21. Ancient Records

Thinking Beyond the limits of SpaceTime we are accustomed to, we can pick up a book like the Bible, and be dropped into an Origin Story that starts midway through The Story as such.

When we pick up such a book, one of the first things we must do is protect our Selves by differentiating and disambiguating between the Supreme Creator / Ultimate Reality / God / One, the angelic realm, and the various depictions in the scriptures of The gods, the sons of God / the gods, etc.

For instance, by the time we encounter the first line of the Bible we already have a challenge:

In the beginning, Elohim (plural)... (created heaven, earth, life on earth, humanity, etc.)

This is translated in the book we inherited from the Roman and English Empires as "God".

However the Hebrew word Elohim is plural.

Christian theologians often interpret this as a unity by invoking the Royal We to refer to the One, or by going forward to the New Testament and pulling John's In the beginning was the Logos back to the Beginning, and then arguing that the word Elohim is referring to the Christian theological concept of the Trinity / Unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

If we hold the term a little more loosely, we can back out and see that Scriptures from the Jews, Christians, Hindus, and many indigenous tribes document a clear differentiation between the Supreme Creator / Ultimate Reality / God / One...

..."the gods" (plural) or "sons of god" (plural)...

...the realms of angels and demons...

...embodied super-human intelligence in Universe...

...embodied super-human intelligence on Earth...

...and humanity created in the image of (God, "the gods", or a particular sub-deity depending on the story).

Through the rest of this book, it will likely become apparent that humans are not the oldest or most advanced intelligence in the universe. In fact, perhaps by the end it will be ridiculous that some of us ever thought so.

Regardless of how the "original" human beings came into existence, on which planet, and how many genetic mutations and experiments may have occurred along the way, the ancient stories clearly present a history in which "the gods", or advanced beings from different worlds or dimensions, have been present on Earth prior to the modern human species, and physically interacting with, interbreeding with, creating hybrids with, and influencing humanity in embodied form.

At least some of these beings were genetically compatible enough with humanity to actually procreate and create races of "giants", "mighty men", and "heroes".

In the next chapter 22. Aliens and Fascists In the 21st Century, you will see that this interbreeding has either continued unimpeded to this day, or at a minimum has begun again at massive scale.

We will also discover that multiple advanced civilizations are interacting with multiple different human tribes and nations, in multiple different ways.

But before we encounter that shocking reality, let's revisit and ground our Selves in some of the more ancient stories that our ancestors have shared with us.

The Hebrew Account

In the Hebrew account, like so many others, it doesn't take long before we move from God / One, to the the gods (plural), to their intimate interactions with humanity. Just a few minutes into a read through the Jewish and Christian origin story found in Genesis, we discover the following:

Genesis 6:1-4: "Now it came about, when (humankind) began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the (sons of the gods (plural - ha-e-lo-him)) saw that the daughters of (humankind (ha-a-dam)) were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. Then (YHWH) said, “My Spirit will not remain with man forever, because he is also flesh; nevertheless his days shall be 120 years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the (sons of God) came in to the daughters of mankind, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown."

This opening introduction eventually leads into the Flood story as told by numerous cultures, where (at least most) of the Nephalim (hybrids) are destroyed...

We can trace the existence of The Giants through The Story:

As we move further into Genesis and then deeper into the Old Testament, we can trace the existence of the hybrid giants through names of the various (tribes) of (giants), for example, notably the Rephaim and Anakim:

Genesis 14:5: "...the kings were with him and defeated the Rephaim... the Zuzim... and the Emim... and also the Amorites."

Deuteronomy 2:10: "The Emim lived there previously, a people as great, numerous and tall as the Anakim."

Deuteronomy 2:20: "It is also regarded as the land of the Rephaim... but the Ammonites call them Zamzummin, a people as great, numerous and tall as the Anakim."

Deuteronomy 3:11: "...for only Og kind of Bashan was left of the remnant of the Rephaim. Behold his bed was a bed of iron; Its length was nine cubits, and its width four cubits..."

Book of Jubilees 29:9 "But before they used to call the land of Gilead the land of the Rephaim... giants whose height was ten, nine, eight down to seven cubits."

Joshua 14:15: "Now the name of Hebron was previously Kiriath-Arba; for Arba was the greatest man among the Anakim."

Joshua 15:13 and 21:11: "...Arba being the father of Anak."

