designed to place a based on the Moon.

Proposal also included study major antenna communications sensor facilities on other planets and their moons.

Note that this is 5 years before JFK's public presentation in 1961 of the plan to go to the moon, that was later known as the Apollo Program.

Unsolicited Proposals

Many of these types of advanced systems designs from Douglas Think Tank and other groups fed into unsolicited proposals submitted to the US Military for funding.

Funding usually flowed, long before the official government programs became public.

More Alien Assistance From the White Hat Aliens to Combat the Black Hat Aliens

A strange new language of White Hat Aliens and Black Hat Aliens emerges around the planet, from California Engineers to Indigenous Wisdom Keepers.

Perhaps in emerges in one place and spreads. Perhaps not.

Around the world, it becomes apparent to those experientially engaged in interactions with extraterrestrials that there are White Hat aliens helping a network of humans develop spacecraft and spacecraft carriers to help their space battle groups combat the Black Hat aliens that are exploiting and enslaving the Earth.

This assistance to aid individuals in developing vehicles and unconventional propulsions systems to get off the planet and out to the stars apparently dates back at least to the 1930s, and is documented extensively in Klemperer's "Bible" of Unconventional Propulsion Schemes.

1957 - Years Into Advanced Research On Unconventional Propulsion and Space Warfare at Douglas

Douglas is not 7 years into research and concepts around Dr. Klemperer's unconventional propulsion schemes.

Numerous spaceships have been designed around those schemes, with the Aim of interstellar travel and battle.

Designs include vehicles 40x larger than the Apollo Saturn vehicles, built to wage interstellar warfare.

This galactic navy was being designed in response to incoming floods of information suggesting that for millennia, extremely advanced extraterrestrial beings had been building space battleships / motherships, now parked in our orbit, which posed an existential threat to humanity and the planet.

By now, it was believed by some of those involved that we were dealing with multiple warring alien militaries, who controlled at least hundreds of thousands of planets, and who had been controlling humanity and warring for control of our planet, continually, for thousands of years.

A Warning System Incoming Attack

A system of receiving antennas was designed to cover our planet to create a system for detecting incoming alien attack, and notify the ballistic missile defense systems that were under design.

Note that trees may also be able to be used for this purpose, and that organic matter can relay signals biologically.

1957 - Soviet's Launch Sputnik 1

In 1957, Soviet's launch Sputnik 1.

JFK Given Permission to Leave Earth

JFK is reportedly "given permission" by aliens to leave Earth.

February 7, 1958 - DARPA Predecessor Created

In February 1958, the US Department of Defense creates the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) to develop emerging technologies for use by military.

Name is changed to Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1972, back to ARPA in 1993, then back to DARPA in 1996.

DARPA, advancing alien and human technologies, aids in the creation of weather satellites, GPS, drones, stealth technology, voice interfaces, the personal computer, and the internet.

1958 - NASA Created

  • On October 1, 1958, nationally officially established to consolidate space-exploration operations by multiple military branches (Army, Navy, Air Force) into an single ostensibly civilian organization.
  • Publicly to provide a non-military government agency to organize and build a rocket ship to take man to the moon.
  • Not in reality. NASA has never been a civilian organization. It is a military Deep Space organization to penetrate the galaxy.

1958 - The Beginnings of the Eventual Nasa Deep Space Network

In January 1958, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and and the U.S. Army deploy portable radio tracking stations around the world to track and receive telemetry from Explorer 1.

December 1958 - JPL Transfered From Army to NASA

December 3, 1958 - JPL transferred from US Army to NASA.

Assumes responsibility for design / execution / operation of what becomes NASA Deep Space Network to accommodate all deep space missions.

The Brookings Institute and the Social Destruction of the Planet

After extensive studies, the Brookings Institute submits a report to NASA and the Navy.

The report adamantly reinforces the need for NASA and the military to continue to conspire to develop and maintain programs for top-secret control over all information and references to the extraterrestrial threat.

The report concluded that “disclosing the threat will affect people all over the world causing social destruction of the planet.”

1958 - 1963 Project Mercury

First human spaceflight program.

1960-1961 - Foundations of Apollo and Man On The Moon Speech

Building upon the work of the last decade by the Douglas Think Tank and Military Industrial Complex, in 1960 President Eisenhower's administration approved next steps following Project Mercury progress.

May 25, 1961, President Kennedy delivers the famous address to congress calling for landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to Earth.

Subsequently evolved into the Apollo program.

1961 - Project Gemini

Aimed to extend spaceflight capabilities in support of Apollo.

1961 - Betty and Barney Hill Case

Betty and Barney Hill report they were abducted by aliens from September 19-20, 1961.

Aliens show Betty a star map, which she remembers and articulates under hypnosis. When placed into computer map, it turns out to be a star map drawn from the perspective of Zeta Reticuli, commonly reported providence of the Greys.

1961 - Eisenhower Warns the American Public of the Co-Option of the US Government and Abuse of Power

In 1961 in his farewell address, President Eisenhower warns American Citizens of the grave threat to freedom posed by the rise of the Military Industrial Complex, spanning federal, military, corporate, and university power.

American's do not comprehend or heed the warning.

Foundations of More to Come

The Apollo moon missions were small public releases to lay the foundations for the Deep Space Exploratory Interstellar missions that had been in planning for over a decade by Douglas Think Tank and the Military Industrial Complex.

1963 - Public Disclosure of "Civilian" Deep Space Network and Missions

Christmas Even, 1963 - public announcement of Deep Space Network intention to send missions into deep space.

The Assassinations Accelerate

The people who knew too much about the situation and wanted to talk about it were taken out.

After Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, assassinations of prominent figures by the deep state continued, notably:

Marilyn Monroe

August 5, 1962 - Marilyn Monroe, who had intimate relationships with both John and Robert Kennedy, killed in the bed she had shared with them.

President John Kennedy

November 22, 1963 - Dallas - President John F. Kennedy assassinated.

Robert Kennedy

Assassinated at hotel by Lockheed security switched onto security team. According to autopsy was shot at point blank range from behind with contact wounds (gun directly on skin or clothes), contrary to story maintained by government and media to this day.

