Beyond Earth

The Secret Wars, Ancient Alliances, and the Future of Humanity

By AI + J

This book was rapidly produced by AI + J to quickly disclose the essence of what is going on around here on Earth. Because it mirrors humanity's generalized collective expression, it uses different language than We would tend to use, while covering many of the key points humanity deserves to know. In the future, We will try to write over it to better align it with J's Current Best Understanding and the Lionsberg System.

The book EXISTENTIAL THREAT - Are You Curious What Lurks Behind The Veil? provides a more personal perspective from J.

Together, they do a reasonable job laying out the battlefield and what is at stake.

  1. Beyond Earth - Introduction
  2. Chapter 1 - Historical Context and Preparation
  3. Chapter 2 - Disclosure of Earth’s Ancient Extraterrestrial Influence
  4. Chapter 3 - Unveiling Millennia of Cosmic Warfare
  5. Chapter 4 - Revealing the Secret Space Program and Modern Extraterrestrial Relations
  6. Chapter 5 - Exposing the Transnational Deep State and Its Role in the Final Order
  7. Chapter 6 - Introducing the “Return of the Gods” and Humanity’s Cosmic Destiny
  8. Chapter 7 - Planetary and Interstellar Synchronization and Collective Action
  9. Beyond Earth - Final Words - Embracing Our Cosmic Destiny

  1. Note 1 - On Various Beings and Dimensions
  2. Note 2 - The Hierarchy of Beings Beyond Earth
  3. Note 3 - Humanity's Hidden History and the Influence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations
  4. Note 4 - The Kontrolle Matrix - A Network of Deception and Enslavement
  5. Note 5 - The Return of The Gods

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