Special thanks to Citizens like Buckminster Fuller, Daniel Sheehan, and Mike Bencz who helped unveil the Invisible Power Structures. Their words and research blend with my notes and findings and intermingle below.
Let's be clear - the entire Existing Order is corrupt, fraudulent, deceitful, and is about to Collapse.
A house divided against itself cannot stand, and therefore it is falling.
For the last couple years, I have been arguing that 2024 is likely to be the last quasi-democratic election in US history. If we do not sort this out NOW, the American Experiment we thought we were living in is over.
Because of the degree of abject and permeating corruption and deceit in the Invisible Power Structures puppeting the Visible Power Structures, only a radical response at the constitutional level has any chance of succeeding in curing the cancer that is destroying the United States, the European Union, Western Civilization, and therefore the world.
As reiterated in Jordan's January 2024 Manifesto, I believe this requires 70% of Americans getting behind a constitutional amendment to fundamentally reset the American Experiment, shrink the federal government by at least 80% to 90%, decentralize and redistribute power and authority back to states and localities, and make the US among the first nations to enact and embody the New Covenant.
I cannot repeat this enough... the existing Order is failing, and no family on Earth is safe.
The Game of Empire and Oligarchy throughout history has required gaining and controlling Power Over the world's Supply Lines and all other subpowerful organizations.
The Trojan War is a story that demonstrates the shift of Supply Line Supremacy from land-based to seas-based.
After 1,800 years of artificially imposed darkness on the human species, the 15th century rediscovery of the cipher and the European adoption of Arabic numerals make possible the navigational and celestial computations of Columbus and Copernicus.
By the 16th century, the capabilities of ships, ship, building, and circumnavigation were sufficiently advanced to rediscover the spherical and predominantly water-covered nature of the Earth, and enable the age of imperial conquest to enter an entirely new phase.
In 1522, with Magellan's circumnavigation, Western Civilization rediscovered that the Earth was neither flat nor infinite, but rather a circum-navigable sphere, with trade-monopolizing potentials for those who could control the Supply Lines.
In 1580, Queen Elizabeth was the major shareholder in The Golden Hind, a merchant ship of Sir Francis Drake.
After Elizabeth took her share of the riches, Drake and his shareholders each realized 5,000% returns on their capital at risk.
In 1600, eager to accrue further astronomical gains, Queen Elizabeth I and surrounding elites established the East India Company.
Exercising the powers of the Crown, she granted the enterprise backers limited liability for any losses or damages the company might incur.
This enabled the Royalty, Owners, and Financiers to limit their losses and liability from afar, while the sailors, employees, and slaves on the front lines could not.
In 1805, 200 years after the founding of the East India Company, and after 200 years of struggle for world dominance, the British won the Battle of Trafalgar, giving the Crown, the Corporations, and their Shareholders dominance of the world’s major Supply Lines.
"Ltd" (limited), "Inc" (incorporated), and other capitalist legal definitions stem from this.
It is important to note that this is not an "real" legal construct, and perhaps it is even an inherently immoral one. At least according to the Jesuits.
It is, rather, like so many aspects of society, a royal-decreed, social-custom-accepted, and then legal-judgment-upheld inclusion in our social construct, a socioeconomic ploy which, when exercised in service of narrow self-interest and profit (its legal purpose), dramatically favors the tiny ruling financial elite over the vast working class that bears the burden of the requisite sweat, loss, blood, and tears associated with human endeavor.
This structure created a new class of Short-Term-Profit-Driven Soulless Giants who were treated as legal persons, allowed to do anything could do, and which could enter and exit tribes, oceans, nations and empires without a passport.
In 1868, the United States passed the 14th Amendment.
In 1886 via Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad, the Supreme Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment applied to corporations, a position it has repeatedly upheld.
In 1980, the Supreme Court further clarified that a corporation had the same right of free speech as any US citizen.
While historians place prime emphasis on the Roman legions as establishing the power of the Roman Empire, it was in fact the development of ships and the overseas line of vital supply upon which the power of the legions was built. The Roman superpower was in transporting those legions and keeping them supplied across the Empire.
Having learned their lessons, the Invisible Power Structures, having shifted their centers of power from Rome into Germany / Austria / Hungary and then London, knew the basic battle plan.
The East India Company, with its backers shielded from loss, of course would not have to undertake their planetary exploitation without fascist state assistance.
Elizabeth and the Invisible Power Structures planned to unite The Power and Instrumentalities of the State in service of the special interests of her and the wealthy elite, by having her army and navies first gain control of the world's seas.
This was the largest to date of such National Power Structure bids to establish and maintain world-trade supremacy through absolute dominance of the world's Supply Lines.
From here, the pattern was set:
The Central Animating Spirit driving the Invisible Power Structures would impel them to establish Visible Power Structures that they could influence (or puppet) to exercise The Power and Instrumentalities of the State in service of the Short Term Profit Seeking motive of their limited-liability Corporations.
This enabled them to saddle the poor and working class with taxes, losses, and debt as the backbone of the ventures, while themselves reaping the profits of their exploitation, while being shielded from loss.
With the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, the English Empire established dominance over the seas and Supply Lines, established the first closed-loop world system, and became the first Empire "upon which the sun never sets".
While every previous Empire had been an infinite / open system (only covering part of the sphere of Earth), the British Empire closed the loop and became a spherically closed, finite system.
For 113 years thereafter, until the end of WWI in 1918, the British Empire designed, built, operated, and maintained the world's most powerful navy, and along with it, near total dominance over the oceans and seas.
At the end of World War I, its dominions signed treaties and joined the emergent League of Nations as independent states.
The League of Nations was the first planetary intergovernmental organization, operating until its components were incorporated into the United Nations, and the current American Order took shape.
As England set out to establish its fascist dominance of the world's Supply Lines and resources, the East India Company also undertook responsibility for educating a civilian army of optimally-informed-and-empire-backed scientists, economists, and managerial personnel.
In 1800, after 200 years of planet-wide effort, Thomas Malthus became the first person in modern history to receive a reasonably complete inventory of the world's vital and economic statistics as best they were understood.
In 1810, Malthus concluded that that humanity was increasing in numbers geometrically, while life support was increasing only arithmetically, and that therefore the majority of humanity would have to exist in misery and want.
Darwin then placed into humanity's mind that only the fittest individuals within the fittest species survive.
Karl Marx then pitted the workers against the elite, setting into existence the Capitalist / Communist struggle that apparently dominated human affairs in the 1900s.
To this day, much of the science of economics is focused on the allocation of a perceived fundamental scarcity of Life Support for the generation of short term profits, instead of the long term co-creation of limitless Abundance and Real Wealth.
As opposed to Co-Creating Abundance, this paradigm has led to trillions of dollars of military expenditures by fascist Invisible Power Structures seeking to develop the ability to kill "ever-more people, at ever-greater distance, in ever-shorter time."
It leads the fascist power structures to construct insatiable and all-consuming Centers of Accumulation that rob, steal, and exploit resources and Life Support from the poorest and most vulnerable citizens of Worksite Earth.
The purpose of these corporate and political Centers of Accumulation is to progressively strip-mine our Collective Inheritance out of the Earth and our local communities, and progressively consolidate it in the hands of The Giants the puppet without liability, despite the tens of millions of people suffering and dying at their hands each years.
As of 2024, the vast majority of humanity is asleep as Employee Consumer Slaves, unwittingly captive in the Darkness of The Game of Empire and Oligarchy, and separated from their abundant portion of our Collective Inheritance.
The main tenant of The Game of Empire and Oligarchy is to Divide and Conquer, and to Keep Divided To Keep Conquered.
One of the main ways that it does this is by concealing the "top secret" general knowledge and adaptability within the Invisible Power Structures, while consciously and forcibly over-specializing people, who they keep separate from the other specialists.
This ensures that only the most elite and corrupted by the system have a complete view of what is actually going on and its implications.
So how did so many come to be mired in debt and poverty, and a few become so wealthy?
The problem of Socioeconomic Inequality is far more difficult to deal with than it appears on the surface.
For a variety of reasons, something like the Pareto Principle tends to guide the distribution of productive capacity in many social, living, and technological systems.
The principle is so named because of an Italian Mr. Pareto who noticed that 20% of his pea plants were producing 80% of his peas. This is also sometimes called the 80/20 rule.
Likewise in many companies, 80% to 90% of the results in an array of areas are accomplished by 10% to 20% of the people, 80% to 90% of pollution caused by 10% to 20% of the polluters, 80% to 90% of the crime is caused by 10% to 20% of the criminals, etc.
In some systems, it is more like 95/5 than 80/20.
Over time, there also tends to be a small percentage of the population capable of outsized entrepreneurial productivity and value creation.
This means that Socioeconomic Justice can only be established through Systems, Culture, and Norms that recognize these realities, and draw up all participants into a fair and just game that recognizes these realities.