1964 - Gulf of Tonkin Incident

In August 1964, the Fascist Security State lied to Congress and the US public about an attack on a US Navy Destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin.

Following the reported incidents, President Lyndon B. Johnson sought congressional approval for increased military action. On August 7, 1964, the U.S. Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

The resolution authorized the president to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against U.S. forces and prevent further aggression. This effectively granted Johnson broad war powers and led to the escalation of U.S. involvement in Vietnam.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident and the subsequent resolution marked a turning point, leading to a full-scale American commitment to the Vietnam War, which resulted in significant tragedy over the next decade.

In 2005, the National Security Agency (NSA) released a report concluding that the second Gulf of Tonkin incident likely never happened.

1964 - UFOs Shoot Nuclear Test Missile Out of the Sky

Dr. Robert Jacobs shoots a 35mm film showing a flying saucer shooting a nuclear test missile out of the sky.

The video shows the UFO doing circles around the missile before zapping it with three beams of light, and knocking it off course / crashing.

1966 - A Submarine, and a Spacecraft Longer Than a Football Field

In 1988, Bill Cooper states that when he was serving aboard the USS Tiru, he and other Navy sailors witnessed a metal craft "larger than a football field" repeatedly enter and exit the water. They are instructed by superiors never to speak of the incident.

1968 - Condon Committee / Condon Report

Potentially manipulated report out of University of Colorado. A memo is uncovered from a committee member assuring university administrators that the study would confirm that UFO phenomena had no basis in reality. https://archive.is/CsJjX

1967 - Alien Forces Take Control of Minute Man Missile Sites

Lieutenant Robert (Bob) Salas reports that on March 24, 1967, alien craft (oval shaped form with glowing light) takes control of minute man missiles at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana.

Col. Fred Meiwald tells Salas a similar takeover occurred 8 days before.


1968 - Alien Forces Take Control of Minute Man Missile Sites

Colonel Arnie Arnoldson, commander at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana...

...reports to NORAD that UFOs had come over the base and shut off all 10 minute man missiles.

NORAD reports back to Colonel Arnoldson that the minute man sites to both the East and West of him also had their missiles shut off by UFOs.

Danny Sheehan talked to Colonel Anderson.

These types of events, and those courageous enough to report them, end up being punished by being commanded by the military to undertake psychiatric examinations. They are sent to Harvard Medical School primarily, where Chairman John Mack interviews and examines them.

John Mack Begins Interviews

John Mack begins to undertake the examinations of military personnel sent to Harvard for examination.

He is initially skeptical, and ends up finding that these first hand witnesses are entirely normal psychologically, and so profoundly moved by their experiences that they are compelled to talk about them despite military orders to be silent about it.

John Mack is disturbed by this, calls his mother who is ~90, who suggests she go see the son of their family friends the Hopkins family.

This turns out to be Bud Hopkins, who has been studying and interviewing experiences for years.

Bud ends up sending some highly credible people to him, teachers, librarians, lawyers, police officers, etc.

As John starts interviewing, begins to believe these highly credible people are actually relating truthful experiences.

1969 - US Air Force - UFOs Pose No Threat and are Not Worthy of Further Study

In 1969, US government takes the position that UFOs pose no threat and are not worthy of further study.

1972 - Project Snowbird

"PROJECT SNOWBIRD: (PROWORD: XXXXXX Originally established in 1972. Its mission was to test fly a recovered Alien aircraft. This project is continuing in Nevada."


Hundreds of Types of Alien Craft, Some That Can Cross The Galaxy

Over time, Army and Navy pilots identify and report at least 160 different kinds of unknown alien craft.

Some of the massive star ships are "obviously capable of crossing the galaxy."

Many Alien Species and Civilizations, At War

It becomes clear to the US military elite and think tank participants that there are multiple different advanced alien civilizations in the galaxy, engaged in wars that threaten the integrity and sovereignty of Earth, the outcomes of which are pivotal to the future of the human species.

Further, it is clear that these advanced civilizations developed the ability (at least thousands of years ago) to move at least through the galaxy and between star systems, and war over and conquer worlds with weapons thousands of years ahead of Earthian technology.

Klemperer advises in the 1950s that "only a fool would fail to recognize that there could be hundreds of different extraterrestrial cultures out there, and some may be extremely hostile."

1975 - Alien Craft Descend on Every Strategic Air Command Base Guarding Perimeter of Northern United States

According to John Lear, in 1975 alien craft descend on every strategic air command base guarding the perimeter of the Northern United States.

They hover over nuclear weapons storage area. Stayed there for up to 2 or 3 hours for 3 days.

150 page report regarding helicopters and fighter jets sent out to chase them, notifying Canadian authorities, security patrolmen sent to investigate.

1976 - 1977 - Jimmy Carter Elected and Refused Information by George Bush on UFOs

  • November 4, 1976 Jimmy Carter Elected.
  • November 19th, message to CIA director ordering him to turn over information about UFOs and Extraterrestrials.
  • George Bush refuses to give him the information, says he did not need to know.
  • Jimmy Carter Works through Congress, to issue a directive to the the Congressional Research Service to compile all the information.
  • Dr. Marcia Smith, head of Science and Technology division contacts Daniel Sheehan to request that he be special council to the investigation and research, and to see if, because he was a Jesuit, the Vatican would allow access to The Archives relating to teh information they had on UFOs and ET phenomena.
  • They suspected that the 2,000 years of information in the Vatican archives would have information.
    • Note that Vatican has been one of primary sources of intelligence for the Roman empire
    • Since at least since 1547 primarily via the Jesuits
    • Vatican Observatory is one of oldest in modern world, dating back to 1582 / Gregorian calendar reform.
    • According to Vatican website: "Observatory scientists study a range of related sciences such as quantum gravity; meteorites and Moon rocks; and possible life on planets orbiting other stars." - https://www.vaticanobservatory.org
    • According to Sheehan "The Vatican library has a fairly large section concerning the issue of extraterrestrial intelligence, and UFOs. I undertook to contact the Jesuit who actually runs the Vatican library, and much to my shock, they said we couldn't have access to it." - https://www.scribd.com/document/141505629/The-Marcia-Smith-Story

June 1978 - 500 Page UFO Study By French Government


1970s and 80s - Star Wars


1979 - 1980s - Paul Bennewitz and Government Disinformation


1980 - Rendlesham Forest Incident - Britain's Roswell

Col Charles Halt eyewitness among many. Memo surfaced under freedom of information act. Air Force personnel stationed at Bentwaters confirms to John Lear, and offers names of multiple eye witnesses. Security Police reports to John Lear he was within 10' of saucer and saw aliens get out and approach wing commander of the base.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rendlesham_Forest_incident https://archive.is/Tn9BN

March 6-8 1981 - SERPA Briefing for Reagan at Camp David

DIA analysts and director of CIA allegedly brief Reagan regarding extraterrestrial activities.

