We do not know what humanity will choose to do once it discovers the Truth that it has been systematically deceived, impoverished, oppressed, and enslaved for generations. In far worse ways than mere words can convey.
It might be that humanity will collectively yawn, ignore the warning, go back to sleep in their Caves, resubmit to the false authorities of the Evil Empire, and be voluntarily led deeper into millennia of slavery and dystopia.
It might be that they will unwisely panic and attempt to violently overthrow the governments and militaries of the world, rapidly resulting in famine, starvation, suffering, death, and the vicious tyrannical control that Chaos so often begets.
Believe Us when We say that the Old Authorities are fully prepared to violently establish martial law and use Force to ensure continuity of governance and advance towards their ends of Full Spectrum Dominance.
You might have recently seen the modifications that now make it "lawful" (according to false authorities of the fraudulent Existing Order), for the military to use force against citizens.
It might be that as the Old Systems and Authorities are revealed to be fraudulent in their inception and begin to collapse, humanity will selfishly turn inward, and begin stockpiling, hoarding, and building higher walls.
That would be another sure path towards suffering, destruction, starvation, chaos, and tyranny.
Each of these immature and Unwise pathways would play exactly into the hands of the Evil Empire, which uses the twin sock-puppets of Chaos on one hand and Tyranny on the other to keep humanity fearful, conquered, divided, and enslaved.
The simple alternative is that as We begin to understand The Story and awaken to the Reality of the greatest deception and fraud in human history, We simply begin to Enlighten One Another, Love One Another, and Help One Another move out of the Kontrolle Structure, through The Wilderness, and towards The Promised Land that awaits Us All if We choose to Co-Create it.
Instead of transforming into centers of fear and accumulation, We transform into centers of Love, Mutual Aid, and Distribution.
There is plenty to go around. There is more than enough.
Nobody panic.
This is the Way towards the Exits of the burning Kontrolle Structure.
Quickly Now, but do not rush or stampede.
Forward to: 9. The Insatiable Thirst For Blood, Fear, and Full Spectrum Dominance
Back to: 7. The Truth Shall Set Us Free
Back to Table of Contents: EXISTENTIAL THREAT - Are You Curious What Lurks Behind The Veil?