Heaven On Earth
The most famous prayer ever uttered contains the sacred words:
May Thy Kingdom, and Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
There is only One possible Vision and Aim, which is Absolute Perfection or the Ideal, right here on Earth as it is in Heaven.
The amazing thing about the Ideal is that it is already perfect, and yet it continues to get better every day because it is composed of all creation striving together to make it so.
This means that there is no end to partnering with God and One Another towards the betterment of our lives and our world.
The proper orientation therefore is to continuously improve our understanding of the Ideal, while working together to make our lives and our world A Little Better Every Day, and measuring ourselves against progress and not perfection.
Pages that link to this page
- What Is Lionsberg?
- The Final Test
- The Message
- The Tree
- The Golden Seed
- The Lionsberg Alliance
- The Mission
- The Movement
- Navigation Issue
- New Vision and Plan
- On Earth As it Is In Heaven
- Lionsberg Lexicon
- Provisional Structure
- Lionsberg Intention
- Lionsberg Mission
- The Invitation, Cycle 1
- The Invitation, Cycle 3
- The Invitation, Cycle 7 (old)
- The Goal
- Above The Chaos, Grappling With Aliens, Fascists, and Giants
- Above The Chaos, Rediscovering Christ Beyond Religion
- Above The Chaos, Sovereignty At Every Level
- Above The Chaos, The Common Journey
- Above The Chaos, Why I Am Risking and Sacrificing Everything
- Sounding The Alarm
- What's Next For J?
- Jordan's Short Story
- The Bottom Line - Humanity's Final Test, and the Path to Unity
- When Extraterrestrials Intervene - Do Not Panic or Fear
- 144 Threads - A Desperate Prayer to Weave Humanity's Last Best Hope (Full Draft)
- A Letter to Our Loved Ones (January 2025)
- Agreement to Join The Lionsberg Alliance
- Vision For A Transcendent Spiritual Community
- 4.12 Co-Creating Heaven On Earth
- 19. Co-Creating The New World
- 21. The Bottom Line
- 25. If We Knew The Wise Right Answer...
- FAQ - What are the Goals of Lionsberg?
- FAQ - What Is The Goal?
- Pass The Flame - Illuminating the Way Beyond the Meta Crisis
- 11.20 Potential Relative to the Total Nested Hierarchy of Goals
- 8.5 Taking Sides And Assigning Blame In The Past
- 8.9 Not So Simple
- Scene 28 - Discovering the Hidden Treasure
- Scene 27 - The Cowardly Leaders
- Scene 31 - A Bright Future
- Meditation 174
- Welcome to Lionsberg
- 9. History and Inception
- 7. A Historic Opportunity
- 19. None Of Us Until All Of Us
- 5. Our Overarching and Uniting Aim and Goal
- 1.9 Freedom, Sovereignty, and Autonomy
- 1.4 Your Way
- The Vision Of The New World To Come
- The Knowledge Of God Is The Key
- The Birth of the Eternal Citadel
- Harvested by Aliens, Kontrolled by Fascists, and Hunted by Dogs - The Plight of the Children of Earth
- 144 Threads - A Desperate Prayer to Weave Humanity's Last Best Hope
- 18. The Final Test
- Above The Chaos, Reconciling the Critical Path