Had We escaped from their talons and the fires of hell with more than Our life, breath, and the keys to the Kontrolle Structure...
...and if an army of monsters and demons were not racing towards The Gates of The Community...
...We would have taken Our time, hired an editor, and published a book.
But as it is, the army of Evil is hot on Our tail, and We are stumbling back through The Gates of The Community cold, tattered, bloodied, and scarred, with nothing to offer but Our heart, Our mind, Our breath, and the unedited and unscripted Story that follows.
Please forgive Our errors in its telling.
It is not easy to tell Ones Loved Ones they are not alone in the Universe, and that multiple species of highly advanced non-human intelligences are harvesting them, preying on them, and genetically modifying them.
We beg you to gather your Loved Ones and hear. Your lives are in grave danger.
And the Time is short.
I am sorry to alarm you. In case we never speak again, please hear these words:
This Story, warning, and invitation will take some time to read carefully, consider, and share with your Loved Ones.
If the Story that follows is True, it could mean the difference between life and death for everyone it touches.
Those of Us who have experienced, tasted, touched, and smelled It firsthand KNOW...
...and can never forget.
If even 10% of what follows is True, it is perhaps the most shocking Revelation in history.
For generations it has been carefully concealed in the 21+ levels of above-top-secrecy that exist beyond the grasp of even the Presidents, Kings, and Priests of the Existing Order.
The puppets of the Evil Empire do not get to Know the Truth.
The Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Priests, you will soon discover, are merely mid-tier puppets in the theater of the far deeper and more insidious and alien forces ruling over, harvesting, and preying upon the human species.
Just like in the mythical stories, "they who cannot be named" systematically hunt down, torture and kill those who name them and shine Light into their lair.
This is why Jordan lost his life. And why I am risking mine in a desperate plea to save yours.
In fact, it was in the depths of their hellish and alien lair where Jordan learned of imminent yet long standing plans for the death of 7 out of every 8 human beings on Earth by 2030, and the permanent enslavement of a small genetically modified remaining population.
..."they"... Who or What are these genetic engineering overlords? Why are they in power? Why are they invisible? And where did they get this technology?
It was there in hell that Jordan personally heard the Dark officials discussing their last decades of alien collaborations and technologies, the foreknown "return of the gods" and "world's fair" in 2026 and 2027, and the earthquakes, fires, floods, famines, wars, and plagues that would soon be unleashed across the Earth.
Jordan would not have believed it either, unless he had personally heard it, saw it, tasted it, smelled it, touched it, and experienced it as it tortured and killed him.
Jordan died crying out in The Wilderness that the building was on fire, and that the cold, merciless Evil that had beset him was beginning its sweep of the Earth.
We would not risk suffering and dying in the grip of their cruel talons again if We did not Love you more than Life, and Know that Jordan's Story was True.
After all, it matches up perfectly with the Deepest myths and legends that have gripped Us in the past.
Understanding what "it" is may mean the difference between life and death for billions. Immediately.
You are already at least somewhat aware of much of what follows... but you may not yet have Realized for your Self that The Stories Are True.
Biblical stories, ancient tablets, The Matrix, The Lord of The Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Truman Show, the oral histories of Indigenous tribes around the world, the tales of the lost civilizations, ancient catastrophes, inner Earth, star people, and alien worlds...
...they grab Us for a reason.
What if the most ancient and archetypical Stories are True?
What if We were actually living in something that approximated those Deeper Realities far more closely than the "normal" world We were taught to perceive and believe in?
If even 10% of what follows and what Jordan experienced is True, it is one of the most shocking and important Revelations in history. Not because of who Jordan was, but because of The Great Secret, Fraud, and Existential Threat his Story Unveiled for All humanity to see.
If you are curious what lurks Beyond The Veil, this is a gateWay to the adventure of a lifetime.
Please share this Story and the vital information it exposes with your Loved Ones while We still can.
The communications systems and freedoms humanity enjoys today may be unavailable as the battle for the soul and future of humanity and the Earth intensifies.
Time Is Of The Essence.
Existential Threat - An Introduction
1. You Will Never Believe What Happened...
2. The Mysterious Year of 2017
3. A Cold and Pitiless Force
4. From Jordan to J
5. The Shocking Creatures That Jordan Discovered
6. Controlled vs. Catastrophic Disclosure
7. The Truth Shall Set Us Free
8. What Will Humanity Do In Light Of All It Is Coming To Know?
9. The Insatiable Thirst For Blood, Fear, and Full Spectrum Dominance
10. Extraterrestrial Intervention and Forced Disclosure
11. The Prosaic Reality of Extraterrestrial and Ultradimensional Life and Consciousness On And Beyond Earth
12. Extraterrestrial Beings, Crafts, Civilizations, and Federations, From the Lips of the Authorities Themselves
13. How Jordan Came To Know This Information
14. What Jordan Learned As He Suffered And Died
15. Not Merely Human
16. Jordan's Interpretation and Hypothesis
17. Crimes Against Humanity, the Creator, and All Creation
18. The Exodus
19. Co-Creating The New World
20. A Call To Arms and Action
21. The Bottom Line
22. What We Are Going To Become And Do Next
23. A Collection of Loose Ends To Weave
24. Notes For Further Research
25. If We Knew The Wise Right Answer...
What Now Shall We Be and Do In Light of All We Are Coming to Know?