Let's cut straight to the chase. We are not alone here on Earth, and advanced extraterrestrial life forms, some malevolent, are vying for influence and control over our lives and our world.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, so let's begin stacking up some evidence that can be analyzed and progressively proved or disproved.
When we see one piece of evidence, it may be an anomaly. When we see two pieces of evidence, we should perhaps really start paying attention. When we see three pieces of evidence, it becomes very likely that it is not a mere coincidence. When thousands of witnesses present thousands of pieces of evidence that triangulate to one another, the probability that there is not a real underlying phenomena asymptotically approaches zero.
I am going to very quickly lay out a Story, which We can work together to improve. The United States government is legally obligated to disclose what it knows by October 2024, which at present it appears to be making every effort to avoid.
This story is designed to serve as a baseline BS detector. What the US Government discloses should be far more comprehensive than what follows, and explain at least all of the following incredible story.
Try to follow the names and patterns, over time we can work together to link everything up in the Wiki to make the picture more clear.
Perhaps the approximate story of extraterrestrial and fascist involvement in the late 1800s and 2000s is something like:
People have long been interested in identifying the true builders of the Pyramids, who are likely related to Beings From Beyond.
Perhaps specifically relating to the Orion Nebula.
The last chapter discussed this.
Interest and efforts accelerate in the early 1900s.
It bears repeating...
After the construction of the ancient wonders that each civilization that has them reports were built by "the gods"...
...Sources tell us that ~2,500 years ago the benevolent extraterrestrial forces pull out from the Earth...
...Over a 400 year period there is an obvious conspiracy to conceal the knowledge and endarken humanity...
...The great Republics fall, the Empires rise, and for 2,000 years society becomes shrouded in Darkness and Deceit, with all the High Science Technology concealed deep behind the religious priesthood set up in the Image of the new Roman Empire.
...In 1,500 We manage to rediscover the cipher, and thereby begin to reclaim some basic computational proficiency that begins to unveil the Deceit...
...We begin to protest a bit and nail theses to the wall, but we are ostracized, assassinated, and burnt at the stake...
...Then, strangely, and all of a sudden... in the 1880s and 1890s, and early 1900s...
...Over a 20 or 30 period, after millennia in Darkness, a couple pockets of human beings in America and Germany / Austria / Hungary and beyond all of a sudden understand electricity, electromagnetism, quantum physics, antigravitation, x-rays, alternative propulsion systems, start taking flight in giant dirigibles, etc...
...and then by the 1920s and 1930s thousands of human beings all over the planet suddenly decide to risk everything they have to figure out how to build advanced space vehicles and get off the Earth, and out into the cosmos.
Further, many these individuals directly and forthrightly purport to be interfacing with extraterrestrial technologies and influence.
What if our ancestors and these thousands of modern people with direct firsthand experience are telling the Truth?
The Jersey Devil is one of the most enduring cryptid legends in American folklore, with sightings spanning from the 18th century to the present day. Often described as a kangaroo-like creature with leathery wings, hooves, and a terrifying scream, it is said to haunt the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey. Originating from local folklore in 1735, the legend gained national attention during the "Jersey Devil Panic" of 1909, when hundreds of alleged sightings and encounters were reported.
Why It Matters:
The Jersey Devil blends mythology, cultural history, and cryptozoology, offering a unique lens into human perception of the unexplained. Its long history of sightings and cultural impact makes it one of the most famous cryptid cases, with implications for folklore studies and the psychology of fear.
See The Jersey Devil Encounters (1735–Present)
The Marfa Lights are an enduring and enigmatic phenomenon observed near Marfa, Texas, since at least the 1880s. These mysterious orbs of light, often described as floating, splitting, or darting across the horizon, have puzzled locals, tourists, and scientists alike. Despite numerous investigations, including studies by scientists and skeptics, the lights remain unexplained, fueling intrigue and speculation ranging from natural atmospheric phenomena to UFO activity.
Why It Matters:
The Marfa Lights exemplify how long-standing, recurring phenomena can defy scientific explanation, challenging our understanding of natural and potentially supernatural forces. Their cultural and scientific significance draws parallels to other light anomalies worldwide, including the Hessdalen Lights, highlighting global patterns of unexplained phenomena.
See The Marfa Lights (Texas, 1880s–Present)
The Thunderbird, a colossal, bird-like cryptid rooted in Native American mythology, has reportedly been sighted across North America from the 1800s to the present. Witnesses describe a massive flying creature with wingspans ranging from 15 to 30 feet, resembling a prehistoric pterosaur or an eagle-like bird. These sightings often coincide with thunderstorms, reinforcing the Thunderbird's association with weather phenomena in Indigenous legends. Accounts of the Thunderbird span centuries, blending folklore, eyewitness reports, and enduring mystery.
Why It Matters:
Thunderbird sightings challenge conventional zoology by suggesting the existence of an undiscovered species or a surviving relic of prehistoric life. With consistent descriptions from diverse sources over centuries, the Thunderbird occupies a unique place at the intersection of cultural heritage, cryptozoology, and the unexplained.
See The Thunderbird Sightings (Various Locations, 1800s - Present)
The MTM-622 Unconventional Propulsion Schemes carried by Klemperer (Dr. Klemperer’s Unconventional Propulsion Schemes), who you will meet later in the story, reveal apparent extraterrestrial involvement in aeronautical and space-faring activities in Germany back to 1873 and 1895, and in the United States back to the 1910s.
"In the 1890s, European farmers and engineers mortgaged their houses and conducted fieldwork on their own time, in order to come up with similar theories." - William Tompkins
The Great Airship Mystery refers to a wave of UFO sightings reported across the United States from late 1896 to mid-1897. Witnesses described seeing cigar-shaped or dirigible-like flying crafts equipped with bright lights, propellers, and advanced machinery, often at night. These airships were claimed to perform remarkable maneuvers and exhibited technological features far beyond what was publicly known at the time. The sightings, documented in newspapers and personal accounts, remain one of the earliest mass UFO phenomena in modern history.
Why It Matters:
The Great Airship Mystery is a pivotal case in UFO history, predating powered human flight and suggesting the presence of advanced aerial technology. The consistency of descriptions, wide geographic spread, and public interest make it an essential chapter in the exploration of unidentified aerial phenomena.
See The Great Airship Mystery (1896–1897)
The Aurora UFO Crash is one of the earliest recorded incidents of a possible extraterrestrial encounter, predating the famous Roswell crash by 50 years. On April 17, 1897, a mysterious airship was reported to have crashed into a windmill on a farm in Aurora, Texas. According to local newspaper accounts, the wreckage included strange metallic debris, and the body of the pilot—described as "not of this world"—was allegedly recovered and buried in a local cemetery. This event has since become a cornerstone of early UFO lore, sparking debates about extraterrestrial visitation and cover-ups long before the advent of modern aviation.
Why It Matters:
The Aurora UFO Crash offers a glimpse into pre-modern UFO phenomena and suggests that sightings and encounters may extend far beyond the 20th century. The case also provides an intriguing narrative of how such events were interpreted in a pre-technological society and raises questions about potential government or private suppression of evidence.
See The Aurora UFO Crash, Texas (1897)
Max Planck was a German theoretical physicist. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918 for his significant breakthroughs in the early 1900s, including his discovery / revelation of Energy Quanta and his origination of Quantum Theory, which revolutionized modern human understanding of atomic and subatomic processes.
After completing and retiring from a career in the German military, at age 52 Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin "first becomes interested" in technology and innovations, and "rapidly becomes a visionary of his time".
Under his influence, the city of Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance becomes a center of advanced technology.
On July 2, 1900, the LZ 1, the first Zeppelin airship, was launched.
Zeppelin initiated a number of company foundations to develop the necessary technologies and supply chains that did not yet exist.
Successor companies and foundations still exist in Friedrichshafen to this day.
The Tunguska Event was a massive explosion that occurred on June 30, 1908, in a remote area near the Tunguska River in Siberia, Russia. The blast leveled over 800 square miles of forest, flattening an estimated 80 million trees and producing shockwaves felt thousands of miles away. Despite its immense scale, no impact crater was found, fueling speculation about its cause. Proposed explanations range from a meteoroid or comet explosion to exotic theories involving antimatter, black holes, or extraterrestrial activity.
Why It Matters:
The Tunguska Event remains one of the most significant and mysterious atmospheric explosions in recorded history. Its immense power and lack of definitive evidence for a conventional impact make it a cornerstone case in studies of unexplained phenomena. It also underscores the potential vulnerabilities of Earth to cosmic or unknown forces.
Alaska’s vast wilderness has long been the setting for reports of giant flying creatures, often described as resembling pterosaurs or massive predatory birds. These sightings span decades and come from diverse witnesses, including bush pilots, hunters, and local residents. With wingspans often reported between 15 and 30 feet, these creatures are said to inhabit remote mountain ranges and untraversed forests. Known for their immense size, leathery wings, and aggressive presence, Alaska’s flying cryptids remain one of the region’s most enduring and unexplained mysteries.
Why It Matters:
The Alaska flying creature phenomenon raises intriguing questions about the survival of prehistoric species or the existence of undiscovered megafauna. With consistent accounts across time and geography, these sightings add to Alaska's reputation as a hub for cryptid activity and deepen the mystery of its untamed landscape.
See The Giant Flying Creatures of Alaska (1900s–Present)
Count Zeppelin dies in 1917.
The same year, Goodyear-Zeppelin starts designing and building High Altitude Balloons.
Descriptions of luminous beings and phenomena interpreted as religious or extraterrestrial.
In 1914, the first of a series of world wars breaks out, through which humanity will weaponize the advanced technology it is developing against itself, and send its children to kill over 100 Million of its children in a single century.
Looking back, what role did extraterrestrial influence and multi-dimensional warfare for control spiral humanity into conflict with itself, instead of its true enemies?
In 1920, after serving in the Austrian Air Force during World War I, Klemperer joins Aachen Aerodynamics Institute as assistant to Professor Theodore von Karman.
Theodore von Karman would later go on to help found Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) via the series of events below.
Klemperer would go on to lead advanced engineering relating to extraterrestrial technologies at Douglas.
In the 1950s, Douglas Think Tank engineers learn that German scientists and engineers have been designing space-type vehicles since at least the 1920s, using what appears to be extraterrestrial information.
1921 – Initial Discovery: Townsend Brown observed that high-voltage electrical charges applied to certain materials (e.g., barium titanate) produced a force in the direction of the charge. He called this effect the "Biefeld-Brown Effect."
1928 – Electrogravitic Patents: Brown filed early patents for devices utilizing this effect for propulsion.
In 1926, mining, aviation, and rocketry magnate Daniel Guggenheim founds the Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics.
Between 1926 and 1930, he makes grants and establish schools or research centers at New York University, Stanford University, University of Michigan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Washington, Georgia Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Syracuse University, Northwestern University, University of Akron, and perhaps most importantly, Caltech.
Tesla renews claims of extraterrestrial communication.
The Hessdalen Lights are an enduring phenomenon of unexplained lights observed in the Hessdalen Valley, Norway, since the 1930s, with peaks in activity during the 1980s. These luminous phenomena, often described as glowing orbs or pulsating lights, have captivated researchers and witnesses alike. Exhibiting behaviors such as hovering, rapid movements, and abrupt directional changes, the lights defy conventional explanations. Despite decades of scientific investigation, including ongoing monitoring by the Hessdalen Automatic Measurement Station (HESS), the lights remain one of the most intriguing and studied UFO phenomena globally.
Why It Matters:
The Hessdalen Lights represent a rare, consistent, and scientifically documented example of anomalous aerial phenomena. Their long-term presence and unexplained nature provide a unique opportunity to study the intersection of atmospheric science, physics, and potentially extraterrestrial or interdimensional phenomena.
See The Hessdalen Lights (1930s–Present)
Additional classified documents reviewed by Douglas Think Tank members reveals Nazi exposure to extraterrestrial technology at least from the 1930s.
It is suspected that this exposure may date back to Count Zeppelin, flights of enormous dirigibles flights, and designs for futuristic cities with overhead monorail trams dating back to 1895.
Alien involvement in German activities possibly leading into both of the World Wars.
In 1914, Robert Millikan picked up on Plack and Eistein's work to obtain an accurate value of the Plack Constant.
In 1921, he joined Caltech and worked with Victor Hess on detecting and analyzing radiation coming from space, later proving that it is of extraterrestrial origin.
Millikan became chairman of Caltech, and along with Guggenheim convinced Theodore von Karman to emigrate the US and lead the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at Caltech.
In 1930, Theodore von Karman accepted the dictatorship at the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).
In 1936, he leads the start of work on rockets at Caltech.
GALCIT was the first and only university-based rocket program from 1936-1940.
Based on GALCIT's JATO (Jet Assisted Take-Off) project, in 1936 von Karman, along with a group of CalTech graduate students he was advising, founds Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
Back to Klemperer...
Seven years later after Count Zeppelin's death and the start of High Altitude Balloon operations at Goodyear-Zeppelin, in 1924 German aerospace scientist / engineer Wolfgang Klemperer migrates to the United States and joined Goodyear-Zeppelin Corporation in Akron, Ohio.
Zeppelin Airship Company, based out of Friedrichshafen, held a 66% stake in the company.
Klemperer, who would later be a lead figure in the Douglas Think Tank / Douglas Advanced Design UFO operations and reverse engineering, brings with him to Douglas a "bible" of Unconventional Propulsion Designs.
These relationships and back story pave the way towards the early extraterrestrial information and technology provided to German / Austrian / Hungarian scientists, and the later collaboration among JPL, Douglas, etc. relating to extraterrestrial technologies and defense.
The US Navy becomes interested in aerial motherships to carry fighter planes.
In the 20s, Klemperer becomes involved in the designs for two large aerial motherships for the US Navy - the U.S.S. Akron and U.S.S Macon.
In 1928, a contract is issued from the US Navy for their build.
Operating in the 1930s, The U.S.S. Akron and U.S.S. Macon designed by Klemperer were dirigible models of large aircraft, which served as "motherships" to the fleet of warplanes they carried.
Photos from the time show the U.S.S. Macon refueling warplanes.
At 785 feet long, they ranked among the largest flying objects ever constructed.
In 1934-1935, the US Army lauches the Stratospheric Research Project, launching high altitude baloons to research the upper atmosphere of Earth.
Klemperer in significantly involved.
Note this is happening concurrently with the rocket programs by Klemper's former supervisor at Caltech.
In the 1930s, American civilians begin testing rocket designs in the deserts of New Mexico.
In Europe, concentrated in Germany, thousands of people, apparently unrelated, become increasingly influenced / inspired to build a spacecraft and get off the planet.
Many were not scientists or engineers, but farmers and blue collar workers. For instance a shoe salesman in Berlin working on electrostatic force acceleration.
Why were there so many civilians, taking risks, mortgaging homes and farms, trying to get off the planet, in Germany, long before Hitler comes to power?
Electrostatic force accelerator beams. Light energy. Ion propulsion. Electrical oscillators. Electromagnetism. Counteracting Gravity.
During the rise of the SS, according to Klemperer, every time the SS located one of these inventors, they arrested them, confiscated everything, and put them to work in their underground in-mountain research laboratories, working on their "star machines."
Years later - 1,442 or 1,444 Germans working on Klemperer's RLR-744 unconventional propulsion schemes.
Douglas Think Tank participants believe that many of these individuals were receiving information and being telepathically influenced to develop the capability to move off the planet with their family and friends.
I know it is hard to believe, but please keep and open mind and read on...
William Tompkins reports, and Linda Moulton Howe reports that multiple high ranking sources confirm he spoke truthfully, that...
The operatives embedded reported that:
According to Defense Intelligence Analyst: "Earth's secret war is between three geopolitical, territorial, non-human intelligences in conflict with each other." Who have been in conflict for thousands if not millions of years. Including Nordics vs. the Reptilians and vs. Greys / Eben types... fighting using manipulation of time, minds, and 3D holographic projections that can transform how they and other material elements appear. All kinds of illusions in frequencies that humans cannot perceive with their eyes.
Resurrection technologies. Able to manufacture biological bodies that can be inhabited.
Requires technology to detect which player is inside of which body inside of which resurrection technology.
Reptilians disclosed to Hitler and SS that they had 3 massive caverns in Antarctica. Agreement that Reptilians would allow Germans to take over two of those, in order to continue building UFO technologies, and working on a collaborative mission to take over the Earth, and make the entire population blond haired blue eyed Nordics working with the reptilians.
Military personnel report being in caverns and witnessing alien craft capable of being in air or underwater.
Deep under ice, in massive structures, that still had light, power, long corridors, lime green light that moves with body.
Half mile long alien spacecraft support German military from space.
The Magenta UFO Crash, also known as the "Italian Roswell," is one of the earliest recorded UFO retrieval cases, occurring in June 1933 near Magenta, Italy. Witnesses reported the crash of a mysterious craft that resembled a metallic saucer, followed by a rapid military response. Under the orders of Benito Mussolini’s fascist regime, the object was allegedly secured and studied in secrecy. Some accounts suggest that the Vatican played a role in concealing the event. Recently declassified documents and whistleblower accounts have reignited interest in the incident, positioning it as a precursor to modern UFO investigations.
Why It Matters:
The Magenta crash is significant for its historical timing, predating other famous UFO incidents such as Roswell by over a decade. It suggests that government-level UFO retrievals may have begun earlier than widely believed and that global powers, including Italy and the Vatican, were aware of extraterrestrial phenomena in the early 20th century.
See The Magenta, Italy UFO Crash (1933)
Beneath the Earth's surface lies a vast network of subterranean caverns, tunnels, and structures that defy conventional understanding. Reports from military expeditions, explorers, and researchers describe advanced, non-human engineering deep underground. These findings include evidence of vast chambers, smooth-bored tunnels, and symbols or artifacts suggestive of advanced civilizations. Coupled with recurring accounts of UFOs entering and exiting subterranean locations, these discoveries support the theory that these caverns may house non-human intelligences, hidden technologies, or even ancient civilizations.
These subterranean spaces offer concrete evidence of non-human influence on Earth, potentially serving as bases for extraterrestrial or interdimensional beings. Encounters with such phenomena challenge our understanding of Earth's history, natural geology, and the boundaries of human and non-human interaction. Military and civilian investigations into these structures reveal links to UFO activity and hidden technologies, suggesting that humanity’s exploration of its own planet is far from complete.
See Beneath Earth's Surface - Vast Caverns, Bases, Tunnels, and Non-Human Connections
Beneath the oceans lie some of Earth’s most enigmatic and closely monitored locations: alleged undersea bases linked to advanced non-human intelligences. Reports from military personnel, submariners, and sonar operators describe anomalous underwater objects (USOs) exhibiting speeds and maneuvers far beyond human capabilities. These bases are believed to serve as hubs for extraterrestrial or interdimensional beings, with ongoing surveillance by naval carrier groups and classified programs.
The ocean’s depths, largely unexplored by humans, provide ideal concealment for advanced civilizations or extraterrestrial operations. Encounters with USOs and evidence of vast undersea facilities suggest Earth’s waters may harbor active, non-human operations. Understanding these bases is critical to unraveling the broader UFO phenomenon and its implications for humanity.
Radio broadcast causes mass panic, reflecting public fears of extraterrestrial invasion.
The Men in Black (MIB) phenomena refers to mysterious individuals or beings, often dressed in black suits, who allegedly intimidate or silence witnesses of UFO sightings and other paranormal events. Described as emotionless and robotic, these figures are known for their eerie demeanor, advanced knowledge, and strange behavior. First reported in the mid-20th century, the Men in Black have become one of the most enduring elements of UFO folklore, with theories ranging from government agents to extraterrestrial or interdimensional beings.
Why It Matters:
The Men in Black phenomena represents a chilling intersection of UFO sightings, government secrecy, and potential non-human intervention. These encounters raise profound questions about who—or what—is monitoring humanity’s interactions with unexplained phenomena and why silencing witnesses is deemed necessary.
See The Men in Black Phenomena
RAF pilots report UFO-like craft engaging them.
During World War II, Allied and Axis pilots frequently reported encountering unexplained aerial phenomena termed "Foo Fighters." These glowing orbs of light, often red, orange, or white, exhibited erratic movements, high speeds, and apparent intelligence. Despite extensive military investigations, the nature and origin of the Foo Fighters remain unexplained, marking one of the earliest widespread and credible accounts of unidentified aerial phenomena.
Why It Matters:
The Foo Fighters represent one of the first well-documented cases of UFOs involving credible military witnesses under combat conditions. These sightings laid the groundwork for modern UFO studies and underscore the mystery of advanced aerial phenomena witnessed by skilled observers.
