The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan

Updated April 2024

In the various Lionsberg Wiki Books, we have circumambulated the New Vision and Plan in detail from various angles, in more detail.

This shorter presentation aims to approach (the whole) from the lens of a unified strategy and plan to meet this moment in history.

It is intentionally designed to remain an eternally incomplete Work In Progress, designed to be continuously improved by each individual and locality that joins The Quest towards The Goal.

If One and All Wills It To Be

Any such plan to regenerate the world and co-create a flourishing and abundant New Era can only occur if One and All will and intend for it to be, and co-create the miracles along the Way.

As it has been said, if God wills, we will live, and also (enact the plan).

Our Highest Duty to One, All, Wisdom, and Truth

This New Vision, Strategy, and Plan is made as a humble offering in service of One and All. As illuminated in The Story of the Builder, we expect that it contains many gaps and insufficiencies which will need to be remediated by unique gifts, talents, and experiences of those who join togethers as Co-Creators. In the Lionsberg System, Every Defect Is A Gift. It would be a great relief if you could find and remedy as many errors as possible. Like Gold Refined Seven Times, eventually the Dross will be burned off and only that which approaches Wisdom and Truth will remain.

Uniting Aim and Goal

Rooted in the Absolute And Unconditional Love of One for All, the Uniting Aim and Goal of the New Vision, Strategy, and Plan is the total integrated wellbeing, development, and right relationship of All generations of life and consciousness. As the Old systems and structures fail, the Aim is move the entire population out of The Caves separating and imprisoning us, through The Wilderness, and towards The Promised Land within a single generation, with no one Involuntarily Left Behind.

History and Inception

Since as early as he can remember, Jordan has been aware this moment was coming and attempting to prepare for it.

This led to a basic ethos of taking on as much responsibility as anyone would entrust him with, leading to a 25 year sprint that led from early entrepreneurial activity and service jobs, to building heavy civil infrastructure projects, portfolios of projects, companies that build projects, joint ventures that built projects too complex for any one company to tackle in isolation, multiple university and martial arts degrees, etc.

In ~2017, Jordan Nicholas Sukut began weekly discussions with advisors regarding an Omni-Considerate and Omni-Encompassing Vision, Strategy, and Plan to meet this moment in The Story, and usher humanity safely into a New Era. The Lionsberg Summary provides links to more details and back story.

It took a nation 10 years to land a man on the moon. As of Spring 2024, we have now entered the 10 Year Grand Strategy and have 10 years to land humanity and our planet on a safe trajectory towards a flourishing and abundant future for All.


The context was presumed to be a time of Meta Crisis in the 2020s, where the systems and existing order would shake and reorder in unprecedented ways.

It was presumed that the existing trajectory was towards Collapse, but that before the existing order collapsed, there was a brief period of Time during which the Human System could potentially leap forward into some kind of Higher Order Functional Unity that would enable it to meet the needs, solve the problems, and accomplish the goals at hand.

Scope of Work

The scope of work inherently encompasses the entirety of the human species and Worksite Earth without exception, and the expansion of the human species beyond Earth into inter-planetary and eventually inter-stellar configurations over the next hundreds of millions of years.

It involves inviting inviting all humanity, roughly 10 Billion People In 10 Years, to make their Way FROM the Old TO the New, and take up an Equal Citizenship in a fully regenerating, flourishing, and abundant Future.

Accomplishing this while preventing the suffering and death of 2/3 to 3/4 of the human population requires that instead of stumbling headlong into an apocalyptic AI and Nuclear World War III / IV against One Another and our Planet (along with associated Civil Wars, Chaos, and Tyranny), we beat our Weapons Into Tools of Life, work together, and reallocate our High Science Technology and $10 to $20 Trillion of the $30 Trillion+ of expected military expenditures over the next 10 years towards the greatest Joint Venture in human history, while fundamentally reorienting and realigning our Way of Being and Interacting as a human species aboard Worksite Earth.

This ~$15 Trillion of nominal resource reallocation to the New Vision and Plan enables humanity to gather up its Collective Inheritance in The Commons, and co-create a backbone to equip and empower a decentralized array of the first 3% of the human population, organized into ~50 million connected and empowered small teams around the world, to poly-centrically prioritize, localize, and adapt the best solutions and technologies to meet the needs, solve the problems, and accomplish the goals and aspirations inherent in every community on Earth.

Additionally, it decentralizes and democratizes power, authority, opportunity, knowledge, and technology around the world, rendering war and involuntary migration obsolete, while ensuring that every tribe, tongue, and people has a free and secure place to call home.

Lastly, it reintegrates the human population in service of One Another, All Life, and its Generative Source.

Reintegration of the Human System and Living System

Encompassing All Creation, the strategy and plan calls for the reintegration of the Human System in service of the eternally regenerative Living System, or Universe, it is a part of, and the One Source and Sustainer of All.

This requires that the Human System itself be transformed FROM Degenerative TO Regenerative, empowered by a New Human Operating System.

The Lionsberg System was created to serve this purpose.

Designer's Intent, and Creator's Intent

Like any System or Project, Lionsberg is created in service of an Overarching and Uniting Intention, Vision, and Goal.

On any Worksite, this is legally and philosophically the notion of Designer's Intent.

For this Meta Project encompassing All Creation, it is the notion of Creator's Intent.