Without a fundamental understanding of reciprocity, generosity, diversity, hospitality, Centers of Distribution, etc. built into the Culture and Norms, the strongest and most capable 10% can simply progressively sweep up the resources for them selves, and use them to subjugate the weak and the poor.
It is a runaway / exponential cycle, since "it takes money to make money", and the cycles of learning and accumulation move more and more rapidly for those who already have, putting those who do not at an ever-growing disadvantage.
With conscious mediation of this dynamic, this naturally leads to an essentially feudalistic society.
A New and more just socioeconomic system therefore must be redesigned, rebuilt, and individually and locally embodied from the ground up if we are to escape from the trap of Employee Consumer Slavery to Fascist Power Structures.
Just like The Story of Corporations was made up by the ruling elite, so too was The Story of Money.
Up until 1500 B.C. the vast majority of “money” was living things of Value: cattle, lambs, goats, pigs, or crops - living things of real Value - Life Support wealth that reproduced, and could be consumed.
Around 1,500 B.C., the Phoenicians invented metal money, which they first formed into iron half-rings that looked like a pair of bull's horns, as an icon pointing to the Real Wealth in the form of cattle they formerly carried.
This changeover in "money" occurred around the same time as, and helped give rise to, the changeover in "power" from city-state dominance of local affairs, to line-of-supply dominance of local+remote affairs.
Fastforward ~3,500 years.
Since about 1873, America is effectively on a gold standard.
After WWII, at Breton Woods, the victorious Fascist Security State and its Brown Brothers Harriman backers, convinced the allies that instead of gold being used as the primary means of exchange between countries, the US Dollar would be used.
The countries agreed to fix their currencies to the US Dollar, and the US Dollar to Gold - at $35 / Ounce.
This created a system where all currencies were essentially backed by gold.
When countries exchanged, the gold was usually physically stored in the United States.
Under Lyndon Johnson and then Nixon, the US was accelerating spending, for guns and butter, Vietnam, Cold War, UFO research, and the manned mission to the moon.
The countries pegging their currency to the dollar rightfully became nervous that the United States was printing more currency than it had gold to back it, and began to exchange their $ for gold as agreed to at Breton Woods.
After secretly meeting with advisors, Nixon calls for the "temporary" suspension of the gold convertibility system.
On August 15, 1971, the last fixed link to reality and restraint on the Fascist Security State was broken, just as, for the first time in history, US Citizens had funded the creation of enough of enough knowledge and technology for All of humanity to make it - abundantly.
Since 1971, America has never run a surplus.
As of 2024, the debt stands at $34 Trillion and skyrocketing. (~$175 Trillion + when accounting for unfunded liabilities).
With this act, Nixon and the Fascist Security State created a system where all currencies are backed by nothing but government promises, government force, and false confidence.
Since that date, we can safely say that no nation on Earth uses Money. We all use fake Currency, detached from any link to Reality, measured relative to each other, and entirely unmoored from our Values.
In the current Debt Denominated Currency system, all currency is borrowed into existence.
It is a classic ponzi scheme.
We borrow all currency into existence, without borrowing into existence the interest to repay the principle. This creates a perpetual shortage and means that everyone has to compete with one another to be the ones who can repay the debt, and avoid being the ones who go bankrupt via the artificial scarcity.
The more money "they" loan "us", the more money "they" have to loan "us" in the future, and if they ever stop, the ponzi scheme collapses, we can't pay them back, and the global economy collapses.
Each time currency is borrowed and printed into existence, it increases the supply of money, and therefore decreases the value of all the existing dollars that were already out there.
This is what we call Inflation, which is a massive hidden tax on the poor and working class. It is created by The Giants intentionally.
It is outright robbery. It could / should likely be called both fraud and theft.
When currencies are not tied to reality, each nation can do what it wants. For instance countries can arbitrarily debase their currencies, making their industries more competitive, and causing the entire domestic manufacturing base of one nation to move overseas to another.
As people's money becomes Worth Less, they are forced to borrow to maintain their standards of living...
This creates a vicious cycle in which governments have to keep inflating the currency supply, or the system will die.
In 2008, the Invisible Power Structures that control the government bailed out The Giants and the Invisible Power Structures that own them, taking on the toxic debt on behalf of citizens, while protecting the shareholders - another act of fraud.
By buying their way out of the crisis with fake printed money, it diluted / postponed the crisis, but only by pushing the inevitable Collapse of a fraudulent system down the road and making the eventual Collapse worse.
This system and the acts of the Invisible Power Structures who created amounts to the greatest fraud and ponzi scheme in history, and every family on Earth has been swept up into it.
It is not the US Citizens who are guilty of this tortious fraud, even though it was committed in the name of the United States.
It is the Invisible Power Structures, which collusively co-operate supranationally.
Most People Have No Idea What Is Coming has more info on this.
Since 1971, the standard of living in the United States has increased.
Two generations have grown immensely "wealthy" as the value of their "equity" and "property" skyrocketed.
There was one small problem through: it was all fake. It was all an illusion. It was all financed with $175 Trillion of false promises and debt that the current generations apparently never intended to pay, and Future Generations did not consent to pay.
This means that we stand on the precipice of one of the greatest debt crises in human history, desperately trying to be forestalled until the Fascist Security State puts their next puppet in power in 2024.
Most People Have No Idea What Is Coming.
Somewhere around 2,500 years ago, there was a shift, and and things veered off course.
It seems clear that between 200 B.C. and 200 A.D. a deliberately planned policy was adopted by the combined supreme political and religious power structure of that period, which undertook the conditioning of the human reflexes to misconceive and mis-see (or mostly not see at all) the macro-micro-cosmic systems in which we live.
Their success largely drew the curtains on science for 1700 years—until 1500 A.D.
After the Civil War in America...
...in 1872, things begin to shift.
The Corporation is brought into a new era under influence from Brown Brothers Harriman and the most powerful US and international families, which entirely insulates the humans puppetting the national and supranational corporations from any personal liability associated with corporate activities.
Brown Brothers Harriman plays a crucial role in enshrining Corporate Personhood in the United States, immunizing the human beings who pilot the soulless corporations, while mandating that the corporations operate like zombies / soulless giants to maximize short term profits and shareholder value.
The Doctrine of Ultra Vires, originally established in the United Kingdom in 1612, is imported.
This helps usher in the "gilded age" of the Robber Barons and their families.
Note that the Jesuits designate this a sinful structure, because it is drives corporations on the basis of short term greed, self-interest, avarice, and accumulation, while preventing them from considering the Greatest Good.
Note that since 1873, America is effectively on a gold standard.
Around 1880, as Edison was inventing the electric lamp, Christmas lights, and the direct electric generator, J.P. Morgan Sr. realized that whoever developed, manufactured, installed, and controlled, and metered the generators of Energy would control the national economies into which they were introduced.
This led to the eventual creation of a utilities-and-banks-based-system of (exploitation).
The capital for this system of exploitation was amassed in no small by bonds sold to US Citizens, secured by land given by the US Government to the railroad companies, which later became worthless.
Bucky Fuller: “To initiate his wired and metered electric-energy-power monopoly in the “gay nineties”—1890—which three-fourths of a century later became an overwhelming socioeconomic power, the elder J. P. Morgan used the earlier formula of issuing bonds and preferred stocks on each of his enterprises as soon as they were paying dividends. He was thus provided with additional free capital to initiate other branches of the power-structure system: for example, in copper mining (for use in the generation and conduction of electric power), steel manufacture (for the high-line masts and structural housings of the electric equipment), etc.
He used his engineering firm of Stone-Webster to design and build his foreign-country power systems operated by Electric Bond and Share Company—EBASCO. His price-increasing by the power companies was automatically matched by increase in the stock-market sale of his companies’ shares. These share values increased with his own equities’ advance. Using these equities as capital, he opened his own banks."
It is important to keep in mind that just 130 years ago, in 1895, humanity was still 95% illiterate, with reading, writing, and mathematics still largely hidden behind the veil of elite education.
Very fundamentally, I believe this means that the Citizens of the United States and the world were largely unaware of and did not consent to the machinations of the wealthy banking families, the aristocracy, and the rising Fascist Security State.
In a stunning reversal, it has risen to nearly 90% today, although still at average elementary school level.
During the 10 Year Grand Strategy / The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan, elevating and enlightening All is of highest priority so that We can wisely and intelligently grapple together with the challenges and opportunities at hand.
The rise of the Robber Barons gives rise to President McKinley, and his advisor Mark Hanna, in 1890s and McKinley's election in 1898.
A key issue in the election is the issue of Currency.
A tenant of Mark Hanna's worldview, reflected in quotes, is that the greatest ambition any human could have is to make as much money as possible before he dies.
The veins of the American Imperialism present in the theft of the East Coast lands from the indigenous nations, the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, and the Westward March across North America, continued to expand.