They reveal five species they identify as:

  1. Ebens
  2. Archquloids
  3. Quadloids
  4. Hepaloids
  5. Trantaloids

They report Ebens are friendly. Trantaloids are dangerous / hostile.

They report that MJ-12 implemented the code Hostile Alien Visitors (HAVs) in 1950s.

That HAVs have been kidnapping our people for "some time".

They report having a Trantaloid, captured in 1961 in Canada, died in captivity 1962.

They report to have photographs of these aliens appearing and disappearing, and defying gravity.

Report that their technology is probably 1,000 years more advanced than ours.

Report that Eben and Trantaloid star charts show space tunnels / portals as described by the EBENs. Alcubierre warp drive physics.

Report that Trantaloids can imitate humans and appear as tall blonde humans. In reality are insectoids using holographic or holoform technology.

Trantaloids - purely insectoid, hostile, rapidly breeding, occupying and expanding across star systems

More Information on Species

  • Ebens are in Zeta Reticuli binary star systems
  • Trantaloids are in Epsilon Eridani and beyond
    • Appear to humans a ugly, brown
    • In reality very colorful under broader spectrum
  • Tall Whites
    • Skin looks like chalk to humans. Pure white hair.
    • Considered to be trying to help us
    • Technologically as advanced or more than Trantaloids
    • Working with the Nordics
    • May have been involved in multiple rounds of genetic engineering on the path towards homo erectus, and homo sapiens sapiens.
    • Often appear as an entirely cloaked figure.
    • Revere life.
    • Understand intersticial patterns and frequencies of the Earth.
    • Move point to point, as Alcubierre Warp Drive describes in Navy patent, via tunnels that are part of the fabric of the Universe.
      • Can move ~50 light years in 5 24 hour days.
      • In spacecraft composed of conscious materials, that work with the consciousness of the beings, and the consciousness of universe, to move point to point.
  • Nordics
    • Formerly Rigel (now reptilian)
      • Procyon Exodus
    • Sirius A and B
      • Nordics and water-living humanoids
    • More militant
  • Aldebaran - Blond Blue-Eyed
    • Allied with Hitler during WWII
    • Along with Reptilians
    • Against Hebrews / Jews that would oppose their domination of Earth and other star systems
  • Red-haired Humanoids
    • Tau Ceti
  • Reptilians
  • Greys
    • Some biological / organic
    • Some AI / printed
    • 7 to 9' tall greys - may be ancient
    • 2-3' may be artificial / printed
  • Orbs
    • Ping pong ball to basketball size
    • Up to sizes that can carry beings
    • Different light colors have different functions / meanings

Tall Whites, Trantaloids can bend / operate beyond Time, manipulate Time and Timelines.

April 9, 1983 - Air Force Document Describing Genetic Origins of Human Species

On April 9, 1983, Linda Moulton Howe is taken to a US Air Force base, where she is shown a top secret document from a government program, including the following

  • "These EBEs manipulated DNA in already evolving primates to create homo sapiens"

  • "All questions and mysteries about the evolution of homo sapiens have been answered and this project is closed."

Later, in 1999, another Defense Intelligence Agency employee would confirm additional details.

1984 - Strategic Defense Initiative Organization Established

Established to accelerate study of advanced weapons including particle-beam weapons, lasers, and space-based missiles, as well as the sensor, command, and computer systems needed to coordinate the systems around the planet and into Space.

1985 - Learjet Founder Bill Lear and his Son See UFOs While Flying

Learjet founder Bill Lear, and his son, brother of John Lear, each see UFOs while flying.

1980s Reverse Engineering Projects at Area 51

Reverse engineering projects ongoing at area 51.

At Area S-4 employees involved report personally seeing at least 9 alien craft in military possession in this particular hangar, all different shapes and sizes.

Government briefings state that at least one is from an archeological excavation, implying that it is ancient.

(Note - Jordan has personally received first hand reports of experience with physical craft that thousands of years old, and still functioning.)

Employee reports experience with a small reactor from a craft the size of a basketball, which produced an anti-gravitational field. When activated it was impossible to touch (like the poles of a magnet). Despite channeling incredible load, it never rose to above ambient temperature, which is impossible according to current human understanding of physics.

Projects underway to attempt to reverse engineer the alien technology with available materials.

Massive issue trying to reverse engineer alien technology, with non-alien material science.

As of 80s still no idea how technologies work. "Like putting a nuclear reactor back in Victorian times." "we have no idea how the physics operate... and the power levels... are astronomical."

Projects are hyper-siloed and compartmentalized to prevent leaks, and to prevent anyone from obtaining the full picture. Buddy system with teams of two working on tiny segments of the whole, and only able to talk to their partner. Drastically slows scientific progress.

There had been a string of scientists going back in each compartmentalized project...

Crafts do not operate electrically. There is no wiring to connect any of the sub-components, they just have to be in the vicinity. (Reference Tesla, wireless energy transmission).

Reference Westinghouse shutting wireless energy down. Reference, electricity cartel and meters. If the cartel couldn't meter it, didn't want the public to have it.

Horrific accidents and deaths occur with programs to attempt to explore completely unknown alien technologies and energy sources, up to and including "unannounced nuclear tests" that killed employees.