See The Foo Fighters Phenomenon (1940s)
During the intense aerial combat of the Battle of Britain in 1940, several British and German pilots reported sightings of mysterious unidentified flying objects. These objects, which appeared as glowing or metallic crafts, often performed maneuvers that defied known aviation technology of the era. While the sightings were overshadowed by the war, they remain one of the earliest examples of wartime UFO reports, predating the better-documented Foo Fighters of the mid-1940s.
Why It Matters:
The Battle of Britain UFO sightings represent some of the earliest recorded instances of pilots encountering unexplained aerial phenomena during combat. These encounters add to the growing body of evidence suggesting a connection between military activity and UFO sightings.
The Cape Girardeau UFO Crash of 1941 is a lesser-known but significant pre-Roswell event involving the alleged retrieval of a downed alien craft and its occupants in southeast Missouri. According to witnesses, the craft crashed in a rural area near Cape Girardeau, and a local preacher was called to perform last rites for the deceased. The incident reportedly involved a metallic, disc-shaped craft and three humanoid beings. The military quickly arrived, confiscated the wreckage, and imposed secrecy on those involved. Though shrouded in mystery, this case provides early evidence of UFO retrievals and government cover-ups.
Why It Matters:
Occurring six years before the Roswell Incident, the Cape Girardeau UFO Crash suggests that government awareness of UFO phenomena may date back earlier than widely assumed. The involvement of a preacher, the reported alien beings, and the military’s swift response provide intriguing parallels to later UFO incidents.
See The Cape Girardeau UFO Crash (1941)
The Battle of Los Angeles is one of the most dramatic UFO events in history. On the night of February 24–25, 1942, thousands of residents witnessed a massive unidentified craft hovering over the city, accompanied by as many as 12 smaller objects. Illuminated by dozens of searchlights, the objects endured sustained fire from anti-aircraft guns. Despite the military firing over 1,400 rounds, the craft remained unscathed and eventually vanished without a trace. Official explanations ranged from weather balloons to mass hysteria, but eyewitness accounts and photographic evidence tell a different story—one of an extraordinary aerial event that defied conventional explanation and left a lasting legacy of mystery and speculation.
Why It Matters:
The Battle of Los Angeles was one of the first widely witnessed UFO encounters, combining credible civilian and military observations with dramatic evidence of government response. The event challenged wartime nerves, revealed the limitations of contemporary technology, and became a cultural touchstone for UFO phenomena, sparking questions that remain unanswered to this day.
See: The Battle of Los Angeles (1942)
These various sized crafts, and hundreds subsequently reported, made it clear that there were very likely interplanetary or interstellar mothership(s) orbiting our planet...
...that had dispatched hundreds of surveillance and landing craft to Earth.
Prior and subsequent events made it very clear that some form, or forms, of advanced alien intelligence were not only observing our planet, but influencing it.
The Philadelphia Experiment is an alleged U.S. Navy operation conducted in October 1943 to render the USS Eldridge, a naval destroyer escort, invisible to radar. According to claims, the experiment inadvertently caused the ship to teleport, opened a rift in space-time, and had catastrophic effects on the crew. The story first came to light in the 1950s through letters from a man named Carl Allen (or "Carlos Allende"), sparking decades of speculation and conspiracy theories. While the U.S. Navy denies the experiment occurred, proponents argue it marked a pivotal moment in secret military research into electromagnetic fields, invisibility, and interdimensional travel.
The Philadelphia Experiment ties into larger narratives about government secrecy, advanced physics, and unintended consequences of experiments with space-time. It is often cited as the precursor to later alleged projects like The Montauk Project (1960s–1980s) and is a cornerstone in discussions of suppressed technological breakthroughs.
See The Philadelphia Experiment (1943)
U.S. pilots describe glowing orbs shadowing planes during missions.
Famed astrophysicist Jacques Vallee, consultant to Project Blue Book, reports that the first US nuclear test, Trinity, caused a 5 ton avocado shaped UFO to crash.
The San Antonio, New Mexico UFO Crash, also referred to as the “Trinity Crash,” occurred in August 1945, mere weeks after the first atomic bomb test at the nearby Trinity site. Two young boys, José Padilla and Reme Baca, witnessed a strange craft crash on a remote ranch. The object, described as an oval-shaped metallic craft, left an impression in the terrain and reportedly contained small humanoid beings. Military personnel swiftly arrived, securing the site and removing the wreckage. The case has drawn renewed attention for its potential connection to heightened UFO activity following nuclear events.
Why It Matters:
The San Antonio crash is notable for its timing, occurring just after the Trinity nuclear test, and for being one of the earliest documented UFO crashes in modern history. It offers critical insights into the relationship between nuclear activity and UFO phenomena, as well as early government responses to unidentified aerial craft.
See The San Antonio, New Mexico "Trinity" UFO Crash (1945)
The Hanford Nuclear Site in Washington State, a key facility for the Manhattan Project, was among the first locations where unidentified flying objects were reported in the post-World War II era. As early as 1945, military personnel and security teams observed unidentified craft hovering over the site, which was critical to producing plutonium for the first atomic bombs. The sightings, characterized by advanced aerial maneuvers and the crafts’ ability to evade interception, raised concerns about espionage, nuclear security, and extraterrestrial involvement.
Why It Matters:
The UFO activity over the Hanford site marked the beginning of a long pattern of unidentified aerial phenomena appearing near nuclear facilities. These incidents underscore the apparent link between UFOs and humanity’s development of nuclear technology, a connection that continues to be a focal point of UFO studies and investigations.
See UFOs Over Hanford Nuclear Site (1945)
William Tompkins, a former aerospace engineer and naval intelligence operative, emerged in recent years as a central figure in the disclosure movement, making extraordinary claims about the existence of secret space programs (SSP) and humanity's decades-long interactions with extraterrestrial civilizations. According to Tompkins, he worked on advanced aerospace designs inspired by extraterrestrial technology, participated in intelligence-gathering efforts about Nazi collaboration with aliens during World War II, and contributed to the development of a U.S. space fleet capable of interstellar travel. His testimony links military, corporate, and extraterrestrial efforts in one of the most audacious narratives of hidden history ever proposed.
Why It Matters:
Tompkins’s revelations, though controversial, provide a detailed account of covert human-extraterrestrial interactions and technological advancements. His testimony connects multiple strands of UFO and SSP narratives, including Operation Paperclip, reverse engineering of alien craft, and global elite agendas. Whether wholly true or partly speculative, his claims have fueled significant debate and investigation into secretive aerospace activities and alien involvement in Earth’s affairs.
See William Tompkins and William Tompkins and The Secret Space Programs (SSP)
In the mid 1940s, in response to the growing alien awareness and threats, a way-above-top-secret think tank was established at Douglas, led by Elmer Wheaton (Caltech PHD) and his German Scientific Advisor Wolfgang B. Klemperer.
Note earlier ties of German engineers to the inception of the Caltech aeronautics programs.
Numerous CalTech PHDs would be subsequently recruited into various aspects of the broader military programs relating to alien craft and intelligence, including family members of people Jordan knows directly.
The Think Tank predecessor defines the RAND concept mission for the US Military. - Includes communications and receiver antennas to identify alien craft entering Earthian air space.
Admiral Richard Byrd leads a large military expedition to Antarctica in December 1946, including 4,700 military personnel, aircraft carriers, battleships, and dozens of aircraft.
Look up Admiral Byrd's journal.
As disclosed in the MTM-622 Unconventional Propulsion Schemes... questions relating to why, from 1946 to 1950, technically qualified experts from around the planet were massively driven / induced to conceive of methods to get off the planet, and into the galaxy and beyond.
And the origins of apparent extraterrestrial involvement back to the 1870s in Germany and 1910s in US.
Between 1945 and 1959, under a secret United States intelligence program over 1,600 German and Nazi scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from Germany and imported into the United States for employment by the US Government and Military Industrial Complex. These include many former members and leaders of the Nazi party, who subsequently ran many of the programs mentioned below.
The effort began in 1945, after the Allies entered Germany and revealed the advanced science and technology that Germany had apparently inherited from their deal with the aliens.
Subsequently, US President Truman would reportedly make a similar deal with the aliens.
The scientists imported were primarily involved in the Nazi rocket program, aerospace, and chemical and biological warfare.
The lists were obtained from Werner Osenberg and Wernher von Braun.
Operation Paperclip was the apparent successor to Operation Overcast, established by the US Joint Chiefs of staff July 20, 1945.
Project 63 provided job placement assistance for Nazi engineers at Lockheed, Martin Marietta, North American Aviation, and other aerospace companies while American engineers were being laid off.
The Ghost Rockets were a series of unexplained aerial phenomena observed across Scandinavia in 1946, primarily in Sweden. These cigar-shaped objects, often described as resembling missiles or rockets, were seen by thousands of witnesses. Unlike conventional aircraft, they displayed erratic flight patterns, emitted no discernible sound, and sometimes appeared to crash into lakes without leaving debris. Despite extensive investigations by Swedish authorities and international intelligence agencies, including the U.S. and Greek militaries, the origins of the Ghost Rockets remain a mystery.
Why It Matters:
The Ghost Rockets represent one of the earliest documented mass sightings of unexplained aerial phenomena in the post-WWII era. Their appearance during heightened geopolitical tensions sparked speculation about advanced secret technologies, extraterrestrial craft, and interdimensional activity. The incidents remain a cornerstone in UFO research, predating the more famous Roswell Incident by a year.
See The Ghost Rockets of Scandinavia (1946)
Douglas then hires many of the German rocket engineers.
After Douglas hired the German rocket engineers...
..they collectively collaborated with their peers at North American Aviation, Northrop, Aerojet General Engineers, etc....
...who collaborated with engineers at Hughes, Caltech, UCLA, etc...
...to eventually form the Ramo Wooldridge Corporation 1953...
...and then merging and hiring many of the above into the Thompson Ramo Wooldridge Company in 1958, subsequently shortened to TRW.
(Thompson Products being a valve manufacturer that aided in early flight feats).
Interestingly, the origins of TRW, Inc. go back to 1901.
It was acquired by Northrop Grumman in 2002, along with Grumman Aerospace and Westinghouse plus.
Northrop Grumman founded by Leroy Grumman as Grumman Aircraft Engineering in 1929. During World War II, builds all aircraft for the US Navy. Later builds the Apollo Lunar Module.
Jack Northrop founded Northrop Corporation in 1939, creating the experimental XB-35 and YB-49 aircraft in the 1940s and 1950s after cycling through Douglas Aircraft (1923) and Lockheed Corporation (1927) (chief engineer on record setting Lockheed Vega). Specialty in fixed wing and experimental concepts.
Northrop Grumman spun off TRW Automotive to none other than ZF Friedrichshafen, looping the German engineering cycle full circle back to Count Zeppelin.
Kenneth Arnold’s sighting on June 24, 1947, near Mount Rainier, Washington, is widely regarded as the incident that introduced the term “flying saucer” into popular culture and launched the modern UFO phenomenon. Arnold, a respected private pilot, reported seeing nine crescent-shaped objects flying at incredible speeds in formation. His sighting set off a media frenzy and led to a wave of similar reports, marking the beginning of America’s fascination with unidentified flying objects.
See: Kenneth Arnold's Sighting of Flying Crescents (1947)
The Maury Island Incident is one of the earliest and most controversial UFO cases, involving strange metallic debris, mysterious flying objects, and alleged government intimidation. On June 21, 1947, Harold Dahl claimed to witness six doughnut-shaped crafts near Maury Island, Washington. One of the objects ejected molten metal-like material, damaging Dahl’s boat and injuring his dog. This case not only predates Roswell but also introduced elements of secrecy, manipulation, and threats—hallmarks of UFO lore—including what some believe to be the first appearance of the enigmatic “Men in Black.”
See The Maury Island Incident (1947)
The Roswell Incident is widely regarded as the most famous UFO event in modern history and the genesis of government secrecy surrounding extraterrestrial encounters. In July 1947, a craft believed by many to be of extraterrestrial origin crashed in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico. Witnesses described strange metallic debris with advanced properties, beams marked with indecipherable hieroglyphic-like symbols, and—most sensationally—the recovery of four small humanoid beings. Although the U.S. Army Air Force initially announced the recovery of a "flying disc," they quickly retracted the statement, attributing the debris to a weather balloon. Decades later, firsthand witnesses, posthumous confessions, and advanced material analyses have cast significant doubt on the official narrative, fueling speculation about a massive cover-up, reverse-engineering of alien technology, and secret agreements with extraterrestrial beings.
See The Roswell Incident (1947)
Military personnel and their families experiencing strange things.
For instance a military pilot (in his craft) and his wife (at home) both experience an intense electromagnetic sensation right before his craft is jammed and crashed by alien interference.
Numerous alien interferences with US military craft and missiles.
While it is nearly impossible to believe, multiple apparently credible sources report that after the Roswell crash in 1947 and US Military / Alien UFO air battles, President Truman physically meets with the Aliens.
It is (almost incredibly) reported that the US Government made a deal with the aliens to allow a limited number of citizens to be kidnapped / abducted / harvested each week, in exchange for advanced extraterrestrial technology.
Following this meeting, it is reported that at least hundreds of people a week are being abducted.
The Aztec UFO Crash is one of the most controversial and debated UFO incidents, centering on reports of a large flying saucer that allegedly crashed near Aztec, New Mexico, in March 1948. Witnesses claimed that the craft, approximately 100 feet in diameter, was largely intact and contained the bodies of 16 small humanoid beings. While initially dismissed as a hoax, the incident resurfaced decades later with claims of government retrieval and reverse-engineering of alien technology. The Aztec case is often seen as a companion to Roswell, sparking intrigue about an era of frequent UFO crashes and recoveries.
See The Aztec UFO Crash (1948)
The Laredo UFO Crash, often referred to as the “Burnt Alien” case, involves the alleged crash of a UFO near Laredo, Texas, in July 1948. Witnesses reported seeing a craft explode in mid-air before crashing into the desert. Military personnel quickly secured the area, recovering metallic debris and, more shockingly, the body of a severely burned humanoid being. The case is notable for the detailed descriptions of the being, often cited as evidence of extraterrestrial life. Though shrouded in secrecy, it remains a cornerstone of early UFO crash investigations.
Why It Matters:
The Laredo crash is significant for its early documentation of a humanoid occupant associated with a UFO crash. The detailed descriptions of the being, combined with the military’s swift response and the unusual materials recovered, make it a compelling case in UFO history.
See The Laredo Crash and "Burnt Alien" (1948)
The Mantell UFO Incident is one of the earliest and most tragic UFO encounters to involve the death of a military pilot. On January 7, 1948, Captain Thomas F. Mantell, a seasoned World War II pilot with the Kentucky Air National Guard, pursued a massive, unidentified object reported by witnesses across multiple states. As he ascended in his P-51 Mustang, Mantell lost control and crashed to his death. Official explanations ranged from a weather balloon to pilot error, but witnesses described a craft that defied known aeronautical capabilities, fueling speculation that Mantell encountered an extraterrestrial vehicle.
Why It Matters:
The Mantell Incident is a milestone in UFO history, highlighting the potential dangers of interactions with unidentified aerial phenomena. With numerous witnesses, credible radar tracking, and the tragic loss of a decorated pilot, it became a pivotal case in sparking public and military interest in UFO investigations.
See The Mantell UFO Incident (1948)
From 1948 to 1955, mysterious green fireballs streaked across the skies over the southwestern United States, particularly near sensitive military installations like Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico. These bright, fast-moving objects baffled scientists, military personnel, and civilians alike. Unlike typical meteors, the fireballs were uniformly green, exhibited controlled trajectories, and often disappeared without leaving debris. Despite numerous investigations, including those led by esteemed physicist Dr. Lincoln LaPaz, the phenomenon remains unexplained and one of the most compelling mysteries of the UFO era.
Why It Matters:
The Green Fireballs represent one of the earliest examples of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) being linked to national security concerns. Their frequent appearances near military installations during the early Cold War period raised suspicions of surveillance or extraterrestrial reconnaissance, prompting classified investigations. The mystery continues to fuel speculation about the nature of these phenomena.
See The Green Fireballs Mystery (1948–1955).
Since early 1948, American military forces were under orders to intercept and shoot down unknown alien craft.
This status effectively puts America at war with several hostile alien civilizations for a number of years.
Engagements provide increasing clarity about the multiples types of alien craft operating on and around Earth.
Admiral Conway reports to Secretary Forrestal's people that multiple types of alien craft are operating, and will continue to operate, in restricted airspace, and over every secret US nuclear research facility.
When US military craft are scrambled to try to force the aliens to land, the aliens respond by shooting "all our craft down".
Military patrol aircraft are also attacked and destroyed.
An unknown ray weapon is used to down the planes and kill the crews.
Years later, after losing many top pilots and aircraft in the effort to chase and take down UFO, orders were changed to intercept but do not engage.
Alien forces undertake a systematic campaign to interfere with, intercept, and prevent success on missile tests and missions.
At White Sands and other locations.
The Gorman Dogfight is one of the earliest and most extraordinary aerial encounters between a human pilot and an unidentified flying object. On the evening of October 1, 1948, Lieutenant George F. Gorman engaged in a high-speed, 27-minute chase with a luminous, highly maneuverable object over Fargo, North Dakota. Despite Gorman’s attempts to intercept, the UFO consistently outpaced and outmaneuvered his P-51 Mustang, displaying flight characteristics far beyond any known human technology of the time. The incident remains a classic example of military encounters with UFOs, sparking debate about the capabilities and origins of the mysterious craft.
Why It Matters:
The Gorman Dogfight highlights the advanced flight characteristics often attributed to UFOs, including extreme speed, rapid changes in direction, and apparent intelligence in evading pursuit. It is a key case demonstrating the limitations of human technology against unidentified phenomena and remains one of the most credible and detailed UFO encounters.
See The Gorman Dogfight (1948)
The U.S. Air Force established its first official UFO investigation program, later transitioning to Project Grudge and Project Blue Book.
An FBI memo discusses recovered alien bodies from the Roswell crash.
In 1949, Dr. Walter Riedel, of rocket engine research (later known as Rocketdyne Division) at North American Aviatation (NAA), leads a group of scientists to start measuring background radiation in association with sightings of UFOs.
From their base in the desert, the UFOs seemingly consciously interact with them, and large bursts of radiation with no other apparent causes are detected at the time of the sightings.
Civilian Saucer Investigation (CSI) is established to investigate the phenomenon further.
In 1949, Project Sign is established by the Air Force to further investigate UFO sightings and phenomena.
Later, it gained the backing of Admiral Delmar Fahrney, head of Navy's guided missile program, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, and Air Force General Nathan Twining, and becomes Project Blue Book.
Captain Edward J. Ruppelt becomes first head of Project blue Book.
12,618 sightings are reported to Project Blubook, with 701 remaining unidentified.
The leads involved all acknowledge that UFOs are real and a threat to Earth.
The national security elite continue to press to keep all information secret.
After tensions build between Truman and Forrestal, who opposed the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 and the centralizing of power of the Department of Defense, in 1949 Secretary Forrestal is forced by Truman to resign.
He is suddenly hospitalized for supposed mental health issues / stress-induced paranoia.
He is placed on the top floor of the hospital he being treated at, and thrown out of the window during the night, dying on impact.
The MAJESTIC 12 documents report that military officials called his "untimely death" unfortunate but necessary.
We have noted that citizens of fascist states who know too much and fall out of favor tend to fall out of windows at an alarming rate.
President Truman apparently conceals his medical records as part of teh coverup.
After Forrestal's assassination, it becomes increasingly unclear who is running the newly created Deep State / Security State, and its extraterrestrial operations.
Declassified memos reveal UFOs as a national security concern.
In 1950, Major Donald Keyhoe, an American Marine Corps naval aviator, revealed in the book "Flying Saucers Are Real" that the military knew that flying saucers were extraterrestrial, and was concealing the information to avoid public panic.
Keyhoe argued that extraterrestrials had been surveiling the Earth for at least two centuries, with their observation and interventions increasing suddenly and dramatically following the series of atomic bomb explosions in 1945.
This book almost blew the cover, but the flare up was later covered over by the government.
Government conspiracy and coverup became the focus of his second book in 1955 The Flying Saucer Conspiracy.
Throughout the 1950s, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee—a key facility for nuclear research—became a hotspot for UFO sightings. Security personnel, scientists, and military officials reported frequent appearances of unidentified flying objects over the restricted airspace surrounding the laboratory. These sightings often involved bright, fast-moving objects that exhibited advanced maneuvers far beyond the capabilities of known aircraft. Despite extensive investigations, no conventional explanations were ever found, solidifying Oak Ridge’s place as a key site in the broader UFO-nuclear connection.