The key figure in that expansion was John W. Foster, who became United States Secretary of State in 1892.
In conspiracy with Brown Brothers Harriman, the wealthiest families, and the other imperial powers...
Operating out of Brown Brothers Harriman, orchestrating Treaty of Versailles under Robert Lancing.
Allend Dulles becomes legal council for Brown Brothers Harriman.
Families conspiring to take over the US Government, and to put the instrumentalities of the American Government at the behest of the interest of their private corporations.
In 1893 Queen Liliʻuokalani was illegally deposed and placed under house arrest by businessmen (who included members of the Dole family) with help from the United States Military.
The Republic of Hawaii governed for a short time until Hawaii was annexed by the United States in 1898 as the Territory of Hawaii. In 1959, the islands became the 50th American state.
The United States occupied the island following Spain's defeat in the 1898 Spanish–American War, as part of the Treaty of Paris of 1898. Guam was transferred to the United States Navy control on December 23, 1898, by Executive Order 108-A from 25th President William McKinley.
In 1898, the Fascist Security State and US media falsely blamed the sinking of USS Maine in the Havana harbor on Spain, accelerating the march towards war with Spain, and American Intervention in the Cuban War of Independence.
"Maine was a United States Navy ship that sank in Havana Harbor on February 15, 1898, contributing to the outbreak of the Spanish–American War in April. U.S. newspapers, engaging in yellow journalism to boost circulation, claimed that the Spanish were responsible for the ship's destruction. The phrase, "Remember the Maine! To hell with Spain!" became a rallying cry for action."
1903 - US Military Expeditionary Force sent to Nicaragua to overthrow the government on behalf of United Fruit...
Between 1915 and 1920, Robert Lansing, married to daughter of John W. Foster, is Secretary of State under Wilson, before being asked to resign.
The sinking of the RMS Lusitania is one of the most significant maritime disasters in history, with profound implications for World War I. The Lusitania was a British ocean liner operated by the Cunard Line. At the time of her construction, she was one of the largest and fastest ships in the world. By early 1915, World War I was in full swing. Germany had declared the waters around the British Isles a war zone and had begun a campaign of unrestricted submarine warfare, targeting Allied and neutral ships.
On May 7, 1915, the ship was torpedoed by the German U-boat U-20 off the southern coast of Ireland. The Lusitania sank in just 18 minutes, resulting in the deaths of 1,198 of the 1,959 people on board, including 128 Americans.
The British and American governments initially portrayed the Lusitania as a purely civilian vessel, carrying innocent passengers and non-military cargo. The British and American governments used the sinking as a powerful propaganda tool, portraying it as a barbaric act of German aggression against innocent civilians. The sinking of the Lusitania, with the loss of American lives, caused a significant shift in public opinion in the United States. It turned many Americans against Germany and contributed to the eventual U.S. entry into World War I in 1917.
It was later revealed that the Lusitania was carrying a significant amount of war material, including approximately 4 million rounds of rifle ammunition, 1,250 cases of shrapnel shells, and 2,000 cases of fuses. This cargo made the ship a legitimate target under international law.
In 1914, the first of a series of world wars breaks out, through which humanity will weaponize the advanced technology it is developing against itself, and send its children to kill over 100 Million of its children in a single century.
As war eventually broke out, by skillful psychology and propaganda the Invisible Power Structures persuaded America that they were fighting “to save democracy.”
During the war, humanity enters upon a comprehensive program of industrial transformation, transforming from wired to wireless communications; from tracked to trackless transportation; from two-dimensional transport to four-dimensional; from visible structuring and mechanical techniques to invisible—atomic and molecular—structuring and mechanics.
Global logistics and Supply Lines are significantly advanced.
In 1918, the American Expeditionary Forces are ordered by Robert Lansing to enter Russia to attempt to crush the Bolshevik revolution. US Military operation on Russian soil.
Robert Lansing ends up supervising the Treaty of Versailles in 1918. He assigns Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles, his nephews, grandsons of John W. Foster, as staff to the Treaty of Versailles negotiations.
They draft reparations demands into the Treaty.
They turn around and negotiate with the people behind Brown Brothers Harriman to give Germany loans to pay the reparations.
The reparations go to the Corporations who had lost property in the war.
In exchange for the loans, Brown Brothers Harriman families take stock in the German War Industry, and end up financing the rebuilding of the military machine in Germany.
Simultaneously, they are funding the rise of the Third Reich and the construction of the Third Reich International Headquarters through Union Bank of New York, and the subsidiary in the Netherlands.
Their plan is to fund the rise of the Third Reich to control Germany, raise Germany back up to power after World War I, and then to have Germany stand astride Europe as a bulwark against Bolshevism in Europe, while they move Westward out into the Pacific to assert increasing dominance over Hawaii, Guam, Marshall Islands, etc. (overthrown under John W. Foster) on their way to developing the entire Asian market.
Group called the China Lobby at Brown Brothers Harriman.
While “death and taxes” seem eternal, in Reality there were little to no federal income taxes until after World War I, when the publicly-espoused Founding Principles of the United States began to be abandoned at an accelerating rate, and the the American Imperial World Order continued its rise in service of the Invisible Power Structures.
Early CEO of Brown Brothers Harriman pre-structure was George Herbert Walker, maternal grandfather of George H.W. Bush, great grandfather of George W. Bush.
In 1920, George Herbert Walker becomes the President of the W.A. Harriman & Co.. Took control of Hamburg-Amerika, one of world's largest shipping companies. W.A. Harriman & Co. (renamed Harriman Brothers & Companyin 1927) had extensive German and Russian businesses.
1924 - Prescott Bush (father and grandfather of two U.S. Presidents) sets up United Banking Corporation in New York, capitalized by the Brown Brothers Harriman partners / families. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_Banking_Corporation)
They then found or establish relations with entity in Netherlands called Bank of Shipping and Commerce (apparently https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_voor_Handel_en_Scheepvaart), associated with the financing activities of Nazi party member Fritz Thyssen.
This enables the financing of the International Headquarters of the Third Reich, and Hitler's rise to power.
1927 Prescott Bush joins Harriman's Bank.
January 1, 1931 Harriman's and British-American investment house Brown Bros. & Co. merge, with the London branch continuing operations as Brown, Shipley & Co..
Brown Brothers Harriman becomes the key. It's origin story involves a group of twenty of the richest families in the country, the robber barons, came together and formed a group called Brown Brothers Harriman in New York City. Carnegies, Rockefellers, Harriman, et al., who sat, made policy together, and pulled the strings of the Fascist Security State.
Robert Lovett, a senior partner at Brown Brothers Harriman, moves back and forth between financing and the US government, eventually writing the memo to Truman recommending the creation of the CIA.
Allen Dulles was legal council, which was why they appointed him as the first civilian head of the CIA.
Robert Lovett later works with Senator Arthur Vandenberg to draft the Vandenberg resolution, which led to the establishment of NATO.
For its entire history, humankind lived, 95% illiterate, in tribes and locations remote from one another, with cultures and ways of being approximately unknown to one another.
In 1919, the first transatlantic flight was successfully undertaken, followed in 1927 by the first human being flying solo across the ocean in a day.
The advent of world-wide logistics at scale via WWI, and trans-oceanic flight shortly thereafter, paved the way, for the first time in human history, for all of humanity to come into contact with one another, and potentially integrate with one another into some kind of Higher Order Functional Unity, within a relatively short period of time.
Humanity would be presented with the choice, over the subsequent 100 years between 1927 and 2027, with either warring and wasting and destroying itself and the world with the inbreaking new technologies, or refashioning its Weapons Into Tools of Life and designing, building, co-operating, and continuously improving a New Human Operating System capable of manifesting for All a Quantity and Quality of Life superior to that experienced by anyone in human history.
This book, and the other Lionsberg Wiki Books, are written in hopes of alerting humanity that there is indeed a choice to be made, and The Window to make it may close at any time.
1933 - Franklin D. Roosevelt wins the election and implements the New Deal, dramatically expanding the federal government. Issues executive orders to attempt to reign in investors and corporations.
The Banking Act of 1933, known as Glass-Steagall, requires the separation of commercial banking and securities underwriting activities. Only Brown Brothers Harriman and J.P. Morgan elect to remain commercial banks.
In 1934, Roosevelt threatens to expand the Supreme Court - as he was trying to reign in the corporations and bankers, the Court was consistently upholding Corporate Personhood, and ruling that corporations were entitled to the fundamental rights of persons per the US Constitution.
A similar issue later emerges under Citizens United.
Brown Brothers Harriman, the Duponts, and associated families then engage in planning the military overthrow of Roosevelt in 1934. They Attempt to recruit General Butler to launch a major military coup.
In 1939, World War II breaks out, and the lines of battle between the Visible Power Structures are less clear that their puppetting behind the scenes by the Invisible Power Structures.