By Creator, we are referring to Ultimate Reality, or what in English we often call God; the Generative Source and Sustainer of the Universe of All Creation.

Patterns of Success, and a Pattern Language of Success

The successful and proper co-operating of the human species in service of eternally regenerative Universe requires a shift in our Way, or Pattern, of Being.

A Way of being that remains consistent and modulates itself across Time and Space is perhaps best conceptualized as a set of Domain Independent Patterns.

Sets of Domain Independent Patterns are most coherently integrated and composed via a Pattern Language.

In this case, we are searching for the most Timeless and Universal Domain Independent Wisdom, Principles, and Values that cause people, families, communities, and ecosystems to succeed and flourish in harmony.

These Patterns of Success / Patterns of Life would be contrasted with their Antitheses, which we could term Patterns of Failure / Patterns of Death - the most Timeless and Universal Domain Independent Anti-Wisdom, Anti-Principles, and Anti-Values that cause unnecessary pain, suffering, corruption, injustice, and death.

Transforming the Human Pattern Language: FROM The Old, TO The New

Understanding that the Root Cause of the Meta Crisis is our way of being and doing as a human species aboard Worksite Earth...

...and that our Way is something like a Pattern Language...

...we understand that the Meta Opportunity is to transform our Way...

...FROM the Old TO the New... that Truth, Love, Justice, Stewardship, and Wisdom reign, On Earth As it Is In Heaven.

Transforming Human Thought, Speech, and Behavior

We understand from centuries of spiritual work, coaching, and mentoring, and from decades of clinical psychology, that if you want to transform human behavior... can't begin by trying to transform human behavior.

Human behavior flows from a complex substructure, conscious, subconscious and unconscious. It rises primarily from below the level of conscious thought and understanding. This means that it cannot readily be transformed from the exterior.

However we have also discovered that Genuine Transformation of Spirit and Consciousness naturally leads to the manifestation of entirely New Patterns of thought, speech, and action, and that even highly intractable patterns of negative conduct can suddenly pass away.

We further have come to understand that the deep human desire for belonging can drive people to cling to, or shift, Patterns of Speech and Behavior in response to Cultural Norms and Values.

This leads to an understanding of a three part basic process:

  1. Genuine Transformation of Spirit and Consciousness
  2. Progressive Articulation of the New Norms and Values
  3. Co-Creation of the Path, infrastructure, and bridges that pave the Way for the Common Transformative Journey - FROM the Old TO the New

No One Involuntarily Left Behind

From the standpoint of Creator's Intent and Love, the desire is for no one to perish, suffer, or be involuntarily left behind.

From the standpoint of an interexistent crisis of crises / Meta Crisis, we understand that only a widespread, nearly universal shift in our Way of being can prevent Collapse.

From the standpoint of the Living System, we understand that the Energetics, Air, Water, and Microbiome are all interconnected and globally flowing, such that what we do to the energy, air, water, soil and microbiome in any area, we do to the Manifest Spirit of the Creator and All Creation.

A Universal Movement

And so we end up with the grand challenge:

How do we Move the Whole Population?

FROM the degenerative omnicidal patterns of failure and death that define and are destroying the Old World...

TO the regenerative patterns of success and life that define the New World we are being invited to continually Co-Create in partnership with the Creator and All Creation?

The highest desire for everyone to find their Way to the New World, with no one Involuntarily Left Behind.

A Tipping Point Strategy Led By Transforming Consciousness and Cultural Norms

The core of the Lionsberg Strategy is therefore a tipping point strategy, led by the Genuine Transformation of Spirit and Consciousness and the fractal adoption of the New Norms and Values, leading to the ongoing regeneration and Co-Creation of the New World.

The first part involves Co-Creating the Environment, Conditions, Infrastructure and Experience to enable the transformation of Consciousness, the embodiment of the New Norms and Values, and the co-creation of the New.

This was the purpose of The 7 Year Window of Preparatory Work and Learning.

The second part involves awakening and uniting humanity for the opportunity and adventure of a lifetime - the Epic Quest to depart from The Caves of the Old World, progress through The Wilderness that always separates the Old form the New, and Co-Create the New World / The Promised Land.

This involves reimagining, redesigning, rebuilding, and continuously improving the New Norms and Values - the New Pattern Language - we are Progressing Towards.

This second phase composes the 10 Year Grand Strategy that began Spring 2024, during which 10 Billion People In 10 Years will be invited to progress FROM the Old TO the New, and take up their New Citizenship in the New World we are co-creating in partnership with One and All.

Pathways, Bridges, and Infrastructure

Recognizing that billions of Citizens are going to need to undertake The Quest FROM the Old TO the New, the need to invest heavily in the Pathways, Bridges, and Infrastructure that mark the Way becomes self-evident.

The heart of Love desires to make it as easy as possible for every family and tribe to make the journey.

The Story - The Quest Towards The Goal of Greatest Worth

Our Current Best Understanding is that 1) Consciousness lays fundamentally lays itself out according to a Narrative Framework, and 2) A Story is the only vessel capable of holding something with the sheer scope and complexity of what we are contemplating, in a Way that can be eternally passed on through subsequent generations.

