Existing Order

The Existing Order refers to the current global system(s) of governance, economy, culture, religion, and societal structures that define the dominant paradigm(s) on Earth. It encompasses both the Visible Power Structures that publicly govern and influence, as well as the Invisible Power Structures that secretly orchestrate its deeper agendas. While it has provided a framework for humanity’s development, the Existing Order is increasingly recognized as unsustainable, corrupt, exploitative, and incapable of addressing the challenges of The Final Test.

Key Characteristics of the Existing Order

  1. Centralization of Power:
    Authority, resources, and decision-making are concentrated in the hands of a few, creating systems of control and dependency behind an illusion of freedom and democracy.

  2. Exploitation and Inequality:
    The Existing Order thrives and depends on the extraction of Earth’s resources and the exploitation of humanity, perpetuating inequality and systemic injustice by design.

  3. Reliance on Fear and Division:
    It sustains itself by fostering division among nations, cultures, and individuals, often leveraging fear to suppress unity and resistance.

  4. Obsolescence of Institutions:
    Many of its key institutions—governments, corporations, and religious organizations—are increasingly corrupt, outdated and unable to adapt to humanity’s evolving needs. They are also often fraudulent and illegitimate in their inception.

  5. Fragility and Unsustainability:
    The interconnected systems of the Existing Order are vulnerable to Collapse, as their inorganic complexity and corruption render them incapable of enduring long-term stresses.

Origins and Development

The Existing Order has evolved over centuries, shaped by historical power struggles, industrial and technological revolutions, and entrenched systems of dominance. While it initially may have provided some measure of structure and stability, it has become a barrier to humanity’s collective evolution.

Key influences on the Existing Order include:

  • The rise of nation-states and centralized governments
  • The spread of extreme global capitalism, communism, and industrialization
  • The control of information and narratives by Invisible Power Structures
  • The intentional perpetuation of cultural, economic, and spiritual disconnection

Role in The Final Test

  1. Obstacle to Awakening:
    The Existing Order is designed to maintain the status quo, suppressing innovations and enlightenment that challenge its dominance.

  2. Revealer of Truth:
    As its corruption, inefficiency, and injustices become more apparent, the Existing Order inadvertently exposes its own illegitimacy, spurring humanity to awaken, arise, and forge alternatives.

  3. Catalyst for Transformation:
    The Existing Order serves as the crucible beyond which humanity must rise. By rejecting its limitations, humanity can forge a path toward a New Era aligned with truth, justice, and harmony.

Transitioning Beyond the Existing Order

To move beyond the Existing Order, humanity must:

  1. Withdraw Consent and Energy:
    Cease participation in systems that perpetuate suffering, exploitation, and division.

  2. Awaken and Organize:
    Foster collective awareness and unity, particularly among The First Three Percent, to build the systems and capacity for individual, local and collective transformation.

  3. Develop Self-Governing and Self-Sustaining Systems:
    Replace the centralized, exploitative structures of the Existing Order with Optimally Decentralized regenerative, and interconnected systems.

  4. Adopt New Patterns and Paradigms:
    Embrace voluntary, bottom-up approaches to governance, economics, spirituality, and culture that prioritize transformational freedom, cooperation, discovery, and mutual flourishing.

The End of the Existing Order

The inevitable Collapse of the Existing Order is both a crisis and an opportunity. It marks the end of an era defined by control, exploitation, and disconnection, and the beginning of a New Era rooted in unity, harmony, and co-creation.

By recognizing the limitations of the Existing Order and actively transitioning to more enlightened systems, humanity can fulfill its highest Potential and pass The Final Test.

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