Above The Chaos, Grappling With Aliens, Fascists, and Giants

A post in Above The Chaos. Updated 7/31/2024.
Reading Time: 10 to 15 Minutes

Over the last months as We advanced Our Quest towards Heaven On Earth, I was progressively presented with significant new information that was critical enough to warrant a deep and disturbing reconnaissance mission that took me off-grid the last two weeks of July.

The findings, if True, affect your family and loved ones more than you may be able to imagine, so please, take the 10 minutes to read this, and continue on to Aliens, Fascists, and Giants - Our Epic Battle for The Future of Civilization if you find the information relevant to your survival.

As The Story predicts, it turns out that The Promised Land We are advancing towards is guarded by quite an array of fearsome creatures and giants, representing multiple advanced civilizations. Life-in-Universe turns out to be quite a bit more diverse and inter-active than most humans have been led to believe.

I have begun to summarize some of what is being revealed in a new Lionsberg Wiki Book called Aliens, Fascists, and Giants - Our Epic Battle for The Future of Civilization.

The Epic Story

As difficult as it might be to hear and believe, for at least a couple thousand years humanity has been living under a lie, in a world at war.

Each of us that is Here Now was born into a multi-dimensional war that we did not choose, but that we must recognize and finish if we are to avoid generations of suffering, tyranny, and slavery under aliens, giants, and fascists.

Modern stories like The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Matrix, The Truman Show, the Marvel series, Star Wars, Stargate Atlantis, and the Foundation series prepared us for aspects of The Story that would be revealed in our lifetimes. They touched our hearts and minds for a reason.

Ancient stories from indigenous tribes, preserved tablets, and sacred scriptures carried memories and "myths" through the ages, that we are finally rediscovering to be True.

Ancient monuments and megaliths transmitted indelible hints through the floods, wars, and storms of Time.

Emanating from the Fundamental Unity of the Supreme Creator / Generative Source of Universe / Ultimate Reality / God, an entire Narrative Universe emerged to meet us, filled with multiple dimensions and worlds, warring "gods", "sons of god", angels, demons, hybrids, giants, aliens, reptilians, insectoids, humanoids, underground and underwater cities, portals, wormholes, interstellar travel, and advanced non-human-civilizations and intelligences possessing advanced science and technologies at least thousands of years more advanced than humanity-in-the-20th century.

Brace yourself if you haven't already. The story is Real. We are living in it. And our children's Future, for generations, depends on what we do next.

After decades of coordinated lies, coverups, assassinations, government overthrows, and ridicule to conceal the Truth, testimonies from hundreds of respected citizens, military, police, government employees, and wisdom keepers have recently nearly definitively revealed that We Are Not Alone in the Universe, that our governments are in possession of alien craft and bodies that did not originate on Earth, and that our Visible Power Structures have been puppetted for at least the last 50 to 100 years by corrupt, fascist Invisible Power Structures have that have systematically lied to, deceived, and exploited the human population and the Earth for their own narrow gain, position, and power. Beyond the last 50 to 100 years, perhaps for an unimaginably long time.

Earth is a special place, even among the vast reaches of the cosmos and for the numerous advanced civilizations therein. It's unique environment makes it perfect for engineering and evolving a vast diversity of flourishing and abundant life.

This has meant that for at least tens of thousands, if not tens or hundreds of millions of years, multiple advanced civilizations of non-human-intelligence have been at war over it, and operating within it. Many of the fantastical life forms that appear as through they were designed by brilliant artists, were.

The reason that neither the stories of Darwinian evolution nor a one time act by the Supreme Creator make sense when surveying Life on Earth is that for an indefinite period of Time, beings with the ability to move in planes beyond our perceptual SpaceTime have apparently been using Earth as living laboratory, genetically engineering, experimenting with, and interbreeding with Life hereon, and transporting genetic materials back and forth between planets and star systems.

Those most shocked or offended by such revelations may be those ingrained into the most fundamentally religious Narrative Structures, so let us not forget that in the biblical text that has served as the sacred undergirding of Western Civilization, it opens with:

In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1 - Elohim being the Hebrew plural form of deity / god).

The biblical record then proceeds to describe the gods / sons of the gods present on Earth prior to the multiplication of humankind, watching humanity emerge:

Now it came about, when humankind began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of Elohim (Ha-Elohim) saw that the daughters of humankind (Ha-Adam) were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of Elohim (Ha-Elohim) came in to the daughters of humankind (Ha-Adam), and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. (Genesis 6:1-2, 4)

Here is a link to the original Hebrew if you want to see the original words and follow along for your Self - https://biblehub.com/text/genesis/6-1.htm.

Regardless of whether the experimentation and interbreeding stopped for a period of time or has been ongoing ever since, multiple women have personally testified to me of their own current experiences, and hundreds or thousands of credible, stable men and women to highly credible professional psychologists, that this activity continues or is accelerating to date.