The concept of archetypical stories that both fit and shape human consciousness is deeply rooted in the study of mythology, psychology, and literature. These stories, often referred to as archetypes, are patterns or motifs that recur across cultures and time periods, reflecting universal elements of the human experience. They resonate because they reflect fundamental aspects of the human journey, our struggles, dreams, fears, and desires.

Some of the most prominent archetypical stories that have been identified include:

  1. The Hero's Journey: Perhaps the most well-known archetype, this pattern describes a cycle where a hero ventures out from the ordinary world into an Unknown region of supernatural wonder, encounters fabulous forces, wins a decisive victory, and then returns from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on their fellow man. This journey can be seen in stories ranging from ancient myths like Gilgamesh, to modern tales such as "The Lord of the Rings" or "Star Wars."

  2. The Quest: This archetype involves a search for something valuable, whether it be a tangible object, knowledge, or personal transformation. The quest narrative drives the protagonist and often a group of companions through a series of challenges and adventures towards a significant goal or destination.

  3. The Transformation or Metamorphosis: This theme revolves around the profound change or transformation of the main character(s), often involving a descent into darkness or chaos and emerging renewed or reborn. This can be seen in religious narratives like the death and resurrection of Christ, or literary works like Kafka’s "The Metamorphosis."

  4. The Initiation: This archetype represents a coming-of-age story where the protagonist undergoes trials or a series of tests to transition from one phase of life to another, often from adolescence into adulthood. This can include physical, mental, or spiritual challenges.

  5. The Fall: This narrative archetype involves a descent from a higher to a lower state of being, characterized by the loss of innocence, grace, or status. It often explores themes of temptation, sin, and the potential for redemption.

  6. The Battle Between Good and Evil: This universal theme portrays the conflict between the forces of good and the forces of evil, often with the fate of the world in balance. It is a reflection of the moral and ethical struggles within human nature and society.

The Lionsberg Strategy embraces this understanding by contextualizing The Quest towards The Goal within an archetypical Narrative Universe designed to unfold as a Story of Stories as The Movement progresses.

Timing - The 10 Year Grand Strategy

We Do Not Know, however our Current Best Understanding is that this decade, and perhaps the progress made in the next 24 months, will determine whether we succeed or fail on our quest. The Lionsberg Strategy calls for us to Act As If that were true.

The Strategy and Plan designates a series of milestones across time:

All prehistory

-1,000 BC to 1800 AD

1800 to 1900

1900 to 1960s

1970s to 2010s

The 7 Year Window of Preparatory Work and Learning (2017 to 2023)

The 10 Year Grand Strategy

The 90 Day Sprint (2024)

3 Years, 3% (2024 to 2026)

The 7 Year Window of the Crisis and Opportunity

The Trailing Three Year Reorientation, Regeneration, and Relearning

The 20 Year Generational Contingency

The New Millennium and Beyond

Work Breakdown Structure - The 12 Pillars

The Quest towards The Goal involves Co-Creating The New. We must co-create and continuously improve The Promised Land.

We start with the Overarching and Uniting notion of Creator's Intent for Worksite Earth.

We then begin to build out our Plans and Specifications for the New World we are Co-Creating.

This necessitates identifying the primary Features of Work via a Work Breakdown Structure.

The first level of the Lionsberg Work Breakdown Structure is The 12 Pillars of Lionsberg.

!The 12 Pillars of Lionsberg

Around each of The 12 Pillars, Citizen Led Joint Ventures are designed to be formed, which in turn connect and empower a distributed array of millions of Teams that compose the Team of Teams.

The Citizen Led Joint Ventures, and the decentralized array of small Teams they empower, are connected and empowered themselves by the core elements of the Lionsberg System and Commons, that address the General Issues that each of them, and all the Teams they support, face.

This Much Work Requires a System

We Have Work To Do

Awakening, inspiring, uniting, and moving All Humanity FROM the Old, to the New we are co-creating, in a single generation, is a lot of work.

It represents the greatest joint venture in human history, requiring trillions of dollars and hours of coordinated flow across the entire human species.

This Much Work Requires a Purpose-Built System

Even the simple work we have learned to do our past, like co-creating bridges, roadways, and cathedrals, requires a basic System of Work.

An unprecedented Meta Project will required an unprecedented System and Approach, purpose-built to produce Throughput of The Goal.

The System of Systems

In this case, what is called forth is an entire System of Systems; in effect, a New Human Operating System.

The New Human Operating System must be composed of interoperable sub-systems that address each of The 12 Pillars of Lionsberg, while integrating itself within the interoperable super-systems of Nature that compose the Living System we are part of.

The System Must Be Unified by The Goal

The entire System of Systems must be integrated and cohered into Highest Order Functional Unity by The Goal of the One that unites us All.

For the first time in history, this will enable us to measure progress and allocate resources collectively towards the Critical Path / Critical Chain.

The System Must Be Conceptually Universal and Eternal, and Fractally Implementable

The New Human Operating System must also be conceptually universal and eternal, while also fractally localizable and implementable, so that it can be localized, adapted, and instantiated poly-centrically, across all Levels of Analysis both within our current planet, and beyond it.

  • Individual
  • Family
  • Team
  • Organization
  • Federation
  • Community
  • Watershed
  • Tribe
  • Bioregion
  • Region
  • Planet
  • Star System
  • Interstellar System
  • etc. etc.