And of course, the ongoing race to reverse engineer and adopt alien technologies.
Mass Incarceration: During World War II, over 120,000 Japanese Americans were forcibly relocated and incarcerated in internment camps without due process, violating their civil liberties and causing significant suffering.
Following World War II, The Giants accelerated their rise, beginning to merge, acquire, take over, and otherwise consolidate in the hands of the Fascist Security State-backed-shareholders the vast array of successful industrial and capital ventures.
Backed by the powerful banking families and The Power and Instrumentalities of the State, they discovered that it was fare more profitable, safe, and expandable to diversity their risk taking across large portfolios of collusively coordinated activities.
Bite by bite, The Giants began to swallow up the US and foreign economies, growing every larger and more powerful.
The revolving doors between government, industry, Brown Brothers Harriman, JP Morgan, et al ensured that everything could be collusively coordinated.
Buckminster Fuller in the early 1980s: "All the continental U.S.A.’s industrial factories and grounds and 90-percent of all that can and does produce physical wealth has already become or is about to become the humanly invisible property of inhumanly operative supranational corporations controlled by the invisible human owners of invisible Swiss bank account code numbers. A vast new giant of approximately no-risk capitalism is now astride the world."
These massive conglomerations, and the banking families owning and financing them, came to encompass all of the national war-machine weaponry production, and therefore came to be crucial to "national interest" as defined by the Fascist Security State.
This meant they could co-operate with virtual impunity, being qualified for government "bailout" should they get in trouble, or their debts become unserviceable.
After World War II and over the next 70 years, the largest corporations in America would increasingly be given the green light to export and exploit the the Know How / Ideas / Intellectual Property paid for by US Citizens through their tax dollars, blood, sweat, and tears over a century of World War, for the short-term benefit of their elite shareholders, often in direct contradiction to the long-term interests and core values of the Citizens who created them.
For example - Bucky Fuller - “After World War II, the electric power industry’s three-quarters-of-a-century-accumulated wealth successfully combined its political power with that of the oil giants to “take over for nothing” the total atomic-energy program assets. This included all of the know-how and production apparatus of the U.S. government’s military atomic-energy program, for which development the U.S. citizens had paid $150 billion.”
Post WWII, a new world order was implemented by the United States and its allies.
This brought forth an array of new institutions, and a fundamental transformation to the way governance, power, and authority operated on Earth.
The post-World War II era saw significant redrawing of nation-state boundaries, often driven by geopolitical interests and strategic considerations. Germany was divided into East and West, reflecting Cold War tensions, while India and Pakistan's partition along religious lines led to massive displacement and violence. The creation of Israel resulted in enduring conflict with Palestinians. Eastern Europe saw borders shifted to Soviet advantage, displacing millions. Korea's division into North and South mirrored superpower rivalry, leading to the Korean War. Arbitrary colonial boundaries in Africa and the Middle East sowed seeds of future conflicts. Vietnam's split foreshadowed the Vietnam War, while Italy and Japan lost territories as part of post-war settlements. These boundary changes frequently overlooked ethnic and cultural realities, leading to long-term instability and conflict.
In 1947, the United States entered into an agreement with the UN Security Council to administer much of Micronesia, including the Marshall Islands, as the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
From 1946 to 1958, it served as the Pacific Proving Grounds for the United States and was the site of 67 nuclear tests on various atolls.80(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_Islands#cite_note-82)
Operation Crossroads atomic bomb testing began in 1946 on Bikini Atoll after some of the residents were forcibly evacuated.
Creates the CIA and strengthens the Fascist Security State.
The Fascist Security State appoints Allen Dulles, non-coincidentally council to Brown Brothers Harriman, as the first head.
The 1948 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights prohibited territorial acquisition by military force.
This meant that countries could no longer run military occupation governments, and that everything had to be done through some form of a political legitimization process.
This made the psychological "battle for the hearts and minds" more important than ever.
The CIA would grow skilled at doing this via puppet politicians groomed as emerging leaders by the State Department, leading to some of the most brutal dictatorships. (reference School of the Americas etc.)
In the 1948, the United States rigged the Italian election by working with the mob.
The United States, driven by concerns over the potential rise of communism in Western Europe, engaged in significant covert activities to influence the outcome. George Kennan, a key architect of U.S. Cold War policy, played a role in these efforts. The CIA, in collaboration with Italian-American mafia figures, at least funneled money, provided campaign materials, and spread anti-communist propaganda to support the Christian Democrats and other anti-communist parties.
Corporate Investments: From 1948 through the 1980s, the US Fascist Security State maintained economic and political support for the apartheid regime in South Africa in order to protect American investments and ostensibly deter communist advance, despite domestic and global condemnation of apartheid.
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the US repeatedly opposed international sanctions and embargoes against South Africa.
The US further used its veto power in the United Nations Security Council to block resolutions aimed at imposing mandatory economic sanctions on South Africa.
Congressional Action: In response to growing domestic and international pressure, and the movements led by figures such as Nelson Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu, the US Congress passed the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986, overriding President Reagan's executive veto. This legislation imposed economic sanctions on South Africa, banned new investments, and restricted trade, marking a significant shift in US policy.
End of Apartheid: The imposition of sanctions, combined with internal resistance and international pressure, eventually led to the dismantling of apartheid. In 1990, Nelson Mandela was released from prison, and in 1994, South Africa held its first democratic elections, resulting in Mandela's election as president.
The US Fascist Security State was again on the wrong side of history.
12 days after the US rigs the Italian election, George Kennan publishes a memo titled "The Inauguration of Organized Political Warfare."
The memo argues that the United States needed to rig the election, and that a department was needed to continue to do this around the world.
Hastens the creation of the National Security State.
The Fascist Security State undertakes a diplomatic onslaught to attempt to make foreign activities look like political rather than military influence and control.
The creation of the emergent National Security State was predicated on the creation of foreign / domestic firewall...
The Fascist Security State explicitly wanted to create a department to rig foreign elections, control foreign media, mettle in affairs around the world...
...but was explicitly not allowed to operated here in the United States.
The State Department, Department of Defense, and CIA were expressly forbidden to operate on US soil.
This ended up being laughably far from the case.
After tensions build between Truman and Forrestal, who opposed the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 and the centralizing of power of the Department of Defense, in 1949 Secretary Forrestal is forced by Truman to resign.
He is suddenly hospitalized for supposed mental health issues / stress-induced paranoia.
He is placed on the top floor of the hospital he being treated at, and thrown out of the window during the night, dying on impact.
The MAJESTIC 12 documents report that military officials called his "untimely death" unfortunate but necessary.
We have noted that citizens of fascist states who know too much and fall out of favor tend to fall out of windows at an alarming rate.
President Truman apparently conceals his medical records as part of teh coverup.
Operation Mockingbird was a covert program conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the Cold War, starting in the late 1940s. Its primary goal was to influence domestic and foreign media to spread propaganda and manipulate public opinion in favor of U.S. interests. Through this operation, the CIA recruited journalists and editors from major news organizations, providing them with propaganda to publish and guiding the editorial direction of outlets.
The program extended to funding cultural organizations, sponsoring conferences, and using front organizations to shape cultural and intellectual discourse.
Gatekeepers of U.S. Media and National Security Influence
Historically, the relationship between the U.S. media and the national security state has been deeply intertwined. Legacy media organizations, including NBC, ABC, and CBS, were created or significantly influenced by veterans from the Office of War Information (OWI), an entity established during World War II under the War Department. These veterans brought with them a strong orientation towards national security and propaganda, shaping the early broadcast news landscape. From their inception, these major news networks were not entirely independent from the national security state, fostering a century-old relationship that prioritized national interests and security narratives. This legacy underscores the significant influence of government agencies on media operations and content, reflecting a longstanding integration of media with national security objectives.
Stay-Behind Networks: Conceived by the US / UK / NATO / CIA, Operation Gladio involved establishing secret paramilitary groups and arms caches across Europe to counter potential Soviet invasions, but these groups were implicated in assassinations, terrorist attacks and destabilization efforts.
In apparent conjunction with the Vatican and the Mafia, the operation involved the use of weapons and money laundering, assassination, psychological warfare, and false flag operations to delegitimize left-wing parties in Western European countries, even supporting anti-communist militias and right-wing terrorism as they tortured and assassinated alleged communists.
The Mafia provided logistical support for Gladio operations, including smuggling, arms trafficking, and executing illegal activities that required deniability. Their expertise in clandestine operations was invaluable for covert missions.
The ties and co-operation between the Fascist Security State, Vatican and mafia are a recurring theme.
Operation Ajax - Overthrow of Iranian Government: The CIA orchestrated a coup to overthrow Iran's democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh, reinstating the Shah. This intervention led to decades of political repression and anti-American sentiment.
