We are monitoring the growth of The Sacred Tree of Lionsberg that is emerging from The Golden Seed. The Lionsberg Cycles of Growth are like growth rings on a tree that help us measure and monitor Our Progress in moving All humanity together towards The Goal.
The Emergence unfurls itself along the Fibonacci sequence found throughout the Living System. The number of Co-Creators in each Cycle is equal to the two previous numbers combined together. See Lionsberg Cycles of Growth for the full sequence.
We are monitoring the Lionsberg Cycle Time to gauge how efficiently we can Progress through the 50 Cycles required to move the entire human population FROM the Old TO the New, ensuring that this occurs within The 7 Year Window of Crisis and Opportunity.
The measurement of the Lionsberg Cycle Time begins from March 1, 2024, and follows The 7 Year Window of Preparatory Work and Learning, during which dozens of allies around the world contributed to the Co-Creation of The Conditions for for an entirely unprecedented Movement of Co-Creation to emerge.
Germinating... See Above The Chaos for updates.