(Upon approaching the Promised Land): Numbers 13:28, 33: "...and indeed we saw the decedents of Anak there! ...We also saw the Nephilim there (the sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight."

Joshua 11:22: "There were no Anakim left in the land of the sons of Israel; only in Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod some remained."

2 Samuel 21:16, 18: "...who was among the descendants of the giant."

2 Samuel 21:20-21: "...And there was war at Gath again, where there was a man of great stature who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in number; and he also had been born to the giant... These four were born to the giant at Gath..."

1 Chronicles 20:4-8: "These were descended from the giants at Gath."

These accounts clearly show that the "sons of god" were here on Earth prior to humanity, watching and participating in their emergence into existence.

While many argue that the flood wiped out the Nephalim, these historical records clearly indicate that the Nephilim or their decendents were still present on the Earth at the time of The Exodus, which was about a thousand after The Flood.

The Jewish Story picks up roughly 6,000 years ago based on geneologies dating back to the inception of Adam.

This Story places The Flood at approximately 3,000 BC, ~5,000 years ago.

The Exodus, when the Giants are still in the land, is perhaps around 1,300 BC, 1,700 years after the Flood.

The time of David (who kills the Goliath, a giant warrior from Gath, one of the last places the Jewish record indicates that the decendents of the Anakim / giants remained), was around 300 years later circa ~1,000 BC.

The Sumerian Records

The Sumerian King List is a composition attested to by at least 16 tablets or fragments...

Lines 1 through 39 describe the period "after the kingship descended from heaven", and before the flood. The reigns vary between 43,200 and 28,800 years each (241,200 years total), followed by the statement: "Then the flood swept over".

Lines 40 to 265 pick up with "After the flood had swept over..." and then list 23 kings who ruled between 1500 and 300 years for a total of 24,510 years.

After, the reigns continue to shrink in length, with some as short as 6 years.

Enmebaragesi is the first king listed whose name is attested from the Early Dynastic inscriptions.

His successor Aga is mentioned in the poem Gilgamesh and Aga.

Lines 266-377 cover the chaotic period of Akkad and his successors before the kingship moves to Uruk and then Ur, after which "the very foundation of Sumer was torn out." Reigns are generally short between 3 and 33 years.

Gilgamesh “whose father was a phantom, the lord of Kulaba”, and whose mother was the "goddess" Ninsun.

Gilgamesh is described as journeying to meet the hero of The Flood. While uncertain, Gilgamesh's reign around ~2,700 was perhaps 200 to 300 years after The Flood. The Sumerian story says that The Flood hero was granted eternal life. The biblical record suggests he lived 950 years.

These timelines for The Flood and Gilgamesh's reign approximately line up and would have enabled Gilgamesh to meet him, and artifacts have been discovered associated with Aga and Enmebaragesi.

So who were these "kings" who reigned for thousands of years?

Enlil, later Elil and then Ellil, was apparently the oldest of the Annunaki and chief deity of the Sumerian pantheon. He was subsequently worshipped by the Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Hurrians. He was worshipped at the Ekur "temple" in Nippur, which was believed to have been built by Enlil himself and regarded as the "mooring rope" of heaven and earth.

Enlil / Ellil is regarded as terraforming the Earth by separating An (heaven) from Ki (earth) and making the world habitable for humans, before subsequently flooding the earth to exterminate the human race as told in Eridu Genesis (ancient Sumerian epic covering the creation of the world, the descent of the Elohim, the building of cities, the creation of human beings to tend to the Earth, and the flood).

In the Hebrew scriptures, these acts, including separating the sky and the Earth and terraforming the planet to make it habitable and then populating it with various Creations are attributed to Elohim.

Note that “Elohim” / “Enlil” / "Ellil" / "El" emerge from the ancient Semitic world. The root “ʾl” in “Elohim” is common to many Semitic languages and appears in various forms such as “El” in Canaanite and Ugaritic texts referring to the singular chief deity (as differentiated from Elohim plural).

According to the Babylonian Enuma Elis, after six generations of gods, the gods grow tired of their labor. The younger Igigi, who were the servants of the Annunaki and apparently included sons and daughters of Enlil and Ninlil, refuse to continue to perform the labor of cultivating creation.

So the gods, the Annunaki, determine to create humans in their own image, but with limitations so that they will serve as a subservient worker class and tend to creation.