Why It Matters:
The UFO sightings at Oak Ridge occurred during a critical period of nuclear development in the United States, underscoring the apparent correlation between UFO activity and humanity’s advancements in nuclear technology. The incidents also raised significant national security concerns, given the laboratory's role in producing nuclear materials and researching atomic energy.
See UFOs Over Oak Ridge, Tennessee (1950s)
During the late 1950s and early 1960s, crew members aboard the aircraft carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt reported multiple encounters with unidentified flying objects (UFOs) during their operations. These incidents involved highly maneuverable, luminous objects often seen hovering near the carrier or its aircraft. Witnesses included naval officers and pilots who provided detailed descriptions of the UFOs’ extraordinary capabilities. The Roosevelt’s encounters are among the earliest well-documented cases of UFO activity near U.S. naval vessels, raising questions about the nature and intent of these phenomena.
Why It Matters:
The USS Roosevelt UFO encounters highlight a pattern of UFO activity near military assets, particularly naval operations. The involvement of credible witnesses such as naval aviators and officers lends weight to the events, which remain a cornerstone of UFO cases involving the U.S. military.
See The USS Roosevelt UFO Encounters (1950s–1960s)
The Mojave Desert, spanning parts of California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona, has long been a hotspot for UFO sightings and alleged extraterrestrial contact. Since the 1950s, this remote region has drawn UFO researchers and experiencers who claim encounters with unidentified craft, alien beings, and even interdimensional entities. The Mojave Desert Contact Cases are particularly notable for their diversity—ranging from traditional UFO sightings to profound spiritual interactions, making the region one of the most enigmatic locations for unexplained phenomena.
Why It Matters:
The Mojave Desert cases exemplify the intersection of physical UFO phenomena and human experiences of contact with advanced intelligences. The ongoing events in the region have contributed significantly to the study of UFOs, suggesting it may serve as a focal point for extraterrestrial or interdimensional activities.
See The Mojave Desert Contact Cases (1950s–Present)
Iconic images of a saucer-like UFO in Oregon.
A Canadian government study investigates UFO propulsion systems.
In early 1951, Admiral Steve McDonley, a top combat officer in the Navy, was leading a battle group including the US Coral Sea CVB-41 through the South China Sea.
A massive cylindrical vehicle over a mile long (~8,000 feet) and 500' in diameter descended above the ship, encompassing the entire battle group in brilliant light.
1951 U.S.S. Coral Sea - South China Sea
CSI confirms that high levels of radiation were detected in soil at the area of the January and February 1951 UFO crashes.
This confirms their earlier observations of radiation bursts associated with UFO sightings.
This provides further information regarding the advanced Unconventional Propulsion and Weapons Systems in use.
Formation of lights over Texas sparks military investigation.
Dozens of reports across Buenos Aires include landed craft.
Photographs of UFOs emerge, confirmed by local officials.
The Flatwoods Monster Incident occurred on September 12, 1952, in Flatwoods, West Virginia, when several local residents reported encountering a strange, towering entity after witnessing a glowing, fiery object crash into a nearby hillside. The event, accompanied by physical symptoms and multiple eyewitness accounts, remains one of the most unusual and debated UFO cases, blending elements of extraterrestrial sightings, cryptid lore, and mass hysteria.
Why It Matters:
The Flatwoods Monster Incident stands out as a unique blend of UFO and cryptid phenomena, showcasing how a single event can resonate culturally and persist in public memory. Its detailed eyewitness descriptions and physical effects offer compelling evidence for researchers exploring the boundaries between extraterrestrial and interdimensional phenomena.
See The Flatwoods Monster Incident (1952)
The Washington D.C. UFO Flap of July 1952 is one of the most compelling UFO events in history, involving multiple sightings of unidentified flying objects over the U.S. capital, one of the most sensitive airspaces in the world. Over two weekends, from July 12–29, radar operators, pilots, and civilians observed luminous, fast-moving objects performing extraordinary maneuvers. The sightings triggered national attention, an unprecedented military scramble that was powerless in the face of superior technology, and a high-level government press conference. Official explanations ranged from temperature inversions to misidentified aircraft, but the combination of visual and radar confirmations remains a cornerstone of UFO investigations.
Why It Matters:
The Washington D.C. UFO Flap marked a turning point in UFO studies, demonstrating the inability of even the most advanced military technology of the time to confront or explain the phenomenon. Its proximity to key government institutions and military installations added to its significance, prompting both public intrigue and classified investigations.
See The Washington D.C. UFO Flap (1952)
Sightings become more and more frequent, particularly around nuclear and missile testing areas.
This raises concerns among a growing number of military and industrial personnel that the UFOs and their extraterrestrial pilots (and the battle groups they operate as part of) are engaged in systematic and targeted surveillance of advanced military facilities and technologies.
It becomes apparent that it was possible or likely that at least thousands of years ago, these species had become technologically advanced enough to move off their planet, beyond their solar systems, and that we were now encountering their battle and cruiser groups in our local area of the galaxy.
And that the long term survival of a non-enslaved and exploited human species depends on our ability to confront and overcome the threat.
While public conclusions often downplayed the extraterrestrial hypothesis, internal documents reveal significant concern about unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs).
In 1952, working on studies of deep space starship designs, Douglas Advanced Design determined that UFOs were short-range reconnaissance vehicles operating out of motherships (essentially space-based aircraft carriers).
This had been apparent to some since the 40s, and was now confirmed.
This led to a design push around Spacecraft Carriers for the US Military, the largest ships in our forthcoming galactic Navy.
Note that this is long pre-NOVA / pre-Apollo.
After approximately three years of study by Projects Sign and Blue Book, the Air Force releases information countering the existence of UFOs and their threat to the planet.
Eventually Ruppelt leaves the Air Force.
Douglas hires him as a consultant on extraterrestrials for Advanced Design.
Shortly thereafter, he is dead, ostensibly because of a second heart attack.
The increasingly irrefutable reality that we are interacting with hostile forces thousands of years more technologically advanced than us creates a massive mandate / push to "catch up with whoever is out there."
In the 1950s, becomes increasingly obvious that numerous individuals are receiving telepathic messaging from alien entities.
In the 1950s, becomes increasingly obvious that aliens have physically infiltrated and are actively working in, for, and against multiple companies and agencies involved in the efforts surrounding the phenomena.
Numerous scientists and inventors report clear telepathic communications which forthrightly present to them solutions to the most difficult problems facing various programs to reach space and counter alien threats.
Conversely, there is open discussion of other alien forces infiltrating and disrupting progress.
Klemperer is reported first hand to have said "Some of the Reptilians are really getting hard to deal with."
Jim Cooper reports that there are Reptilians managing Greys in underground facilities in several western states.
US Navy is attempting to monitor activies.
It is later discovered that aliens have apparently been living and operating in massive underground facilities connected by tunnels for at least hundreds of years.
Alien capabilities to engage in both telepathic communication and mind control becomes increasingly clear.
Mind interference and control includes forced forgetting / memory wipe.
This is very widely also experienced by abductees, as later confirmed by Harvard John Mack in a 10 year plus intensive study of 200 men and women who reported recurrent alien encounter experiences.
Douglas Think Tank participants would later learn that there were at least nineteen different Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs) operating at present on Earth, who possess the ability to control our minds and conceal their physical presence, as well as the physical presence of their craft.
Einstein is credibly reported to have worked with the US Military on similar invisibility capabilities for its assets.
It should be investigated whether this occurred in combination with alien technology transfers.
In the early 1940s, Nazi scientists conducted mind control experiments on prisoners in the concentration camps.
In 1943, the Office of Strategic Services begins development of a "truth drug".
In 1947, US Navy initiates Project CHATTER, an interrogation project testing LSD on human subjects.
In 1950, CIA initiates series of interrogations projects beginning with the launch of Project Bluebird.
August 20, 1951, Project Artichoke initiated to see if any individual could be made to involuntarily perform an act of attempted assassination, followed by amnesia. Morphine, mescaline, and LSD were administered on unknowing CIA agents.
April 13, 1953, on order of CIA Director Allen Dulles, project advanced to develop mind-controlling drugs and techniques for use against soviet bloc, prisoners of war, and foreign leaders.
These programs often conducted experiments without knowledge or consent of the subjects.
Subproject 54 was the Navy's "Perfect Concussion" program to use frequency blasts to erase memory.
MK Ultra initiated by CIA to explore ways to weaken, destroy, and control the human mind.
1957 Subproject 68 explored techniques for manipulating and controlling human behavior through methods of psychic driving and depatterning, often couple with placing subjects under the influence of powerful psychoactive substances.
1964 - MKULTRA transformed and continued under MKSEARCH, subdivided into MKOFTEN and MKCHICKWIT.
These tested the covert use of biological, chemical, and radioactive materials to produce predictable behavioral and psychological changes in humans in support of secret operational requirements.
Historians suggest a goal was to produce a "Manchurian Candidate" (someone brainwashed into being an unwitting assassin).
MKUltra records destroyed in 1973 by order of CIA director Richard Helms.
In concert with panic around Watergate.
1976 Church Committee reports found that MKDELTA and MKULTRA materials were used for harrassment, discrediting, and disabling purposes.
CIA and other departments of the Security States conducts experiments on unwitting and congnizent human subjects in US and Canada.
"Prior consent was obviously not obtained from any of the subjects".
According to Ted Kennedy on Senate Floor:
"The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an "extensive testing and experimentation" program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens "at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign." Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to "unwitting subjects in social situations.""
Starting at least in early 1950s, CIA creates secret detention centers in Europe and East Asia, capturing and detaining people who were subjected to torture and experimentation on how to destroy and control human minds.
In 1952, Dr. Robert's delivers to CIA a report titled "The Potential Threat of Some Extraterrestrial Life Forms."
By 1952, open and frequent discussion underway regarding the requirements for galactic Navy
Long prior to the creation of NASA and public launch of moon mission, the group is in deep planning and discussion for missions to visit the 12 nearest stars, some of which are the "home" solar systems of alien life we are interacting with.
USOs - Underwater Submerged Objects encountered give rise to the military desire to develop an undersea reconnaissance missions operations center.
Requirements included giant boring machines capable of operating in deep ocean trenches, and tunneling deep into the Earth's crust.
Military believes there are extraterrestrial underground and underwater bases possibly operating secretly all over the planet.
Admiral Davis and Admiral Conway.
Similarly, plans made for massive underground facilities connected to major bases on both coasts by high speed tunnels.
US Military continues to identify and monitor underground alien bases / cities.
Designs are advanced for a Navy base on the moon. Planned as a city / base for 2,000 personnel, including all aspects of a long-term human colony.
Similar plans are drawn up for other planets in our solar system, their moons, and the planets of other star systems, and their moons.
Albert Bender’s encounters with the Men in Black are among the first documented instances of this mysterious phenomenon. Bender, the founder of the International Flying Saucer Bureau (IFSB), claimed he was visited by three strange men dressed in black, who telepathically warned him to abandon his UFO research. This chilling interaction led to the sudden closure of his organization and left an indelible mark on UFO lore, solidifying the Men in Black as a sinister force linked to UFO secrecy.
Why It Matters:
The Albert Bender case is a cornerstone of the Men in Black narrative, establishing many of the now-familiar characteristics of these enigmatic figures. It also raises questions about the nature of UFO suppression and the potential involvement of non-human entities in silencing researchers.
See The Albert Bender Men In Black Encounters (1953)
"The Project was originally established in 1953, by order of President Eisenhower, under control of XXXXX and MJ12. In 1960, the Project's name was changed from Project XXXXX to Project Aquarius."
"The Project XXXX(for 1 full line)XXX Dec 1969 after Project Blue Book was closed. The purpose of Project Aquarius was to collect all scientific, technological, medical and intelligence information from UFO/IAC sightings and contacts with alien life forms. This orderly file of collected information has been used to advance the United States' Space Program."
"The preceeding briefing is an historical account of the United States Government's investigation of Aerial Phenomenas, Recovered Alien Aircraft, and contacts with extra-terrestrial Life Forms."
After years of extensive study, Douglas Advanced Design again confirms that UFOs were interplanetary spacecraft, operated by highly advanced extraterrestrial beings.
"Specifically, we resolved that they were the greatest threat our planet had ever faced."
Civilian Saucer Investigation (CSI) came to the same conclusion.
Civilian Saucer Investigation (CSI) had been composed of highly qualified engineers from aerospace industry.
Douglas, Lockheed, North American, Northrop, CalTech, and JPL, or representatives therefrom, are also stated to have been involved in the CSI study.
Led by Dr. Walter Riedel of NAA.
They examined well over 1,600 eyewitness reports and case files.
Via Ruppelt, the CSI eventually informed the Air Force that they had determined that UFOs were real, that humans were controlled by aliens, and that the aliens appeared to be a significant threat to our planet.
The Air Force did not want the intelligence leaking.
Winter of 1953, someone (likely the Air Force) stole / confiscated their files, and the group was told to disband, no questions asked.
Later, whenever the topic of CSI is brought up in Douglas meetings, conversation is abruptly cut short.
After the disbanding, file-confiscation, and silencing CSI, associated with public denial of alien phenomena and threat by the Air Force despite being the most knowledgeable of it, participants in the secret programs increasingly feel caught up in dark government conspiracy puppeted by invisible masters.
Jacques Vallee discloses knowledge of the Federation of Planets - a galactic governing force.
The Think Tank begins to surmise that the galactic federation apparently operates and controls ~60 stars in the near sector of the galaxy.
Governance is non-democratic, similar to an aristocratic hierarchy.
In 1953, President Eisenhower is reported to have met with alien representatives in a hangar at Edwards Air Force Base.
The aliens are apparently deviating from the pact made with Truman.
Eisenhower attempts to make the aliens live up to the pact made with Truman, and is brushed off / dismissed.
Recommended debunking UFO reports to prevent public hysteria.
The Kingman UFO Crash of May 1953 is an alleged incident in which a metallic, disc-shaped craft crashed near Kingman, Arizona. According to whistleblower accounts, the craft was retrieved by military personnel, and at least one humanoid occupant was recovered alive. The event is significant for its detailed testimonies, including descriptions of advanced materials and the being’s non-human physiology. Though officially denied, the Kingman incident remains a cornerstone of UFO crash retrieval lore and continues to spark debate about government secrecy and extraterrestrial technology.
Why It Matters:
The Kingman UFO Crash stands out for its compelling whistleblower testimonies and claims of a living extraterrestrial being. It underscores recurring patterns in UFO crash retrieval cases: rapid military response, advanced materials, and secrecy. The event provides a fascinating lens into the alleged government efforts to conceal extraterrestrial encounters.
See The Kingman UFO Crash (1953)
The Kinross Incident is one of the most baffling UFO cases involving the disappearance of a U.S. Air Force F-89C Scorpion interceptor jet and its two-man crew over Lake Superior on November 23, 1953. Dispatched to investigate an unidentified radar contact, the aircraft mysteriously vanished after merging with the object on radar. Despite extensive search efforts, no wreckage or remains of the jet or its crew were ever recovered. The case remains unsolved and continues to fuel speculation about UFO involvement.
Why It Matters:
The Kinross Incident is emblematic of the enigmatic intersection between UFO phenomena and aviation. The disappearance of the jet, the radar evidence, and the lack of conventional explanations make it a critical case in UFO lore, raising questions about extraterrestrial activity and government transparency.
See The Kinross Incident (1953)
Eisenhower reportedly meets with aliens three times, signing at least one treaty, and possibly three. Treaties are technology-for-access.
Available on Reagan Library website, recovered via FOIA request.
"PROJECT SIGMA: (PROWORD: :XXXXXXXX. Originally established as part of Project XXXX in 1954. Became a separate project in 1976. Its mission was to establish communication with Aliens. This Project met with positive sucess when in 1959, the United States established primitive communications with the Aliens. On April 25, 1964, a USAF intelligence officer met two aliens at a pre- arranged location in the desert of New Mexico. The contact lasted for approximately three hours."
The 1954 European UFO Wave was an intense series of UFO sightings reported across Europe, particularly in France, during the autumn of 1954. Witnesses described an array of phenomena, including luminous discs, cigar-shaped craft, and close encounters with humanoid beings. This wave marked one of the most concentrated and diverse flurries of UFO activity in modern history, captivating the public and sparking widespread media coverage.
Why It Matters:
The 1954 European UFO Wave represents one of the most documented and varied clusters of UFO sightings, involving thousands of witnesses from multiple countries. The events contributed significantly to the development of UFOlogy in Europe and introduced close-encounter cases that remain central to discussions of extraterrestrial activity.
See The 1954 European UFO Wave
In the mid 1950s, the pressure of the massive-yet-unknown threats intensifies.
Military Industrial Complex secretly working to design massive starship fleets to combat hostile alien battle groups.
It is believed that massive mother ships, possibly two miles long, are operating between the moon and mars supporting alien UFO operations on and under the Earth.
Klemperer believes that some of the alien forces may be from a star system near the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
Additional information is surfacing on the unknown beams being used to distort missile testing at White Sands.
Photographic evidence shows small discs tracking missiles on ~20% of the flights.
Mission test programs being continually blocked and interfered with in multiple ways by alien forces, slowing progress.
During the final phase of Kwajelein Island Nike Zeus test program, missiles being interfered with an prevented from intercepting ICBMs launched from Vanderberg.
Film from theodolite cameras showing alien space projectiles pushing Zeus missiles off trajectory.
Interference continues at least through 2005 into launch failures of Star Wars missiles (updated configuration of Zeus).
Long before Reagan proposed Star Wars program in the 70s, interceptions were successfully being undertaken (1950s), before interference accelerates.
"The Bible" for the secret Douglas Think Tank is Dr. Klemperer’s Unconventional Propulsion Schemes MTM-622 Reports.
This is regarded by some as potentially the comprehensive proof of extraterrestrial involvement and interference information on the planet.
1,442 primarily German imports apparently end up working with Klemperer on the schemes.
Many individuals all over the planet are reportedly receiving similar information (telepathically) and become passionately or desperately impelled to work on electromagnetic anti-gravity propulsion to get off the planet.
The study of MTM-622 reveals to Douglas Think Tank the vast array of potential extraterrestrial threats from multiple alien civilizations, requiring the highest priority need to conceive the most capable intergalactic battle force ever created.
Extraterrestrial involvement between Northrop Grumman and the extraterrestrials is openly known and discussed in the Douglas Think Tank.
Plans are drawn up in the Douglas Think Tank for a one mile long space transport vehicle, among many others for the galactic Navy.
In 1955, Major Keyhoe publishes a second book called The Flying Saucer Conspiracy, shifting his focus of concern from the flying saucers, to the secret silence group in the government orchestrating the conspiracy to conceal the information from the public.
The book featured the possible discovery of an orbiting space base or "moon base", and incorporated information on the Bermuda Triangle disappearances.
The Hopkinsville Goblins Incident, also known as the Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter, is a highly unusual and widely reported case of alleged alien contact and possible attack. On the night of August 21, 1955, in rural Kelly, Kentucky, the Sutton family and their friend Billy Ray Taylor claimed to have been besieged by small, glowing, humanoid beings after witnessing a bright object land nearby. The creatures, described as “goblins,” displayed strange movements and seemed impervious to gunfire. The event lasted several hours and was investigated by law enforcement and military personnel. It remains one of the most compelling and bizarre UFO cases on record.
Why It Matters:
The Hopkinsville Goblins Incident is notable for its detailed witness accounts, physical evidence, and the prolonged nature of the encounter. It also introduced the term "little green men" into popular culture and has become a classic example of high-strangeness phenomena involving UFOs and humanoid entities.
Aviation Week published articles on electrogravitics, reporting that leading aerospace companies were investigating the technology for military applications.
Military Involvement: Allegations arose that electrogravitic principles were secretly tested in classified projects.
The RAF Bentwaters UFO Incident of August 13, 1956, involved a dramatic UFO encounter over one of the UK’s most strategically significant military installations during the height of the Cold War. Multiple radar operators at RAF Bentwaters and nearby RAF Lakenheath tracked an unidentified object performing extraordinary maneuvers at speeds far exceeding conventional aircraft. Witnesses on the ground and in the air corroborated the sightings, with some describing near-collision experiences. Despite being heavily documented, the incident remains officially unexplained, cementing its place as one of the most compelling UFO cases of the era.
Why It Matters:
The RAF Bentwaters Incident stands out for its combination of radar tracking, visual confirmation by military personnel, and interactions with interceptor aircraft. The case demonstrates the inability of military technology to match the performance of unidentified craft, highlighting the phenomenon's implications for national security.
See RAF Bentwaters UFO Incident (1956)
In 1956, Army Lieutenant General Arthur Trudeau, Director of Army Research and Development, former commander of Army Intelligence, develops a proposal called Project Horizon, designed to place a based on the Moon.