As a jumping off point to investigate the abduction phenomena for your Self, John Mack, the chairman of the psychology department at Harvard Medical School, is one of the leading (initially skeptical) investigators. Here is a link to his book Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens.

We will eventually come to discover that the unbroken series of world wars waged in the 1900s, through which we sent our children to murder over 100 Million of our children, were primarily spiritual and non-human wars, waged through human bodies as pawns.

Just as it is clear that the war in Ukraine is a broader proxy war between conflicting power structures, and not actually or merely a war between Russia and Ukraine, so too will it become clear that the wars of the 1900s were in Reality wars between non-human power structures and principalities, battling for dominion both here on Earth and Beyond.

Faced with the reality of demonic and alien forces intent on enslaving, subjugating, harvesting, interbreeding with, and experimenting on our children, humanity will be presented with the most important decision in human history:

Whether it will be deceived into weaponizing its emerging High Science Technology against itself in World War IV, therefore collapsing the Existing Order, collapsing its food systems, collapsing the human population (likely by at least 2/3, ~5 billion human beings), and handing the rising generations over into a reign of Tyranny and Chaos under aliens, fascists, demons, and giants...

~ or ~

Whether it will liberate itself from the ongoing reign of tyrannical deceit, refashion its Weapons Into Tools of Life, and co-create Heaven On Earth.

The choice is (y)Ours.

Government and Religious Knowledge, and the Impending Crisis of Crises

The depth of the corruption, deceit and fascist collusion between the institutions of government, religion, and capital is nearly unfathomable. The governments of the world, the Vatican, and the Military Industrial Complex they are forfeiting our Collective Inheritance to have been acutely aware of alien interference with and exploitation of humanity at least since the 1930s in our supposedly "democratic" institutions, and in an unbroken line of elite families, royal bloodlines, and secret societies for millennia.

As the Truth is progressively revealed and begins to Set Us Free, it will naturally lead to nearly universal and relatively simultaneous votes of No Confidence / No Consent in and to the Authority of the systems, institutions, and elites humanity looked to for leadership, guidance, and protection in the past. Because all legitimate systems of governance rely on the faith, confidence, and ongoing voluntary consent of the citizens they serve, this will precipitate, at planetary scale, the greatest civilizational, constitutional, and religious Crisis of Crises in history.

As a result, nearly every constitution will have to be amended, corrupt governments and institutions transformed or transcended, and accumulated resources, technology, knowledge and power optimally redistributed.

This will have to occur relatively simultaneously around the world as humanity reawakens and reunites.

The 10 Year Grand Strategy is a powerfully accelerated roadmap, designed to be continuously elevated and improved in community.

The Response of the Final Order

In response to the sudden awakening and awareness of the human population, and The Movement towards Liberty and Justice for All, the Invisible Power Structures puppetting the Visible Power Structures around the world will attempt to do everything in their power to frighten the human population back into The Caves they are presently enslaved in.

Reasonably likely tactics that those involved in government programs have made Us aware of in advance include:

  • An acceleration towards World War IV
  • The large scale use of bioweapons / disease, coupled to fear-driven vaccination programs that modify the DNA of the human population en masse, potentially even enabling remote control via wireless technologies and Directed Energy Weapons
  • Population-wide Mind Control (see CIA MK Ultra programs et al for the decades-long testing on US and foreign citizens without consent)
  • The use of Directed Energy Weapons to manufacture massive earthquakes, fires, and other "natural disasters"
  • The misuse of Reverse Engineered Alien Technology to stage a "False Flag" "alien invasion", leading to widespread panic, marshal law, and the consolidation of planetary power
  • The progressive debasement of the existing fiat currencies, leading to Central Bank Digital Currencies as the sole means of exchange, thereby granting the Fascist Security State absolute control over the ability of citizens to transact
  • The use of Continuity of Government provisions built up by the Fascist Security State(s) to use disruption / emergency / disaster (even of their own creation) to effectively seize power and deprive Citizens of their Constitutional and Divine Rights in the event of any of the above.

Perhaps it is too playful or trite to cite popular cultural references, however picturing Star Wars - The Final Order together might rapidly carry us into the approximately right mental space:

"My Sith Eternal would provide me the tools I needed. It was they who constructed a fully operational armada on Exegol at my command. It was they who trained their offspring to operate those vessels with deadly efficiency. For a generation, they toiled and trained, and now their efforts shall be put to the test as the Final Order prepares to arise!"

―Darth Sidious

"To assure my conquest of the known galaxy, thousands of next-generation Star Destroyers were assembled in the launch bays carved beneath the surface of Exegol. This Final Order has been equipped with superlasers capable of annihilating a planet from far orbit. Now, any who dare to challenge my rightful place in the galaxy will learn the same painful lesson as the scum on Jedha, Alderaan, and Hosnian Prime."