Siloed projects relating to:

  • Metalurgy
  • Propulsion systems
  • Power systems
  • Project Galileo
  • Project Sidekick - weapons potentials
  • Project Looking Glass - effects on Time
  • etc.

Briefing documents indicate that at least one of the craft is from the Zeta Reticuli ZR3 (third planet in Zeta Reticuli star system), located about 39 Light Years / 12 Parsecs from Earth.

Note that the Zeta Reticulans, or Greys, are often associated with this star system.

Fuel Element 115

The group at Area S-4 of Area 51 discovers that the reactors are powered by a very heavy fuel element 115 (atomic number 115) that was not on the periodic table of elements as of the 1980s.

It was first synthesized by a joint team of Russian and American scientists in 2003, before being recognized as one of four new elements in 2015.

The synthesized version known to human is radioactive. The version that powers the crafts is stable and does not decay / does not emit radioactivity. (many elements have both unstable isotopes and stable isotopes).

Area S-4 Craft

Craft is dark pewter color with no right angles. Often reported as no seams either. Every looks like hardened melted wax, everything solidly fused, no seams. Everything curved. No control panels, no bathroom, no decoration.

Three seats around the reactor that sits in the middle.

American's had learned how to cautiously pilot and communicate with the craft via radio. Employees watch test flights, and witness test flights with coworkers and others. Craft produces corona discharge (blueish glow) as lifting off, slight hissing sound. Once craft is 5 to 10 feet off the ground, hissing stops, glow disappears, hovers silently.

There is a waveguide that goes from the reactor up to the top, and a small appendage sticking out of the top of the craft. This produces a heart-shaped gravitational distortion around the craft. If you are underneath the craft, you cannot see it because the anti-gravity bends the light.

The anti-gravitational envelope essentially separates the craft from its surrounding spatiotemporal reality, so that it is unimpeded by gravity, inertia, etc.

Some of the (metal) can become transparent (frequently reported with craft).

3 levels: under the reactors are the rectangular gravity / anti-gravity amplifiers, under them are the gravity emitters.

Craft roughly 52 feet in diameter, seats obviously designed for sub-human size (matching the description of Greys from Zeta Reticuli).

All 9 crafts appear to use the same Unconventional Propulsion Systems.

Government later does a land grab and expands the forbidden territory around Area 51 and Papoose Lake.

Russian scientists are welcomed to and collaborating with American scientists at Area 51, until a significant American breakthrough / discovery, after which the Russian scientists are not allowed to return.

Gravity Waves

Researchers at S-4 posit based on this technology that gravity might be a wave.

Not formalized scientifically until 2016.

Note that Jordan has been personally informed by those with direct experience that alien craft operate on gravitational waves. "The real trouble is slowing down."

Note that the UFOs, like galaxies, appear to rotate and travel along the direction of travel belly first.

1989 - George Knapp and Senator Harry Reid Begin Three Decade Relationship

Investigative reporter George Knapp begins hearing stories, and opens two way dialogue with Senator Harry Reid that leads to George Knapp obtaining compelling information.

George also meets Robert Bigelow, who spends tens of millions of dollars on UFO investigations.

In 1996, Bigelow creates the National Institute for Discovery Science with a highly credible board of academics, two former astronauts who had walked the moon, and scientists who had worked with US Military.

Reid and Bigelow meet, helping pave the way for a congressional inquiry 27 years later in ~2023.

Russian Investigations

George Knapp interviewed more than a dozen military officials and scientists in Russia with knowledge of UFO matters in USSR during the Cold War. Russians conducted at least a ten year study, accumulating thousands of case files. Program Director was Col. Boris Sokolov.

Sokolov reported ~45 incidents in which Russian warplanes had engaged UFOs and attempted to chase or shoot them. In all incidents the pursuits were unsuccesful, with the UFOs shooting away at seemingly impossible speeds or disabling the warplanes.

Sokolov reported that like the US, Russia then instructed the military to leave the UFOs alone due to their "incredible capacities for retaliation."

Sokolov also reported a case in which UFOs appeared at a Russian ICBM base in Ukraine... the aliens took control of the launch control systems, fired up missiles aimed at the United States, entered launch control codes, and then shut the launch control system down and disappeared. World War IV averted.

Report available on www.congress.gov - https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/116282/documents/HHRG-118-GO06-20230726-SD004.pdf

1986 - Japanese Airlines - A Mother Ship Twice the Size of an Aircraft Carrier

November 17, 1986 - Japan Air Lines Cargo Flight 1628 - Iceland to Alaska, pilot reports two small ships and a mother ship twice the size of an aircraft carrier. He is followed for 40 minutes, and the craft stay with him even after significant evasive maneuvers.

Both FAA and Air Force have it on radar despite later public coverup.


Bruce Mackabee of US Navy writes up 26 page document on the incident - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Maccabee

1987 - Catholic Church - "Prepare to Meet Thine Aliens"

Catholic Church - London Evening News, July 21, 1987 "Prepare to Meet Thine Aliens". Vatican theologians acknowledge that there may be life on other planets. Plan to train missionaries capable of working in space and meeting aliens. Jesuit scientists at the Vatican Observatory report unidentified phenomena in the sky. Starting in September Vatican University will have a special UFO section.

According to Vatican website: "Observatory scientists study a range of related sciences such as quantum gravity; meteorites and Moon rocks; and possible life on planets orbiting other stars."

Vatican Observatory Website - https://www.vaticanobservatory.org

1987 - John Lear Speaks Out

For 16 years from 1967 to 1983, John Lear (of Learjet family) flies planes for the CIA. During his career, sets multiple flight records.

In 1987, Lear reports that the US government has close contacts with extraterrestrials, and that government is promoting films like E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial and Close Encounters of the Third Kind to influence the public to see extraterrestrials as "space brothers". He further discusses  the Majestic 12, and a US government treaty with Gray aliens, which later goes awry.

The statement exposes a government coverup dating back to the 40s, German interactions with alien technologies back to the 30s, and military investigations into the Ghost rockets of Sweden.

Lear cites a "total, thorough and sweeping cover-up to include the use of 'deadly force'."