Operation PBSUCCESS: The CIA orchestrated a coup to overthrow Guatemala's democratically elected President Jacobo Árbenz, who had enacted land reforms threatening United Fruit Company’s holdings.
"...while we recognize the imperative need for this development...We must not fail to comprehend its grave implications we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence…The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
"As we peer into society’s future, we–you and I, and our government–must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering, for our own ease and convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow... We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without asking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage."
In the early 1980s Buckminster Fuller would go on to remark "...the U.S. peoples’ legal ownership and control of their economic assets, have been altogether exploited, usurped, or stolen from them by the invisibly integrated supranational corporate giants. The Grunch has conducted its ruthlessly selfish activity always in the name of the U.S.A. people... At the termination of his presidency, Eisenhower expressed his shocked dismay over the exclusively self-concerned military-industrial complex that he had found to be growing inexorably as a malignant economic organism.”
Failed Invasion: The CIA's botched invasion of Cuba aimed to overthrow Fidel Castro but ended in disaster, causing international embarrassment and straining US-Cuba relations.
Years later, we get to Watergate, and there were Santo Trafficante Jr. Cuban mafia guys in the Watergate hotel. Why?
Late May 1960, Presidential campaign is under way.
Richard Nixon is VP under Eisenhower, campaigning for Republican Nomination.
May 1960 Nelson Rockefeller withdraws. Nixon convinced he would win against Kennedy.
As Vice President, Nixon was head of the 5412 Committee - subcommittee of the National Security Council that does covert operations under Section 5412 of the National Security Act of 1947, which authorizes CIA to engage in activities at request from President to protect national security.
Howard Hughes (yes that one) was living in Las Vegas in the penthouse suite of one of the major mob hotels, and working as a secret consultant to the National Security Council, doing some of the dark special operations of the 5412 Committee.
Nixon calls Hughes and asks him to set up assassination team to kill Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, and five others associates, and keep it away from the White House.
Hughes asks one of his lawyers Robert (Bob) Maheu to get it done.
Maheu recruits Johnny Rosselli, bag man at the Sands Hotel owned by the mob that Hughes is staying at.
Fidel Castro had shut down prostitution rings, gambling, and heroin coming into the CIA-front Sea Supply Corporation, whose profits the mob is jointly benefitting from.
Rosselli contacts Sam Giancana, his principal in the mob, regarding the CIA plot.
Giancana tells Rosselli that Cuba is Santo Trafficante Jr.'s territory.
Trafficante wants to make sure the order is direct from Nixon, so additional meeting is set up and attended by Mr. Ed (Sheffield Edwards), chief of security under for the CIA under Eisenhower and Nixon. Maheu, Giancana, Rosselli, and Trafficante meet at Fountain Blue Hotel in Miami. Mr. Ed greenlights the assassination team, Trafficante picks 15 shooters, including CIA operatives in Operation 40 (geurilla raids in Cuba).
Included on the team are Felix Rodriguez and Rafael Chichi Cantero, who were running the Contra drug and weapons supply programs (Iran-Contra).
The South American assassins were primarily based out of the security division at Pemex in Mexico City, out of the Mexico National Oil Corporation.
Jose Diaz Serrano, head of Pemex, is the former business partner with George Bush Sr. in Zapata Oil Corporation.
CIA Operations In South America
School of the Americas - Set up by military and CIA to ensure presence and control of the dictators that America put in place. Training military, intelligence, and insurgents for many years in Panama, Fort Bragg... US training Latin Americans in suppressing internal dissent, overthrowing governments, torture, interrogation, enforcers, controlling politics, economy, media, etc. in violation of US law and basic ethics.
Daniel Sheehan interviews CIA station chief Joseph Brook Holder Smith, who is brought to meeting by Miguel Nazar Haro, head of DFS in Mexico (Dirección Federal de Seguridad / Federal Security Directorate). Large table, stone fireplace, swastika on the mantle. They inform him that they have spent a lot of time putting together a major cocaine cartel in Columbia, that they are going to be moving the cocaine into the United States, and that a portion of the funds will be used to help finance "our war without boundaries". Want to make sure Smith is on board and understands the deal.
Kennedy promises he will stand down Operation 40 that was running the attacks under Nixon.
Nixon lied to Khrushchev - instead they transform Operation 40 into JM Wave, and Operation Mongoose.
Khrushchev realizes Kennedy has lied, and starts putting missiles in Cuba.
October 1962... Cuban Missile Crisis.
Kennedy and Khrushchev so traumatized that they had come so close to thermonuclear holocaust / total mutual destruction, they start trading secret letters, discussing disassembly of the entire nuclear arsenal of US and Russia, which was going to be brokered by Pope John the 23rd.
Kennedy orders Cuban bases shut down. Kennedy apologizes for authorizing attempted invasion at Bay of Pigs.
After receiving order to shut down bases, Frank Sturgis defies the orders and launches another attack and sinks a Russian ship in the harbor of Havana. Could have made Khrushchev think Kennedy was lying again and resparked the crisis.
Bobby and John send in US Marshals teams, arrest Frank Sturgis and the guys there.
Then it happens again - E Howard Hunt starts planning another attack in defiance of orders of the President to shut down bases and cease and desist. Bobby and John send in teams again, arrest them.
June 5, 1963 - Walter Sullivan reports to Bobby that an assassination team had been set up by Nixon / Hughes / mob / CIA to kill Castro.
Kennedy orders them to stand down the team.
Again in defiance of the President's order, June 13 to 19th 1963 the Fascist Security State puts together a last attempt to go into Cuba and assassinate Castro. Dick Billings from Time magazine / Life Magazine is on the boat with them.
The same day he had been told of the assassination team (that would end up killing him), June 5, 1963, Kennedy had demanded from the CIA all their UFO information. He was going to provide all of this to Khrushchev as a show of good faith.
Kennedy offered Khrushchev partnership in a joint space program which including the reverse engineering of the alien technologies.
Meanwhile elements the Fascist Security State / Brown Brothers Harriman were working towards plans for nuclear annihilation of Soviet Union, China, etc., and total domination of the world, and were terrified that Kennedy would use executive powers to begin disarmament before they could complete their plan.
June 13-15 1963, while on William D. Pawley's boat heading towards assassination attempt, Johnny Martino, Rick Roberston field director for S Force, Carl Jenkins trainer, raging about Kennedy... Pawley says "don't worry... we are going to kill that motherfucker." Dick Billings is witness.
According to Sheehan the assassination of President Kennedy ends up being ordered by Allen Dulles.
The hit team is already assembled and on a boat together, on the way to assassinate Castro. It is arms length from the White House, unless someone rats out Nixon.
Daniel Sheehan interviewed Trafficante personally, and got first hand information on putting together the assassination team.
The reason they panicked about the proposed the disarmament was that they knew they needed the nuclear weapons against China. US had a massive advantage against Russia, and Russia was willing to completely disarm. China was also willing to never build nuclear weapons. Just like poison gas at end of WWI, countries agreed that nuclear weapons designed to destroy civilian populations en masse were a complete violation of just war theory.
Jesuit order agreed to condemn the mere possession of nuclear weapons as a mortal sin, because inherently designed to violate the premises of the just war theory.
November 22, 1963, Kennedy is assassinated and it is the S Force that killed him.
CIA rolls in and covers up everything, destroys evidence, etc., because they are terrified they would be blamed for killing the President.
Richard Nixon does the same thing, since he is the one that ordered the assassination team originally to be set up to kill Castro.
Lyndon Johnson reaches out to Earl Warren Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, asks him to lead investigation but ensure it is not revealed there was an assassination team in the field to kill Castro, so that World War III is not sparked.
Who do they put on the commission to run it? Allen Dulles, who ordered the assassination.
The S Force was present. According to Sheehan, Roger Morales, the ace shooter for the S Force, was the shooter who pulled the trigger and killed him.
CIA planned to
Operation Northwoods (1962):
Ties back to Watergate...
Bernard Leon Barker, Watergate burglar and undercover operative in CIA-directed plots to overthrow Fidel Castro.
Mark Felt, known as Deep Throat, reveals sequentially numbered bills in Barker's pocket, eventually revealing that Richard Nixon's committee to reelect the president was funding the burglars via the Mexico City Banco International.
Had they gone a step deeper, it would have led them right back to the assassination team that killed the President.
August 5, 1962 - Marilyn Monroe, who had intimate relationships with both John and Robert Kennedy, killed in the bed she had shared with them.
Assassinated at hotel by a Lockheed security guard who was switched onto Kennedy's security team. According to autopsy was shot at point blank range from behind with contact wounds (gun directly on skin or clothes), contrary to story maintained by government and media to this day.
RFK Reveals Real Killer Behind His Father's Death
The CIA-led Phoenix Program in Vietnam aimed to dismantle the Viet Cong infrastructure through interrogation, torture, and assassination, resulting in widespread human rights abuses.