One of the Annunaki, Enki (meaning lord of earth), lives in the "temple" at Eridu, located at the edge of a body of water, called an abzu, and known as the house of the subterranean waters. The name abzu was also applied to tanks of holy water in Babylonian and Assyrian "temple" courtyards. Similar to the mikvot of Judaism, the washing pools of Islamic mosques, and the earliest baptismal fonts of Christian Churches, which were designed for full immersion, often in a separate building.

It was believed by the people in the area that Enki (Ea in Akkadian language), had lived in the abzu since before human beings were created. This matches up with the Hebrew accounts of the "sons of god" present on Earth before the emergence of humans, and subsequently mating with them.

Pay attention to the "subterranean waters", and consider how the rivers used to flow relative to the pyramids, etc. The subterranean waters may have been related to advanced energy systems, and to the accounts of ancient gods that took on half-fish form, attested by tribes around the world.

Later we find that Marduk is Enki's son.

Enki creates humans out of clay and the blood of one of the other gods (very likely a reference to genetic engineering / cloning), "in the image of the gods", but with certain key limitations.

Adapa, the first man fashioned, has a close personal relationship with Enki, walking and talking with him. It is also reported that Adapa also visited "heaven", which in the Semitic world was described like a highly advanced futuristic civilization in the sky where the pantheon of deities and sub-deities physically lived, and traveled to and from back to Earth.

Adapa later acts as an advisor to the King of Eridu after "the me of kingship descends of Eridu".

In Sumerian culture, a me is a divine decree. The mes were central to the relationship between the humans and the gods, and apparently contained many of the rules, principles, and understandings that made Mesopotamian civilization possible.

According to the Mesopotamian story, the mes were aggregated by Enlil as part of the process of bringing an early civilization on Earth into existence, and then handed over to his son Enki (who is reported to have later created / engineered humans) for guardianship.

Enki was responsible for distributing responsibility and authority across the various Sumerian centers (Eridu, Ur, Meluhha, Dilmun, etc.) The responsibilities distributed include responsibilities for various crafts and natural phenomena.

See the poem "Enki and the World Order" for reference.

As the World Order gets out of hand, Enlil / Ellil grows wearied of the chaos, and resolves to send a flood to wipe out all the humans and hybrids.

The god Enki, son of Ellil, particularly attached to the humans he had created, chooses one human Ziusudra, and advises him how to build a vessel (either boat or aircraft) to save himself and a couple of every living creature.

This tale is mirrored in the Epic of Gilgamesh, where Utnapishtim (the flood hero), survives a deluge and is granted immortality. Utnapishtim is the 8th of the Antediluvian Kings.

This is likely the same figure as Noah in the Hebrew scriptures, who lives for ~950 years, with some stories suggesting that Noah was also 8th, or close to 8th.

Also note that Enoch (7th from Adam), is identified with Idris in the Muslim tradition, Hermes in the Greek, and Thoth in the Egyptian.

This Enoch/ Idris figure apparently was the initiator into the mysteries of the divine science and wisdom, carved the principles into Egyptian hieroglyphs, initiated Pythagoras (who reported that his breakthroughs came through revelation), and was the first teacher of alchemy.

Post deluge, the Seven Sages, or Apkallu, emerge and "finish the plans for heaven and earth". They are associated with the founding of the seven cities (Eridu, Ur, Nippur, Kullab, Kesh, Lagash, Shuruppak), and laying the foundation of Uruk (Epic of Gilgamesh).

Note that later, each of these cities was historically regarded as having its own "deity" who lived in a "temple."

According the ancient stories, the temples were simply the homes of these advanced extraterrestrial beings.

Other parallels with Hebrew scriptures include Enki placing an alteration of the language in the mouths of humans, perhaps at one point unifying it, and then subsequently fragmenting it. Parallel to Tower of Babel story in Hebrew scriptures.

Later, we find the story of Piriggalnungal, born in Kish, who angered "the god" Ishkur/Adad, so that he allowed neither rain nor growth in the land for three years... perhaps related to the story of Elijah in 1st Kings 17.

In the Semitic world, the pantheon of gods was believed to live in heaven or the heavens (described in the texts like a highly advanced futuristic civilization), and participate in an assembly of the gods through which decisions were made.

This "heaven" was viewed as a tangible place that "the gods" could ascend to, descend from in crafts, and take humans back up in their crafts to visit.