For those who have not thought beyond the limits of their locality or planet, the idea of an operating system designed and built to co-operate across millions of years and countless planets and star systems may seem far fetched or incredible. However it is suicidal not to think of the long term - we know that this star system will become uninhabitable in just a few short galactic years (a galactic year is 230,000,000 years, the amount of time it takes the sun to orbit the Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way). Beyond that known natural end point, numerous Existential Threats could conceivably set back the experiment of Life and Consciousness aboard Earth by millions, hundreds of millions, or billions of years (degeneration, nuclear war, AI, asteroids, pandemics, etc.).

Because the Creator's Intent is Omniconsiderate, Universal, and Eternal, so too must our thinking become about how to Progressively Realize The Goal.

Waste, Value, and Throughput of The Goal

The co-creation of a conceptually unified System purpose-built to Progressively Realize the The Goal (Creator's Intent / On Earth As it Is In Heaven), enables us to technically redefine our understanding of Waste and Value relative to The Goal we are co-operating in pursuit of.

Coupled with our New Time-Energy Accounting, this will reveal that the vast majority of meaningless and dangerous work humanity is doing to "earn a living" by exploiting One Another and All Creation is actually Waste - and that we would be collectively be far better off to pay them to stop creating waste, while we reorganize our Selves and learn to co-operate the New Human Operating System.

These ideas, collectively composed of (what lies beyond) "lean", "agile", "theory of constraints", "the goal", "critical chain", etc., have exposed 60% plus waste in nearly every domain they have touched. We anticipate that the level of Waste on Worksite Earth in the 2020s is closer to 80%+.

Multi-Generational Co-Operation

The New Human Operating System we are co-creating and learning to co-operate (which I call the Lionsberg System), does not just exist for us.

It exists in service to all past, current, and future generations of Life and Consciousness, in All Times and Spaces.

This requires that we view all life and consciousness as interexistent aspects of One Body developing through the millennia, and that as we meet needs, solve problems, accomplish goals, and co-create the New, we are continually honoring the Wisdom and contributions of our elders and ancestors, while Passing The Flame to the rising generations.

Through this lens, we come to understand that the knowledge, technologies and techniques we employ in any given generation are built to be superseded and pass away, and that what remains is the Spirit, Intention, Wisdom, Culture, and Values, whose continuous improvement is our main act of co-creation.

A System Requires a Structure

Such a universally and eternally conceptualized System and Approach must Incarnate itself in SpaceTime, and develop by grappling with the Realities at hand in its Embodied Time and Space.

The act of Incarnation requires a concrete and pragmatic structure to house and protect its emergence.

For this reason, the Lionsberg Provisional Structure, Provisional Backbone, and Provisional Mind were co-created during The 7 Year Window of Preparatory Work and Learning to enable the Many Diverse Parts of The Body to begin connecting and co-operating with one another.

A System and a Structure Require a Selectively Permeable Membrane

Any living organism (which an emerging body of co-creators is), requires a Selectively Permeable Membrane, which protects the finite System and Structure within from the infinite Universe of things without.

A Selectively Permeable Membrane Requires an Immigration Policy and Immune System

Because The Body developing within the Selectively Permeable Membrane must incorporate aspects of the surrounding Universe to grow and flourish, something akin to an Immigration Policy must be developed that allows New things to be incorporated in an orderly manner on the basis of Mutual Consent.

Additionally, an Immune System is required to deal with pathogenic or toxic agents that will inevitably find their way through the membrane.

For this reason, the Lionsberg System must continuously improve its Immigration Policy alongside the functioning of its Immune System.

A System and Structure with a Selective Permeable Membrane Requires Governance, Culture and Co-Operation

Any body divided against itself will eventually fail and die.

Therefore the Many Diverse Parts of The Body require a system and way of governance, culture, and co-operation.

Governance, Culture and Co-Operation Require Lifelong Learning, Training, and Development

In the context of a multi-generational body of co-creation that requires ongoing governance, culture, and co-operation, every new member of The Body, whether they enter via the Immigration Policy or are born into The System, must learn how to co-operate and flourish as part of The Body.

Therefore one of the most foundational among The 12 Pillars of Lionsberg is the co-creation and continuous improvement of a system of lifelong learning, training, and development, that every co-creator has equal access to.

Because our purpose on Earth is to Become the fullness of who we are uniquely created to be by collaborating with the Creator and All Creation to Progressively Realize The Goal, the development of each diverse fractal aspect of Creation towards the fullness of Potential is paramount.

Measuring Throughput of The Goal

The System is designed to produce Throughput of The Goal.

Because the Critical Path runs through the tipping points strategy rooted in transformation of Consciousness and Pattern Language...

...Throughput can be measured by (something like) how many Individuals, have progressed how far, on The Quest FROM the Old TO the New.

The Lionsberg Lionsberg Cycles of Growth predict that the New Organism may emerge through reciprocating cycles that can be best modeled along an exponential unfolding such as the Fibonacci sequence.

The Lionsberg Cycles of Expansion chart the fibonacci sequence, and relate to how many people have joined The Movement / The Game and are Progressing along the Critical Path FROM the Old TO the New.

