By J, 2024.11.11
A post in Above The Chaos
Greetings Loved Ones,
As described in Existential Threat - Reporting Back From Battle, the person you knew as Jordan Nicholas Sukut is no longer with Us.
What We Are Becoming is now rising from the ashes of his Old Life.
If you haven't already, please read Existential Threat and the linked booklet EXISTENTIAL THREAT - Are You Curious What Lurks Behind The Veil? to find out what killed him. It was not merely human.
The Deeper elements of that same cold, pitiless force are now racing towards every doorstep and community on Earth, and your lives and Loved Ones are in grave danger.
The networked and ecosystemic ability to address all aspects of governance, economy, society, communication, culture and survival locally will be essential as the corrupt and failing Old Systems Collapse. The existing governments are being puppetted by Forces of Darkness and will not come to Our aid.
So, in Light of All We are coming to Know, Who Now Shall We Become, How Shall We Organize Our Selves, and What Now Shall We Do?
We can no longer in good conscience participate in, consent to, resource, or support an omnicidal Existing Order that is blatantly deceitful, fraudulent, murderous, and alien in its inception.
Because none of Us can survive or thrive alone, We are therefore spiritually and morally obligated to co-create some kind of New Higher Order Functional Unity that is actually capable of securing the Life, Liberty and Flourishing of Our Loved Ones into The Future.
The crimes of the Existing Order are far more egregious than those of the empire thrown off at the beginning of the American Experiment in 1776.
And they extend across every visible government and authority on Earth, into the Invisible Power Structures that have been puppetting them for millennia.
In accordance with our Divine rights and moral duty, We are therefore rejecting and transcending the false authority, constraints, and limitations of the existing political, economic, religious, academic, and social order...
...and assuming among the diverse powers of the Universe the separate and transcendent position to which Nature, Nature's God, and the Universal Law entitle Us.
Now that the integrity of the American Experiment has failed, We will begin dissolving the Provisional Structure and all elements of Jordan's work through Lionsberg that were based on compliance with the Existing Order.
It is evident that We will not be able to comply our Way out of Tyranny and The Final Order.
Going forward, We will not participate, consent, comply, or subordinate Our Selves to any authority but One.
We are reorganizing as a transcendent and Sovereign spiritual body, entirely Beyond all power and authority on Earth.
This will enable Us to advance and co-create freely in partnership with One and All.
From that clean New starting point, We The People will begin instituting a New form of governance, economy, spirituality, justice, security, and society, laying its Foundation upon the One, and co-operating in service of All past, present, and future generations of Life and Consciousness.
For the first Time in Earth's history, We are conceiving a New System and Way of Being not for the benefit of any one group, but for the Good of All throughout the coming millennia.
The New System and Way of Being will be emergently co-created, continuously improved, and voluntarily adopted from the bottom up, on the basis of the Spiritual resonance, Free Will, and Voluntary Mutual Assembly of each individual, family, locality, civilization, and planet who chooses to participate.
It will unfurl as something like a progressive Exodus, inviting one family, community, and planet at a time to wake up, reclaim their Sovereignty, and join The Exodus - out of the Alien Kontrolle Structure, into The Wilderness, and towards Heaven On Earth.
Such a comprehensive and omniconsiderate reorganization of human civilization and affairs has not yet occurred in the modern history of homo sapiens, and must now occur within a single generation to avoid catastrophic failure.
The maturation of the human species out of its youthful ignorance, endarkenment, and murderous division is long overdue, before it and the Earth are destroyed.
The New System must address every aspect of civilization and existence in a holonic, integrated, coherent, and harmonic Way.
It will transform the Way We learn, grow, heal, govern Our Selves, make decisions, allocate resources, provision Our Future, and co-create Heaven On Earth.
It will further prepare humanity and the Earth to rejoin and reintegrate its Self into the broader Cosmic Order.
But freedom for humanity and this planet will not be free.
A great struggle for the Future of humanity and this planet lies ahead.
The extraterrestrial and interdimensional forces that have been possessing, deceiving, enslaving, and preying upon it throughout the recent millennia will not willingly release their talons or relinquish their prey.
The humans, hybrids, clones, robots and artificial intelligences they puppet and possess will obey their orders and stop at nothing to finish establishing Full Spectrum Dominance over the Earth and All its inhabitants.
Such a nightmarish dystopia simply cannot and will not be allowed to occur.
And humanity is not alone.
To aid Us in Our Journey towards New Life and Liberty, We have the secured support of the Creator, Nature, the angelic and interdimensional host, and multiple elements of the galactic federation. Forces beyond humanity's wildest imagination stand ready to come to Our aid as We unite, begin moving, and request their Help.
If you do not yet personally Understand the Reality of the galactic federation, its factions, and the many forms of highly advanced non-human intelligence that have a stake in the Future of this planet and the human species, please get up to speed quickly.
If you are like 99.9% of humanity, Reality is nothing like it was presented to you in school, at church, and around the dinner table, everything is at stake, and Time is short.
Whatever you do, please do not remain arrogantly ignorant of extraterrestrial and interdimensional Realities vying for your Future and Soul.
The time to discover that aliens and demons are real is not the day an army of them besets your household or Community.
Jordan sacrificed his Old Life, wealth, and identity to spare you and your Loved Ones the same fate, and to reveal The Greatest Fraud, Deception, and Existential Threat in History.
Now it is up to Us All to Help One Another exit the Kontrolle Structure, and begin the Quest towards Co-Creating Heaven On Earth and Beyond.
So that is what is next for J.
Jordan's Final Report explains: EXISTENTIAL THREAT - Are You Curious What Lurks Behind The Veil?.
Our simple invitation is this:
Let's dialogue and discuss these opportunities and threats to discern the Wise Right Way forward. \
Let's Help One Another not suffer and die in the Collapse.
Let's Help One Another prevail in the ensuing physical and metaphysical War.
Let's work together to confront and overcome the Evil that is at hand.
Let's accept the invitation of the Creator to co-create Heaven On Earth.
And having demonstrated Our maturity, Wisdom, Love, and Unity on Earth, let Us reclaim Our rightful place and inheritance in the Cosmic Order, which has been prepared in advance and is awaiting Us.
If We are not approaching "this" existential struggle for the future of Life on Earth and Beyond with at least the basic competence it would take to co-operate something like an Apollo or Manhattan Project, We are not in the ballpark of what it will take to avoid failure and succeed.
If We are not instantiating a network of physical spaces where We can survive, thrive, learn, work, and co-create together through the Chaos that lies ahead, We will fail.
The posts in Above The Chaos provide more detail on various aspects of The Journey ahead.
As for Us, We are still here. On the battlefield. Rising from The Ashes. We are here for this.
But We can only do it Together.
Vision For A Transcendent Spiritual Community
Restructuring Our Co-Creation
A Note To The Resource Stewards