The CIA director was later indicted for lying to congress by stating that the program only killed 20,000 people, when in fact over 80,000 were officially "neutralized", and tens of thousands killed.
Helms, CIA chief, indicted for lying to Congress by saying that the Phoenix Program killed 20,000 people, when in fact vastly more were killed. Helms commits perjury and ends up getting fired.
The program was run by Theodore Shackley, CIA station chief in Saigon.
MKUltra documents also destroyed under helms, just like they ordered Abu Ghraib videos destroyed after Congress ordered them to be turned over.
Drug money being used to finance the Phoenix Program and limitless war.
CIA supplying airplanes to the Contras to move weapons and drugs.
CIA moving weapons and drugs in Vietnam / Asia.
Out of control National Security State.
Information from Daniel Sheehan ++.
CIA Domestic Surveillance: The CIA conducted Operation CHAOS to gather intelligence on domestic anti-war activists and political dissidents, violating the agency’s charter, which prohibits domestic operations.
Covert Military Operations: The CIA led a covert war in Laos during the Vietnam War, involving extensive bombing campaigns and support for Hmong fighters, resulting in massive civilian casualties and long-term destabilization.
Unauthorized Military Campaign: During the Vietnam War, the US conducts secret bombing raids in Cambodia without congressional approval, resulting in significant civilian casualties and political destabilization.
Targeting Black Panther Leadership: The FBI and Chicago Police conspired to assassinate Fred Hampton, a prominent Black Panther leader, during a raid, which was later revealed to be part of COINTELPRO's efforts to dismantle the organization.
Kent State Shootings - Violence Against Protesters: The National Guard fired on unarmed students protesting the Vietnam War at Kent State University, killing four and wounding nine, raising concerns about the use of military force against civilians.
Government Deception: The release of the Pentagon Papers revealed that successive US administrations had systematically lied to the public and Congress about the scope and conduct of the Vietnam War, undermining democratic accountability, truth, decision making, and rule of law.
Corporate Interests: The CIA supported the military coup against Chile’s democratically elected president, Salvador Allende, partly to protect US corporate interests, particularly those of ITT Corporation and Anaconda Copper.
Broad Abuses of Power: The Church Committee uncovered numerous abuses by the CIA, FBI, and NSA, including assassination plots, spying on political activists, medical and mental experiments on US and foreign citizens without their consent, and illegal surveillance. The findings reveal the deep extent of governmental overreach.
The Karen Silkwood Case in 1976 reveals that the CIA’s Israeli Desk had been smuggling 98% bomb-grade plutonium to the State of Israel and to Iran.
"The Stargate Project was a secret U.S. Army unit established in 1977 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International (a California contractor) to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications. The project, and its precursors and sister projects, originally went by various code names – 'Gondola Wish', 'Stargate', 'Grill Flame', 'Center Lane', 'Project CF', 'Sun Streak', 'Scanate' – until 1991 when they were consolidated and rechristened as the "Stargate Project".
"The project was overseen until 1987 by Lt. Frederick Holmes "Skip" Atwater, an aide and "psychic headhunter" to Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine, and later president of the Monroe Institute."
"Stubblebine became a proponent of psychic warfare and initiated a project within the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), which he commanded from 1981 to 1984, to create "a breed of 'super soldier'" who would "have the ability to become invisible at will and to walk through walls."
In the 1970s, the CIA / Fascist Security State infiltrated and manipulated student protests in the United States.
FBI’s Counterintelligence Program (1956-1971): COINTELPRO targeted civil rights leaders, political activists, feminist groups, and other groups deemed subversive, using illegal activities such as wiretapping, infiltration, and spreading false information to discredit and disrupt these groups. Notable targets included Martin Luther King Jr. and the Black Panther Party.
The FBI, under J. Edgar Hoover, conducted extensive surveillance and smear campaigns against Martin Luther King Jr., attempting to discredit and undermine his civil rights activism.
Many suspect government involvement in his death.
Targeting the American Indian Movement (AIM): The FBI's COINTELPRO extended to Native American activists, including surveillance, infiltration, and disruption of AIM activities, leading to unjust imprisonment and deaths.
Collaboration with Latin American Dictatorships: The CIA and US government supported and coordinated with South American military dictatorships in Operation Condor, which involved widespread human rights abuses, including assassinations, torture, and disappearances of political dissidents.
Despite the CIA / Fascist Security State being intimately involved in the facilitation of drugs and weapons smuggling using taxpayer dollars (including into the United States), domestic policies stemming from the War on Drugs led to the mass incarceration of predominantly African American and Latino individuals for non-violent drug offenses, raising concerns about systemic racism and justice.
The privatization of prisons in the United States accelerated in the 1980s, fueled by the Reagan administration's war on drugs and the resulting explosion in incarceration rates. This shift saw private companies like Corrections Corporation of America (now CoreCivic) and GEO Group, established in 1983 and 1984 respectively, stepping in to build and operate prisons. The promise was to reduce costs and improve efficiency compared to state-run facilities. However, privatization has been fraught with issues. Private prisons have been criticized for cutting corners to maximize profits, leading to understaffing, inadequate training, and substandard conditions. Studies have shown that these institutions often have higher rates of violence and recidivism compared to their public counterparts. Moreover, the financial incentives tied to maintaining high occupancy rates have been linked to lobbying activities, political corruption, and policies that favor mass incarceration.
Following onto Operation Mockingbird relationships from the 40s to 70s, relationships and influence continue through:
The Fascist Security State has continually maintained a backdoor relationship between Washington Post, New York Times, Robert Murdoch, all the major broadcast media corporations...
Bucky Fuller: “The U.S.A. 1981 “national” debt is over a trillion dollars, and the U.S. cannot pay even the interest on that debt. We can very properly call World War I the million-dollar war and World War II the billion-dollar war and World War III the trillion-dollar war.”
In 1981, America was already bankrupt.
The secret to the Ponzi scheme is that no one can get off the ride without the system collapsing.
Buckminster Fuller in the early 1980s - “Throughout its first 127 pre-World War I years, the U.S. government often had no national debt. World War I left the U.S.A. with a national indebtedness of $33 billion. The U.S.A. banking system went truly bankrupt in 1929, but the New Deal’s 1933 Bank Moratorium postponed recognition of that fact. Since then the moment of acknowledgment that the U.S. government itself is financially bankrupt has been postponed first by further- and further-ahead postponements of the payoff dates for U.S. notes and bonds and by successive votes of the U.S. Congress to increase the national debt limit. By “money accounting” (in contradistinction to real-wealth accounting), the U.S.A. is now realistically bankrupt. Since Nixon became president, the U.S.A. has been unable to pay even the interest on its national debt, let alone reduce the principal. Before Nixon, Congress assumed tax underwriting of ever greater interest-bearing on ever more postponed and greater national debt limits. For all the Nixon years and all the years of his successors the president has had annually to file a negative budget, meaning the U.S. cannot even pretend to be able to pay the interest on its indebtedness.
Remember - this was when the U.S. was "a mere" $1 Trillion in debt... vs. the 2024 $35 Trillion in debt... that does not include another ~$150 Trillion required to pay for unfunded liabilities... which does not take into account the coming Collapse.
Most People Have No Idea What Is Coming has some more information on this.
After another 40 years of out-of-control Fascist Security State, it was estimated that by 2024, the present value of resources required to service government debt and unfunded liabilities was over $175 Trillion, well beyond the official debt of ~$34 Trillion.
These numbers are essentially meaningless, and purely imply the Old System is bankrupt beyond imagination.
Iran-Contra Affair. CIA smuggling weapons to Iran and the Contras in Nicaragua, in conjunction with the mafia.
CIA smuggling cocaine into Miami to a house run by Gambino's daughter.
CIA Complicity: It emerged that the CIA was actively involved in establishing the supply lines of crack cocaine from South American into the United States to fund the Fascist Security State's "war without borders", dramatically exacerbating the crack epidemic and devastating inner-city communities.
In 1985, DEA agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena, close associate of top undercover agent Michael Lavine, is kidnapped, tortured, and killed.
During a standoff with MOVE, a black liberation organization, police drop two bombs from a helicopter onto the house and subsequently allow the resulting fire to burn out of control. 11 people, including five children, are killed, and 65 homes are burned, leaving 250 homeless.
Ruled suicide by the US military, the family of marine Cpl. John MacCaskill Jr., an embassy guard killed in El Salvador in 1988, has his body exhumed twice in an attempt to prove he was murdered.
Lie: Iraqi soldiers removed babies from incubators in Kuwaiti hospitals, leading to their deaths.
The story, widely publicized by a young Kuwaiti girl testifying before Congress, was later revealed to be part of a PR campaign orchestrated by the Kuwaiti government and a U.S. public relations firm. The girl was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the U.S., and the story was fabricated to garner support for the war.