Proposal also included study major antenna communications sensor facilities on other planets and their moons.
Note that this is 5 years before JFK's public presentation in 1961 of the plan to go to the moon, that was later known as the Apollo Program.
Many of these types of advanced systems designs from Douglas Think Tank and other groups fed into unsolicited proposals submitted to the US Military for funding.
Funding usually flowed, long before the official government programs became public.
A strange new language of White Hat Aliens and Black Hat Aliens emerges around the planet, from California Engineers to Indigenous Wisdom Keepers.
Perhaps in emerges in one place and spreads. Perhaps not.
Around the world, it becomes apparent to those experientially engaged in interactions with extraterrestrials that there are White Hat aliens helping a network of humans develop spacecraft and spacecraft carriers to help their space battle groups combat the Black Hat aliens that are exploiting and enslaving the Earth.
This assistance to aid individuals in developing vehicles and unconventional propulsions systems to get off the planet and out to the stars apparently dates back at least to the 1930s, and is documented extensively in Klemperer's "Bible" of Unconventional Propulsion Schemes.
Lockheed Skunk Works, a division of Lockheed Martin, is renowned for pioneering classified aerospace projects, including the U-2 spy plane, SR-71 Blackbird, and F-117 Nighthawk. Allegations of extraterrestrial reverse-engineering have surrounded Skunk Works for decades, fueled by comments from its key personnel including Ben Rich.
The Antonio Villas Boas Case is one of the earliest and most controversial alien abduction stories, setting the stage for modern studies of the phenomenon. On October 16, 1957, 23-year-old Brazilian farmer Antonio Villas Boas claimed he was abducted by humanoid beings while working late at night in his fields. He described being taken aboard a craft, subjected to medical procedures, and engaging in a strange, intimate encounter with a humanoid female being. The case is notable for its detailed descriptions, the physical evidence of burns on Villas Boas’s body, and its early date, preceding widespread public awareness of UFO abduction phenomena.
Why It Matters:
The Villas Boas Case provides one of the first detailed accounts of alien abduction, offering insights into the abduction phenomenon before it became widely recognized. The event is also significant for its physical evidence, including burns and symptoms consistent with radiation exposure, and for its striking narrative of interspecies contact.
See The Antonio Villas Boas Case (1957)
The Levelland UFO Wave of November 1957 is one of the most dramatic and well-documented UFO events in history. Over a single night, multiple residents of Levelland, Texas, reported encounters with glowing, egg-shaped objects that disrupted the electrical systems of vehicles, causing engines to stall and headlights to dim. Witnesses included farmers, truck drivers, and police officers, adding credibility to the reports. Despite an official explanation attributing the sightings to "ball lightning" or atmospheric phenomena, the consistent details and large number of witnesses have made the Levelland wave a cornerstone in UFO research.
Why It Matters:
The Levelland UFO Wave is significant for its widespread, independent witnesses and the physical effects reported on vehicles, a hallmark of close encounters. The event highlights the reliability of ordinary citizens’ accounts and remains a pivotal case in discussions about UFO interactions with human technology.
See The Levelland UFO Wave (1957)
Reports of a metallic object near Pretoria spark international interest.
Douglas is not 7 years into research and concepts around Dr. Klemperer's unconventional propulsion schemes.
Numerous spaceships have been designed around those schemes, with the Aim of interstellar travel and battle.
Designs include vehicles 40x larger than the Apollo Saturn vehicles, built to wage interstellar warfare.
This galactic navy was being designed in response to incoming floods of information suggesting that for millennia, extremely advanced extraterrestrial beings had been building space battleships / motherships, now parked in our orbit, which posed an existential threat to humanity and the planet.
By now, it was believed by some of those involved that we were dealing with multiple warring alien militaries, who controlled at least hundreds of thousands of planets, and who had been controlling humanity and warring for control of our planet, continually, for thousands of years.
A system of receiving antennas was designed to cover our planet to create a system for detecting incoming alien attack, and notify the ballistic missile defense systems that were under design.
Note that trees may also be able to be used for this purpose, and that organic matter can relay signals biologically.
In 1957, Soviet's launch Sputnik 1.
UFOs reportedly follow the Soviet Union’s first artificial satellite.
JFK is reportedly "given permission" by aliens to leave Earth.
In February 1958, the US Department of Defense creates the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) to develop emerging technologies for use by military.
Name is changed to Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1972, back to ARPA in 1993, then back to DARPA in 1996.
DARPA, advancing alien and human technologies, aids in the creation of weather satellites, GPS, drones, stealth technology, voice interfaces, the personal computer, and the internet.
In January 1958, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and and the U.S. Army deploy portable radio tracking stations around the world to track and receive telemetry from Explorer 1.
December 3, 1958 - JPL transferred from US Army to NASA.
Assumes responsibility for design / execution / operation of what becomes NASA Deep Space Network to accommodate all deep space missions.
After extensive studies, the Brookings Institute submits a report to NASA and the Navy.
The report adamantly reinforces the need for NASA and the military to continue to conspire to develop and maintain programs for top-secret control over all information and references to the extraterrestrial threat.
The report concluded that “disclosing the threat will affect people all over the world causing social destruction of the planet.”
First human spaceflight program.
Soviet hikers die under mysterious circumstances, with UFO sightings reported in the area.
The Montauk Project refers to alleged secret experiments conducted at Montauk Air Force Station on Long Island, New York, during the Cold War. These experiments, said to involve time travel, mind control, and extraterrestrial technology, have become a cornerstone of modern conspiracy theories. Whistleblowers and researchers claim that the project built upon the infamous Philadelphia Experiment, further exploring the manipulation of space-time and human consciousness. The tales of the Montauk Project gained public attention through Preston Nichols' book series, which ties the project to government collusion with non-human entities and the development of advanced weaponry.
If true, the Montauk Project represents a nexus of military, extraterrestrial, and interdimensional phenomena, offering insights into the limits of human experimentation and the potential of non-linear space-time technologies. Its implications touch on ethics, secrecy, and the integration of non-human intelligence into military operations.
See The Montauk Project (1960s–1980s)
Following the alleged cessation of the The Montauk Project (1960s–1980s), reports persist of continued covert research into advanced technologies, including time travel, teleportation, mind control, and interdimensional exploration. These projects, supposedly carried out under the umbrella of black budget programs, are claimed to involve multinational collaborations, private contractors, and even non-human intelligences. While many of the details remain speculative or unverified, whistleblowers and researchers suggest that the closure of Montauk marked the transition to more decentralized and secretive operations at undisclosed locations worldwide.
The continuation of Montauk-related research represents an alleged fusion of suppressed physics, non-human intelligence, and the limits of human understanding of time, consciousness, and the fabric of reality. These activities are said to tie directly into global agendas, including technological breakthroughs, military supremacy, and questions of ethical oversight.
See The Legacy of Montauk - Advanced Research After the Montauk Project (1980s–Present)
During the height of the Cold War and the Soviet space program’s golden age, cosmonauts frequently reported encounters with unidentified flying objects and unexplained phenomena in space. These accounts, often corroborated by mission data and other crew members, describe advanced maneuvers, glowing orbs, and even humanoid apparitions. While these sightings remain shrouded in secrecy due to the Soviet Union's strict controls, declassified reports and firsthand testimonies provide compelling evidence of UFO activity observed by some of humanity's most trained and credible witnesses.
Why It Matters:
The sightings by Soviet cosmonauts, individuals with rigorous training and scientific expertise, add significant weight to the UFO phenomenon. These encounters occurred in space—an environment where natural misidentifications are minimized—highlighting the global nature of UFO activity and its potential implications for humanity.
See UFOs and the Soviet Cosmonauts’ Sightings (1960s–1980s)
Building upon the work of the last decade by the Douglas Think Tank and Military Industrial Complex, in 1960 President Eisenhower's administration approved next steps following Project Mercury progress.
May 25, 1961, President Kennedy delivers the famous address to congress calling for landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to Earth.
Subsequently evolved into the Apollo program.
Aimed to extend spaceflight capabilities in support of Apollo.
The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction is the first widely publicized case of an alien abduction in the United States and remains one of the most compelling and controversial UFO encounters in history. On the night of September 19, 1961, the Hills were traveling through rural New Hampshire when they observed a strange light in the sky that seemed to follow their car. The light eventually revealed itself as a craft, leading to a period of missing time and fragmented memories. Under hypnosis, the Hills recounted being taken aboard the craft, examined by humanoid beings, and shown a "star map" indicating the visitors' origins. This case introduced many of the now-familiar elements of alien abduction lore.
Why It Matters:
The Hill abduction is a cornerstone of UFO studies, shaping public perceptions of extraterrestrial encounters. With its detailed witness accounts, hypnosis sessions, and the iconic star map, it remains a deeply studied and debated case, laying the groundwork for modern abduction research.
In his farewell address on January 17, 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower delivered a stark warning about the rising power of the "military-industrial complex" and its potential to undermine democracy. Beyond its overt meaning, researchers and insiders suggest that Eisenhower’s speech subtly alluded to covert activities involving extraterrestrial technology, secret agreements with alien groups, and the growing influence of unaccountable forces within the U.S. government. These concerns, coupled with Eisenhower's alleged direct interactions with alien beings, underscore his prescient warning as a pivotal moment in understanding the nexus of extraterrestrial phenomena and human governance.
Why It Matters:
Eisenhower’s farewell address is not only a historical warning against unchecked power but also a potential key to understanding the covert connections between governments, military institutions, and extraterrestrial entities. His speech remains a cornerstone for those investigating the intersection of alien technology, corporate control, and the erosion of public accountability.
American's do not comprehend or heed the warning.
See Eisenhower’s Farewell Warning (1961)
During the Vietnam War, U.S. soldiers reported encounters with humanoid reptilian beings in the dense jungles and tunnel systems of Southeast Asia. Described as towering, scaled, and possessing glowing eyes, these beings were said to demonstrate intelligence and territorial behavior. Local villagers corroborated these accounts with long-standing legends of reptilian creatures inhabiting the region’s caves and jungles. Soldiers and engineers reported tunnels extending beyond human-made networks, some containing strange carvings, hieroglyphic-like symbols, and artifacts suggesting advanced, non-human intelligence. These encounters remain among the most mysterious and chilling aspects of the Vietnam War, blending local lore, military testimony, and indications of ancient subterranean civilizations.
Why It Matters:
The Vietnam War reptilian encounters are significant due to the credible accounts from U.S. soldiers and local villagers, the discovery of unexplained underground structures, and the global pattern of similar reports. If these events represent genuine encounters with a hidden species, they challenge fundamental assumptions about Earth's history, biology, and the scope of human knowledge.
See Reptilian Encounters by U.S. Soldiers in Vietnam (1960s–1970s)
Throughout North America, there have been numerous reports of reptilian humanoid beings, often in connection with mysterious underground structures, UFO activity, and unexplained phenomena. Witness accounts describe beings ranging from 6 to 8 feet tall with scaly skin, glowing eyes, and an air of intelligence. These encounters often occur in remote areas, caves, or forests and are frequently accompanied by electromagnetic anomalies, strange symbols, and advanced artifacts.
Why It Matters:
The North American reptilian encounters echo global reports of advanced, non-human intelligences, suggesting a widespread presence of these beings. These accounts often correlate with local legends, cryptic cave systems, and UFO sightings, contributing to a larger understanding of subterranean and extraterrestrial activity.
See Reptilian Encounters in North America (Various Dates)
Across diverse cultures and civilizations, stories of reptilian beings are a recurring theme in mythology, folklore, and oral traditions. Indigenous groups from North America, Central and South America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania describe serpent-like or reptilian entities as powerful, enigmatic figures. These beings are often depicted as both guardians of sacred knowledge and formidable adversaries. Their prominence in ancient narratives raises questions about their origins and potential connections to modern reports of reptilian encounters.
Why It Matters:
The widespread presence of reptilian lore in indigenous mythology suggests that these beings occupy a deep, shared space in the collective human experience. These stories may offer insight into humanity's ancient interactions with advanced, non-human intelligences, while potentially linking historical accounts to contemporary reptilian sightings.
See Reptilian Lore in Indigenous Mythology
The Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962, one of the most perilous moments in human history, coincided with a series of reported UFO sightings near nuclear missile sites in the United States, the Soviet Union, and the Caribbean. Witnesses, including military personnel, described unidentified craft performing advanced maneuvers in restricted airspace. These sightings have led to speculation about extraterrestrial monitoring or intervention during one of humanity's most dangerous nuclear standoffs.
Why It Matters:
The connection between UFO activity and nuclear weapons has long been noted, but the timing of these sightings during the Cuban Missile Crisis adds a layer of intrigue. If extraterrestrial craft were present, their role—whether as observers, mediators, or something else—raises profound questions about the nature of their interest in humanity’s nuclear capabilities and conflicts.
See UFOs and the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
The Apollo moon missions were small public releases to lay the foundations for the Deep Space Exploratory Interstellar missions that had been in planning for over a decade by Douglas Think Tank and the Military Industrial Complex.
Christmas Even, 1963 - public announcement of Deep Space Network intention to send missions into deep space.
During his orbit of Earth, Glenn sees strange glowing objects.
The people who knew too much about the situation and wanted to talk about it were taken out.
After Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, assassinations of prominent figures by the deep state continued, notably:
August 5, 1962 - Marilyn Monroe, who had intimate relationships with both John and Robert Kennedy, killed in the bed she had shared with them.
November 22, 1963 - Dallas - President John F. Kennedy assassinated.
Assassinated at hotel by Lockheed security switched onto security team. According to autopsy was shot at point blank range from behind with contact wounds (gun directly on skin or clothes), contrary to story maintained by government and media to this day.
In August 1964, the Fascist Security State lied to Congress and the US public about an attack on a US Navy Destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Following the reported incidents, President Lyndon B. Johnson sought congressional approval for increased military action. On August 7, 1964, the U.S. Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
The resolution authorized the president to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against U.S. forces and prevent further aggression. This effectively granted Johnson broad war powers and led to the escalation of U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident and the subsequent resolution marked a turning point, leading to a full-scale American commitment to the Vietnam War, which resulted in significant tragedy over the next decade.
In 2005, the National Security Agency (NSA) released a report concluding that the second Gulf of Tonkin incident likely never happened.
Dr. Robert Jacobs shoots a 35mm film showing a flying saucer shooting a nuclear test missile out of the sky.
The video shows the UFO doing circles around the missile before zapping it with three beams of light, and knocking it off course / crashing.
The Socorro Incident is one of the most well-documented UFO encounters, involving a credible witness, physical evidence, and a detailed investigative response. On April 24, 1964, Police Officer Lonnie Zamora observed an oval-shaped craft and two small humanoid figures in the desert near Socorro, New Mexico. The event left ground markings, scorched vegetation, and remains classified as an “unknown” in the U.S. Air Force’s Project Blue Book files.
The Socorro Incident marked a milestone in UFO investigations due to its compelling physical evidence and the unimpeachable credibility of Officer Lonnie Zamora. Occurring amidst growing public interest in UFO phenomena, the event galvanized researchers within and beyond Project Blue Book to grapple with the reality of unexplained aerial phenomena. It remains a cornerstone case, pointing toward patterns of interaction between unknown entities and humanity.
The Socorro Incident - Lonnie Zamora Encounter (April 24, 1964)
The Exeter Incident is a landmark UFO case that occurred on September 3, 1965, near Exeter, New Hampshire. It began with a terrified teenager, Norman Muscarello, reporting a close encounter with a large, glowing, and silent object hovering near him in a field. His account was soon corroborated by two local police officers, who witnessed the same object performing extraordinary maneuvers. The case, investigated by the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue Book, remains one of the most credible UFO sightings, supported by multiple witnesses and extensive documentation.
Why It Matters:
The Exeter Incident is one of the most compelling UFO cases due to its credible witnesses, including law enforcement officers, and its well-documented investigation. It contributed significantly to the public's awareness of UFO phenomena and added pressure on authorities to address the growing number of unexplained sightings.
See The Exeter Incident, New Hampshire (1965)
The Valensole Incident is a renowned UFO case involving a close encounter with humanoid beings and physical evidence left at the landing site. On July 1, 1965, Maurice Masse, a farmer in Valensole, France, reported witnessing a craft land in his lavender field and encountering two small humanoid beings. The craft left a visible imprint in the soil, which was later analyzed by investigators. The case stands out for its credible witness, detailed descriptions, and physical trace evidence, making it one of the most compelling UFO encounters of its time.
Why It Matters:
The Valensole Incident provides a rare combination of eyewitness testimony and physical evidence. Maurice Masse’s credibility as a respected farmer and the detailed account of his encounter with humanoid beings lend significant weight to this case. The physical traces left at the site have been widely studied, further solidifying its place in UFO research.
See The Valensole Incident (1965)
In Texas, sightings of mysterious lights intensify, and gain scientific attention.
The Kecksburg UFO Incident, often called "Pennsylvania's Roswell," occurred on December 9, 1965, when a fiery object streaked across the skies over North America and crashed near the small town of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Witnesses described a bell-shaped metallic object partially embedded in the ground, adorned with strange hieroglyphic-like symbols. Military personnel quickly descended on the site, cordoning off the area, confiscating evidence, and removing the object under heavy secrecy. Official explanations claimed it was a meteor or space debris, but the incident remains shrouded in mystery, fueling speculation of extraterrestrial origin or advanced technology.
Why It Matters:
The Kecksburg Incident represents a textbook example of alleged government secrecy and rapid military response to a UFO event. Its peculiar details, including the bell-shaped craft and hieroglyphic markings, have drawn comparisons to Nazi "Die Glocke" technology and other unexplained artifacts. The case has become a key piece of UFO lore, highlighting the tension between public curiosity and official denials.
See The Kecksburg UFO Incident (1965)
The Edwards Air Force Base Landing is a landmark UFO case involving a reported close encounter with an unidentified craft that landed on the highly secure military installation. On October 7, 1965, multiple military personnel observed a luminous, disc-shaped object performing extraordinary aerial maneuvers before landing on the base. Radar operators confirmed the craft’s presence, and ground personnel provided detailed descriptions of its structure and behavior. This incident, documented through military records and audio recordings, remains one of the most credible UFO cases in U.S. history.
Why It Matters:
This case underscores the interaction between UFOs and military installations, with credible witnesses, corroborating radar data, and a reported landing on a sensitive U.S. Air Force base. The Edwards incident highlights the recurring theme of UFOs deliberately engaging with highly secure locations, raising questions about their intent and technological capabilities.
See The Edwards Air Force Base Landing (1965)
The Gemini missions of the mid-1960s, pivotal in advancing space exploration, also became a focal point for UFO phenomena. Astronauts aboard Gemini spacecraft reported multiple sightings of unidentified flying objects exhibiting extraordinary behaviors. These accounts, coupled with mission transcripts, photographs, and public interest, sparked intrigue and controversy. While NASA officially dismissed the sightings as reflections, space debris, or natural phenomena, many researchers view the Gemini UFO encounters as some of the most credible astronaut-reported UFO incidents.
Why It Matters:
The Gemini UFO sightings stand out for their context: highly trained astronauts encountering unexplained phenomena in the vacuum of space, where natural misidentifications are less likely. These incidents provide compelling evidence that UFO phenomena extend beyond Earth's atmosphere, challenging conventional explanations.
See UFOs and NASA’s Gemini Missions (1965-1966)
In 1988, Bill Cooper states that when he was serving aboard the USS Tiru in 1966, he and other Navy sailors witnessed a metal craft "larger than a football field" repeatedly enter and exit the water. They are instructed by superiors never to speak of the incident.
The Westall UFO Encounter is one of the most credible and well-documented mass UFO sightings in modern history. On April 6, 1966, over 200 students and teachers at Westall High School in Melbourne, Australia, observed a metallic, saucer-shaped craft hovering over their schoolyard. The object descended into a nearby field, leaving behind scorched grass and strange impressions, before ascending at incredible speed and disappearing. Despite immediate military and governmental involvement, as well as conflicting official explanations, the sheer number of witnesses and the physical evidence make Westall a landmark event in UFO history.
Why It Matters:
The Westall UFO Encounter stands out for its mass of witnesses, physical traces, and reports of governmental suppression of evidence. It raises critical questions about institutional responses to unexplained phenomena and offers a rare opportunity to study the societal impact of UFO events.
See The Westall UFO Encounter (1966)
The Tully Saucer Nest is a renowned UFO case that occurred in Horseshoe Lagoon near Tully, Queensland, Australia. On January 19, 1966, a farmer named George Pedley reported seeing a metallic, disc-shaped object rise silently from a lagoon and vanish into the sky. Upon inspection, Pedley discovered a large, flattened circle of reeds in the water, which appeared to have been formed by a powerful force. The incident garnered international attention and is often cited as one of the earliest and most credible cases involving "crop circles" or similar physical trace phenomena.