  • Cycle 1: 2 Members
  • Cycle 2: 3 Members
  • Cycle 3: 5 Members
  • Cycle 4: 8 Members (0.0000001%)
  • Cycle 5: 13 Members
  • Cycle 6: 21 Members
  • Cycle 7: 34 Members
  • Cycle 8: 55 Members
  • Cycle 9: 89 Members (0.000001%)
  • Cycle 10: 144 Members
  • Cycle 11: 233 Members
  • Cycle 12: 377 Members
  • Cycle 13: 610 Members
  • Cycle 14: 987 Members (0.00001%)
  • Cycle 15: 1,597 Members
  • Cycle 16: 2,584 Members
  • Cycle 17: 4,181 Members
  • Cycle 18: 6,765 Members
  • Cycle 19: 10,946 Members (0.0001%)
  • Cycle 20: 17,711 Members
  • Cycle 21: 28,657 Members
  • Cycle 22: 46,368 Members
  • Cycle 23: 75,025 Members (0.001%)
  • Cycle 24: 121,393 Members
  • Cycle 25: 196,418 Members
  • Cycle 26: 317,811 Members
  • Cycle 27: 514,229 Members
  • Cycle 28: 832,040 Members (0.01%)
  • Cycle 29: 1,346,269 Members
  • Cycle 30: 2,178,309 Members
  • Cycle 31: 3,524,578 Members
  • Cycle 32: 5,702,887 Members
  • Cycle 33: 9,227,465 Members (0.1%)
  • Cycle 34: 14,930,352 Members
  • Cycle 35: 24,157,817 Members
  • Cycle 36: 39,088,169 Members
  • Cycle 37: 63,245,986 Members
  • Cycle 38: 102,334,155 Members (1%)
  • Cycle 39: 165,580,141 Members
  • Cycle 40: 267,914,296 Members (3%)
  • Cycle 41: 433,494,437 Members
  • Cycle 42: 701,408,733 Members
  • Cycle 43: 1,134,903,170 Members (13%)
  • Cycle 44: 1,836,311,903 Members
  • Cycle 45: 2,971,215,073 Members (First 1/3)
  • Cycle 46: 4,807,526,976 Members (Center Mass)
  • Cycle 47: 7,778,742,049 Members (Last 1/3)
  • Cycle 48: All Who Desire in Perpetuity (Holdouts + Emerging Future Generations)
  • Cycle 49: 3 Year Trailing Citizenship (Joining + 3 Years, or Age 15 + 3 Years)
  • Cycle 50: The New Era Begins

The Lionsberg Cycle Time measures the Rate at which the Lionsberg System produces Throughput of The Goal.

Whereas the Lionsberg Cycles of Growth measure Quantity, the dimensions of Progress / Throughput additionally encompass Quality.

These two dimensions create the basis for Measurement and Continuous Improvement.

Fractal Instantiation of The System from the Bottom Up

As each Individual crosses through the Selectively Permeable Membrane and becomes a Co-Creator of The System...

...they must discover through Experiential Learning how to instantiate and co-operate The System for them Selves, for their Family, for their Teams, for their Community, for their Bioregion, etc.

One of the obvious-in-hindsight learnings from The 7 Year Window of Preparatory Work and Learning is that unenlightened beings cannot co-create enlightened systems.

Therefore The Transformation has to occur from the Bottom Up - starting with the hard work of each individual to look within and begin their own process of healing, development, and transformation.

As individuals accept The Invitation, connect to The Movement, and share their Individual Stories, they Become Visible To The Movement, they and the movement get to know themselves better, and the process of Building Relationships accelerates.

Transforming Individuals can then forge or join First Degree Groups with others they are inspired by and passionate about collaborating with to transform their lives and their world.

First Degree Groups then articulate and share their Group Stories, so that The Movement can get to know their identity, purpose, passions, and reason for being.

Individual Stories and Group Stories are continuously updated and improved to reflect:

In general, First Degree Groups must be and become Self-Governing, Self-Sustaining, and Self-Replicating, drawing strength from The Movement / The Body / The System / The Commons to facilitate their emergence, development, and success, while Tithing back the first 1/10th of their available flow of time, resources, and attention to strengthen The Whole.

While the first 1/10th of available Flow is Tithed to strengthen The Commons and The Whole for all current and future generations, 90% of Time, Energy, Attention, and Resources are focused on local Quarterly Quests undertaken by Sovereign and Autonomous Teams. Every Quest is a Project, and Quests Are Undertaken By Teams (Teams / Groups used here synonymously).

These three basic units form the basis of how The System is voluntarily and fractally instantiated from the Bottom Up:

  1. Individuals
  2. Groups / Teams
  3. Quests / Projects

On the Provisional Platform, you will find these three objects as the basic units of organization and emergence.

Milestone: 3% of the Population, ~250 Million Leaders, Organized Into Autonomous Teams, Engaged in Quarterly Quests

The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan, reflecting the wisdom of indigenous, eastern, and western thought, includes a significant early milestone of connecting and empowering 3% of the human population, roughly 250 million leaders, by 2026.

Assuming an average First Degree Group Size of 5 to 7 Individuals, this is nominally 50 million Self-Governing, Self-Sustaining, and Self-Replicating Teams.


Assuming we avoid the Existential Threats at hand and the population grows out towards 10 Billion, we can set some broad breakpoints for understanding the distribution of Teams across the various Domains of SpaceTime.

