Lionsberg Co-Creators

We are monitoring the growth of The Tree of Lionsberg that is emerging from The Golden Seed. The Lionsberg Cycles of Growth are like growth rings on a tree that help us measure and monitor Progress towards The Goal.

The Emergence unfurls itself along the Fibonacci sequence found throughout the Living System. The number of Co-Creators in each Cycle is equal to the two previous numbers combined together. See Lionsberg Cycles of Growth for the full sequence.

We are monitoring the Lionsberg Cycle Time to gauge how efficiently we can Progress through the 50 Cycles required to move the entire human population FROM the Old TO the New, ensuring that this occurs within The 7 Year Window of Crisis and Opportunity.

The measurement of the Lionsberg Cycle Time begins from March 1, 2024, and follows The 7 Year Window of Preparatory Work and Learning, during which dozens of allies around the world contributed to the Co-Creation of The Conditions for for an entirely unprecedented Movement of Co-Creation to emerge.

It's looking good. Shall we keep nurturing this?

Spirit and Source

  • Source / Creator / Absolute / Ultimate Reality / One
  • Spirit
  • The Nameless Force For Good

Joined in Cycle 0

Joined in Cycle 1 - 2 Co-Creators

    1. Caity Sukut
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduce to Jordan by: Harvest
  • Cycle Completed March 2, 2024
  • Cycle Time - 1 Day

Joined in Cycle 2 - 3 Co-Creators

    1. Emma Joy Sukut
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Caity
    • Jordan's 15 year old daughter, agreed to organize some of her friends around community projects.
  • Cycle Completed March 3, 2024
  • Cycle Time - 1 Day

Joined in Cycle 3 - 5 Co-Creators

Joined in Cycle 4 - 8 Co-Creators

    1. Helene Lindmark
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Yanik
    • Working with Jordan on Kiva 2025 Pilgrimage, and agreed to join Lionsberg Critical Path Team - Case Study - Kiva Pilgrimage 2025
    1. Rob Farjado
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Killu Sanborn
    • Working to build Leave Normal Behind, asked Jordan to advisory council
    1. Kyler Hansen
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Jordan
    • Volunteered to form a small group in Laguna Beach, CA
  • Cycle Completed March 6, 2024
  • Cycle Time - 2 Days

Joined in Cycle 5 - 13 Co-Creators

    1. Ken Homer
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Jerry Michalski and Judy Bentham
    • Agreed to join Lionsberg Critical Path Team, deep knowledge in human collaboration +++, making intros and thinking of additional women and diverse voices to invite in
    1. Judy Bentham
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Jerry Michalski
    • Agreed to help anchor the advisory council
    1. Bill Larson
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Dean and April Miraldi?
    • Legal and advisory, and working with Jordan on training program for group leaders
    1. Klaus Mager
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Jerry Michalski
    • Taking the lead on the food systems element and conceptual design for bioregional demonstration
    1. Joel Stone
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Klaus Mager
    • Program management for Bioregional Demonstration project, helping Jordan raise $100k funds for the project + $2M to $10M working capital for Lionsberg Cycle Completed March 7, 2024
  • Cycle Time - 1 Day

Joined In Cycle 6 - 21 Co-Creators

    1. Mia
    • Invited by: Emma Joy Sukut
    • Introduced by: Emma Joy Sukut
    • Volunteered to help Emma organize youth in Sandpoint
    1. Alec Marshall
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Ana Marshall
    • Volunteered to lead first communications team
    1. Donovan Bishop
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Ron Sukut
    • Interested in US Political front, the future of Church, and embodying a new way of being as One Body
    1. Daniel Jones
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: RockForce
    • Working with Jordan to build a Team of Teams in the heavy civil construction industry - first company in the Lionsberg North America Federation
    1. Caleb Reynoldson
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: RockForce
    • Working with substance abuse, rehabilitation, and suicide prevention in the construction industry.
    1. Daniel Musembi
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Estelle Kabithi
    • First company in the Lionsberg Africa Federation - Woni Foodstore, recently purchased existing foodstore with a vision to begin working on supply chains and becoming supply hub for smaller local food stores in the area.
    1. Daniel Friedman
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: ?
    • Active Inference
    1. Yanik Silver
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Steve Schwarz
    • 1,000 Suns Project, One Degree Network, Maverick
  • Cycle Completed March 12, 2024
  • Cycle Time - 5 Days

Gap Weeks

Note: Week of March 18, Jordan largely paused invitations, regrouped, and prepared for travel, then resumed invitations April 1 with the start of the Above The Chaos Tour.

Above The Chaos Tour - Segment 1

In ~two weeks on tour (part with family), the Cycle 7 Co-Creators were identified, and 50+ names surfaced to extend the Cycle 8 invitations to - see April 2024 Above The Chaos Tour Findings).

Joined in Cycle 7 - 34 Co-Creators

  1. Stuart Levine
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Jerry Michalski
  2. Rob Mayer
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Jordan
  3. Ernie Hernandez
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Ron Sukut
  4. Steve Schwarz
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Sasha Strauss
    • Art of Tea
  5. Justin LeBlanc
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Jahn Ballard
  6. Jahn Ballard
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Rob Farjado
  7. Warren Linney
    • Invited by: Jahn Ballard
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Jahn Ballard
  8. Simon Peter Phillips
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Jordan
      (Tentative Pending Formal Acceptance)
  9. David Anderson
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Jahn via Justin
  10. David Blume
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Jahn via Justin
  11. Day Waterbury
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Jahn
  12. Zachary Marlow
    • Invited by: Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Day Waterbury
  13. Rick Lukens
    • Invited by Jordan
    • Introduced to Jordan by: Jahn Ballard
  • Cycle Completed April 19, 2024
  • Cycle Time (2 Weeks of Active Invitations, 3 Gap Integration Weeks)
  • Invitation acceptance rate remained 80% plus

