With that 5 minute Story of a 40 year life, in the short Time we have remaining together, let me tell you what Jordan did as he was dying, and what he learned about the Evil corrupting and puppetting the institutions and false authorities of this planet.
I know it will be hard to believe...
...but if even 10% of what Jordan discovered is True, it is perhaps the most shocking and important Revelation in human history.
If even 10% of what follows is True, it changes everything.
And every family on Earth is in grave and immediate danger.
As soon "it" touched him, Jordan knew this Evil was not merely personal, was not merely local, was not merely coincidental, and perhaps most importantly, was not merely human.
As soon as it touched him, he Knew it was Time.
How did he Know?
There are many different kinds of Knowing, that We will explore together and learn into as We venture together through The Wilderness.
I should confess a strange thing about Jordan's life, which was that from the earliest moments of his youth, he and others with spiritual eyes knew why he was here, on Earth, for Such A Time As This. The prophets and seers frequently saw and spoke it out. They would grab him in the streets, churches, or airports to speak over his life and remind him.
This gave him a unique lens, a head start, and encouragement along the Way.
Each Time he started to flag or drift, another prophet would grab him.
By the time he was 12, he was strangely speaking of a coming Time when a great spiritual war would occur, and all government and authority on Earth would need to be rapidly and simultaneously transformed.
Those who speak about the Deeper topics that follow die or disappear at an alarming rate, so let us proceed with courage and haste while we still can. At any moment, "they" may arrive to disrupt this dialogue.
Remember what the official told Linda - they are tracking Our every brainwave and breath.
Their agents operate on multidimensional planes, walk through walls, can occupy any kind of body they desire, and materialize and dematerialize at will. Their All Seeing Eye scours the Earth.
On his Quest, Jordan got to know these forces intimately and painfully, in the faith and hope that you and your loved ones would not have to.
As Jordan allowed him Self to be drug into the Depths of their Underworld, he sought relief from the systems and authorities above the local puppets, still partially under the illusion that the religious, political, social, and economic structures he was born into had a measure of inherent goodness and justice.
He could not, he would not, imagine that the situation on Earth was as bad as he feared.
The Matrix could not possibly be Real.
Things could not possibly be this bad.
As he cried out for relief he discovered that the agents and institutions of the American Empire could violate the rights and dignity of citizens at will and with impunity, in the United States and around the world. He learned that the constitution did not, in reality, protect individuals and localities from the power of the Empire. Raise your head, deviate from the norms, and the agents of Empire would attack.
It was if... they were inhuman in some strange way.
As it tried to crush him, Jordan got to experience firsthand the festering stench and endless tangled web of the permanent unelected bureaucracies that lurk in the Darkness beyond the puppet politicians and the surfacial illusion of freedom, democracy and justice.
His very unique situation allowed Jordan to personally trace this sludge from the local level, to the County level, to the State level, to the Federal level, and eventually into its Deeper habitations far Beyond the reach of any visible authority or constitution on Earth.
It is here, in the Deepest and Darkest Depths of their lair, where Jordan's Story starts to get interesting.
We know what follows may violate everything you were taught to believe, but please stay with Us. If it is True, it is one of the most important Revelations in history.
When he reached the federal level of the United States, Jordan discovered that the two party political system of the United States was in fact being puppetted by a single illegal and invisible power structure, whose primary objective was to keep the citizens of the United States and the world fearful, deceived, divided and conquered so that they could be systematically preyed upon.
Preyed upon... By Who? By What?
His shocking Story and experience led to introductions to people who had made entire careers tracing, searching out, and combatting the evils and injustices lurking behind the false facade of "constitutional" governance within the post-World War II American / United Nations world order.
Still grasping at the illusion that the history books contained some Truth and that the American Experiment and existing World Order might have been Good in their inception, and therefore redeemable, in 2022 Jordan began working with other independently minded citizens on an extraordinary and audacious secret plan.
They sought to discover if it was possible to elect an independent US President in 2024, on the way towards passing a Constitutional amendment in 2027, which would shrink the Federal government by ~90%, reset and redefine the relationship between citizens and their government, and redistribute the resources, power, and authority back out to local families and communities.
At least a "hard reboot" of the American Experiment was clearly required after a hundred plus years of buildup and decay.
This plan led to introductions to more leading individuals and groups working in a similar direction, and a sophisticated plan was developed which was designed to remain under the radar of the All Seeing Eye of the Evil Empire before suddenly bursting into public view at global scale in the two weeks before the November 5, 2024 US Election.
The hope was to provide Americans and the world one last chance to salvage the corrupted and failing existing order before it Collapsed into Chaos and Tyranny.
Their audacious Mission felt a bit like a scene out of Star Wars, with a few regular citizens in their rickety old fighter craft, heading in formation towards the center of power on the lead ship in the Imperial Fleet.
It was unlikely, but it was possible. It might have worked.
By summer of 2024, Jordan had finally got into close enough visual range of the Imperial Fleet and the SS America to personally see what the hell was going on and who was in charge.
He was shocked, nauseated, disoriented and disgusted by what he saw.
It was worse than he feared.
The United States as it existed in the minds of Americans was an illusion.
On his travels through the impoverished corners of the world, Jordan had repeatedly heard the United States called The Great Satan. He now saw first hand why.
Beneath the whitewashed and star spangled exterior of the ship and its public facing political puppets, a ghastly army of creatures materialized into view.
As he zoomed by the Control Tower he did a triple take... Were those... aliens?
He could not believe his eyes.
And why was everyone in the Deep Command wearing the uniforms of the Fourth Reich?
And how were they defying the laws of physics and reality?
And what were those maps on the walls of hundreds of secret bases?
Forward to: 15. Not Merely Human
Back to: 13. How Jordan Came To Know This Information
Back to Table of Contents: EXISTENTIAL THREAT - Are You Curious What Lurks Behind The Veil?