10 Billion People are Distributed Across Roughly:

  • 12 to 24 Georegions
  • 150 to 200 Bioregions
  • 750 to 1,000 Ecoregions
  • 10,000 Communities of 1,000,000 Individuals
  • 100,000 Communities of 100,000 Individuals
  • 1,000,000 Communities of 10,000 Individuals
  • 10,000,000 Communities of 1,000 Individuals
  • 100,000,000 Communities of 100 Individuals
  • 1,000,000,000 Groups of 10 Individuals

For comparison, some mapping sources have located approximately 4 million discrete towns and cities across the world.

Accomplishing this milestone would mean that by 2026, 50 Million teams, composed of the most Enlightened and Ready leaders we can identify, would be distributed as follows:

  • ~2 Million to 4 Million Teams Per Georegion
  • ~270,000 Teams Per Bioregion
  • 500 Teams per Community of 100,000 Citizens
  • 50 Teams per Community of 10,000 Citizens

If we imagine a given physical place and time, with 10,000 Citizens, we could imagine that group determining, season by season, quarter by quarter, its most important priorities, challenges, needs, and opportunities...

...and then the 50 trained, equipped, connected and empowered Teams working together to Stack Up And Align activities across the community to meet the needs, solve the problems, and accomplish the goals at hand via their time bound, measurable, and aligned Quarterly Quests.

Implementation Hubs and Fractal Commonsing

If we imagine the distributed array of 500 Self-Governing, Self-Sustaining, and Self-Replicating Teams in a given population center of 100,000 Citizens, and that there are 100,000 of these population centers around the world, we can imagine that each team, and each group of team working to serve and empower the surrounding community with be faced with a common set of needs and opportunities, encompassing things such as:

  • Community / Social Space
  • Meeting Space
  • Office Space
  • Learning Space
  • Wellness and Treatment Space
  • Manufacturing Space (Additive Manufacturing, Forges, etc.)
  • Warehousing, Storage, and Distribution Space
  • Mechanical and Repair Space
  • Cold Storage Space (Food, Medicine, etc.)
  • Research and Development
  • Art / Maker / Craftsperson Space
  • Culinary Space
  • Market Space
  • Food Cultivation / Food Forest / Permaculture Space
  • Recreational Space
  • Sporting Space
  • Concert / Conference Space

Beyond the Spaces required or aspired, there will be common sets of functional needs, such as:

  • Facilitation and Community Engagement Systems and Expertise
  • Livings Systems Data and Analysis Systems and Expertise
  • Regenerative Insurance and Financing Systems and Expertise
  • Learning, Education, and Developmental Systems and Expertise
  • Vocational Training and Development Systems and Expertise
  • Health and Wellness Systems and Expertise
  • Regenerative Agricultural Systems and Expertise
  • Manufacturing Systems and Expertise
  • Administrative Systems and Expertise
  • Accounting and Compliance Systems and Expertise
  • Relationship Development Systems and Expertise
  • Research and Development Systems and Expertise

Additionally, we can imagine that there will be many significantly beneficial tools and technologies that would aid any community that had them, but may be very difficult for Teams of Communities to afford in isolation.

We therefore imagine a Fractal Commonsing approach, where basic necessities like energy production, clean water production, sanitation, major farming and construction tools, additive manufacturing capabilities, learning and wellness tools and facilities, etc. would be housed in locally stewarded Commons providing equal access to every community of ~100,000 Citizens (or as locally appropriate, wise, right and good).

The Lionsberg Commons

Linking the Fractal Commonsing approach would be a highest order Lionsberg Commons (variously called The Commons), that would aggregate the leading wisdom, knowledge, solutions, technologies, templates, and patterns from each Fractal Georegional / Bioregional / Local / Community Commons.

Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom Sovereignty, like the System as a Whole, is designed to co-operate and self-organize from the bottom up, so that each Individual, Team, and Locality can Consciously Choose what resources, information, and knowledge they share, with which other fractal levels of organization and analysis.

The best solutions would be reconciled and reconfigured into The Prototype, designed and built as an interoperable Kit of Parts.

This approach ensures that any Georegion, Bioregion, or Locality that prioritizes, localizes, and adapts any solution from The Prototype is co-creating a cohesive and ultimately interoperable node of The Network, while gaining access to the continuous improvement and learnings from all Instantiations across The System as a Whole.

Regional, Bioregional, and Local Instantiation Hubs

If The Goal requires that we inspire and move 10 Billion People In 10 Years, and that a functional federated system addressing all aspects of society such as the one described in The Prophesy of Mondragon might serve nominally 100,000 people...

...Success requires co-creating something like 100,000 Interlinked Local Instantiation Hubs over the next 10 years, with each one serving as a Commons of core services, tools, technologies, and capabilities for the surrounding community / Locality.

These ~100,000 interlinked Local Hubs would connect and support a network of ~1,000,000 Community Hubs, and would be connected to and supported by a network of ~150 to 200 Bioregional Hubs, which in turn would be connected to and supported by a network of 12 to 24 Georegional Hubs.

Assuming a nominal average cost of $1 Million to $2 Million per Community Hub, this is approximately a $ 1 Trillion to $2 Trillion program of action, less than what humanity spends each year on military and defense expenses alone.

Assuming a nominal average cost of $10 Million to $20 Million per Local Hub, this is approximately a $1 Trillion to $2 Trillion program of action.