In 1991, Colonel James Sabow at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station discovers illegal flights coming into the base with drugs. Questions them. Two days later he is dead. The military rules it suicide.
Family claims the military killed him to cover up the drug smuggling, which they believe has been continuing since Iran-Contra.
Family spends over $200,000 on their own investigation, and orders a second autopsy of the body, which reveals he died from blunt for trauma to the back of the head, and was later shot in the mouth with a shotgun and body staged to make it look like suicide.
Sabow’s brother sent President Clinton a letter asking for a new look at the case, which received a curt rejection.
Under pressure from families of the slain and congress, the Pentagon reopens a dozen cases previously ruled by the military as suicide.
In the late 1990s, Kathryn Bolkovac discovers a sex trafficking ring serving and facilitated by US Military contractors, with the awareness of US government forces.
In the 2000s, the CIA operates illegal black sites, kidnaps and tortures multitudes of people.
Extraordinary Rendition and Secret Transfers of Detainees: The practice of extraordinary rendition involved capturing and transferring suspects to countries where they could be interrogated under torture, bypassing legal and human rights protections.
To hear firsthand a human being's experience with more than a decade of torture, interrogation and depression in Guantánamo Bay, please listen to psychologist Jordan Peterson Interviews Mohamedou Ould Slahi.
Targeted killings and drone strike programs targeted individuals suspected of terrorism, including American citizens, without due process. Collateral damage from these strikes resulted in significant civilian casualties, raising ethical and legal concerns to say the least.
The Bush administration authorized the NSA to conduct warrantless wiretapping of American citizens' communications post-9/11, which was later deemed illegal by multiple courts.
See Operation Stellar Wind ++.
Unauthorized Surveillance: The FBI's misuse of National Security Letters (NSLs) to obtain personal information without judicial oversight or sufficient justification resulted in numerous privacy violations, as documented by the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General.
Oil Interests: The United and Britain use falsified claims of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to justify an invasion of the Iraq. The invasion leads to 100,000 to 500,000 deaths, immeasurable suffering, and reestablishes United States dominance in the Middle East.
It reestablishes US dominance and deterrence in the Middle East and leads to significant benefits for the US oil industry, which the Bush family had significant ties to, and military contractors like Halliburton, once led by Vice President Dick Cheney.
A throng of companies with intimate government relations secures lucrative contracts in war zones, often without competitive biddings, raising significant concerns about conflicts of interest, war profiteering, and the revolving door between government and private sector among players in the Fascist Security State.
For example Halliburton, a company once led by Vice President Dick Cheney, secured lucrative contracts in Iraq, often without competitive bidding.
The US government has repeatedly bailed out major banks, corporations and financial institutions during financial crises, while millions of ordinary Americans faced foreclosure and unemployment. Prime example 2008.
After whistleblower protection is put into place, in 2023 US Marine Michael Herrera reports under sworn testimony to Senate intelligence committee that in 2009 during relief operations in Indonesia following the earthquake, he and five other marines witnessed a reverse engineered octagonal disc operating in Indonesia alongside multiple black trucks and highly skilled paramilitary forces in all black unidentified uniforms.
Discovers that they are engaged in human trafficking operations, and states that human trafficking is a, if not the, prime revenue source for these companies, followed by drugs, then weapons.
Subsequently his military locker is opened without the lock being cut, and memory card and battery taken from camera, and camera disabled. The other 5 have their phones taken.
A month later in Okinawa Japan, he is threatened by a man in Air Force dress blues with execution or imprisonment if he speaks about what he saw to anyone, and forced to sign NDA.
After he comes out in 2023, harassment begins with unmarked black helicopters begin hovering over his home, his father's home, and his place of work.
Lockheed is reported to have reverse engineered circular craft.
Raytheon is reported to have reverse engineered triangular craft.
In the 1990s, and 2000s, internet freedom and free speech is developed and accentuated as an instrument of American statecraft / CIA / DOD operations.
From the privatization of the internet in 1991, DOD and State Department discover people are using the internet to congregate in forums, and repeatedly help dissident groups overthrow foreign governments.
Leveraging "free speech on the internet" as a means to circumvent state control over media in foreign countries.
Turbocharges the work with dissident groups that used to be done out of CIA station houses, Embassies, Consulates.
The array of internet free speech technology, such as Virtual Private Networks to hide IP address, Tour - the dark web to buy and sell anonymously, end to end encrypted chats, all created initially as DARPA / CIA / NSA projects, primarily to aid CIA backed groups in the influence and overthrow of foreign governments who were causing problems during the Clinton / Bush / Obama eras.
Organizational architecture included NGOs, tech companies, and the national security state.
The high water mark of internet-free-speech-as-statecraft was 2011 - 2012 and the Arab Spring.
One by one, adversarial governments began to be toppled in Facebook / Twitter revolutions.
The State Department worked closely with social media companies to keep platforms running during those periods.
Many US Big Tech companies conceived with close ties to the Military Industrial Complex.
Google started with a DARPA grant.
Funding from CIA / NSA to chart how "birds of a feather flock together" through search engine aggregation.
A year later, launched as Google, and began working as a military contractor soon after.
Purchased CIA satellite software to bring Google Maps online.
In 2014 after the US-sponsored coup in Ukraine, there was an unexpected counter coup where Crimea and Donbas broke away with a military backstop from Russia that the NATO was unprepared for.
Crimea Annexation vote in 2014, where Crimea votes to join the Russian Federation.
This was the last straw for free speech in the eyes of NATO.
Free speech as an instrument of statecraft "worked" from 1991 until 2014.
Until Ukraine, internet free speech had tilted global affairs in favor of the Fascist Security State.
In 2014, it went the other way.
NATO / Fascist Security State perceived a shift in the fundamental nature of war.
They claimed that a Russian general said ~ "We don't need to use the military to take over central and Eastern Europe. We just need to control media and social media, which controls the elections."
If you get the right adminsitration in power, they control the military and The Power and Instrumentalities of the State.
It is infinitely cheaper and faster to conduct organized political influence operations of social and legacy media, than to wage psychical war.
In direct violation of Freedom of Conscience, Freedom of Thought, and Freedom of Speech, in the 2010s and 2020s, the Fascist Security State launches a new form of Censorship unlike anything in history.
The new censorship strips citizens of the freedom to equally speak and express things online, even if true to the best of their understanding, if they are inconvenient to agenda of the Invisible Power Structures.
In some cases, it can even become a criminal act.
This leads to an entirely new supranational Military Industrial Technological Academic Complex being created, spanning the Pentagon, British Ministry of Defense, and Brussels, organized together into a political warfare complex.
To create Psychological Buffer Zones.
To censor foreign propaganda.
To censor right wing populist groups.
To censor the free speech of their own citizens.
One of their great fears is the rise of populist groups, particularly on the right wing.
Rising up due to the migrant crisis... energy shifts... foreign wars...
For instance advocating for the use of Russian energy, at the same time US / NATO is working to stop the Nord Stream / Russian energy projects.
Germany. Estonia. Latvia. Lithuania.
Then in June 2016 comes Brexit.
For the Fascist Security State this creates a moment where not just central and Eastern Europe are threatened, but now "it" is coming westward.
One month later, July 2016, at the Warsaw Conference, NATO amends its charter to expressly commit to hybrid warfare as a new NATO capacity.
This marks a significant shift from 70 years of tanks and conventional psychological operations, to an explicit new capacity to monitor, censor, and manipulate social media, legacy media, internet free speech, if deemed to be subsersive.
Simultaneously, NATO is publishing white papers on the growing threat not just of Russia, but of losing elections across Europe to right wing populist groups, working class movements, etc.
They essentially made the argument that the World Order would collapse unless the Fascist Security State took control of social media / media.
Fear that Brexit would give rise to Frexit (Marine Le Pen), Spexit - Vox Party, Italy, Germany, Greece... et al...
Leading to the EU coming apart (which is highly likely)...
Leading to NATO coming apart (which is highly likely)...
Leading to no enforcement arm for the IMF and World Bank...
Leaving financial stakeholders and the Invisible Power Structures who depend on the Fascist Security State to enforce their strangleholds on the world economy and resources helpless against foreign governments around the world.
This moment marked a fundamental shift from a primary fear of Russia...
...to a primary fear that Citizens of their own countries would get their way.
And with that, the Fascist Security State began formally weaponizing the psychological warfare capabilities it had developed internally against its own Citizens.
The intentional creation of weaponized censorship and psychological operations by NATO and the Fascist Security State was morally justified in the eyes of the participants because it operated "out there" beyond the US, and not "in here", starting in Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, etc.
The inevitable shift of the tide from foreign to domestic began post Crimea-Counter-Coup in 2014... ...post Brexit... and the ramped up towards full throttle after Trump won the 2016 election.
2016 was the first time social media eclipsed the legacy media in terms of influence.