For example in the Hebrew scriptures in Ezekiel 1, the prophet is walking, the heavens are opened, and he states that he has a vision of the Elohim (plural), before going on to describe the four beings coming down in a whirlwind whose center glows like amber with light / fire radiating in all directions from the glowing center (sounds a lot like a spacecraft). He goes on to describe the four beings that are within the (glowing center) as being in the likeness of (a-dam / humankind), but with wings, four faces, etc.

Interestingly, here in the modern Bible despite the Prophet saying he had a vision of Elohim (plural) and then going on to literally describe the four beings, Elohim (plural) is translated to English as God (singular).

The Sumarian / Semitic / Egyptian / Hebrew records are fascinating because they are consolidated in one SpatioTemporal place, and can be reconciled to form a reasonably coherent view of what the tribes of people in that area at the time remembered happening and told stories to their grandchildren about.

What they seemed to think and remember was that they were at least partially ancestrally derived from a class of advanced beings / gods who could live for thousands of years, physically lived in temples here on Earth, who they physically served and brought food, drink, and supplies to, and who went back and forth between heaven and Earth in advanced crafts.

The Flood

Hundreds of deluge legends are known around the world, often with humanity aided afterward by a man, a fish-man, or group of sages with a vessel (floating or flying) who comes (out of the sky or over the water) bringing life and gifts of advanced civilization.

At some point, God or the gods becomes displeased with the conduct of the gods, humans, and hybrids on Earth, and orders their destruction via a flood. This story appears in many cultural myths and religious traditions. Here are several examples from different cultures:

  1. Mesopotamian Story - The Epic of Gilgamesh:
    1. Narrative: In this epic, the gods decide to send a flood to destroy humanity because they had become too noisy and disruptive. Ea (Enki), the god of wisdom, warns Utnapishtim (the Sumerian counterpart to Noah) to build a boat to preserve life. Utnapishtim saves his family and various animals, and after the flood, the gods regret their decision due to the resulting desolation.
    2. Outcome: Utnapishtim and his wife are granted immortality, and the gods establish a new covenant with humanity.
  2. Mesopotamian Story - Atrahasis Epic:
    1. Narrative: The gods grow weary of humanity's clamor and overpopulation. Enlil decides to wipe out humanity with a flood. Enki warns Atrahasis, instructing him to build a boat. Atrahasis survives the flood with his family and animals.
    2. Outcome: Enlil and the other gods agree to limit human lifespan and introduce other measures to control the human population, like mortality and barrenness.
  3. Hebrew Story - The Great Flood (Genesis):
    1. Narrative: In Genesis 6-9, God sees that the wickedness of humanity is great on Earth, and every inclination of the thoughts of their hearts is only evil continually. The Nephilim, offspring of the "sons of God" and human women, are part of this corruption. God decides to cleanse the Earth with a flood. Noah, found righteous in God's sight, is instructed to build an ark to save his family and pairs of every living creature.
    2. Outcome: After the flood, God establishes a covenant with Noah, promising never to destroy the Earth with a flood again, symbolized by the rainbow.
  4. Greek Story - The Flood of Deucalion and Pyrrha:
    1. Narrative: Zeus becomes displeased with the wickedness of humanity and decides to flood the Earth. Deucalion, the son of Prometheus, and his wife Pyrrha are warned by Prometheus to build an ark. They survive the flood that wipes out most of humanity.
    2. Outcome: After the flood, Deucalion and Pyrrha repopulate the Earth by throwing stones over their shoulders, which transform into humans.
  5. Hindu Story - Manu and the Great Deluge:
    1. Narrative: In Hindu mythology, Vishnu appears to Manu as a fish and warns him of an impending flood that will destroy all life. Manu builds a boat and is guided by the fish to safety on a mountaintop. He carries with him the Saptarishi (seven sages) and seeds of all plants.
    2. Outcome: After the flood, Manu repopulates the Earth, establishing a new age of humanity.
  6. Mayan Story - The Popol Vuh:
    1. Narrative: In the Mayan creation epic, the gods create several versions of humanity. The second creation, the wooden people, are flawed and disrespectful. The gods decide to destroy them with a great flood. The surviving remnants of these wooden people become monkeys.
    2. Outcome: The gods create a new, more successful race of humans from maize.
  7. Algonquian Flood Myth:
    1. Narrative: In Algonquian mythology, the Great Spirit becomes displeased with the way humans are living. A great flood is sent to cleanse the Earth. A hero, often named Nanabozho, survives by building a raft and saving various animals.
    2. Outcome: After the flood, the hero and the animals work together to recreate the land.
  8. Yoruba Flood Myth:
    1. Narrative: In Yoruba mythology, Olokun, the deity of the sea, floods the Earth due to a dispute with other deities. Obatala, with the help of Orunmila, calms Olokun and rescues the land from the floodwaters.
    2. Outcome: The floodwaters recede, and the Earth is restored.
  9. Inca Story - Viracocha's Flood:
    1. Narrative: The god Viracocha created giants who later became disobedient. To punish them, he sent a great flood. Viracocha then created humans from stones to repopulate the Earth.
    2. Outcome: The flood was a means of cleansing the Earth and starting anew with a more obedient and reverent human population.
  10. Hawaiian Flood Myth (Nu'u):
    1. Narrative: In Hawaiian mythology, Nu'u builds an ark to survive a great flood sent by the god Kane. After the floodwaters recede, Nu'u mistakenly worships the moon, thinking it is Kane. Kane descends on a rainbow to correct Nu'u and teaches him the proper way to worship.
    2. Outcome: The flood cleanses the Earth, and the survivors are guided on the correct path of worship and reverence for the gods.