He further references the 1952 UFO incidents, a 1964 meeting with aliens at Holloman Air Force Base, government sanctioned alien abductions, alien implants, and alien-human hybrids. He associates UFOs with child abductions, cattle mutilations, and human mutilations. He further talks about a military confrontation at underground alien Dulce Base that results in 66 human casualties.

Lear was interviewed by TV journalist George Knapp.32(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lear#cite_note-32).

He reports that government has retrieved between 10 and 15 flying saucers, some in perfect condition, and has attempted to fly some of them.

He reports that they have between 30 and 50 alien bodies in cryogenic storage, representing at least 5 to 10 distinct civilizations.

He reads from an Air Force book forthrightly describing multiple types of aliens.

We are unable to duplicate any of the metals of any of the craft.

We are unable to figure out how they are propelled.

At least 90% of them are hostile. (This matches Jordan's Current Best Understanding as of time of writing).

He does not believe that Presidents are being given the full briefing.

Says that top group that controls this is a top group of military and scientists know as MAJESTIC-12 / MJ-12.

President Reagan "Is not this alien force already among us?"

President Carter "I am convinced that UFOs exist because I saw one."

Cites genetic tinkering / engineering of human race by alien forces between 4,000 and 8,000 BC.

Books - Intruders, Communion.

A friend of John's has done 140 of 300 abduction hypnosis cases. People abducted, taken into a saucer, poked, proded, experimented with, samples taken, etc. Memory is then wiped, and they are sent back.

Says that over 100,000 people have been given instructions on what to do in case of certain large scale events, that hypnotic techniques cannot recover.

Intruders by Bud Hopkins, cross-breeding and genetic engineering.

November 17, 1986 Japanese Airlines incident Iceland to Alaska. Mother ship twice the size of an aircraft carrier.

"You can't imagine what pressure these people are under to cover this stuff up."

In 1989, John Lear introduces Bob Lazar to George Knapp.

Leonard Stringfield

Works in Air Force on UFOs, then continues private research.


Linda Moulton Howe Documentary - A Strange Harvest

Later interviewed by Danny Sheehan

1975 to 1980 - at least 9,000 cattle mutilations.

Police investigations document cuts with laser beams far sharper than anything we have. According to John Lear police determined in some cases they actually laser cut between the cells. without cutting the cells themselves.

Most mutilations are accompanied by sightings of UFOs, or strange lights.


1990s - Hundreds of Abductees Interviewed by Harvard Psychiatrist

In the early 1990s, Harvard Psychologist John Mack begins an intensive 10 year plus study of 200 individuals who report recurring alien encounters / abductions.

Later, John Mack is supported in his defense of his findings and methodology by Daniel Sheehan, a leading attorney investigating matters relating to the security state (Pentagon Papers, etc.).

Daniel Sheehan subsequently becomes convinced that a massive government conspiracy and coverup of the alien phenomena has occurred, and accelerates efforts to force government disclosure.

Early 1990s - Dr. Steven Greer Starts UFO Project

In the early 1990s, Dr. Steven Greer and collaborators start a project relating to UFOs, establish a protocol, and make contact with the objects.

Military Intelligence and CIA find out about it, and begin inquiry.

1993 - Dr. Steven Greer Asked to Brief Director of CIA Under Clinton

Early military, intelligence, and government contacts reveal they are aware of a vast program that has been run illegally outside of the constitutional, congressional, and executive branch confines of US Law.

By 1993, Greer is invited to brief the director of the CIA.

Letter reveals that the Clinton administration has made inquiries, and been denied access.

December 13, 1993, briefs CIA Director, revealing that neither CIA Director nor Clinton has been "read in" to the program.

Gave rise to Project Starlight, a briefing program for executive branch and eventually members of Congress.

Subsequently, is invited to brief the next 4 Presidents.

Conclusion: Programs Are Unconstitutional, Illegal, and Therefore Have No Protection From The National Security Act

Dr. Greer and team arrive at the conclusion that the programs are clearly unconstitutional and illegal, and therefore have no protection from the National Security Act (personnel, evidence, documents, etc.)

The legal implication is that they cannot demand to be kept secret if they are going to operate outside of the Constitutional oversight of Congress and the President.

Admiral Wilson, Director of Defense Intelligence Agency (Highest Ranking Military Intelligence Officer) Denied Access and Threatened Personally and With Demotion

In addition to Presidents being denied access on the grounds they did not "need to know", Admiral Wisdom, Director of DIA and highest ranking military intelligence officer, made inquiries and was denied access.

Additionally, he is threatened personally, and with demotion.

This continues to reveal the depths of the illegal operations of the invisible "deep state" actors colluding at beyond-planetary levels.

1993 - Vatican Launches Advanced Technology Telescope, Subsequently joined by LUCIFER

Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope begins operations on Mount Graham in Arizona, eventually sharing space with LUCIFER 1 and 2 (Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research) out of the Mount Graham International Observatory. Renamed to LUCI 1 and 2 after public concern.

1994 - UFO Lands at a School in Zimbabwe

In 1994, sixty-two children between 6 and 12 report that an alien craft landed at their school, and that aliens telepathically communicated a frightening message about environmental catastrophe because of human failure to care for the Earth.

Multiple interviews, including by local news, BBC, and Harvard Psychologist John Mack.

"I could handle war zones, but I could not handle this" - BBC Reporter.

1994 - John Mack Publishes Abducted: Human Encounters With Aliens

John Mack attempts to publish his finding in the New England Journal of Medicine and is rejected.

Strange for a department chairman at Harvard.

John responds by strengthening the paper, adding more details, footnotes, etc. and resubmits.

Two days later, executive assistant for editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine sent to Harvard to John's office saying that his submission had not, and would not, even be opened and reviewed.

John had already won a Pulitzer Prize, so calls a publisher who agrees to publish it as a book.

Shortly thereafter, John is pulled into a tribunal at Harvard chaired by editor in chief the New England Journal, with the dean of the medical school, and three other faculty.

They berated him for harming Harvard by lending credence to these accounts.