―Darth Sidious

The local military force of the Sith Eternal was created in underground caverns, in concert with aerospace corporations, whose directorates were infested with Sith loyalists. Their military was composed of humans and hybrids raised and brainwashed for obedience on the Sith world.

As it turns out, our local Fascist Security State here on Earth has been collaborating for at least two or three generations with hostile alien forces. These include reptilians who, according to both western abductees and indigenous tribal wisdom keepers, appear very much like some of the reptilian Sith and their counterparts in the Marvel series, alongside humanoids and shapeshifters working alongside human beings in government and corporate functions. They have been working in underground bases together since at least the 30s in Germany to engineer star fleets for the explicitly stated purpose, as in the case of the Nazis, total domination of both the Earth and the galaxy. Note the Brown Brothers Harriman role in financing the rise of the Nazis and their international headquarters, and the subsequent post-WWII-importing of over 1,600 top Nazi and German officers, scientists and engineers and the alien technology into the United States. The Fascist Security State subsequently placed them in authority over many military, "civilian", and corporate spacefaring activities (see chapter 22. Aliens and Fascists In the 21st Century). The Invisible Power Structures puppetting the Visible Power Structures did not lose WWII, and continued their agenda.

The Immense Challenge At Hand

We are now in the opening stages of The 7 Year Window of Crisis and Opportunity, during which humanity is faced with a once-in-a-millennia opportunity to awaken, transform our consciousness, transcend the lines that have separated us in the past, and reunite as One Body to escape Employee Consumer Debt Slavery and co-create Heaven On Earth.

However there is a very uncomfortable part of The Story that we cannot skip over: The Promised Land is guarded by aliens, demons, and giants that won't simply allow us to enter in. To get there, we must first journey through The Wilderness and prevail in The War for the future of Civilization.

Further, in order to avoid an outright Collapse, the New and Higher Order Functional Unity must be rapidly and voluntarily forged from the Bottom Up before the Existing Order disintegrates into Chaos or Tyranny, and the Fascist Security State(s) move to consolidate power absolutely.

Every man, woman, and child on Earth is going to have to be awakened from their slumber, liberated from The Caves, and healed, strengthened and equipped to journey through The Wilderness and prevail in The War that must be won in each and every individual soul, as well as every family, neighborhood, town, city, tribe, watershed, and bioregion on Earth and Beyond.

Every man, woman, and child on Earth will have to do the hard work to liberate themselves from all forms of parasitic, demonic, alien, ideological, and fascist "possession" / control, so that we can navigate from Spirit and Soul together towards Wisdom, Truth, and Heaven On Earth.

As every family, tribe, and species on Earth faces together into this common opportunity and threat, it is clear that there is no room for factions, division, or conflict among us. We are going to have to Help One Another. Under a shared civilizational and planetary threat, it is clear that a house divided against itself cannot stand, and will rapidly succumb to the internal and external pressures seeking to tear it apart and permanently enslave it.

Everything is on the line, for every family on Earth.

The Opportunity and Adventure of a Lifetime

To confront and overcome the challenges at hand, liberate our Selves, and forge the Best Possible Future for All, we are faced with a simple yet difficult prerequisite.

Because no individual, organization, tribe, movement, or nation, can do it alone, and because each individual must awaken and heal to journey through The Wilderness and enter into The Promised Land of their own Free Will and Consent, we must become, out of Many, One Body.

There is no other Way.

The simple reality is that none of us can reach The Promised Land unless and until We All do.

We can only succeed on this Quest together. As One Body.

Welcome to the Opportunity and Adventure of a Lifetime.


We Do Not Know how long The Window of opportunity may ultimately remain open, however we do know that there is a significant non-zero probability that events in October - December 2024 could further shake and fracture the Existing Order.

We have therefore set the aggressive schedule of gathering up the first several hundred representatives of the Force For Good this summer, and convening the first General Assembly on September 20th, 2024.

At the General Assembly, we aim to formally ratify the 10 Year Grand Strategy and the basic New system of governance, decision making, resourcing, and movement building at planetary scale.

From there, we Aim to spread The Message as broadly as we can in October, write-in an independent candidate for US President in November if we can Pass The Flame quickly enough, and then accelerate towards the Milestone of connecting and empowering The First Three Percent of the population by 2026 on the way to affecting the constitutional transformations that will be required in most nations.

The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan has a multitude of additional details, and the Lionsberg Co-Creator Handbook (v.0.1) is a resource for those wondering how to get involved and engage.

Please Join The Movement to be connected to the rest of the Force For Good, and kept apprised of progress and next steps.

With Love, in Service to One and the Freedom and Flourishing of All,

~ J

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