Why It Matters:
The Tully Saucer Nest is significant because it combines a credible eyewitness account with compelling physical evidence. This case was pivotal in connecting UFO sightings to physical environmental changes and is considered a precursor to modern crop circle phenomena.
See The Tully Saucer Nest (1966)
The Portage County UFO Chase is one of the most dramatic UFO encounters on record, involving a high-speed pursuit by law enforcement officers across multiple counties in Ohio and Pennsylvania on April 17, 1966. Deputies Dale Spaur and Wilbur "Barney" Neff witnessed a glowing, disc-shaped object that rose from a nearby field and accelerated into the sky. What began as a routine investigation turned into a harrowing 86-mile chase, with the officers following the object at speeds exceeding 100 mph. The event remains a cornerstone case in UFO history, marked by credible witnesses, official denials, and lasting psychological impacts on those involved.
Why It Matters:
The Portage County UFO Chase is significant because it demonstrates how UFO sightings can escalate into extended, multi-witness events involving law enforcement. The credibility of the officers, corroborated accounts from additional witnesses, and the strange aftermath highlight the enduring enigma of UFO phenomena.
See The Portage County UFO Chase (1966)
The Mothman Sightings in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, from November 1966 to December 1967, are among the most iconic cases of cryptid encounters. Witnesses reported a large, humanoid creature with glowing red eyes and expansive wings, often seen flying or perching near remote areas like the TNT Area. The phenomena culminated in the tragic collapse of the Silver Bridge on December 15, 1967, leading some to associate the Mothman with disaster warnings. These events have sparked decades of speculation, research, and cultural fascination.
Why It Matters:
The Mothman Sightings blend cryptid lore, UFO phenomena, and potential precognition, creating one of the most complex and enigmatic cases in paranormal history. The overlap with other unexplained phenomena, including UFO sightings and Men in Black reports, suggests a broader context of interdimensional or extraterrestrial influence.
See The Mothman Sightings (1966–1967)
The Malmstrom Air Force Base Missile Shutdown is a compelling UFO case involving the unprecedented and unexplained deactivation of nuclear missiles at a U.S. Air Force installation in Montana. On March 24, 1967, multiple witnesses, including Air Force personnel, reported sightings of a glowing, red-orange UFO hovering near the base. Shortly thereafter, ten Minuteman nuclear missiles in a launch facility suddenly went offline, leaving no technical explanation. The case highlights the intersection of UFO phenomena with nuclear security and raises profound questions about extraterrestrial interest in human weaponry.
Why It Matters:
This event is one of the most credible UFO incidents due to the involvement of military witnesses, the direct impact on nuclear weapons, and the documentation of the event in declassified government reports. It underscores a pattern of UFOs interacting with or disabling nuclear technology, suggesting an interest in humanity’s capacity for mass destruction.
See The Malmstrom Air Force Base Missile Shutdown (1967)
The 1967 Michigan "Swamp Gas" Wave was a series of UFO sightings that swept across Michigan and neighboring states, peaking in March 1967. Witnesses described strange lights, hovering objects, and aerial maneuvers over rural areas and college campuses. The U.S. Air Force and Project Blue Book investigated the reports, with consultant Dr. J. Allen Hynek controversially attributing some sightings to "swamp gas," a statement that sparked public outrage and skepticism, cementing the term in UFO lore.
Why It Matters:
The Michigan "Swamp Gas" Wave became a pivotal moment in the UFO phenomenon, highlighting tensions between public perception, witness credibility, and official explanations. The controversy surrounding Hynek’s statement exposed the growing disconnect between investigators and the public, ultimately contributing to the push for greater transparency in UFO research.
See The 1967 Michigan "Swamp Gas" Wave
The Falcon Lake Incident is one of Canada’s most famous UFO cases, involving a close encounter between a solitary prospector and an unidentified flying object that left physical evidence and health effects. On May 20, 1967, Stefan Michalak, an amateur geologist, encountered a landed UFO near Falcon Lake, Manitoba. When he approached the craft, it emitted a blast of hot gas, burning him and leaving a grid-like pattern on his chest. The case gained international attention for its credible witness, corroborating physical evidence, and long-term health effects, making it one of the most compelling UFO encounters in North America.
Why It Matters:
The Falcon Lake Incident stands out due to its credible witness, detailed evidence, and significant physiological effects on Stefan Michalak. The case is notable for its physical traces, including radiation hotspots at the encounter site, and its implications for the study of UFOs as physical phenomena with tangible impacts on humans and the environment.
See The Falcon Lake Incident (1967)
The Shag Harbour Incident, often called “Canada’s Roswell,” is one of the most well-documented UFO cases in history. On the evening of October 4, 1967, multiple witnesses reported seeing a glowing, low-flying object crash into the waters of Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia. The event was confirmed by Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officers and civilian witnesses. Despite an immediate search-and-rescue operation, no debris or occupants were recovered, but military divers later claimed to have observed an unidentified object underwater. The case remains officially classified as an “unsolved aerial sighting.”
Why It Matters:
The Shag Harbour Incident is significant for the high level of corroboration from civilian, police, and military sources. It highlights the inability of conventional authorities to explain the event, suggesting it involved advanced, unidentified technology. The case is notable for its transparency, as it was openly acknowledged and investigated by Canadian authorities.
See The Shag Harbour Incident (1967)
The Andreasson Affair is one of the most detailed and enigmatic alien abduction cases ever recorded. On the evening of January 25, 1967, Betty Andreasson, a deeply religious woman living in South Ashburnham, Massachusetts, claimed to have been taken aboard an alien craft during a surreal encounter in her home. The beings, described as small and gray with large heads and mesmerizing eyes, communicated telepathically and conducted examinations on Betty. The experience was replete with vivid, spiritual overtones, including visions of otherworldly landscapes and profound symbolic imagery. The case is remarkable for its extensive documentation, including over 12 hours of hypnosis sessions and polygraph tests, and its unique blend of the spiritual and the extraterrestrial.
Why It Matters:
The Andreasson Affair stands out for its richly detailed narrative, blending elements of alien abduction with spiritual and metaphysical themes. The case challenges conventional interpretations of UFO phenomena, suggesting a connection between extraterrestrial encounters and profound, transformative experiences.
See The Betty Andreasson Affair (1967)
The Minot Air Force Base Incident of October 24, 1968, is a highly credible UFO encounter involving multiple military witnesses, radar confirmation, and interaction with nuclear missile systems. Air Force personnel stationed at the base in North Dakota reported seeing a glowing, dome-shaped craft near the missile silos. The UFO was observed visually and tracked on radar, performing maneuvers beyond the capabilities of any known human technology. The case underscores the recurring pattern of UFO activity around nuclear facilities and remains one of the most well-documented military UFO events.
Why It Matters:
The Minot Air Force Base Incident highlights the intersection of UFO phenomena with nuclear security, involving multiple reliable witnesses, corroborating radar data, and interactions with strategic assets. It adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting extraterrestrial monitoring of humanity's nuclear capabilities.
See The Minot Air Force Base Incident (1968)
Erich von Däniken popularizes the ancient astronaut theory.
Manipulated report out of University of Colorado. Concluded there was no scientific value in UFO studies, despite evidence to the contrary. A memo is uncovered from a committee member assuring university administrators that the study would confirm that UFO phenomena had no basis in reality. https://archive.is/CsJjX
Critics accuse the Air Force of bias in downplaying UFO significance.
UFOs (oval shaped form with glowing light) took control of and then disabled minute man nuclear missiles at a U.S. Air Force base in Montana. (Robert Salas +)
Col. Fred Meiwald tells Salas a similar takeover occurred 8 days before at another base.
Colonel Arnie Arnoldson, commander at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana...
...reports to NORAD that UFOs had come over the base and shut off all 10 minute man missiles.
NORAD reports back to Colonel Arnoldson that the minute man sites to both the East and West of him also had their missiles shut off by UFOs.
Danny Sheehan talked to Colonel Anderson.
These types of events, and those courageous enough to report them, end up being punished by being commanded by the military to undertake psychiatric examinations. They are sent to Harvard Medical School primarily, where Chairman John Mack interviews and examines them.
John Mack begins to undertake the examinations of military personnel sent to Harvard for examination.
He is initially skeptical, and ends up finding that these first hand witnesses are entirely normal psychologically, and so profoundly moved by their experiences that they are compelled to talk about them despite military orders to be silent about it.
John Mack is disturbed by this, calls his mother who is ~90, who suggests she go see the son of their family friends the Hopkins family.
This turns out to be Bud Hopkins, who has been studying and interviewing experiences for years.
Bud ends up sending some highly credible people to him, teachers, librarians, lawyers, police officers, etc.
As John starts interviewing, begins to believe these highly credible people are actually relating truthful experiences.
USSR scientists privately document UFO activity near military installations.
Future U.S. President reports witnessing a UFO.
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin described seeing a UFO during the Apollo 11 mission. While NASA officially denied the claim, Aldrin’s account adds to a substantial pattern of astronaut observations.
In 1969, US government takes the public position that UFOs pose no threat and are not worthy of further study.
The U.S. Air Force claims it is ceasing UFO investigations, concluding most sightings were explainable.
In the 1970s, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), the highly secure military installation tasked with detecting and defending against aerial threats, became a focal point for unexplained UFO activity. Personnel reported sightings of unidentified craft exhibiting advanced maneuvers and capabilities beyond known human technology. These encounters, which occurred at some of the most sensitive defense installations in North America, raised concerns about the security and intent of these objects. Despite numerous eyewitness accounts and internal reports, NORAD maintained strict secrecy, officially dismissing the phenomena as misidentified aircraft or weather anomalies.
Why It Matters:
The UFO sightings at NORAD facilities highlight the phenomenon's potential implications for national security. Occurring at highly classified and secure locations, these incidents challenge the notion that UFOs are simply the result of public misidentifications and suggest advanced surveillance of critical defense infrastructure.
See UFOs at NORAD Facilities (1970s)
In the 1970s, a series of extraordinary UFO encounters unfolded across remote farms in Brazil, involving entire families who reported sightings of strange craft, physical effects, and interactions with non-human entities. These encounters, often marked by fear, fascination, and lasting impacts on the witnesses, have become a cornerstone of Brazilian ufology. The Family Encounter Cases are unique in their emphasis on group experiences, physical evidence, and recurring phenomena that defy conventional explanations.
Why It Matters:
The Family Encounter Cases highlight the intersection of physical UFO activity and deeply personal, transformative experiences for entire groups of witnesses. These incidents provide rich opportunities for research into the collective aspects of UFO encounters, bridging the gap between physical evidence and human impact.
See The Family Encounter Cases (Brazilian Farms, 1970s)
Crop Circles are intricate, often geometric formations appearing in crop fields worldwide, with reports increasing dramatically since the 1970s. While some have been debunked as hoaxes, others defy explanation due to their complexity, precision, and unusual physical effects on the plants and soil. Often linked to UFO phenomena and unexplained energy patterns, crop circles remain a global mystery that bridges art, science, and the paranormal.
Why It Matters:
Crop Circles challenge conventional understanding by combining artistry, science, and mystery. The phenomena provoke questions about advanced technology, extraterrestrial messages, or interdimensional forces, and have become an enduring symbol of humanity's fascination with the unknown.
See Crop Circles - Mysterious Formations (1970s-Present)
Photos emerge of UFOs hovering over Arctic waters.
The Imjärvi Snow Case is one of Finland's most enigmatic UFO encounters, involving two men who experienced a close encounter with a mysterious flying object in snowy conditions. On January 7, 1970, Esko Viljo and Reino Viirto were skiing near Imjärvi when they saw a bright, dome-shaped craft descend and hover close to the ground. A strange beam of light emanated from the craft, briefly incapacitating them. The case is notable for its physical and physiological effects on the witnesses and remains a cornerstone of Nordic UFO research.
Why It Matters:
The Imjärvi Snow Case stands out for its credible witnesses, the apparent physiological effects they experienced, and its enduring mystery. The case is often cited in discussions of UFOs causing temporary paralysis or other physical impacts on humans. It remains one of Finland’s most discussed UFO events.
See The Imjärvi Snow Case (1970)
A survey team captures one of the clearest UFO images ever.
The Delphos Ring Case is a prominent UFO incident distinguished by its physical evidence and witness credibility. On the evening of November 2, 1971, 16-year-old Ron Johnson witnessed a glowing, mushroom-shaped object hovering over his family’s farm near Delphos, Kansas. After a few moments, the craft emitted a blinding light and ascended into the sky, leaving behind a glowing ring on the ground. The soil and vegetation within the ring displayed unusual characteristics that have been the subject of extensive scientific analysis. This case remains one of the most compelling examples of UFO-related physical evidence.
Why It Matters:
The Delphos Ring Case is a cornerstone of UFO research due to the documented physical effects on the environment, which included soil hydrophobicity (repelling water), glowing properties, and plant abnormalities. The incident is often cited in discussions of trace evidence left behind by UFOs, reinforcing the hypothesis that these phenomena involve advanced technologies with measurable impacts.
See The Delphos Ring Case (1971)
"PROJECT SNOWBIRD: (PROWORD: XXXXXX Originally established in 1972. Its mission was to test fly a recovered Alien aircraft. This project is continuing in Nevada."
Over time, Army and Navy pilots identify and report at least 160 different kinds of unknown alien craft.
Some of the massive star ships are "obviously capable of crossing the galaxy."
It becomes clear to the US military elite and think tank participants that there are multiple different advanced alien civilizations in the galaxy, engaged in wars that threaten the integrity and sovereignty of Earth, the outcomes of which are pivotal to the future of the human species.
Further, it is clear that these advanced civilizations developed the ability (at least thousands of years ago) to move at least through the galaxy and between star systems, and war over and conquer worlds with weapons thousands of years ahead of Earthian technology.
Klemperer advises in the 1950s that "only a fool would fail to recognize that there could be hundreds of different extraterrestrial cultures out there, and some may be extremely hostile."
The 1973 North American UFO Wave was one of the most intense and widespread flurries of UFO activity ever reported, spanning from late summer to early winter. Sightings were concentrated in the United States but also extended into Canada and Mexico. Reports ranged from glowing orbs and triangular craft to encounters with humanoid beings. The wave included notable incidents such as the Pascagoula Abduction, the Coyne Helicopter Incident, and the Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker encounter, capturing national attention and reigniting debates about extraterrestrial visitation.
Why It Matters:
The 1973 UFO wave underscored the complexity and diversity of the phenomenon, with high-profile cases involving multiple witnesses, physical evidence, and radar confirmation. It remains a pivotal moment in UFO history, demonstrating the persistence of unexplained aerial phenomena and influencing public and scientific discourse.
See The 1973 North American UFO Wave
A UFO shines a beam on a military helicopter, halting its descent.
The Pascagoula Abduction is one of the most chilling and well-documented alien abduction cases on record. On the night of October 11, 1973, two men, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, were fishing along the Pascagoula River in Mississippi when they were allegedly abducted by strange beings and taken aboard a craft. The beings were described as humanoid but robotic in appearance, with claw-like hands and wrinkled, gray skin. Despite their terror, both men reported being subjected to medical examinations before being returned to the riverbank. The case gained national attention due to the men’s consistent and emotionally charged accounts, corroborated by a secretly recorded conversation at the police station.
Why It Matters:
The Pascagoula Abduction stands out for the credibility of its witnesses, the unique description of the beings, and the corroborating evidence of the men's emotional distress. It has become a cornerstone case in UFO abduction studies, offering rare insights into non-human entities and their alleged interactions with humans.
SeeThe Pascagoula Abduction (1973)
The Coyame UFO Crash is a mysterious and controversial incident that reportedly occurred on August 25, 1974, near the small town of Coyame in the Chihuahua Desert, Mexico. A mid-air collision between a small civilian aircraft and an unidentified flying object is said to have resulted in the crash of both vehicles. Mexican authorities allegedly recovered the UFO but were soon met by U.S. military forces, who swiftly intervened. Accounts suggest that all Mexican personnel involved in the recovery perished under mysterious circumstances, fueling speculation of extraterrestrial involvement and a possible cover-up.
Why It Matters:
The Coyame UFO Crash remains one of the most intriguing UFO crash-retrieval cases. Its mix of reported military involvement, unexplained deaths, and claims of U.S. intervention highlight patterns of secrecy and suppression often alleged in UFO phenomena. It also raises questions about the level of collaboration—or tension—between nations in dealing with extraterrestrial encounters.
See The Coyame UFO Crash, Mexico (1974)
On the evening of January 23, 1974, residents near the Berwyn Mountains in Wales experienced what many believe to be a UFO crash. The incident involved reports of a loud explosion, tremors, and strange lights seen on the mountainside. While authorities attributed the events to a meteorite or an earthquake coupled with poachers’ activities, UFO researchers have pointed to discrepancies in official explanations, eyewitness accounts of strange craft, and subsequent military activity in the area. Often referred to as "the Welsh Roswell," the Berwyn Mountain Incident remains one of the UK’s most intriguing UFO mysteries.
Why It Matters:
The Berwyn Mountain Incident is notable for its combination of physical effects, such as seismic activity, unexplained lights, and credible witness testimonies. The alleged military involvement and lack of conclusive explanations have fueled speculation about extraterrestrial visitation and government cover-ups in the UK.
See The Berwyn Mountain Incident, Wales (1974)
Official research into UFO phenomena begins in Beijing.
In 1975, a series of extraordinary UFO incursions occurred as alien craft descended on every Strategic Air Command (SAC) base guarding the perimeter of the northern United States, including Loring Air Force Base in Maine and Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. Alien craft hovered over nuclear weapons storage areas for hours on multiple nights, disabling missile systems, and evading fighter jets and helicopters sent to intercept them. The incidents resulted in significant disruption to base operations and raised alarms about the vulnerability of U.S. nuclear facilities. These events, meticulously documented in a 150-page report, remain among the most significant UFO cases tied to nuclear security.
Why It Matters:
These incidents highlight the recurring correlation between UFO activity and nuclear weaponry. The 1975 incursions underscored the apparent technological superiority of the unidentified craft and their focused interest in humanity’s nuclear arsenal. They also revealed the inadequacy of contemporary military defenses in addressing such encounters.
See The Northern U.S. Strategic Air Command UFO Incursions (1975)
In October 1975, Loring Air Force Base in Maine—a strategic site housing nuclear weapons—became the focus of a series of unexplained UFO incursions. Over several nights, unidentified objects violated the base's restricted airspace, hovering near nuclear storage facilities and evading military responses. Descriptions of the objects included bright lights and advanced maneuvers that defied conventional aircraft capabilities. Despite extensive investigations, no clear explanation was provided, and the events remain one of the most compelling cases linking UFO activity to nuclear security concerns.
Why It Matters:
The Loring Air Force Base incidents are significant due to their connection with nuclear weaponry and national security. The events highlight the inability of advanced military systems to counter or even fully comprehend the nature of these intrusions, raising questions about the relationship between UFOs and humanity’s nuclear arsenal.
See The Loring Air Force Base Incidents (1975)
The Travis Walton Abduction is one of the most controversial and well-documented alien abduction cases in history. On November 5, 1975, Walton, a 22-year-old logger, vanished near Snowflake, Arizona, after a close encounter with a UFO witnessed by six coworkers. Walton reappeared five days later, disoriented and with fragmented memories of being aboard a craft. The case gained national attention due to its multiple witnesses, Walton's detailed recollections, and the polygraph tests taken by the logging crew. The incident remains a cornerstone of abduction research, polarizing skeptics and believers alike.
Why It Matters:
The Walton abduction is unique for its combination of multiple witnesses, corroborated testimony, and the extraordinary circumstances of Walton's disappearance and return. It highlights the emotional and psychological toll such encounters can have and underscores the challenges of proving—or disproving—extraordinary claims.
See The Travis Walton Abduction (1975)
The Tehran UFO Intercept is one of the most well-documented military encounters with a UFO, involving advanced technology that outmaneuvered Iranian fighter jets and disrupted their weapon and communication systems. On the night of September 19, 1976, Iranian Air Force pilots attempted to intercept a luminous object over the capital city of Tehran. The UFO displayed extraordinary speed, agility, and electromagnetic interference capabilities. This event, corroborated by radar operators, pilots, and civilian witnesses, remains a key case in UFO research due to its multiple sources of verification and detailed military records.
Why It Matters:
The Tehran UFO Intercept highlights the limitations of modern military technology against unidentified aerial phenomena. With corroborating evidence from radar, visual sightings, and system malfunctions, the event underscores the recurring theme of UFOs demonstrating advanced capabilities that far exceed human technology.