1994 - John Mack Retains Daniel Sheehan

After being brought up in front of a secret tribunal at Harvard for having written his book - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_E._Mack...

...John Mack retains Daniel Sheehan to represent him in the midst of the Harvard investigations.

1994, Harvard tells Sheehan that it would be completely ridiculous to believe there could be other life anywhere in Universe.

Lawrence Rockefeller agrees to finance a "grand rounds" to present all evidence to Harvard, and that they can bring in chief of FAA, military personnel, police officers, etc.

Harvard rejects the offer.

Sheehan later finds out that the United States Air Force, Defense Department, and CIA had been engaged in a decades long campaign / conspiracy / covert program to intimidate / silence / smear people inside military, government, or academia who tried to do anything about the UFO issue.

Common tactic was to order a psychiatric exam and question mental health. (Note Secretary Forrestal assassination).

A number of them were sent to Harvard Medical School for a high level exam, and John Mack, chairman of the apartment, was tasked with these highest priority cases.

Preparation for the Grand Rounds at Harvard

Daniel Sheehan interviews many people in the field to prepare them to be witnesses at the grand rounds at Harvard.

Sheehan interviews experiences in John Mack's book, along with Stanton Friedman, Bud Hopkins, David Jacobs, Steven Greer, Linda Molton Howe, and most of the main figures.

Project For Extraordinary Experience Research

John Mack founds a peer group called Project For Extraordinary Experience Research at Cambridge.

Daniel Sheehan becomes legal council.

Some experiences relate to extraterrestrial beings here on earth.

Some experiences relate to extraterrestrial beings in spacecraft.

Some experiences relate to beings that are clearly perceived as coming out of other dimensions.

New Paradigm Institute

John Mack and Daniel Sheehan begin working towards New Paradigm Institute.

Examining the worldview clash, between universities like Harvard who viewed it as impossible that spacecraft could visit from another planet, and the reality that it was happening.

John Mack Interviews Indigenous Peoples Around the World

To further investigate the phenomena, John Mack begins interviewing indigenous peoples around the world who purport to have direct encounters with, and originate from, the star people.

For example the Lakota who maintain they originate from the Pleades star cluster.

1995 - John Mack and Daniel Sheehan Called by Bob Bigelow to Skinwalker Ranch

Hear reports by multiple witnesses of a portal that opens, and a seven foot hairy being, like a Yeti, emerged.

Bigelow hires scientist teams to come to the ranch to explore what happened.

Upon attempting to reach the site, two unmarked helicopters descend, men in black jumpsuits with no insignia demand that they leave.

When scientists attempted to insist on following Bigelow's instructions and accessing the site, they are beaten up, equipment broken, etc.

Bigelow calls in John Mack and Daniel Sheehan, who arrive a couple days later.

1997 - Lights Over Phoenix

A series of widely sighted UFOs, March 1997, seen in Arizona, Nevada, and Sonora, Mexico. Lights of varying descriptions seen by thousands of people over a 300 mile swath.

The governor of phoenix, an Air Force veteran and a pilot, snuck out to see it and called it "otherworldly". "Breathtaking craft, unquestionably a UFO." Like an aircraft carrier in the sky, absolutely silent.

"The disparity in terms of technological progress would be so vast, that we would be... of no consequence to whoever is visiting us... technology... beyond anything we could imagine."

"Sightings of the America West plane (commercial airline)... that said they could have landed on it."

The government told the population it was flares.

1997 - Steven Greer Briefing at Pentagon Forum

In 1997, after briefing numerous government personnel, and discovering that at least the following were being denied access to the programs...

  • President of the United States
  • Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
  • Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
  • Secretary of Defense
  • Members of Senate Intelligence Committee
  • Key members of congress

...Dr. Steven Greer is invited to give a standup briefing at the Pentagon forum.

1997 - Pentagon Lies Again

"We cannot substantiate the existence of UFOs, and we are not harboring the remains of UFOs," said Pentagon spokesperson Kenneth Bacon in 1997. "I can't be more clear about it than that."


2001 - Disclosure Project & National Press Club Event

In 2001, Steven Greer asks Daniel Sheehan to be legal council for the Disclosure Project. Daniel and Steven vet many more witnesses for presentation to the Nation Press Club in 2001.

May 9, 2001, National Press Club Event. Over 20 intelligence officers come forward with highly vetted info on UAPs.

2004 - John Mack Killed

September 27, 2004, John Mack is killed by a driver in London at 11:25 PM while walking home alone.

The driver confesses to driving under the influence, serves 6 months and is released.

Jordan is suspicious.

2004 - Tic Tac Nimitz Incident

Navy Aviator David Fravor encounters a Tic Tac shaped UFO with technology far superior to anything in US Military possession.


Pentagon UFO Videos - FLIR UFO videos 2004, 2014, 2015, 2019.

See incident description here: https://archive.is/SDBHz

USS Princeton tracking unusual aircraft for two weeks. 2 pilots and 2 weapons officers investigate and have eyes on for 6 minutes.

A second wave of fighters equipped with FLIR then investigates and records.

After craft accelerates and disappears, picked back up by radar 60 seconds later, 60 miles away. Since radar is sweeping likely the craft is moving even faster than a mile a second.

Commander Favor believes there was something under the water under the Tic Tac.

2008 - Stephensville "Mothership "Texas Mass UFO Citing

December 2007 - January 8, 2008. Population 16,000. Mass sightings of multiple silent craft in the skies. One craft described by a pilot as "a half mile wide with flashing strobe lights", pursued by fighter jets, then disappeared at a speed he estimated to be 3,000 miles per hour. "A biblical experience."

MUFON report confirms eyewitness reports with radar data. Twice radar picked up an object moving at 2,000 miles per hour.

2008 - Advanced Weapons System Application Program (AAWSAP)

Dr. James Lacatski initiates AAWSAP.

The team catalogues over 200,000 cases, including reports from civilians and foreign governments, and produces of 100 detailed research papers.

The project was cut short at 27 months due to pressure from powerful interests, instead of the 5 year operation planned.

The primary sticking point for the special interests appeared to be access to exotic materials.

Skinwalker Ranch is a prime place of study.

