The Valensole Incident is a renowned UFO case involving a close encounter with humanoid beings and physical evidence left at the landing site. On July 1, 1965, Maurice Masse, a farmer in Valensole, France, reported witnessing a craft land in his lavender field and encountering two small humanoid beings. The craft left a visible imprint in the soil, which was later analyzed by investigators. The case stands out for its credible witness, detailed descriptions, and physical trace evidence, making it one of the most compelling UFO encounters of its time.
Why It Matters:
The Valensole Incident provides a rare combination of eyewitness testimony and physical evidence. Maurice Masse’s credibility as a respected farmer and the detailed account of his encounter with humanoid beings lend significant weight to this case. The physical traces left at the site have been widely studied, further solidifying its place in UFO research.
On the early morning of July 1, 1965, Maurice Masse was tending to his lavender field when he noticed a strange, egg-shaped object descending silently. The craft, roughly 6–7 feet tall and 10 feet wide, landed on four retractable legs about 60 feet from him. Intrigued and cautious, Masse approached the object.
As he drew nearer, he noticed two small beings standing beside the craft. The entities were approximately 4 feet tall, with large heads, almond-shaped eyes, and wearing tight-fitting suits. Masse described them as humanoid but with distinctly non-human features. The beings seemed to be examining the lavender plants before one of them noticed Masse and pointed a device at him.
Masse reported feeling paralyzed and unable to move. The beings then entered the craft, which emitted a soft humming sound, retracted its legs, and ascended vertically at high speed.
The site of the encounter revealed clear physical traces:
Landing Marks:
Soil Changes:
Plant Damage:
Masse immediately reported the incident to local authorities. French police and UFO investigators visited the site, documenting the physical evidence and interviewing Masse.
Maurice Masse was known as a quiet, reliable farmer with no prior interest in UFOs or the paranormal. His detailed, consistent testimony and visible emotional distress after the incident were widely regarded as genuine.
Object Description:
Humanoid Beings:
Witness Effects:
Primary Reports: