1951 U.S.S. Coral Sea - South China Sea

As told by *Tompkins, William. Selected by Extraterrestrials

At nearly the same time in 1951 on the other side of the planet, in the South China Sea, Admiral Steve (Mac) McDonley, a strikingly handsome six-footer, relaxed in his battle command chair on the bridge ten levels above the flight deck.

Mac was on this fantastic bridge with the most experienced personnel, and the most advanced weapon systems ever assembled on a naval warship. It was 2130 on a crystal-clear night.

He was Commander of a Battle Group cruising non-combat at 14 knots, consisting of the largest aircraft carrier on the planet, the U.S.S. Coral Sea CVB-41, with 97 of the most formidable nuclear combat aircraft ever assembled (Douglas A-3 Sky warriors). In addition, under his command he had two cruisers, four destroyers and an attack submarine. Mac, a former fighter pilot, was considered one of the top combat officers in the Navy. This was his first deployment as Flag Commander of an entire Battle Group.

At that moment, the entire flight deck was engulfed in a brilliant light, encompassing the ocean and all seven ships.

“Sir, my search radar screen is whited out, entire upper screen,” the operator reported in a low scream.

“An extremely large cylindrical vehicle is located 400 feet above our carrier.” Indeed, triangulation established that the object was over 8,000 feet long (1.5 miles) and 500 feet in diameter. It emitted a brilliant light source that encompassed its entirety.

For eight minutes, over 5,000 crew members of the Battle Group came up on deck and witnessed this encounter, knowing that they would probably never be able to reveal what they had just witnessed.

Tompkins, William. Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs., think-tanks and Nordic secretaries