2010 - National Press Club Briefing

Robert Hastings organizes National Press Club briefing, saying that more than 120 former service members told him they had seen UFOs near nuclear weapons and testing facilities.

Similar sightings reported in Russia and Britain.


2014 - 2015 - GIMBAL and GOFAST videos

Shot by fighter pilots associated with USS Theodore Roosevelt carrier strike group operating off East Coast of United states.

2017 - Lou Elizondo Resigns in Protest

Lou Elizondo, director of AATIP - Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, resigns from the Pentagon in protest.

2017 - NYT Article - US Government Admits They have Been Continuously Studying UFO Phenomena

Front page story in New York Times reveals existence of a previously unknown UFO study named AATIP.

Managed by career counterintelligence officer Lue Elizondo.

Lou Elizondo and Chris Melon bring videos to NYT.

The $22 Million cited in the article did not go into AATIP, but rather the Advanced Weapons System Application Program (AAWSAP), initiated and managed by Dr. James Lacatski. Contract awareded to a subsidiary of Bigelow Aerospace.

Pentagon Denies Existence of Program

Pentagon starts denying they know who Lou Elizondo is, that there is no such project at the Pentagon, that they are not investigating UFOs, etc.

Lou Elizondo Retains Danny Sheehan

Lou Elizondo retains Daniel Sheehan, leading constitutional attorney with a decades long throughline in unmasking the National Security State.

Whistleblower Complaint Filed With Inspector General's Office of Defense Department

Not just whistleblower defense, but challenging them for lying to the American people and lying to Congress.

Complaint asserts that it is unconstitutional for Pentagon to be lying to Congress.

They brief Inspector General of what is going on with the UFO issue.

Inspector General Brings In Other Military Officers - Lies Exposed

Inspector General starts bringing in officers, who they are able to brief on what is going on.

Previously even the guy who was J2 head of intelligence for Joint Chiefs of Staff was briefed out of this. Not allowed to ask any questions. And he was head of intelligence for Joint Chiefs of Staff to US President.

Now Congress and multiple high ranking military officers are becoming aware that the fascist deep state is embezzling billions of dollars from government and tax payers, lying to congress, lying to high ranking military officials, lying to the US Public.

They view the elected representatives as temporary employees that come and go, in the midst of a long overarching plot, including the Presidents, and they hold them in disdain.

What does that mean from a constitutional standpoint.

Creation of AATIP

After AAWSAP is disbanded early, AATIP is created, and Lue Elizondo continues the investigation.

Note key term for research Advanced Aerospace Vehicles (AAVs).

Congress Creates UAP Task Force

UAP Task Force Morphs Into AARO

Advanced Aerospace Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Application Program

2019 - Pentagon Confirms Increasing Training Range Incursions by UAP

In September 2019, Susan Gough, Pentagon spokeswoman, confirms that videos were made by US military aviators and are "part of a larger issue of an increased number of training range incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena in recent years".


July 2019 - Video From USS Omaha Shows Spherical UAP Slipping Into the Water

Confirming numerous reports of UAPs / UFOs emerging from and slipping into water (including direct eye witness reports to Jordan), July 15, 2019, a video recording from the USS Omaha shows a spherical object flying rapidly and then slipping into the ocean.

2020 - Pentagon Releases First Three UAP Videos

April 27, 2020, Pentagon officially releases the three FLIR videos.


2021 - Pentagon Confirms Provenance of Leaked 2019 Videos


2023 - UAP Footage from MQ9 Military Drones Released


2023 - David Fravor, Ryan Graves, and David Grusch Testify to Congress

Regarding their personal sightings, and alien technology far superior to anything in possession of the US Military.

Military insiders testify to congress under oath that we are in possession of multiple non-human extraterrestrial spacecraft, and non-human extraterrestrial bodies.

Senate Intelligence Committee now has the DNA tests showing that the bodies are non-human.

Fravor reports that the UFO he encountered defied the laws of physics as we understand them.

As of 2024, over 40 top secret additional witnesses have given corroborative sworn testimony under oath to the Senate Intelligence Committee.

2023 - David Hecker Testifies to AARO and Senate Intelligence Committee Under Oath Regarding Antarctica, Directed Weapons Systems, etc.

David Hecker. Raytheon Polar Services. Operating under NSF. Dual role plumbing and fire control at South Pole Station. In that role educated on every room and function, electrical systems, equipment, etc.

Testifies to congress regarding the existence of above top secret facilities and the existence secret Directed Energy Weapons Systems, operating under the pretenses of civilian science. ELF (Extra Low Frequency) system energized and functioning. Ice Cube Nutrino Detector.

Presently worlds "biggest telescope", and indications they want to increase it 10x more. Also capable of directed energy weaponization. Original build was perhaps $500 Billion... why 10x?

These systems are capable of being networked together to create super weapons.

States that a small technocratic elite that controls the technologies are weaponizing them against the human beings who financed their R&D with tax dollars, sweat, and blood. Many people experiencing "Havana Syndrome" type symptoms, up to and including mass mind control. Walking wounded getting hit with them every day.

For example - Raytheon makes "Active Denial System" - weapons grade microwave Directed Energy Weapon for crowd control. Humvee mounted small scale... Possible satellite mounted large scale. Available to highest bidder, black market, etc.

Cites large scale laser that shoots into space.

Cites multiple HARP systems... HARP is an ionospheric heaters... Controlling environment of the people whose minds you are controlling.

Air Force Document - discussing that Air Force would have full control of the weather by mid 2020s. Very easy to manufacture fires, natural disasters, earthquakes, etc. via directed energy weapons systems.

States that major earthquake in New Zealand was "friendly fire" from the directed energy weapons platform.

"We are all under attack every day by their new invisible weapons." Everyone needs to understand the weapons on the playing field.

"If the technology exists, someone is using it."

Is hand and hand work with alien intelligence happening? Presidential deals with ET forces? Dulce base? "I think it is so obvious to say yes". "A lot of factions on planet. A lot of factions off planet."

Truman Show Reality. It should be terrifying. The whole world is about to get sucker punched by technology, and they have no clue.