The Structures

Many tribes forthrightly report, despite being ignored by the establishment and Power Structures, that the ancient unexplained advanced structures in their territories were built by "the gods".

Why have the ancestral memories of tribes around the world been so systematically mocked and discredited as "myth" by arrogant academics and academies?

Many of these extant structures from millennia ago could not be rebuild with modern technology.

The Spacecraft

In some Indian languages, Vinmana means spacecraft. In ancient Hindu scriptures, these Vinmana are depicted as being able to fly within the earth's atmosphere, underwater, and in space, and were used by the "gods" to wage aerial warfare.

These apparent spacecraft are also described in the records of many other tribes, although often in language that betrays the bewilderment of unsophisticated humans grappling with highly advanced technologies they have no words or concepts to describe.

We were see when we come to modern times, that this is still occurring, and has been for millennia.

The Star People

The Mesopotamians, Hopi, the Mayans, the Kogi, the Dogon and other groups also appear to speak forthrightly about their origins from and interactions with "the gods" or "star people", and some tribes even associate their origin stories with visitors from particular star systems that they have special knowledge of from non-scientific means. This knowledge often includes information on calendars, celestial cycles, and time.

Dogon - speak of amphibeous bringers of knowledge from the Sirius star system.

History Channel - African Tribe's Shocking Origin Story in the Stars (6 minutes)

Hindus, Greeks, and other tribes also talk about the civilizing fish people.

Polynesian, Latin, and African tribes all have a name "Aluna" meaning descent.

Both the Kogi and Dogon (at least) have demonstrated prior knowledge of the locations and names of stars invisible to the human eye.

Inca, Maya, Hopi, Maori... the list goes on, however they cannot all be addressed here. Each of the tribes will need to speak and explain the depths of the stories only they truly understand, with their own voices.

The Ant People

The Hopi and other tribes in North America also have memories of living underground with the Ant People in pre-existing tunnels and caverns to survive a time of cataclysm, and have pictograms and carvings to illustrate.

The Maps

Old maps, such as those from Ptolemy and Piri Reis, demonstrate an understanding of spherical coordinates, projection methods, and parts of the Earth not known by Western Civilization until the last few hundred years.

This is coupled with ancient calendars and systems of time related to advanced celestial knowledge.

Interestingly, Piri Reis also apparently shows Antarctica in detail.

The Giants

Beyond the extensive Semitic references above, many other tribes around the world also include stories of the giants and mighty men of old...

For example in North America:

Pretty Shield: Medicine Woman of the Crows (1932) - relates the story of a known ancient race of giants in North America, and the discovery of a human skull twice the size of a modern human skull.

Buffalo Bill's Life Story (1920): Relates both the Suix and the Pawnee speaking of an ancient people who lived there that were three times the size of a modern human, and producing very large bones that the expedition surgeon confirmed were human. The ancestral stories related that the race of giants displeased the Great Spirit, who wiped them out in a great flood.

See also the apocryphal Book of Giants.