See The Tehran UFO Intercept (1976)
The Allagash Abductions is one of the most compelling and well-documented cases of alien abduction. On the night of August 20, 1976, four friends—Jim Weiner, Jack Weiner, Chuck Rak, and Charlie Foltz—experienced a terrifying close encounter while camping in the remote wilderness of Maine. After observing a glowing object above a lake, the group found themselves missing several hours of time. Years later, under hypnosis, the men recalled being taken aboard an extraterrestrial craft and subjected to invasive examinations. The consistency of their testimonies, combined with the physical and psychological effects they experienced, makes this one of the most studied abduction cases in history.
Why It Matters:
The Allagash Abductions stand out for the corroboration between multiple witnesses, all of whom independently described strikingly similar experiences. The case offers rare insights into the alien abduction phenomenon, with detailed accounts of advanced technology, non-human beings, and shared trauma.
See The Allagash Abductions (1976)
The Dover Demon is a cryptid sighting that occurred over two nights in April 1977 in the small town of Dover, Massachusetts. Witnesses described a creature with a bulbous head, glowing orange eyes, and long, thin limbs. The creature was sighted by multiple individuals in different locations within the town, and its eerie, otherworldly appearance has since become a staple of cryptid lore. The incident remains unexplained, with no conclusive evidence to identify or debunk the phenomenon.
Why It Matters:
The Dover Demon is unique in cryptozoology and UFOlogy for its consistent description across multiple independent eyewitnesses. Its humanoid but distinctly non-human appearance has drawn comparisons to extraterrestrial beings, leading to speculation about its origins and nature. The case remains a rare and perplexing entry in the annals of unexplained phenomena.
Multiple UFO sightings occur in Wales, including a silver-suited alien.
The Colares Island UFO encounters of 1977 are among the most extraordinary and well-documented UFO cases in history. Over several months, residents of Colares, a small island in Pará, Brazil, reported intense activity involving glowing, unidentified craft that allegedly emitted beams of light, causing injuries and illness. Known locally as "Operation Saucer" (Operação Prato), the Brazilian military investigated, documenting the events with photographs, testimonies, and reports of physical effects. The encounters remain one of the most compelling cases of direct UFO interaction with civilians.
Why It Matters:
The Colares Island incidents are notable for the volume of evidence, the involvement of military investigators, and the physical and psychological impact on witnesses. It stands as a rare example of an official government UFO investigation with publicly acknowledged findings.
See UFOs Over Colares Island, Brazil (1977)
The Brazilian Air Force conducted an extensive UFO investigation in the Amazon, documenting sightings and injuries caused by UFOs.
Popularizes UFOs and government secrecy. Reportedly closely guided.
The Kaikoura Lights refer to a series of UFO sightings over the Kaikoura region of New Zealand in December 1978. The phenomenon involved multiple bright, fast-moving objects tracked visually, on radar, and filmed by a television news crew aboard a commercial aircraft. The Kaikoura Lights gained international attention as one of the most well-documented UFO incidents of the 20th century, featuring corroborating evidence from credible witnesses, radar operators, and video footage.
Why It Matters:
The Kaikoura Lights stand out due to the convergence of visual, radar, and video evidence, alongside testimony from experienced pilots and a news crew. The case highlights the challenges of dismissing UFO encounters when multiple forms of evidence align.
See The Kaikoura Lights, New Zealand (1978)
The disappearance of 20-year-old Australian pilot Frederick Valentich on October 21, 1978, remains one of aviation's most enduring mysteries. Valentich vanished while flying a Cessna 182L over Bass Strait, reporting in his final transmissions to Melbourne Flight Service that he was being followed by a mysterious craft with bright lights and erratic movements. His last words—"It's not an aircraft"—followed by metallic scraping sounds, have fueled speculation about a possible UFO encounter. Despite extensive search efforts, neither Valentich nor his aircraft were ever found.
Why It Matters:
The Valentich disappearance combines credible witness testimony, official records, and mysterious circumstances, making it one of the most compelling UFO cases tied to an unsolved aviation mystery. It highlights the intersection of aviation safety and unexplained phenomena.
The Val Johnson Incident is one of the most intriguing cases of alleged UFO encounters involving a law enforcement officer. On August 27, 1979, Deputy Sheriff Val Johnson of Marshall County, Minnesota, reported a mysterious encounter with a bright, blinding light while patrolling a rural road. The light seemingly collided with his patrol car, leaving physical damage to the vehicle and minor injuries to Johnson. The case remains unexplained, with no plausible terrestrial explanation for the event.
Why It Matters:
The Val Johnson Incident stands out due to its combination of a credible witness, physical evidence, and official investigation. The case provides a rare instance where a UFO encounter resulted in tangible, measurable effects on both a vehicle and a person, making it a cornerstone in UFO research.
See The Val Johnson Incident (1979)
The Livingston UFO Landing, also known as the Dechmont Woods Encounter, is one of Scotland's most famous UFO cases, involving a physical encounter between a forestry worker and an unidentified craft. On November 9, 1979, Robert Taylor, a forester near Livingston, Scotland, stumbled upon a dome-shaped craft in the woods. The encounter left Taylor temporarily incapacitated and resulted in physical evidence at the site, including ground impressions and unusual marks. The case, still officially unexplained, remains a cornerstone of British UFO investigations.
Why It Matters:
The Livingston UFO Landing is significant due to its credible witness, Robert Taylor, the physical evidence left at the site, and its official documentation as a criminal investigation by local police. It stands out as one of the rare UFO cases investigated using forensic methods, with findings that defy conventional explanations.
See The Livingston UFO Landing (1979)
The Rendlesham Forest Incident, often referred to as "Britain's Roswell," is one of the most well-documented UFO encounters in history. Over three nights in December 1980, U.S. Air Force personnel stationed at RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters in Suffolk, England, experienced a series of extraordinary events involving strange lights, a metallic triangular craft, and alleged contact with alien beings. Witnesses reported advanced flight characteristics, physical evidence at the landing site, and a mysterious interaction between alien beings and a high-ranking military officer. The event remains a cornerstone of UFO research, with detailed testimonies and physical evidence defying conventional explanations.
Why It Matters:
The Rendlesham Forest Incident stands out not only for the credibility of its witnesses—highly trained military personnel—but also for the alleged close encounter with alien beings. The case raises profound questions about extraterrestrial presence, government secrecy, and the potential implications of direct interactions with advanced non-human intelligences.
See The Rendlesham Forest Incident (1980)
The Cash-Landrum Incident is one of the most harrowing UFO cases in history, involving physical injuries allegedly caused by exposure to an unidentified craft. On December 29, 1980, Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum, and Vickie’s grandson Colby encountered a diamond-shaped craft emitting intense heat and light near Huffman, Texas. The sighting left them with severe burns, nausea, and long-term health effects consistent with radiation exposure. The incident, which involved military helicopters surrounding the object, remains a focal point for discussions on government involvement and the potential dangers of UFO encounters.
Why It Matters:
The Cash-Landrum Incident stands out as one of the few UFO cases with documented physical injuries and a clear connection to military activity. It raises pressing questions about the government’s knowledge of unidentified craft and the potential hazards posed to civilians.
See The Cash-Landrum Incident (1980)
The Black Triangle Phenomenon refers to recurring reports of large, silent, triangular-shaped craft observed worldwide since the 1980s. Witnesses often describe these craft as massive, with bright lights at each corner, hovering or moving at extraordinary speeds while emitting no discernible noise. The sightings are frequently associated with military installations, nuclear facilities, and high-altitude flight zones. This phenomenon includes not only genuine extraterrestrial vehicles (ETVs) but also man-made Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs), advanced aerospace craft reverse-engineered from extraterrestrial technology. These ARVs are believed to be in the possession of private contractors and secretive elements of the military-industrial complex.
The Black Triangle Phenomenon has been reported by thousands of credible witnesses, including military personnel, pilots, and civilians. Its widespread occurrence and consistent features suggest a global pattern of unknown aerial technology. The inclusion of ARVs in this phenomenon adds another layer of intrigue, suggesting human access to and control of highly advanced technology, often shrouded in secrecy and tied to covert programs.
See the black
The Hudson Valley UFO Wave, spanning the early 1980s, is one of the most significant UFO events in U.S. history. Centered around the Hudson Valley region of New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey, over five thousand witnesses reported seeing massive, silent, boomerang- or V-shaped crafts with multicolored lights. The wave reached its peak on March 24, 1983, when over 300 reports of a single craft flooded local police stations. The Hudson Valley sightings remain a hallmark of mass UFO sightings, characterized by structured craft, consistent descriptions, and advanced aerial behavior.
Why It Matters:
The Hudson Valley UFO Wave highlights the persistence of mass sightings involving structured, silent craft. The scale of the reports, coupled with the credibility of witnesses—including pilots, law enforcement officers, and professionals—makes it one of the most compelling UFO cases of modern times.
See The Hudson Valley UFO Wave (1980s)
DIA analysts and director of CIA allegedly brief Reagan regarding extraterrestrial activities.
They reveal five species they identify as:
They report Ebens are friendly. Trantaloids are dangerous / hostile.
They report that MJ-12 implemented the code Hostile Alien Visitors (HAVs) in 1950s.
That HAVs have been kidnapping our people for "some time".
They report having a Trantaloid, captured in 1961 in Canada, died in captivity 1962.
They report to have photographs of these aliens appearing and disappearing, and defying gravity.
Report that their technology is probably 1,000 years more advanced than ours.
Report that Eben and Trantaloid star charts show space tunnels / portals as described by the EBENs. Alcubierre warp drive physics.
Report that Trantaloids can imitate humans and appear as tall blonde humans. In reality are insectoids using holographic or holoform technology.
Trantaloids - purely insectoid, hostile, rapidly breeding, occupying and expanding across star systems
Tall Whites, Trantaloids can bend / operate beyond Time, manipulate Time and Timelines.
The Trans-en-Provence Case is one of the most scientifically analyzed UFO incidents in history. On January 8, 1981, a farmer in Trans-en-Provence, France, reported observing a metallic, saucer-shaped craft that landed briefly on his property before taking off at incredible speed. The incident left physical traces on the ground, including scorched vegetation and soil depressions, which were extensively studied by French government investigators. The findings revealed anomalies in soil and plant samples, suggesting exposure to high heat and electromagnetic radiation, making this case a cornerstone in UFO research.
Why It Matters:
The Trans-en-Provence Case stands out for its detailed physical evidence and scientific investigation. The incident was officially examined by France's national space agency (CNES) under its UFO division, GEIPAN, lending credibility and rigor to its findings. It is a rare example of a UFO case where physical evidence has been scientifically documented and analyzed.
See The Trans-en-Provence Case (1981)
On April 9, 1983, Linda Moulton Howe is taken to a US Air Force base, where she is shown a top secret document from a government program, including the following
"These EBEs manipulated DNA in already evolving primates to create homo sapiens"
"All questions and mysteries about the evolution of homo sapiens have been answered and this project is closed."
Later, in 1999, another Defense Intelligence Agency employee would confirm additional details.
The Copley Woods Encounter is a haunting UFO and alien interaction case that blurs the line between extraterrestrial phenomena and paranormal experiences. On June 30, 1983, in Copley Woods, Indiana, Debra "Debbie" Jordan-Kauble experienced an extraordinary series of events involving a glowing craft, humanoid entities, and missing time. The encounter, which included telepathic communication and an examination aboard the craft, left physical evidence in the form of burns, radiation exposure, and unusual markings on the ground. The case gained prominence after being investigated and documented by Budd Hopkins in Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods.
Why It Matters:
The Copley Woods Encounter stands out for its physical evidence, emotional depth, and connection to the larger phenomenon of alien abduction. Debbie Jordan-Kauble’s experiences provide a striking example of the overlap between alien encounters and high-strangeness phenomena, challenging the boundaries of UFO research.
See The Copley Woods Encounter (1983)
A massive boomerang-shaped craft is sighted over New York.
Established to accelerate study of advanced weapons including particle-beam weapons, lasers, and space-based missiles, as well as the sensor, command, and computer systems needed to coordinate the systems around the planet and into Space.
Alleged proof of government UFO involvement surfaces.
Alleged footage of alien beings emerges from Brazil.
Learjet founder Bill Lear, and his son, brother of John Lear, each see UFOs while flying.
Whitley Strieber’s Communion encounters, beginning in December 1985, brought global attention to the phenomenon of alien abduction. Strieber, a best-selling author, reported a series of deeply unsettling experiences involving beings he referred to as “visitors.” These beings exhibited humanoid and insectoid characteristics, often described as resembling the archetypal “Greys.” Strieber’s vivid descriptions, emotional authenticity, and exploration of consciousness sparked widespread interest and debate, making his book Communion (1987) a cultural phenomenon.
Why It Matters:
Strieber’s accounts have become a cornerstone of the modern alien abduction narrative. His experiences and willingness to explore their implications have challenged conventional perceptions of extraterrestrial contact, consciousness, and the boundaries of human experience. Strieber's testimony offers insights into the deeply personal and transformative nature of such encounters.
See The Whitley Strieber Communion Encounters (1985–Present)
Reverse engineering projects ongoing at area 51.
At Area S-4 employees involved report personally seeing at least 9 alien craft in military possession in this particular hangar, all different shapes and sizes.
Government briefings state that at least one is from an archeological excavation, implying that it is ancient.
(Note - Jordan has personally received first hand reports of experience with physical craft that thousands of years old, and still functioning.)
Employee reports experience with a small reactor from a craft the size of a basketball, which produced an anti-gravitational field. When activated it was impossible to touch (like the poles of a magnet). Despite channeling incredible load, it never rose to above ambient temperature, which is impossible according to current human understanding of physics.
Projects underway to attempt to reverse engineer the alien technology with available materials.
Massive issue trying to reverse engineer alien technology, with non-alien material science.
As of 80s still no idea how technologies work. "Like putting a nuclear reactor back in Victorian times." "we have no idea how the physics operate... and the power levels... are astronomical."
Projects are hyper-siloed and compartmentalized to prevent leaks, and to prevent anyone from obtaining the full picture. Buddy system with teams of two working on tiny segments of the whole, and only able to talk to their partner. Drastically slows scientific progress.
There had been a string of scientists going back in each compartmentalized project...
Crafts do not operate electrically. There is no wiring to connect any of the sub-components, they just have to be in the vicinity. (Reference Tesla, wireless energy transmission).
Reference Westinghouse shutting wireless energy down. Reference, electricity cartel and meters. If the cartel couldn't meter it, didn't want the public to have it.
Horrific accidents and deaths occur with programs to attempt to explore completely unknown alien technologies and energy sources, up to and including "unannounced nuclear tests" that killed employees.
Siloed projects relating to:
Briefing documents indicate that at least one of the craft is from the Zeta Reticuli ZR3 (third planet in Zeta Reticuli star system), located about 39 Light Years / 12 Parsecs from Earth.
Note that the Zeta Reticulans, or Greys, are often associated with this star system.
The group at Area S-4 of Area 51 discovers that the reactors are powered by a very heavy fuel element 115 (atomic number 115) that was not on the periodic table of elements as of the 1980s.
It was first synthesized by a joint team of Russian and American scientists in 2003, before being recognized as one of four new elements in 2015.
The synthesized version known to human is radioactive. The version that powers the crafts is stable and does not decay / does not emit radioactivity. (many elements have both unstable isotopes and stable isotopes).
Craft is dark pewter color with no right angles. Often reported as no seams either. Every looks like hardened melted wax, everything solidly fused, no seams. Everything curved. No control panels, no bathroom, no decoration.
Three seats around the reactor that sits in the middle.
American's had learned how to cautiously pilot and communicate with the craft via radio. Employees watch test flights, and witness test flights with coworkers and others. Craft produces corona discharge (blueish glow) as lifting off, slight hissing sound. Once craft is 5 to 10 feet off the ground, hissing stops, glow disappears, hovers silently.
There is a waveguide that goes from the reactor up to the top, and a small appendage sticking out of the top of the craft. This produces a heart-shaped gravitational distortion around the craft. If you are underneath the craft, you cannot see it because the anti-gravity bends the light.
The anti-gravitational envelope essentially separates the craft from its surrounding spatiotemporal reality, so that it is unimpeded by gravity, inertia, etc.
Some of the (metal) can become transparent (frequently reported with craft).
3 levels: under the reactors are the rectangular gravity / anti-gravity amplifiers, under them are the gravity emitters.
Craft roughly 52 feet in diameter, seats obviously designed for sub-human size (matching the description of Greys from Zeta Reticuli).
All 9 crafts appear to use the same Unconventional Propulsion Systems.
Government later does a land grab and expands the forbidden territory around Area 51 and Papoose Lake.
Russian scientists are welcomed to and collaborating with American scientists at Area 51, until a significant American breakthrough / discovery, after which the Russian scientists are not allowed to return.
Researchers at S-4 posit based on this technology that gravity might be a wave.
Not formalized scientifically until 2016.
Note that Jordan has been personally informed by those with direct experience that alien craft operate on gravitational waves. "The real trouble is slowing down."
Note that the UFOs, like galaxies, appear to rotate and travel along the direction of travel belly first.
The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp, also known as the Lizard Man of Lee County, is a legendary cryptid reported to inhabit the swamplands near Bishopville, South Carolina. Described as a 7-foot-tall, green, scaly humanoid with glowing red eyes and extraordinary strength, the creature gained fame after a series of sightings in the late 1980s. Similar descriptions of reptilian humanoids have emerged globally, suggesting a broader phenomenon of encounters with reptilian-like beings. The Lizard Man’s appearances sparked a media frenzy, a cultural phenomenon, and enduring questions about the existence of such entities.
Why It Matters:
The Lizard Man is one of many cryptid encounters worldwide that describe large, humanoid reptiles. These reports, spanning continents and decades, lend an intriguing layer of credibility to the phenomenon, suggesting it may represent more than a localized legend. The Scape Ore Swamp case remains a touchstone for investigations into reptilian cryptids and their potential connections to global folklore or unknown biological phenomena.
See The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp, South Carolina (1988-Present)
The Voronezh UFO Landing is one of the most extraordinary and well-documented UFO encounters in modern history. On September 27, 1989, in the city of Voronezh, Russia, multiple eyewitnesses, including children and adults, reported seeing a large, glowing craft land in a local park. Allegedly, strange humanoid beings emerged, including a towering figure and a smaller robot-like entity, interacting briefly with the onlookers. The incident garnered significant media attention, including official acknowledgment from the Soviet news agency TASS, making it a landmark case in UFO history.
Why It Matters:
The Voronezh UFO Landing stands out for its numerous eyewitnesses, the apparent physical evidence left behind, and the unprecedented involvement of official Soviet reporting. The case provides a rare blend of close encounters, humanoid sightings, and material traces, sparking global interest and debate about extraterrestrial contact.
See The Voronezh UFO Landing, Russia (1989)
Triangular UFOs are witnessed by thousands, verified and tracked by military radar.
Investigative reporter George Knapp begins hearing stories, and opens two way dialogue with Senator Harry Reid that leads to George Knapp obtaining compelling information.
George also meets Robert Bigelow, who spends tens of millions of dollars on UFO investigations.
In 1996, Bigelow creates the National Institute for Discovery Science with a highly credible board of academics, two former astronauts who had walked the moon, and scientists who had worked with US Military.
Reid and Bigelow meet, helping pave the way for a congressional inquiry 27 years later in ~2023.
George Knapp interviewed more than a dozen military officials and scientists in Russia with knowledge of UFO matters in USSR during the Cold War. Russians conducted at least a ten year study, accumulating thousands of case files. Program Director was Col. Boris Sokolov.
Sokolov reported ~45 incidents in which Russian warplanes had engaged UFOs and attempted to chase or shoot them. In all incidents the pursuits were unsuccesful, with the UFOs shooting away at seemingly impossible speeds or disabling the warplanes.
Sokolov reported that like the US, Russia then instructed the military to leave the UFOs alone due to their "incredible capacities for retaliation."
Sokolov also reported a case in which UFOs appeared at a Russian ICBM base in Ukraine... the aliens took control of the launch control systems, fired up missiles aimed at the United States, entered launch control codes, and then shut the launch control system down and disappeared. World War IV averted.
Report available on www.congress.gov - https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/116282/documents/HHRG-118-GO06-20230726-SD004.pdf
The Japan Airlines 1628 UFO Encounter is one of the most documented and credible UFO sightings, involving an experienced airline crew and corroborated by radar data. On November 17, 1986, Captain Kenju Terauchi, a veteran pilot with over 10,000 flight hours, and his crew reported a massive unidentified craft shadowing their Boeing 747 cargo plane over Alaska, along with two smaller craft. The larger craft was described as larger than an aircraft carrier and emitted bright, pulsating lights. The craft followed him for 40 minutes, staying with him even after significant evasive maneuvers. Despite being tracked by FAA and military radar, the incident was dismissed by authorities, sparking controversy and enduring intrigue.