The Bioregional Hubs would house more major capabilities such as chip / semiconductor manufacturing, spacefaring activities, larger scale energy generation and exchange, etc., and would therefore likely be in the range of $10 to $20 Billion / Bioregional Hub, resulting in an approximately $3 Trillion program of action.

The Georegional Hubs would need to ensure full interoperability and freedom of ecosystemic resource flows across all Bioregional Hubs and Local Hubs, as well as hosting the most advanced technological and manufacturing operations being conducted by the human species. The estimated cost for these hubs is likely to be in the range of $100 Billion to $200 Billion per Georegion, again an approximately $3 Trillion program of action.

The design and build of the decentralized network of Instantiation Hubs addressing each of the The 12 Pillars of Lionsberg for every family and community on earth could be accomplished for approximately ~$10 Trillion.

Financing The Instantiation Hubs During The 10 Year Grand Strategy - Swords to Ploughshares

Assuming humanity is presently spending ~$2.4 Trillion / Year on military and defense spending (likely a significant underestimate), and that military and defense costs would rise at a nominal rate of 5% / year due to inflation and the WWIII that is breaking out, military and defense spending would be approximately as follows:

  • 2024 - $2.4 Trillion
  • 2025 - $2.52 Trillion
  • 2026 - $2.65 Trillion
  • 2027 - $2.78 Trillion
  • 2028 - $2.92 Trillion
  • 2029 - $3.06 Trillion
  • 2030 - $3.22 Trillion
  • 2031 - $3.38 Trillion
  • 2032 - $3.55 Trillion
  • 2033 - $3.72 Trillion

Total 10 year anticipated military and defense spending (default trajectory)

  • $30.19 Trillion

To accomplish the $10 to $15 Trillion implementation of the New Vision and Plan and the New Human Operating System, we propose that the Citizens of the world agree to redirect 10% of the resources flowing to military and defense purposes towards the implementation of the New Vision and Plan starting in 2025, and increasing by 10% each year.

Revised military and defense resource flows would then be as follows, with a wise, responsible, and balanced redirected of resources occurring in a phased manner, simultaneously around the world.

  • 2024 - $2.4 Trillion (assume budgets already set, political will lacking)
  • 2025 - $2.27 Trillion
  • 2026 - $2.12 Trillion
  • 2027 - $1.94 Trillion
  • 2028 - $1.75 Trillion
  • 2029 - $1.53 Trillion
  • 2030 - $1.29 Trillion
  • 2031 - $1.01 Trillion
  • 2032 - $0.71 Trillion
  • 2033 - $0.37 Trillion

Total 10 year anticipated military and defense spending (New Vision and Plan)

  • $12.99 Trillion

This single redirection of funds FROM Weaponry TO Livingry frees up $17 Trillion to accomplish the $15 Trillion New Vision and Plan, with a 13.3% Contingency.

Note that this can be accomplished without dismantling the militaries, by simply training and deploying the existing forces and resources to co-create rather than destroy using a decentralized Team of Teams approach.

Beyond the military transition, there is already $500 Billion + / year of annual philanthropic flows that can be gradually redirected towards the Critical Path.

Additionally, there is $100 Billion + present in the Community Foundations network that could be leveraged to build Local Hubs, Community Hubs, and the Regenerative Finance and Insurance mechanisms.

Beyond this, it appears that currently ~35% to 40% of global GDP is being spent by humanity to outsource "government" to corrupted centralized structures - IMF Dataset, nominally $35 Trillion to $40 Trillion / year (based on ~$100 Trillion / year nominal GDP).

This expenditure is likely 60% to 80% Waste and could / should be reduced to ~10%, ultimately redirecting ~$20 Trillion to $30 Trillion per year to the Critical Chain of the New Human Operating System.

The Lionsberg System ultimately proposing liberating humanity from centralized authority and coercive taxation, co-operating the backbone and commons of the New Human Operating System on the basis of a voluntary Tithe (nominally 10% of Flow).

Beyond the ~30% of global GDP being allocated to government waste, there likely exists another 30%+ of global GDP that is being allocated to economic waste (another $30 Trillion / Year), that could also be redirected towards the Critical Chain.

It thus becomes apparent that the savings of a single year of government waste could finance the co-creation of the decentralized, self-governing, and self-sustaining hubs that enable humanity to flourish and usher in the New Era.

Beyond that perhaps absurd realization, we see that we could reallocate 60% to 80% of global GDP, ~$60 Trillion to $80 Trillion per year, gradually liberated and reallocated during the 10 Year Grand Strategy.

These resources would be gradually reallocated towards the meaningful Quarterly Quests undertaken by the decentralized Team of Teams co-operating the New Human Operating System / Lionsberg System. As seen from the Lionsberg Resource Runway page, these Quests would account for between $500 Billion and $1 Trillion+ per quarter by 2026 (2% to 5%) of global GDP (by the time 3% of the population connected and empowered), before exponentially scaling up through the remainder of the 10 Year Grand Strategy as the rest of the human species is connected and empowered.

As stated in the Lionsberg Resource Runway page, It is our assumption that $2 Million to $10 Million in working capital could advance us towards the ~$100 Million in working capital it will take to realize the first $1 Billion in ecosystemic resource flow across the Lionsberg System, after which it should be essentially self-funding and self-sustaining.