The Seven Sisters

In many Aboriginal Australian Stories, the Seven Sisters are ancestral beings who traveled across the land, creating natural features and teaching people the laws and customs.

They are often associated with the Pleiades star cluster and are seen as figures who brought culture and order to the world.

The Seven Great Sages of India

In the Hindu Story, the Saptarishi are seven great sages who were the mind-born sons of Brahma, the creator god. They are revered for their knowledge and ascetic practices.

These sages are considered patriarchs of the Vedic tradition and were instrumental in the creation of the Vedas, as well as in guiding humanity in spiritual and moral matters.

The Apkallu (Seven Sages)

In Mesopotamian Story, particularly within Sumerian and Akkadian traditions, the Apkallu were demi-gods sent by the god Enki (Ea) to impart knowledge and civilization to humanity.

These sages taught humans various arts and sciences, including agriculture, writing, and law. They were said to have emerged from the waters of the Abzu, bringing enlightenment after the flood.

Note similarity to Dogon fish people, who would go into the water in the evening, and emerge the next day to teach.

Indian Flood and Fish People

After the flood, Manu, guided by the fish avatar of Vishnu, ensures the survival of the Vedas and the seeds of all living things. Manu and the sages repopulate the Earth and restore dharma (cosmic order).

Manu's role is pivotal in re-establishing cultural and religious practices, ensuring the continuation of knowledge and tradition.

Incan Flood and Fish People

After the flood, the god Viracocha emerges from Lake Titicaca. He walks across the land, teaching people agriculture, crafts, and civilization. He also creates new humans from stones.

Viracocha is central to the restoration and advancement of Inca civilization, ensuring cultural continuity and development.

Note the water systems of the advanced Incan sites they claim were built by the gods, and their comparison to the Mesopotamian temples and water systems. Along with shared symbology, relics, advanced technologies, etc.

Mesopotamian Flood and Fish People

Oannes, a half-man, half-fish being, is said to have emerged from the Persian Gulf. He taught the Sumerians wisdom, writing, the arts, and sciences.

Oannes brought knowledge and civilization to the post-flood world, helping humanity rebuild and advance.

Maori Story

Tāne originally separates the sky and Earth, creating space for life to thrive. Post-calamity, he helps in restoring life and order.

Tāne brings balance and ensures the flourishing of life and culture among the Maori.

Chinese Story

After the flood, Yu the Great, son of Gun, manages to control the floodwaters through engineering and canal building. He travels throughout China, organizing labor and teaching flood control.

Yu's efforts lead to the establishment of the Xia Dynasty, and he is revered as a hero who brought stability and prosperity.

The Superhuman Beings Interacting with Humanity

  • In the Semitic traditions, they are the Elohim or the Annunaki
  • In Vedic traditions, they are perhaps the Devas and Asuras.
  • In Mayan mythology, they are perhaps the Ahau (lords) and Bacab (sky bearers).
  • In Hopi tradition, they are perhaps the Kachinas, spirit beings that interact with the Hopi people.
  • In Biblical tradition, they are perhaps the sons of Godangels, and gods.

The Council

  1. El takes his stand in the congregation, and judges among the Elohim (plural) (Biblical example from Psalm 82:1).
  2. The Ugaritic texts, discovered at Ras Shamra (ancient Ugarit), describe the Canaanite pantheon led by the god El.
  3. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the gods Anu, Enlil, Ea, and others form a council that makes decisions about human affairs and the natural world.
  4. The Greek gods frequently gather, with Zeus as the chief deity presiding over the council. This council of gods deliberates on matters affecting both gods and humans. These gods are involved in shaping the Earth, but are not its original creator.
  5. Roman mythology features the gods convening under the leadership of Jupiter (the Roman equivalent of Zeus). This divine council decides on important matters and intervenes in human affairs.
  6. In Egyptian mythology, the Ennead of Heliopolis consists of nine deities, with Atum (or Ra) as the supreme deity. This group includes gods like Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys, who together make decisions regarding the cosmos and human destiny.
  7. Norse mythology describes the Aesir gods, led by Odin, who meet in council to decide the fates of gods and men. This council is held in Asgard, the realm of the gods.
  8. Hindu mythology often depicts assemblies of the Devas (gods) led by Indra, Vishnu, or other supreme deities. These councils discuss cosmic order, the battle against the Asuras (demons), and the welfare of the universe.
  9. In Mayan mythology, the Popol Vuh describes a divine council of gods, who gather to create the world and humanity. This council discusses and decides the forms and destinies of their creations.
  10. The Hopi traditions speak of a council of spirit beings, the Kachinas, who interact with the Hopi people and oversee the natural and spiritual order across multiple universes, eventually giving rise to Earth and humans.

