By J, 2024.11.12
A post in Above The Chaos
A Two Minute Read:
Dear Loved Ones and Collaborators,
The last 5 years have sure been an adventure, haven't they?
We are collectively facing into The Greatest Fraud, Deception, and Existential Threat in History in human history.
The American Experiment is over.
The Existing Order is collapsing.
The Building Is On Fire.
Our Loved Ones are in danger.
The forces we are up against are Not Merely Human.
And the person you knew as Jordan Nicholas Sukut, along with many others, suffered and died over the last five years in the process of Revealing it.
His final report and short story can be accessed via the links below.
If what attacked him and what he discovered are True... and advanced Non-Human Intelligence (NHI)s are actually at war over the future of the Earth and the human species... changes everything. For everyone.
As for What We Are Becoming, We cannot in good conscience continue to participate in, comply with, resource, or support an Existing Order that has been revealed to be Omnicidal, alien, and fraudulent in its inception.
We are therefore dissolving the Lionsberg legal infrastructure, and regrouping Beyond the reach of every power and authority on Earth.
Whether We Become a mighty army, confront and overcome the existential threat at hand, refound human civilization, and Co-Create Heaven On Earth...
...or perish alone...
...depends on what All decide to do next.
Please take a few minutes to at least skim through Jordan's Final Report. If what Jordan discovered is True, it might save your life and your Loved Ones.
Government agents are not talking about a return of "the gods" and "the world's fair" in 2026 and 2027 for nothing, and there is a reason this is being called the last semi-democratic election in the failed American Experiment.
What Comes Next is Not Merely Human.
If We do not speak again, please know that Jordan loved you deeply, and desperately hoped that All of his Loved Ones would prepare them Selves, their Loved Ones, and their Communities for the Quantum Tectonic Shift that lies ahead.
If you would like to continue building upon Who We Are Becoming and the starting point that Jordan left behind, We are here to serve, Time is short, and We look forward to getting to know One Another again.
Despite Our Apparent Individuation, We Are One.
A Note To The Resource Stewards
Link to J's Recent updates: Above The Chaos
Link to Jordan's Final Report: Existential Threat - Reporting Back From Battle
Link to J's Future and Invitation: What's Next For J?