Achieving this milestone merely requires more efficiently allocating less than 1% of existing philanthropic capital flows that are currently funding Waste.

This very elementary analysis of how we can afford the entire $15 Trillion Grand Strategy / New Vision and Plan illustrates the ridiculous point that for less than 1/2 of what we are currently on track to spend to wage WWIII and risk destroying 2/3 to 3/4 of the human population over the coming years, and for less a single year of government waste, we could take back up responsibility and authority over our lives and our world, embody and enact the New Covenant, beat our swords into tools of life, and co-create A Future For All That Is Better Than Any Has Enjoyed In The Past.

All it requires is enough people Believing It Is Possible, Joining The Movement, and taking up their equal New Citizenship in the New Covenant and New World we are embodying, enacting, and co-creating.

The 7 Year Window, and the 3 Year Lag

The 10 Year Grand Strategy is composed of The 7 Year Window of Crisis and Opportunity, during which we will invite All Humanity to Join The Movement...

...and The 3 Year Lag, which is the approximate amount of time it will take for each of us to heal, learn, reorient, and feel truly connected, empowered, and supported as an equal member and Citizen in the New World.

Every Individual who Joins The Movement will be invited to set their feet on a path of healing, growth, development, and co-creation via The Lionsberg Experience. After approximately 3 years and the successful completion of all orientation and onboarding requirements, and successfully demonstrating their commitment to embodying and enacting the Spirit and Values of the New Vision and Plan, each individual will earn their New Citizenship.

The youth of Earth will be invited to begin The Lionsberg Experience when they turn 15 years old, such that they graduate into their New Citizenship at 18 years old.

Why A Named System? Why Not Merely A Pattern, Coupled With Templates and Tools?

The last issue I want to address is Why Lionsberg? Why do we have to have a named system, vs. merely an abstract pattern, coupled with tools and templates that communities around the world could implement?

In short, the One Thing that makes this possible is Unity.

Without a single Unifying Vision, System, and Goal, there is no possible way that we can avoid further fragmenting and fracturing our attention and interactions, especially as the systems and structures of the Old World increasingly shake, and in some cases fail, throughout The 7 Year Window of Crisis and Opportunity.

An additional issue is the consideration of Time. None of us know how long The Window to avoid Collapse, Chaos, and Tyranny will remain open.

My Current Best Understanding is that it would take at least 5 years and $50 Million to recreate the Starting Point we forged through The 7 Year Window of Preparatory Work and Learning. Which means that I actually don't think it could be recreated, since The Window will likely close before that time.

I have sacrificed all my former wealth and security, and am acting as if I believe everything is at stake, for everyone, and that the only way I can keep my loved ones safe is if we land humanity and our planet towards a safe trajectory towards the Best Possible Future for All. For the first time in history, it is possible, and everything we could ever need is at hand.

I beg you to Join Us for the opportunity and adventure of a lifetime.


There of course will need to be a world class messaging and communication platform that reaches out invitationally to every family and tribe, in all 1,000 languages.

There of course will need to be a world class tour bringing together leading figures of our time to touch the hearts and minds of billions of human beings.

There of course will need to be training on the new system of governance and decision making that families, neighborhoods, communities, and bioregions can co-operate.

There of course will need to be the co-creation of the systems and mechanisms to redirect resources FROM Waste TO Value and enable hundreds of billions of dollars of flow each quarter to the Teams advancing the Critical Path.

There of course will need to be interoperable sets of local community currencies that enable decentralized, local, and global freedom of exchange before the fiat currencies of the Old World collapse.

There of course will need to be strategies around the political systems and election cycles of each of 200 nations on Earth.

We of course might want to sweep the executive branch in the 2024 and 2026 US elections.

There of course will need to be a new Lionsberg Alliance forged to succeed NATO, ensure universal security, and oversee the responsible and balanced redirection of military and defense flows.

There of course will need to be Wisdom Councils and Citizen Led Joint Ventures around each The 12 Pillars of Lionsberg to aggregate the leading solutions, ideas, and technologies, cross-pollinate them, and empower the distributed array of teams and localities.

There of course will need to be 12,000 Individuals trained in each of 12 Core Functions of The Body just as a starting point to support the emergence of 50 Million connected and empowered Teams.

There of course will need to be unprecedented efforts to stop pollutant flows at their sources, clean up the most polluted sites of the world, and transform our landfills and oceanic dumping grounds into sources of energy and raw materials until they are cleansed from the earth.

There of course will need to be Stories of Transformation told to inspire, engage, and fuel the Resourcing and Engagement Flywheel.

There of course will need to be film series, documentary series, and historic cultural events produced.

And we will of course need to start planning The Greatest Celebration and Jubilee In History to inaugurate the New Era.

Now that we have a New Vision, System, Strategy, and Plan - everything is possible if we simply arise and unite in partnership with the Creator and All Creation.

Etc. Etc.

The Lionsberg Wiki Books cover this all in more detail.

The New Pattern Language is clear.

Now, it purely comes down to the successful execution of the $15 Trillion 10 Year Grand Strategy.

We started the 10 Year Grand Strategy March 1st. The Lionsberg Co-Creators are arising and uniting as a Force For Good to meet this moment in history. We need you. The world needs you.

The Creator is inviting us to become Co-Creators of the Best Possible Future for All.

With Love and Respect for All Creation in All Places and Times,

~ J