The Stories on the Origins of Humankind

  1. Chinese Story - Nuwa: In the Chinese creation myth, Nuwa created human beings in her own image. She shaped yellow clay to form humans, breathing life into them. These first humans were able to reproduce and populate the Earth. Note that Nuwa and her consort Fuxi are described as "divine beings with a serpents body", who are decedents of superior gods, who in the myth actually reign as emperor on Earth. Note also the timing ~2,600 BC, and the introduction of marriage and patriarchal society. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuxi
  2. Akkadian Story - Epic of Atrahasis: In this Akkadian epic, the gods create humans from a mixture of clay and the blood of a slain god, imparting divine essence into the human form. This creation was intended to relieve the lesser gods from labor.
  3. Sumerian Story - Enki and Ninmah: In this Sumerian myth, the god Enki and the goddess Ninmah create humans from clay. They shape different types of humans to address various needs and challenges, highlighting the divine role in human diversity.
  4. Hebrew Story - Genesis: According to the Book of Genesis, Elohim forms the first human, Adam, from the dust of the ground in his / their own image and breathes the breath of life into his nostrils, making him a living being (Genesis 2:7).
  5. Greek Story - Prometheus: The titan Prometheus is credited with creating humans from clay. He shapes them and then gives them life by stealing fire from the gods and bestowing it upon humanity, symbolizing knowledge and enlightenment.
  6. Ehyptian Story - Khnum: The god Khnum is often depicted as a potter who forms humans from clay on his potter's wheel. He shapes their bodies and places their soul (ka) into them, highlighting his role as a creator and sustainer of life.
  7. Inca Story - Viracocha: The god Viracocha creates the first humans from stones or clay and breathes life into them. He shapes them to populate the Earth and impart culture and civilization.
  8. Norse Story - Ask and Embla: According to Norse myth, the first humans, Ask (man) and Embla (woman), are created from tree trunks or pieces of wood found on the shore. The gods Odin, Vili, and Ve give them life, intelligence, and the ability to move.
  9. Cherokee Story: In some Cherokee myths, humans are created from clay by the Great Spirit, who molds them and breathes life into them.
  10. Hopi Story: The Spider Grandmother, a deity in Hopi mythology, creates humans from clay and sings them to life.
  11. Zoroastrian Story: In Zoroastrian tradition, the first human, Gayomard, is created from the Earth's clay by Ahura Mazda. After his death, his body becomes the seed from which the human race grows.
  12. Kikuyu Story (Kenya): The god Ngai creates the first humans, Gikuyu and Mumbi, from the soil of Mount Kenya.

Interesting, and non-coincidental parallels.

The Lifespans

Certain ancient "royalty" or "gods" were described as ruling the entirety of Earth, or "the three planets" (Earth, Mars, Tiamat?), often for thousands of years.

After "the kingship descends to Earth", The Sumerian King List describes rulers (likely Annonaki / Elohim) living thousands of years.

After the first humans, the biblical record and other ancient records record the first humans having exceptionally long life-spans approaching 1,000 years.

  1. Adam: 930 years
  2. Seth: 912 years
  3. Enosh: 905 years
  4. Kenan (Cainan): 910 years
  5. Mahalalel: 895 years
  6. Jared: 962 years
  7. Enoch: 365 years (taken by God, did not experience death)
  8. Methuselah: 969 years (longest-lived human)
  9. Lamech: 777 years
  10. Noah: 950 years

At some point, after the interbreeding of the sons of god (be-ne-ha-elohim) with human beings (Genesis 6:2), God or the gods intervenes in the design of humans to shorten the lifespan to the present ~120 years (Genesis 6:3), and floods the Earth to eliminate the chaos (Genesis 6:7) and reset the experiment.

Abraham's Connection to Ur

Note that the start of the Biblical record of the Jewish people begins with Abraham being called out of Ur, traveling to Haran, and then to Caanan, before venturing on to Egypt due to famine. This is the same Ur spoken of in the The Sumerian King List).