Why It Matters:
This case stands out for its combination of eyewitness testimony, radar confirmation, and a highly credible primary witness in Captain Terauchi. The incident is often cited as a textbook example of official obfuscation, raising questions about government transparency regarding UFO encounters.
See The Japan Airlines 1628 UFO Encounter (1986)
On January 29, 1986, a mysterious object crashed into Mount Izvestkovaya (Hill 611) near the small mining town of Dalnegorsk in Russia’s Far East. Witnesses described a red, glowing sphere flying at low altitude before it appeared to falter and impact the hillside. Unlike conventional aircraft crashes, no traditional wreckage was found, but peculiar metallic fragments, unusual magnetic effects, and traces of high-temperature impact were discovered. This incident is one of Russia’s most compelling UFO cases, often referred to as "Russia's Roswell."
Why It Matters:
The Dalnegorsk UFO Crash is notable for its combination of credible eyewitness accounts, physical evidence, and scientific investigations. The unusual materials and magnetic anomalies discovered at the crash site suggest advanced technology, possibly extraterrestrial, or a highly secretive experimental craft. The event has captivated researchers for decades and remains a cornerstone case in Russian UFO studies.
See The Dalnegorsk UFO Crash, Russia (1986)
Catholic Church - London Evening News, July 21, 1987 "Prepare to Meet Thine Aliens". Vatican theologians acknowledge that there may be life on other planets. Plan to train missionaries capable of working in space and meeting aliens. Jesuit scientists at the Vatican Observatory report unidentified phenomena in the sky. Starting in September Vatican University will have a special UFO section.
According to Vatican website: "Observatory scientists study a range of related sciences such as quantum gravity; meteorites and Moon rocks; and possible life on planets orbiting other stars."
Vatican Observatory Website - https://www.vaticanobservatory.org
The Ilkley Moor Encounter is one of the most enigmatic alien abduction cases in the United Kingdom. On December 1, 1987, retired police officer Philip Spencer was walking across Ilkley Moor in West Yorkshire when he saw a small, humanoid being with an oversized head and long arms. Spencer managed to photograph the entity before it disappeared. He then experienced a period of missing time, during which he recalled being taken aboard a craft and shown vivid images of environmental destruction. The encounter is notable for the physical evidence of a photograph, the missing time, and Spencer’s subsequent physiological effects.
Why It Matters:
The Ilkley Moor Encounter blends physical evidence—a rare photograph of an alleged alien—with classic elements of abduction phenomena, including missing time and environmental messaging. It remains one of the UK’s most compelling UFO cases, drawing attention to the phenomenon’s complexity and implications.
See The Ilkley Moor Encounter (1987)
The Gulf Breeze UFO sightings of 1987 are among the most debated and well-documented UFO cases in history. Originating in Gulf Breeze, Florida, local resident Ed Walters published photographs of disk-shaped craft emitting beams of light, sparking widespread interest and controversy. Over the following months, hundreds of independent sightings were reported in the area, including accounts of low-flying craft and strange aerial maneuvers.
Why It Matters:
The Gulf Breeze UFO sightings are significant for their impact on UFO culture, the extensive photographic evidence, and the large number of corroborative witnesses. Despite skepticism, the case remains a cornerstone example of mass UFO sightings and the challenges of verifying photographic evidence.
See The Gulf Breeze UFO Sightings (1987)
For 16 years from 1967 to 1983, John Lear (of Learjet family) flies planes for the CIA. During his career, sets multiple flight records.
In 1987, Lear reports that the US government has close contacts with extraterrestrials, and that government is promoting films like E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial and Close Encounters of the Third Kind to influence the public to see extraterrestrials as "space brothers". He further discusses the Majestic 12, and a US government treaty with Gray aliens, which later goes awry.
The statement exposes a government coverup dating back to the 40s, German interactions with alien technologies back to the 30s, and military investigations into the Ghost rockets of Sweden.
Lear cites a "total, thorough and sweeping cover-up to include the use of 'deadly force'."
He further references the 1952 UFO incidents, a 1964 meeting with aliens at Holloman Air Force Base, government sanctioned alien abductions, alien implants, and alien-human hybrids. He associates UFOs with child abductions, cattle mutilations, and human mutilations. He further talks about a military confrontation at underground alien Dulce Base that results in 66 human casualties.
Lear was interviewed by TV journalist George Knapp.32(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lear#cite_note-32).
He reports that government has retrieved between 10 and 15 flying saucers, some in perfect condition, and has attempted to fly some of them.
He reports that they have between 30 and 50 alien bodies in cryogenic storage, representing at least 5 to 10 distinct civilizations.
He reads from an Air Force book forthrightly describing multiple types of aliens.
We are unable to duplicate any of the metals of any of the craft.
We are unable to figure out how they are propelled.
At least 90% of them are hostile. (This matches Jordan's Current Best Understanding as of time of writing).
He does not believe that Presidents are being given the full briefing.
Says that top group that controls this is a top group of military and scientists know as MAJESTIC-12 / MJ-12.
President Reagan "Is not this alien force already among us?"
President Carter "I am convinced that UFOs exist because I saw one."
Cites genetic tinkering / engineering of human race by alien forces between 4,000 and 8,000 BC.
Books - Intruders, Communion.
A friend of John's has done 140 of 300 abduction hypnosis cases. People abducted, taken into a saucer, poked, proded, experimented with, samples taken, etc. Memory is then wiped, and they are sent back.
Says that over 100,000 people have been given instructions on what to do in case of certain large scale events, that hypnotic techniques cannot recover.
Intruders by Bud Hopkins, cross-breeding and genetic engineering.
November 17, 1986 Japanese Airlines incident Iceland to Alaska. Mother ship twice the size of an aircraft carrier.
"You can't imagine what pressure these people are under to cover this stuff up."
In 1989, John Lear introduces Bob Lazar to George Knapp.
Works in Air Force on UFOs, then continues private research.
Later interviewed by Danny Sheehan
1975 to 1980 - at least 9,000 cattle mutilations.
Police investigations document cuts with laser beams far sharper than anything we have. According to John Lear police determined in some cases they actually laser cut between the cells. without cutting the cells themselves.
Most mutilations are accompanied by sightings of UFOs, or strange lights.
Bob Lazar’s testimonies about his work at a site near Area 51, known as S-4, remain some of the most controversial and influential claims in UFO history. In 1989, Lazar publicly stated that he worked as a physicist on advanced propulsion systems derived from extraterrestrial technology. He described hands-on experiences with saucer-like craft, gravity-manipulating propulsion systems, and a mysterious element called "Element 115." Lazar’s revelations introduced Area 51 to popular consciousness and sparked decades of debate about secret government programs and extraterrestrial technology.
Why It Matters:
Bob Lazar’s claims are pivotal in UFO lore, offering detailed descriptions of alleged reverse-engineering of alien technology and insider knowledge of secret facilities. Whether viewed as fact or fiction, his testimonies have shaped public perceptions of UFO secrecy and inspired a wave of interest in government cover-ups.
See Bob Lazar's Area 51 Testimonies (1989 On)
The Kalahari Desert UFO Crash of May 7, 1989, is one of the most dramatic UFO incidents involving alleged military engagement, the crash of a UFO, and the recovery of extraterrestrial beings. The event reportedly began when South African fighter jets intercepted an unidentified craft violating airspace, forcing it to crash in the Kalahari Desert. The craft was described as a metallic disc, and witnesses claim that alien occupants were recovered, one of whom was injured. The case has gained notoriety due to whistleblower testimonies and leaked government documents, although its authenticity remains hotly debated.
Why It Matters:
The Kalahari Desert UFO Crash is significant for its elements of direct military involvement, extraterrestrial recovery, and alleged international secrecy. If true, the case provides compelling evidence of a global effort to conceal extraterrestrial encounters and recover alien technology.
See The Kalahari Desert UFO Crash (1989)
The Belgium UFO Wave refers to a series of highly credible UFO sightings that occurred from late 1989 through early 1990, involving thousands of witnesses, military personnel, and law enforcement. The most notable events included reports of massive, triangular-shaped craft with bright lights moving silently across the sky. The sightings peaked on the night of March 30–31, 1990, when Belgian Air Force F-16 jets scrambled to intercept one of these objects, which displayed extraordinary flight maneuvers recorded on radar. Despite extensive investigations, no conventional explanation has been provided, and the events remain a hallmark of modern UFO phenomena.
Why It Matters:
The Belgium UFO Wave is significant for its combination of mass civilian sightings, corroboration by law enforcement and military radar, and the involvement of the Belgian Air Force. The events highlighted the limitations of contemporary aviation technology in confronting advanced aerial phenomena and added to the growing credibility of UFO encounters in the modern era.
See The Belgium UFO Wave (1989–1990)
Skinwalker Ranch, located in northeastern Utah, is infamous for its history of unexplained phenomena, ranging from UFO sightings and Cryptids to Poltergeist activity and cattle mutilations. Dubbed "the strangest place on Earth," the 512-acre property became a focal point for paranormal investigations after a series of events in the 1990s involving the Sherman family, who reported disturbing encounters with unknown entities. Subsequent investigations by private organizations, including the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) and, later, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), documented high strangeness phenomena that defy conventional explanations. Skinwalker Ranch remains one of the most perplexing and controversial hotspots for UFO and paranormal activity.
Why It Matters:
Skinwalker Ranch serves as a unique laboratory for studying the intersection of UFOs, interdimensional phenomena, and paranormal events. Its recurring anomalies challenge our understanding of reality and point to a broader, interconnected phenomenon that transcends traditional UFO encounters.
See The Skinwalker Ranch Phenomena (1990s–Present)
See Cryptids
See Poltergeist
In the early 1990s, Harvard Psychologist John Mack begins an intensive 10 year plus study of 200 individuals who report recurring alien encounters / abductions.
Later, John Mack is supported in his defense of his findings and methodology by Daniel Sheehan, a leading attorney investigating matters relating to the security state (Pentagon Papers, etc.).
Daniel Sheehan subsequently becomes convinced that a massive government conspiracy and coverup of the alien phenomena has occurred, and accelerates efforts to force government disclosure.
In the early 1990s, Dr. Steven Greer and collaborators start a project relating to UFOs, establish a protocol, and make contact with the objects.
Military Intelligence and CIA find out about it, and begin inquiry.
Footage from the Space Shuttle Discovery in 1991 captured UFOs making abrupt directional changes at high speeds, a behavior inconsistent with known physics.
During the Gulf War, U.S. and coalition forces reported multiple sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) over combat zones in Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Witnesses described luminous, fast-moving objects exhibiting flight patterns and maneuvers far beyond the capabilities of any known aircraft. These encounters raised questions about advanced surveillance technologies or extraterrestrial involvement, occurring during one of the most technologically sophisticated conflicts of the 20th century.
The Gulf War marked a turning point in military engagement with the heavy use of advanced aerial and satellite surveillance. The appearance of UFOs during this time heightened speculation about the presence of unknown observers monitoring the conflict or testing military capabilities. These incidents continue to intrigue researchers, especially given the increasing declassification of military UFO encounters.
See UFOs and the Gulf War (1990–1991)
On July 11, 1991, during a total solar eclipse visible over much of Mexico and parts of Central America, hundreds of people across Mexico City reported seeing UFOs in the sky. The event coincided with one of the most anticipated astronomical phenomena of the century, with thousands of observers equipped with cameras and recording devices. Several videos captured unexplained metallic objects hovering in the sky, igniting widespread interest and earning the incident the title "The Cosmic UFO Event."
Why It Matters:
The Mexico City Solar Eclipse UFO Sightings stand out as one of the most extensively documented UFO events, thanks to the convergence of widespread public attention on the solar eclipse and the accessibility of recording equipment. The case remains a cornerstone in UFOlogy, symbolizing the potential for collective human observation to capture evidence of unexplained phenomena.
See The Mexico City Solar Eclipse UFO Sightings (1991)
Further shapes public perception of alien conspiracies.
The Kelly Cahill Encounter is one of Australia’s most significant UFO and alien contact cases, marked by multiple witnesses and compelling details. On the evening of August 8, 1993, Kelly Cahill and her husband were driving through the Dandenong Ranges near Melbourne when they saw a massive, glowing craft hovering near the road. Kelly reported encountering tall, black, featureless humanoid beings with glowing red eyes. The beings exhibited an overwhelming presence of malevolence, and Kelly later experienced missing time, physical marks on her body, and vivid flashbacks. Other witnesses in the area reported similar sightings, adding corroborative weight to her account.
Why It Matters:
The Kelly Cahill Encounter is notable for its corroborative testimony from multiple unrelated witnesses, physical effects on the experiencer, and vivid descriptions of the beings and craft. The case has become a cornerstone in abduction research, highlighting the psychological and physical aftermath of close encounters.
See The Kelly Cahill Encounter (1993)
UCLA Engineering Alumni Speech
"We now have the technology to take ET home."
"Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do."
Follow-Up Conversations:
Early military, intelligence, and government contacts reveal they are aware of a vast program that has been run illegally outside of the constitutional, congressional, and executive branch confines of US Law.
By 1993, Greer is invited to brief the director of the CIA.
Letter reveals that the Clinton administration has made inquiries, and been denied access.
December 13, 1993, briefs CIA Director, revealing that neither CIA Director nor Clinton has been "read in" to the program.
Gave rise to Project Starlight, a briefing program for executive branch and eventually members of Congress.
Subsequently, is invited to brief the next 4 Presidents.
Dr. Greer and team arrive at the conclusion that the programs are clearly unconstitutional and illegal, and therefore have no protection from the National Security Act (personnel, evidence, documents, etc.)
The legal implication is that they cannot demand to be kept secret if they are going to operate outside of the Constitutional oversight of Congress and the President.
In addition to Presidents being denied access on the grounds they did not "need to know", Admiral Wisdom, Director of DIA and highest ranking military intelligence officer, made inquiries and was denied access.
Additionally, he is threatened personally, and with demotion.
This continues to reveal the depths of the illegal operations of the invisible "deep state" actors colluding at beyond-planetary levels.
Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope begins operations on Mount Graham in Arizona, eventually sharing space with LUCIFER 1 and 2 (Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research) out of the Mount Graham International Observatory. Renamed to LUCI 1 and 2 after public concern.
Multiple UFOs spotted near ancient burial mounds.
The Zimbabwe School Encounter is one of the most compelling UFO cases involving children as primary witnesses. On September 16, 1994, over 60 students at the Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, reported seeing a silver, disc-shaped craft land near their playground. The children described humanoid beings with large heads and large, black eyes emerging from the craft and communicating telepathically. They later recounted profound messages about environmental stewardship and the dangers of technological misuse. The consistency of the students’ testimonies, along with their emotional sincerity, has made this case a cornerstone in the study of UFO encounters.
Why It Matters:
The Zimbabwe School Encounter stands out for its profound implications on consciousness, humanity's role on Earth, and the influence of extraterrestrial contact on young, unbiased witnesses. The event’s emphasis on telepathic communication and environmental concerns adds a unique dimension to the UFO phenomenon.
See The Zimbabwe School Encounter (1994)
The Bothell UFO Burn Circles case involves a series of mysterious scorched patterns discovered on a rural property near Bothell, Washington. In the summer of 1994, multiple witnesses reported seeing bright, unidentified lights over the area. The following day, unusual circular burn marks were found on the ground, alongside reports of strange sounds and electromagnetic disturbances. The case remains unexplained and is frequently cited as a compelling example of physical trace evidence associated with UFO activity.
Why It Matters:
The Bothell UFO Burn Circles case is notable for its physical evidence, including well-documented burn marks and corroborating eyewitness accounts. The combination of environmental changes and electromagnetic anomalies adds to its credibility and makes it a significant case in UFO research.
See The Bothell UFO Burn Circles (1994)
The Trumbull County UFO Chase is a remarkable UFO encounter involving dozens of law enforcement officers and dispatchers in Trumbull County, Ohio, during the early hours of December 14, 1994. Officers pursued and reported a massive, silent craft emitting bright lights, seen hovering and maneuvering across the night sky. The incident was captured in police dispatch recordings and remains one of the most well-documented law enforcement UFO encounters in the United States.
Why It Matters:
This case is notable for the credibility of the witnesses—police officers and dispatchers—and the real-time documentation provided by recorded police radio communications. The event showcases the complexity of UFO interactions and the challenge of explaining sightings involving multiple credible witnesses and corroborating evidence.
See The Trumbull County UFO Chase (1994)
John Mack attempts to publish his finding in the New England Journal of Medicine and is rejected.
Strange for a department chairman at Harvard.
John responds by strengthening the paper, adding more details, footnotes, etc. and resubmits.
Two days later, executive assistant for editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine sent to Harvard to John's office saying that his submission had not, and would not, even be opened and reviewed.
John had already won a Pulitzer Prize, so calls a publisher who agrees to publish it as a book.
Shortly thereafter, John is pulled into a tribunal at Harvard chaired by editor in chief the New England Journal, with the dean of the medical school, and three other faculty.
They berated him for harming Harvard by lending credence to these accounts.
After being brought up in front of a secret tribunal at Harvard for having written his book - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_E._Mack...
...John Mack retains Daniel Sheehan to represent him in the midst of the Harvard investigations.
1994, Harvard tells Sheehan that it would be completely ridiculous to believe there could be other life anywhere in Universe.
Lawrence Rockefeller agrees to finance a "grand rounds" to present all evidence to Harvard, and that they can bring in chief of FAA, military personnel, police officers, etc.
Harvard rejects the offer.
Sheehan later finds out that the United States Air Force, Defense Department, and CIA had been engaged in a decades long campaign / conspiracy / covert program to intimidate / silence / smear people inside military, government, or academia who tried to do anything about the UFO issue.
Common tactic was to order a psychiatric exam and question mental health. (Note Secretary Forrestal assassination).
A number of them were sent to Harvard Medical School for a high level exam, and John Mack, chairman of the apartment, was tasked with these highest priority cases.
Daniel Sheehan interviews many people in the field to prepare them to be witnesses at the grand rounds at Harvard.
Sheehan interviews experiences in John Mack's book, along with Stanton Friedman, Bud Hopkins, David Jacobs, Steven Greer, Linda Molton Howe, and most of the main figures.
John Mack founds a peer group called Project For Extraordinary Experience Research at Cambridge.
Daniel Sheehan becomes legal council.
Some experiences relate to extraterrestrial beings here on earth.
Some experiences relate to extraterrestrial beings in spacecraft.
Some experiences relate to beings that are clearly perceived as coming out of other dimensions.
John Mack and Daniel Sheehan begin working towards New Paradigm Institute.
Examining the worldview clash, between universities like Harvard who viewed it as impossible that spacecraft could visit from another planet, and the reality that it was happening.
To further investigate the phenomena, John Mack begins interviewing indigenous peoples around the world who purport to have direct encounters with, and originate from, the star people.
For example the Lakota who maintain they originate from the Pleades star cluster.
Hear reports by multiple witnesses of a portal that opens, and a seven foot hairy being, like a Yeti, emerged.
Bigelow hires scientist teams to come to the ranch to explore what happened.
Upon attempting to reach the site, two unmarked helicopters descend, men in black jumpsuits with no insignia demand that they leave.
When scientists attempted to insist on following Bigelow's instructions and accessing the site, they are beaten up, equipment broken, etc.
Bigelow calls in John Mack and Daniel Sheehan, who arrive a couple days later.
NASA footage captures unexplained objects near a broken tether in space.
On December 11, 1996, residents of several small communities in Yukon, Canada, reported witnessing an enormous, silent craft with bright lights hovering and slowly moving across the night sky. Descriptions of the craft included comparisons to "a flying city" due to its sheer size and complexity. Multiple independent witnesses provided consistent accounts, making the Yukon UFO Encounter one of the most credible mass sightings in Canadian UFO history.
Why It Matters:
The Yukon UFO Encounter stands out for its large number of credible witnesses, consistent descriptions of an enormous, structured craft, and the absence of any conventional explanation. The case remains a cornerstone of Canadian UFOlogy and contributes to global discussions about the phenomenon of massive, low-altitude UFOs.
See The Yukon UFO Encounter (1996)
The Phoenix Lights, witnessed on the evening of March 13, 1997, is one of the most significant and widely observed UFO events in modern history. Thousands of residents across Arizona, Nevada, and parts of Mexico reported seeing massive V-shaped formations of lights silently gliding across the sky. Witnesses, including then-Governor Fife Symington—a trained Air Force veteran and pilot—described the craft as "otherworldly," "breathtaking," and "like an aircraft carrier in the sky." The event included reports from commercial airline pilots who stated the object was so large it seemed they could have landed on it. The craft, described as larger than multiple football fields, blocked out stars as it passed overhead. Despite initial explanations ranging from military flares to misidentified aircraft, the sheer scale of the sightings and the credibility of witnesses make the Phoenix Lights a cornerstone in UFO investigations.