Internet 1.0 from 1991 to 2004. 2004 Facebook. 2005 Twitter. 2006 Youtube. 2007 Smart Phones. From 2006 to 2016 internet / social media influence building.
During the initial period of the internet / social media / smart phones, no individual or group is getting enough followers to compete with traditional media..
However post 2016 as citizen journalists and independent voices begin to outcompete the legacy media...
...it induces a massive crisis in the Fascist Security State who was not ready for it.
Whereas the CIA / Pentagon had always had backdoor media relations, they now had not way to interface with random citizen journalists to kill stories, exchange favors, stop certain narratives from spreading.
From early 2000s to 2014 this is not a problem because no dissident groups have a mature enough ecosystem of their own, so all the victories go where the Fascist Security State money goes.
Post 2016, the fear rises that the entire Existing Order may collapse, along with 70 year of unbroken foreign policy from Truman to Trump.
The National Security State then began explicitly laundering tricks developed over 70 years of meddling in foreign elections and foreign affairs...
...into the creation of a Military Censorship Industrial Complex...
...aimed at the internet, social media, and media...
...Domestically (NATO wide).
What little moral and political resistance arose was washed over by Russiagate...
...if Trump was a Russian asset, censorship was no longer a free speech issue, but a national security issue.
After Russiagate died in July 2019 with Robert Muller revealing he had nothing after 2.5 years of investigation, the foreign-to-domestic switch took place.
The Fascist Security State too the censorship architecture that spanned the DHS, FBI, CIA, DOD, DOJ, and potentially thousands of government-funded NGO and mercenary firms...
...and transited from a foreign predicate (Russian / Communist threat)...
...to a Democracy predicate.
They accomplished this by establishing that disinformation was not just a threat when it comes from the Russians...
...but also when it poses any kind of threat to democracy itself.
While it was well known that the military industrial complex had been manipulating politics via money, lobbying, and influence for decades...
...the idea that tools from information war against Soviet Union and Russia...
...could be consciously turned against US citizens by the US government was unthinkable to many in the US.
It is a reasonably possibility that the Fascist Security State may have turned its externally-facing capabilities inward... to rig elections in the United States... as it had in so many other countries in the past.
Both parties adamantly claim that past elections have been rigged.
The US had developed over decades a professional class of regime change artists and operations...
...to overthrow governments and "preserve democracy" around the world...
...if the threats to democracy were now deemed to be homegrown...
...suddenly all these people were authorized to move onto US and European soil, and into the hearts and minds of "their own" Citizens.
The new Democracy Predicate gives rise to a multi-billion-dollar censorship and psychological warfare industry, that joints together:
For example, the State Department created the Global Engagement Center, which at the time of its establishment was foreign facing.
They used the ISIS threat as a predicate to establish a formal coordination relationship between the State Department et al and every major technology platform in the United States.
The rationale was that the terrorists were recruiting there.
Global Engagement Center established to be State Department entanglement / control of social media.
Created new technology - natural language processing / AI machine learning ability to create meaning out of words...
They began plotting the language, the prefixes, the suffixes, the popular terms, the slogans etc. that ISIS operatives were using.
Subsequently, they would turn the technology against the citizens of the United States and Europe.
When everyone in the State Department who was expecting promotions under Hillary was fired by Trump, a mass exodus of State Department officials moved out into NATO and the Atlantic Council, where they pressured European governments to pass censorship laws, which would ripple back through NATO and Big Tech and into the US.
Atlantic Council has 7 former CIA directors on its board. "NATOs think tank". Annual funding from DOD, State Department, CIA cutouts like National Endowment for Democracy.
In January 2017, Atlantic Council moves to pressure European governments to pass censorship laws in the wayRick Stengel called for, that could be later mimicked by the US.
For instance getting Germany to pass NetzDG in 2017, which kicked off the era of automated censorship in the United States.
Unless Big Tech in US wanted to pay tens of millions in fines for each instance of (speech identified by the overlords as hate speech) left on platform for more than 48 hours...
...they had to deploy the AI based censorship technologies created by DARPA to take on ISIS to scan and ban speech automatically.
This emergent field of censorship science binds together (the definition of fascism):
For instance with Covid...
We are rapidly drifting from a vestige of democracy, to straight up military rule by a fascist international Deep State who views the elected puppet politicians who come and go with disdain.
The dual rise of grotesque lies and deceit of Congress and We The People...
...along with the rise of the Military Censorship Industrial Complex...
...is the direct and antithetical inversion of the entire idea of participatory democratic governance.
The deep state has been moving rapidly to invert the underpinnings of democratic society by transforming the definition of democracy from being about the will of We The People...
...to being about the sanctity of "democratic institutions"...
...which they define as the collusive members of the Fascist Security State / military / NATO / IMF / World Bank / Mainstream Media / NGOs (largely state department funded) / etc.
If the Fascist Security State redefines Democracy as the strength of democratic institutions...
...rather than the Will of the people...
...then democracy simply becomes the political consensus building architecture within the corrupt and self-proclaimed institutions themselves.
“There is no dictionary word for an army of invisible giants, one thousand miles tall, with their arms interlinked, girding the planet Earth. Since there exists just such an invisible, abstract, legal-contrivance army of giants, we have invented the word GRUNCH as the group designation — “a grunch of giants.” GR-UN-C-H, which stands for annual GROSS UNIVERSE CASH HEIST"
The grunch of giants (The Giants) consists of the corporately interlocked owners of a vast invisible empire dominated by the Invisible Power Structures, which includes airwaves, electromagnetism, and satellites; plus a vast visible empire, which includes all the post-WWII skyscraper cluster cities around the world, as well as the factories and research laboratories remotely ringing the old cities and all the Asian industrial deployment, such as in Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
It controls the financial credit system of the noncommunist world together with all the financial means of initiating any world-magnitude mass-production and -distribution ventures.
By making employment contracts with almost all promising university science students, it monopolizes all the special theoretical know-how to exploit its vast inventory of already acquired invisible know-how technology.
Who runs GRUNCH? Nobody knows. It controls all the world’s banks. Even the muted Swiss banks.
It does what its lawyers tell it to. It maintains technical legality, and is prepared to prove it. With Fascist Security State backing if necessary.
While the admirals of each nation of Spaceship Earth war over their competing claims and threaten to rip the ship asunder, nobody is paying any attention to operating the ship or steering it towards its Destination.
Meanwhile, the USA and other countries are plagued by corrupted political puppet shows strictly and only representing the interests of those who can afford to get them elected.
While the Fascist Security State limits the amount an individual Employee Consumer Slave can give to a candidate to $3,300, billionaires can openly commit tens of millions of dollars a month to a candidate.
For the 2024 presidential election, candidates are expected to collectively spend over $10 Billion.
In such an environment, only Invisible Power Structures-backed candidates can win, which means we are no longer living in a democracy.
The network's people, aware that the TV era governments are corrupt, spontaneously abhor and abstain from further voting, and the corrupt system lurches towards its demise.
It is hopefully becoming obvious why humanity’s most fundamental problems cannot be solved by Politics within the Invisible-Power-Structure-Puppeted systems creating them.
While this expose has focused on the United States, similar lines could of course be traced for Russia, China, and the other influential power structures of the world.
The reality of what is happening in the world is that the most poor, weak, and vulnerable citizens and ecosystems of Earth are getting ground up in the gears of Empire and Oligarchy.
The United States, NATO, Russia, and China are alternately intentionally infiltrating, corrupting, arming, and manipulating tribes and regions around the world, sacrificing our children and our Earth to the false god of their competing corporate / military / industrial / government complexes.
Think of stadium packed with tens of thousands of people.
Each and every day, The Giants and the Invisible Power Structures puppeting them murder tens or hundreds of thousands of people a day consciously, carelessly, and in pure cold blood in exchange for narrow profits and self-gain.
25,000 a day dead from starvation. Tens of thousands dead from self-and-corporate-inflicted disease. Tens of thousands dead from poverty-and-ignorance-induced unnecessary suffering of all manner. 200,000 babies a day killed by abortion. EVERY SINGLE DAY.*
Each and every day, of each and every year, a figurative nuclear weapon is dropped on a stadium full of citizens, and three stadiums full of future citizens, and it doesn't make the news.
This Invisible Power Structures backed daily killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings, and millions of innocent plants and animals, dwarfs the Invisible Power Structures backed holocaust by the Third Reich it financed.
And it is ongoing each and every day.
At the termination of his presidency, Eisenhower expressed his shocked dismay over the exclusively self-concerned Military Industrial Complex that he had found to be growing inexorably as a malignant socioeconomic organism.
If we look honestly, we have a bit of a problem.
And the vast majority of humanity is asleep in a state of Employee Consumer Debt Slavery that they did not consent to.
It is time to wake up, unite, and venture out of slavery, through The Wilderness and towards The Promised Land.
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