This intensely intermixes the origin stories of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions with the Mesopotamian stories that Abraham was raised in and carried culturally (note that Abraham did not leave Ur until he was 70 years old).

This is crucial, because ~4 billion humans on the verge of world war with one another all link back to the same "Father", "Family" and beginning, which further back is shared by all humankind.

If We are up against what We are up against, the only possibly pathway towards liberty that does not involve the suffering and death of the vast majority of the human species is through Unity.

A Reminder of the Ancient Story Before We Advance to the Modern Story

Before a brainwashed and mind-controlled humanity attempts to grapple with modern reality of multiple advanced alien species interacting with, interbreeding with, and genetically engineering it in modern times, it is important to look back and remember that this is exactly what our ancient stories and memories told us was happening since our mysterious inception.

2,500 Years Ago

Sources indicate that around 2,500 years ago, tired of the chaos, wars, and conflict, the benevolent extraterrestrial beings largely withdrew from the Earth, allowing the malevolent extraterrestrial species to largely gain control of the Earth.

This was the end of the golden age of classical antiquity.

By 221 BC, the great wall is being constructed in China, and by 30 BC the Roman Empire arises after the fall of the Roman Republic.

The Plot of the Evil Empire, and 1700 Years of Darkness

Between 200 B.C. and 200 A.D., a deliberately planned conspiracy was adopted by the combined supreme political and religious power structure of that period and the invisible forces puppeting them, which undertook the conditioning of the human reflexes to misconceive and mis-see (or mostly not see at all) the macro-micro-cosmic systems in which we live.

The science, technology, and calculating systems that had enabled the feats of old disappeared behind a veil of darkness, and Latin.

"Their success drew the curtains on science for 1700 years—until 1500 A.D. It may be that the curtain would never again have been raised had it not been for the discovery of that something-called-nothing—the cipher. Because it was “nothing,” the information-monopolizing, physical-property coveting power structure had overlooked it."

The rediscovery of the cipher, and the Spirit of God, enabled humanity to begin waking back up and escaping from the 1700-year monopoly of all its calculating functions by the power structure operating invisibly behind the church’s ordained few.

1,500 to 1880s - Preparing for Battle

As the not-at-all-Holy Roman Empire and its Puppeteers shifts their Invisible Power Structure to London, Columbus sails, and the colonial exploitation of Earth begins...

A few are waking up, realizing what happened, and nailing their 95 Theses to the wall (1517).

Humanity begins to remember that the universe does not revolve around the Earth (1543).

Humanity begins to remember some elementary physics (1687).

Humanity begins revolting against the imperial rule they have been withering under (1776 America, 1789 France).

Civil wars and chaos muddy the waters (1800s).

During all that time, there is still very little technological development to speak of.

What Happened in the 1880s?

Then, strangely, and all of a sudden... in the 1880s and 1890s, and early 1900s...

...Over a 20 or 30 period, after millennia in Darkness, a couple pockets of human beings in America and Germany / Austria / Hungary and beyond all of a sudden understand electricity, electromagnetism, quantum physics, antigravitation, x-rays, alternative propulsion systems, start taking flight in giant dirigibles, etc...

...and then by the 1920s and 1930s thousands of human beings all over the planet suddenly decide to risk everything they have to figure out how to build advanced space vehicles and get off the Earth, and out into the cosmos.

Further, many these individuals directly and forthrightly purport to be interfacing with extraterrestrial technologies and influence.

What If We Suspended Judgement, and Considered That What Thousands of People Are Telling Us and Providing Evidence For Might Be True?

Might there be some possibility that both our ancient ancestors and the modern ancestors of our current space programs are simply telling the Truth when they unanimously purport that highly advanced extraterrestrial beings are building marvels on Earth and providing them with advanced mathematics, technology, and engineering insights?

Look back at the record. From the ancients, to Pythagoras, to modern mathematicians, to Tesla, to the American and German engineers, nearly universally the originators of the most highly advanced and most unbelievable breakthroughs when asked reported that the answers, solutions, and designs simply appeared / were revealed to them, obviously and clearing from Beyond their own Apparently Individuated Consiousness.

What if We believed them?


Today, The War is on again, and humanity must pass Through The Eye Of The Needle in order for it, and the Earth, to survive.

It is my Current Best Understanding that life or death for at least 2/3 of the human species hangs in the balance.

Today matters more than we can possibly know.

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