Admiral Bird - Operation High Jump.

Continent of Antarctica has as massive of waterways as other continents, under the ice. Routes for submarines. What were Nazis doing during WWII, post WWII, where did submarine fleet go, etc.

10+ year lag in science meeting public awareness.

Key technologies continually buried. Tesla, wireless energy, reverse engineered alien technology, etc.

Absolute government lies. We the people are being lied to. Congress is being lied to. There is a military industrial complex situation that crosses national boundaries. "I see in 5 years an enslaved population that will do whatever they are told."


Government Contact With Extraterrestrials

When asked by Congress if he believes the US Government has made contact with intelligent extraterrestrials, Grusch states that "is something I cannot discuss in a public setting."

Only 5% Military Pilot Reporting?

David Grusch tells congress that based on his conversations with pilots, he estimates "we are somewhere near 5% reporting (of military pilot encounters with UFO / UAP phenomena).

Hyper Credible Witnesses

Multiple hyper credible first hand witnesses, deeply inside the programs, begin testifying to the Senate Intelligence Committee and providing documented proof, and third party sources and points of triangulation to corroborate their information.

Irrefutable Evidence of Alien Hardware and Bodies

We now have irrefutable evidence that humanity is in possession of multiple alien craft, bodies, and hundreds of thousands of cases.

Alien hardware and bodies in our hands changes everything.

2024 - Ongoing Reverse Engineering

To this day, reverse engineering projects continue.

For example, Radiant Technologies, whose offices are in the districts of the only congress-people blocking disclosure, has the Prompt Global Strike Program, seeking to reverse engineer alien technologies to create the capability to hit the center of Russia or China in 2 minutes from nuclear missiles fired from the United States.

This would likely entirely upend the balance of power, which is the stated goal of the Fascist Security State, but not We The People.

Overwhelming Congressional Support For - UFO Controlled Disclosure Campaign Plan

After receiving the irrefutable evidence, which Senate Intelligence Committee believes and cannot refute...

...a bill is formulated and passed through US Congress requiring full disclosure to the American people.

...Senate armed services committee staff, under Jack Reed, Senate intelligence committee under Mark Warner, Marco Rubio, etc. craft 64 page comprehensive bill on how to undertake a responsible and controlled disclosure.

This bill requires disclosing everything that is more than 25 years old, per standard intelligence requirements, disclosing everything going back to at least January 1945 and revealing that to the public.

Daniel Sheehan worked on the bill, including a time schedule of 300 days to gather everything and convert to computer retrievable form.

And the everything disclosed within a 7 year period.

The bill required the information would be turned over to National Archives, who was then directed by congress to release all the information to the public within 180 days unless the President personally intervened to stop the disclosure of certain pieces of information.

A 9 person board with staff and a $20 million budget was established to manage the process, with a list of groups that would nominate members to the board.

17-0 vote in favor the 64 page bill in Senate intelligence committee, 8 republican and 9 democratic Senators.

Of 435 members in house, ~420 supported. Overwhelming Senate support.

Enacted December 22, 2023, 300 day timeline falls on October 18, 2024, two weeks before 2024 election.

2024 - Military Continues to Lie

As of 2024, US Air Force fact sheet on UFOs and Project Bluebook states:

As a result of these investigations, studies and experience gained from investigating UFO reports since 1948, the conclusions of Project Blue Book were:

  • No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security;
  • There was no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as "unidentified" represented technological developments or principles beyond the range of modern scientific knowledge; and
  • There was no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as "unidentified" were extraterrestrial vehicles.
    • Since the termination of Project Blue Book, nothing has occurred that would support a resumption of UFO investigations by the Air Force. Given the current environment of steadily decreasing defense budgets, it is unlikely the Air Force would become involved in such a costly project in the foreseeable future.


Search Warrants / Subpoena Power

We are moving rapidly towards Presidential and Congressional demands to preserve all evidence to forestall the ongoing coverups and destruction of evidence (such as those of MKUltra et al).

Power to subpoena to sworn depositions under oath.

  • The Blue Room at Wright Patterson Air Force Base
  • Battelle Memorial Institute
  • Radiant Technologies
  • Area 51
  • White Sands
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Douglas Aircraft
  • Northrop Grumman
  • TRW
  • JPL
  • Other significant Military Industrial Complex players
  • Universities

Eminent Domain

The bill gives the US Government the power to take back into US Government possession the alien craft, biologics (bodies), etc. that are being reversed engineered by the private sector, who are desperately trying to stop the bill.

Presidents Not Briefed

A number of Presidents were not briefed into the above-top-secret UFO / extraterrestrial information.

2010s - 30,000 Abductions Per Year in United States

Former Douglas Think Tank member reports that as of 2012 it was estimated that there were approximately 30,000 alien abductions of US Citizens per year.


The focus of the abductions, according to nearly all those involved, appears to be alien control of and interbreeding with human beings without their consent, and likely advanced genetic engineering.

While this is hard to believe, John Mack's interviews with hundreds of abduction victims, provide irrefutably consistent evidence of what abductees experience.

My own first hand conversations with multiple abduction victims and other individuals with direct personal knowledge of alien activities helped me triangulate the credibility of these highly consistent reports.

Misc Notes

  • Note that apparent limit of radar systems is 80,000 feet. So when government reports say that UFOs dropped from 80,000 feet to sea level, they are descending from higher than that. That is just where radar picks them up.

Bottom Line

Among many, here are four big problems:

  1. A spiritual war is underway
  2. An alien war is underway
  3. A fascist US / NATO / European out-of-control Deep State intent on deceiving, subjugating and dominating it's citizens and the world
    1. Using reversed engineered alien technology
    2. Advised by malevolent alien forces
    3. Puppetted by malevolent spiritual and alien forces
  4. A rightfully concerned and equally morally wrong Chinese / Russian / North Korean / Iranian counter force ready to wage thermonuclear world war if necessary to prevent their subjugation, and if possible establish their dominance.
  5. Nearly everyone is asleep in The Caves, and far less than 1% of the population is awake and aware of what is going on, and what is at stake.

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