Why It Matters:
The Phoenix Lights case demonstrates the profound technological disparity between conventional human capabilities and what was observed that night. It stands out for the number of credible witnesses, including trained pilots and high-ranking officials, as well as the event’s extraordinary scale. The case continues to raise critical questions about the nature of UFO phenomena and government transparency.
In The Day After Roswell (1997), retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Philip J. Corso revealed astonishing claims about his involvement in the reverse-engineering of alien technology recovered from the 1947 Roswell UFO crash. Corso asserted that these technological breakthroughs, including fiber optics, integrated circuits, and night vision, were covertly introduced into the private sector through military contractors. His testimony remains one of the most detailed insider accounts of extraterrestrial technology influencing modern advancements.
Why It Matters:
Corso’s revelations provide a potential explanation for the rapid technological advancements of the 20th century. His claims offer insights into government secrecy, military involvement, and the deliberate seeding of alien technologies into human industry.
See Philip Corso and "The Day After Roswell" (1997)
In 1997, after briefing numerous government personnel, and discovering that at least the following were being denied access to the programs...
...Dr. Steven Greer is invited to give a standup briefing at the Pentagon forum.
"We cannot substantiate the existence of UFOs, and we are not harboring the remains of UFOs," said Pentagon spokesperson Kenneth Bacon in 1997. "I can't be more clear about it than that."
The Varginha UFO Crash, often called “Brazil’s Roswell,” is one of the most extraordinary UFO incidents in modern history. On January 20, 1996, witnesses reported seeing a damaged cigar-shaped UFO crash near Varginha, Brazil. Over the following days, locals and military personnel reported encounters with alien beings, including the capture of at least one living creature. The Brazilian military was observed cordoning off the crash site, and reports emerged of cooperation with, or interference by, U.S. authorities in handling the aftermath. Despite denials from officials, the consistent testimonies and alleged physical evidence make Varginha one of the most compelling UFO cases worldwide.
Why It Matters:
The Varginha UFO Crash is unique for its vivid alien encounter reports and the alleged involvement of both Brazilian and U.S. military forces. If true, the case provides critical evidence of global efforts to retrieve extraterrestrial beings and technology, highlighting a pattern of international secrecy.
A British pilot sees an immense UFO over the English Channel.
Police officers witness a large triangular craft.
During the U.S.-led military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, multiple reports emerged from military personnel describing luminous, unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and encounters with non-human entities. These sightings included glowing orbs, triangular craft, and fast-moving aerial phenomena that defied explanation. Witnesses often reported these incidents occurring near military bases, battle zones, or other strategic locations, raising questions about the interest of unknown entities in human conflicts.
The UFO sightings in Iraq and Afghanistan highlight the intersection of unexplained phenomena and modern warfare. These encounters, reported by trained military personnel, add credibility to the claims and provide evidence of ongoing surveillance or interaction by unknown intelligences during periods of conflict. Such reports also contribute to the broader discourse on extraterrestrial monitoring of human activity.
See UFOs in Iraq and Afghanistan (2000s)
In 2001, Steven Greer asks Daniel Sheehan to be legal council for the Disclosure Project. Daniel and Steven vet many more witnesses for presentation to the Nation Press Club in 2001.
Steven Greer’s 2001 Disclosure Project witness testimony event marked a historic moment in UFO research and advocacy for government transparency. Hosted at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., the event featured over 20 military, government, and corporate witnesses who testified about their direct experiences with UFOs, extraterrestrial technology, and covert programs. The event called for open Congressional hearings and the release of classified information, and it ignited widespread public and media interest in the UFO phenomenon.
Why It Matters:
The Disclosure Project event represented an unprecedented assembly of credible witnesses publicly affirming the reality of UFOs and government secrecy. Their testimonies underscored the urgent need for accountability and transparency, bolstering the legitimacy of the UFO phenomenon as a matter of global significance.
See Steven Greer’s Disclosure Witnesses (2001)
Below is a list of key witnesses from the National Press Club event and a summary of their revelations:
Fighter jets pursue a glowing object over China.
The Giants of Kandahar refers to alleged encounters with towering humanoid beings in the remote mountains of Kandahar, Afghanistan. These beings, described as red-haired, six-fingered giants, have reportedly been seen by U.S. military personnel during operations in the region, with the most notable account occurring in 2002. These stories echo long-standing local folklore about monstrous beings inhabiting the area, raising questions about the intersection of myth, reality, and hidden history.
Why It Matters:
The Giants of Kandahar story suggests that ancient myths of giant beings may hold a kernel of truth, connecting modern encounters with military personnel to ancient accounts of giants found in texts and oral traditions worldwide. If true, these encounters challenge our understanding of human history, biology, and the potential existence of hidden or suppressed phenomena.
See The Giants of Kandahar (2002–Present, Historical Accounts)
Pilots capture UFOs using infrared technology.
CIA documents reveal reports of UFO sightings near Afghanistan.
September 27, 2004, John Mack is killed by a driver in London at 11:25 PM while walking home alone.
The driver confesses to driving under the influence, serves 6 months and is released.
Jordan is suspicious.
The 2004 USS Nimitz UFO encounters, commonly referred to as the "Tic Tac" incident, involved highly credible sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) by Navy personnel. Over several days in November 2004, the USS Princeton tracked anomalous craft with extraordinary speed, agility, and transmedium capabilities. Fighter pilots from the USS Nimitz, including Navy Aviator Commander David Fravor, observed the Tic Tac-shaped craft up close during a 6-minute engagement. The object demonstrated advanced technology far beyond any known human capabilities. This event, corroborated by radar, pilot testimony, and video evidence, represents a cornerstone in modern UFO investigations, sparking public and governmental interest worldwide.
Why It Matters:
The USS Nimitz encounters exemplify the technological superiority of unidentified craft, their apparent interest in military operations, and the inability of current defense systems to match their capabilities. The incident gained unprecedented attention with the Pentagon’s declassification of video evidence and testimony from high-ranking military officials before U.S. Congress.
See UFOs Over the USS Nimitz (2004)
The Stephenville UFO Sightings refer to a series of highly publicized encounters in and around Stephenville, Texas, beginning in January 2008. Witnesses, including experienced pilots, law enforcement officers, and dozens of residents, reported seeing enormous, silent crafts with bright lights performing extraordinary maneuvers and speeds in the sky. The event gained national attention due to its compelling witness accounts, radar data suggesting unidentified objects, and proximity to President George W. Bush’s Crawford Ranch. Despite explanations attributing the sightings to military exercises, the case remains one of the most credible and well-documented UFO events of the 21st century.
Why It Matters:
The Stephenville UFO Sightings are significant for their credible witnesses, corroborating radar evidence, and military involvement. They exemplify the enduring mystery of UFO phenomena and highlight the tension between public accounts and official explanations.
See The Stephenville UFO Sightings, Texas (2007-2008)
Chris Bledsoe’s experiences, beginning in 2007, have become one of the most intriguing and controversial cases of modern UFO and paranormal phenomena. His encounters include sightings of unidentified flying objects, interactions with otherworldly beings, and inexplicable healing experiences. Bledsoe’s testimony has garnered attention from researchers, government officials, and the UFO community, with many considering his story a compelling account of sustained and multi-dimensional contact.
Why It Matters:
The Bledsoe encounters bridge the gap between traditional UFO sightings, alien abduction narratives, and spiritual experiences. His case is unique for its longevity, depth, and alleged interaction with a benevolent entity known as the “Lady,” a figure that Bledsoe claims conveyed profound messages for humanity.
See The Chris Bledsoe Encounters (2007–Present)
The Needles UFO Crash occurred on May 14, 2008, when a glowing, turquoise object was witnessed plummeting into the Colorado River near Needles, California. Numerous eyewitnesses reported the event, describing an object that appeared to crash and emit an intense, unearthly light. Within hours, an apparent retrieval operation was conducted by unmarked helicopters and personnel, leading to widespread speculation about a government cover-up and the extraterrestrial origins of the object.
Why It Matters:
The Needles UFO Crash represents a modern and well-documented example of an alleged UFO retrieval operation. The rapid military-style response and secrecy surrounding the event have drawn comparisons to earlier cases like Roswell, fueling ongoing debates about UFO incidents and their implications for government transparency and extraterrestrial technology.
See The Needles UFO Crash, California (2008)
Clear video of UFOs emerges, showing detailed metallic structures.
Dr. James Lacatski initiates AAWSAP.
The team catalogues over 200,000 cases, including reports from civilians and foreign governments, and produces of 100 detailed research papers.
The project was cut short at 27 months due to pressure from powerful interests, instead of the 5 year operation planned.
The primary sticking point for the special interests appeared to be access to exotic materials.
Skinwalker Ranch is a prime place of study.
A glowing spiral in the sky prompts speculation about extraterrestrial origins.
Robert Hastings organizes National Press Club briefing, saying that more than 120 former service members told him they had seen UFOs near nuclear weapons and testing facilities.
Similar sightings reported in Russia and Britain.
The Walton family, residing in rural Utah, reported a series of bizarre and escalating encounters in the 2010s involving UFOs, unexplained lights, and paranormal phenomena around their property. Their experiences, which included sightings of strange craft, interactions with unknown alien entities, and episodes of missing time, bore striking similarities to the Skinwalker Ranch phenomenon, located nearby. The encounters became a subject of intense interest among UFO and paranormal investigators, who noted the high frequency and diversity of anomalous events.
Why It Matters:
The Walton family encounters provide a contemporary case study of overlapping UFO, cryptid, and paranormal phenomena. Their experiences challenge conventional explanations and suggest a possible link to broader regional anomalies in Utah, often associated with Skinwalker Ranch and other hot spots for unexplained activity.
See The Walton Family Encounters (Utah) (2010s)
Sonar images revealed a structure resembling an alien craft with metallic properties unlike natural formations.
Lights appear near the nuclear disaster site in Japan.
Leaked NSA files allegedly reference extraterrestrial monitoring.
Pilots record UAPs accelerating and rotating mid-air.
Videos shot by fighter pilots associated with USS Theodore Roosevelt carrier strike group operating off East Coast of United states. (Gimbal and Go Fast videos).
Expanded analysis in 2017 highlights advanced propulsion capabilities.
The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) was disclosed, confirming government research into UFO phenomena.
Lou Elizondo, director of AATIP - Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, resigns from the Pentagon in protest.
Elizondo described UAPs as demonstrating "beyond-next-generation" capabilities, such as hypersonic speeds, sudden direction changes, and anti-gravity propulsion.
Front page story in New York Times reveals existence of a previously unknown UFO study named AATIP.
Managed by career counterintelligence officer Lue Elizondo.
Lou Elizondo and Chris Melon bring videos to NYT.
The $22 Million cited in the article did not go into AATIP, but rather the Advanced Weapons System Application Program (AAWSAP), initiated and managed by Dr. James Lacatski. Contract awareded to a subsidiary of Bigelow Aerospace.
Pentagon starts denying they know who Lou Elizondo is, that there is no such project at the Pentagon, that they are not investigating UFOs, etc.
Lou Elizondo retains Daniel Sheehan, leading constitutional attorney with a decades long throughline in unmasking the National Security State.
Not just whistleblower defense, but challenging them for lying to the American people and lying to Congress.
Complaint asserts that it is unconstitutional for Pentagon to be lying to Congress.
They brief Inspector General of what is going on with the UFO issue.
Inspector General starts bringing in officers, who they are able to brief on what is going on.
Previously even the guy who was J2 head of intelligence for Joint Chiefs of Staff was briefed out of this. Not allowed to ask any questions. And he was head of intelligence for Joint Chiefs of Staff to US President.
Now Congress and multiple high ranking military officers are becoming aware that the fascist deep state is embezzling billions of dollars from government and tax payers, lying to congress, lying to high ranking military officials, lying to the US Public.
They view the elected representatives as temporary employees that come and go, in the midst of a long overarching plot, including the Presidents, and they hold them in disdain.
What does that mean from a constitutional standpoint.
After AAWSAP is disbanded early, AATIP is created, and Lue Elizondo continues the investigation.
Note key term for research Advanced Aerospace Vehicles (AAVs).
Advanced Aerospace Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Application Program
Infrared footage captures a UFO releasing unknown material.
NASA Patents on Anti-Gravity Systems: U.S. Patent 10,144,532 B2 (2018): NASA engineer Salvatore Pais filed a patent for a "craft using an inertial mass reduction device," describing a propulsion system reminiscent of anti-gravity concepts.
The U.S. Navy authenticates leaked footage of 2014-2015 UFO encounters by Navy pilots, including the "Go Fast" and "Gimbal" videos.
In September 2019, Susan Gough, Pentagon spokeswoman, confirms that videos were made by US military aviators and are "part of a larger issue of an increased number of training range incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena in recent years".
Confirming numerous reports of UAPs / UFOs emerging from and slipping into water (including direct eye witness reports to Jordan), July 15, 2019, a video recording from the USS Omaha shows a spherical object flying rapidly and then slipping into the ocean.
Over a million people pledge to "see them aliens."
Explores government cover-ups of extraterrestrial contact.
The U.S. Department of Defense established the UAP Task Force to investigate UFO sightings. Official acknowledgment of UAP research.
April 27, 2020, Pentagon officially releases the three FLIR videos.
The U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a report confirming over 140 documented UAP incidents between 2004 and 2021. Most of these sightings remain unexplained, with no evidence of conventional or foreign technological origins.
Regarding their personal sightings, and alien technology far superior to anything in possession of the US Military.
Military insiders testify to congress under oath that we are in possession of multiple non-human extraterrestrial spacecraft, and non-human extraterrestrial bodies.
Senate Intelligence Committee now has the DNA tests showing that the bodies are non-human.
Fravor reports that the UFO he encountered defied the laws of physics as we understand them.
As of 2024, over 40 top secret additional witnesses have given corroborative sworn testimony under oath to the Senate Intelligence Committee.
In 2023, David Grusch, a decorated U.S. Air Force veteran and intelligence officer, came forward as a whistleblower with explosive allegations about secretive government programs related to unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). Grusch claimed the U.S. government has been operating clandestine projects involving recovered extraterrestrial craft, some of which contained non-human biologics. His testimony, delivered during a historic congressional hearing, sent shockwaves through the public, scientific, and political spheres. Grusch described a decades-long cover-up, involving misappropriation of funds, intimidation of witnesses, and non-disclosure to elected officials.
Why It Matters:
Grusch’s testimony represents one of the most credible and high-profile whistleblower accounts in modern UFO history. His assertions, supported by corroborating witnesses and classified documents, reignited debates about government transparency and humanity's understanding of its place in the universe.
See David Grusch's Whistleblower Testimony (2023)
David Hecker. Raytheon Polar Services. Operating under NSF. Dual role plumbing and fire control at South Pole Station. In that role educated on every room and function, electrical systems, equipment, etc.
Testifies to congress regarding the existence of above top secret facilities and the existence secret Directed Energy Weapons Systems, operating under the pretenses of civilian science. ELF (Extra Low Frequency) system energized and functioning. Ice Cube Nutrino Detector.
Presently worlds "biggest telescope", and indications they want to increase it 10x more. Also capable of directed energy weaponization. Original build was perhaps $500 Billion... why 10x?
These systems are capable of being networked together to create super weapons.
States that a small technocratic elite that controls the technologies are weaponizing them against the human beings who financed their R&D with tax dollars, sweat, and blood. Many people experiencing "Havana Syndrome" type symptoms, up to and including mass mind control. Walking wounded getting hit with them every day.
For example - Raytheon makes "Active Denial System" - weapons grade microwave Directed Energy Weapon for crowd control. Humvee mounted small scale... Possible satellite mounted large scale. Available to highest bidder, black market, etc.
Cites large scale laser that shoots into space.
Cites multiple HARP systems... HARP is an ionospheric heaters... Controlling environment of the people whose minds you are controlling.
Air Force Document - discussing that Air Force would have full control of the weather by mid 2020s. Very easy to manufacture fires, natural disasters, earthquakes, etc. via directed energy weapons systems.
States that major earthquake in New Zealand was "friendly fire" from the directed energy weapons platform.
"We are all under attack every day by their new invisible weapons." Everyone needs to understand the weapons on the playing field.
"If the technology exists, someone is using it."
Is hand and hand work with alien intelligence happening? Presidential deals with ET forces? Dulce base? "I think it is so obvious to say yes". "A lot of factions on planet. A lot of factions off planet."
Truman Show Reality. It should be terrifying. The whole world is about to get sucker punched by technology, and they have no clue.
Admiral Bird - Operation High Jump.
Continent of Antarctica has as massive of waterways as other continents, under the ice. Routes for submarines. What were Nazis doing during WWII, post WWII, where did submarine fleet go, etc.
10+ year lag in science meeting public awareness.
Key technologies continually buried. Tesla, wireless energy, reverse engineered alien technology, etc.
Absolute government lies. We the people are being lied to. Congress is being lied to. There is a military industrial complex situation that crosses national boundaries. "I see in 5 years an enslaved population that will do whatever they are told."
When asked by Congress if he believes the US Government has made contact with intelligent extraterrestrials, Grusch states that "is something I cannot discuss in a public setting."
David Grusch tells congress that based on his conversations with pilots, he estimates "we are somewhere near 5% reporting (of military pilot encounters with UFO / UAP phenomena).
Multiple hyper credible first hand witnesses, deeply inside the programs, begin testifying to the Senate Intelligence Committee and providing documented proof, and third party sources and points of triangulation to corroborate their information.
We now have irrefutable evidence that humanity is in possession of multiple alien craft, bodies, and hundreds of thousands of cases.
Alien hardware and bodies in our hands changes everything.
To this day, reverse engineering projects continue.
For example, Radiant Technologies, whose offices are in the districts of the only congress-people blocking disclosure, has the Prompt Global Strike Program, seeking to reverse engineer alien technologies to create the capability to hit the center of Russia or China in 2 minutes from nuclear missiles fired from the United States.
This would likely entirely upend the balance of power, which is the stated goal of the Fascist Security State, but not We The People.
After receiving the irrefutable evidence, which Senate Intelligence Committee believes and cannot refute...
...a bill is formulated and passed through US Congress requiring full disclosure to the American people.
...Senate armed services committee staff, under Jack Reed, Senate intelligence committee under Mark Warner, Marco Rubio, etc. craft 64 page comprehensive bill on how to undertake a responsible and controlled disclosure.
This bill requires disclosing everything that is more than 25 years old, per standard intelligence requirements, disclosing everything going back to at least January 1945 and revealing that to the public.
Daniel Sheehan worked on the bill, including a time schedule of 300 days to gather everything and convert to computer retrievable form.
And the everything disclosed within a 7 year period.
The bill required the information would be turned over to National Archives, who was then directed by congress to release all the information to the public within 180 days unless the President personally intervened to stop the disclosure of certain pieces of information.
A 9 person board with staff and a $20 million budget was established to manage the process, with a list of groups that would nominate members to the board.
17-0 vote in favor the 64 page bill in Senate intelligence committee, 8 republican and 9 democratic Senators.
Of 435 members in house, ~420 supported. Overwhelming Senate support.
Enacted December 22, 2023, 300 day timeline falls on October 18, 2024, two weeks before 2024 election.
As of 2024, US Air Force fact sheet on UFOs and Project Bluebook states:
As a result of these investigations, studies and experience gained from investigating UFO reports since 1948, the conclusions of Project Blue Book were:
We are moving rapidly towards Presidential and Congressional demands to preserve all evidence to forestall the ongoing coverups and destruction of evidence (such as those of MKUltra et al).
Power to subpoena to sworn depositions under oath.
The bill gives the US Government the power to take back into US Government possession the alien craft, biologics (bodies), etc. that are being reversed engineered by the private sector, who are desperately trying to stop the bill.
A number of Presidents were not briefed into the above-top-secret UFO / extraterrestrial information.
Former Douglas Think Tank member reports that as of 2012 it was estimated that there were approximately 30,000 alien abductions of US Citizens per year.
The focus of the abductions, according to nearly all those involved, appears to be alien control of and interbreeding with human beings without their consent, and likely advanced genetic engineering.
While this is hard to believe, John Mack's interviews with hundreds of abduction victims, provide irrefutably consistent evidence of what abductees experience.
My own first hand conversations with multiple abduction victims and other individuals with direct personal knowledge of alien activities helped me triangulate the credibility of these highly consistent reports.
Among many, here are four big problems:
Forward to 23. The Corrupt, Fraudulent, and Deceitful Existing Order
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