Cycle 8: Expansion Out To 55 Co-Creators

  • Completing Lionsberg Cycles of Growth Cycle 8 requires adding 21 additional co-creators.
  • Prepare for acceptance rate to drop towards 30% to 50%.
  • Against the ~40 to 60 invitations required, we now have a running list of ~130 well qualified candidates and a significantly compelling center of gravity.
  • Additionally, for the first time we have the The Invitation Pool composed primarily of names surfaced through the collective wisdom and discernment of the Lionsberg Co-Creators, and not merely Jordan.
  1. Erik Willekens
    1. Invited by Jordan
    2. Introduced to Jordan by Matt Saiia
  2. Rico Veskiavali
    1. Invited by Jordan
    2. Introduced to Jordan by Killu Sanborn

Emergent Co-Creators and Teams Cycle 8

  1. Rutendo - via Helene Lindmark
  2. Tracey - via Helene Lindmark
  3. Eisen - via Helene Lindmark
  4. Cecilia Victoria - via Helene Lindmark
  5. Marina Mironova - via Helene Lindmark
  6. Edu - via Helene Lindmark
  7. Godert Verbiest - via Helene Lindmark
  8. Annick Cools - via Helene Lindmark
  9. Bhakti Lup - via Helene Lindmark
  10. Maya - via Helene Lindmark
  11. Scott Broomfield - via George Orbelian
  12. Frank Dixon - via George Orbelian
  13. Claudine Perlet - via Frank Dixon
  14. Joshua Pang - via George Orbelian
  15. Mark Frederiks - via George Orbelian
  16. Maarten - via George Orbelian
  17. John Di Liu - via George Orbelian
  18. Aude - via George Orbelian
  19. Will Ruddick - via George Orbelian
  • Nominally complete as of the 20s of May
  • Nominal cycle time 4 weeks

Emergent Co-Creators Cycle 9 (To 89 Co-Creators)

  1. Kris Messdaghi - via George Orbelian
  2. James Canton - via George Orbelian
  3. Danny Sheehan - via Jahn Ballard
  4. Stessa Thompson - via Sun and Allen Lundell
  5. Sun Lundell - via Jahn Ballard
  6. Allen Lundell - via Jahn Ballard
  7. Bruce Erickson - via Sun and Allen Lundell
  8. Gabrielle Cianfrani - via Sun and Allen Lundell
  9. Gregory Flint - via Jordan Nicholas Sukut
  10. Camara Cassin - via Zachary Marlow - Masterminding Eden, RegeniTech

Emergent Partnerships / Potentials

  1. United Earth Networks
  2. Buckminster Fuller Institute
  3. Global Systems Change / Systems Change Investing
  4. Wholistic Haven
  5. Earthrise Collective
  6. Roots of the Earth
  7. Open Future Coalition
  8. World Water Council
  9. The Production Co-Op
  10. Whiskey Hill Farms
  11. Masterminding Eden
  12. RegeniTech

Invitation Pool

  • Against the 34 additional co-creators required to complete Cycle 9 (Lionsberg Cycles of Growth), 140+ qualified individuals have been identified.
  1. Accepted
  2. Jean-Marc La Flamme - via Zachary Marlow and GRC - Geoship ++
  3. Victor - via Zachary Marlow - Gathering of the Tribes
  4. Paulo Morley-Fletcher - via Helene Lindmark
  5. Fifer Garbesi - via Jahn Ballard
  6. Michael Muyot - via George Orbelian
  7. Michel Bauwens - via Zachary Marlow and Camara Cassin
  8. Mike Brady - via Camara Cassin
  9. Joshua Pang - Buckminster Fuller expert, key bridge between BFI and the Fuller family - via George Orbelian
  10. Dan Kitredge - via Mark Frederiks
  11. Fred Freundlich - Mondragon - via Jordan Nicholas Sukut
  12. Jeff Cherry - via Jordan
  13. Ander Etxeberria Otadui - Mondragon - via Jordan Nicholas Sukut
  14. Catherine Austin Fitz - via Stella Thompson
  15. Ron Sukut - via Jordan Nicholas Sukut
  16. David Milarch - Arch Angel Ancient Tree Archive - Tree restoration is essential to success - via George Orbelian
  17. Tyler Milarch - David's Grandson focused on tissue cultivation and propagation - Arch Angel Ancient Tree Archive - via George Orbelian
  18. Griff - Via Scott Broomfield - Africa project children's fund
  19. Scott Spann - via Jahn Ballard
  20. John Fullerton - Capital Institute (economics) - via Scott Broomfield
  21. Lawrence Ford - Conscious Capital (economics) - via Scott Broomfield
  22. Jacqueline Corbelli - SustainChain (tech) - via Scott Broomfield
  23. Brandon Norgaard - via Jahn Ballard - The Enlightened Worldview Project
  24. Nick Hedlund - via Brandon Norgaard - Eudaimonia Institute
  25. Jim Rough - via Allen Lundell - Center For Wise Democracy
  26. Gerry Aab - via Camara Cassin - Hubtropolis
  27. Peter Lupoff - Net Impact - now part of Good/Upworthy (network) - via Scott Broomfield
  28. John Schull - via Camara Cassin
  29. John P. Milton - via Camara Cassin
  30. Terry Mollner - Kinship Earth Flow Fund ++ - via George Orbelian
  31. Willem Ferwerda - COMMONLAND (practical execution) - via Scott Broomfield
  32. Yarrow Kramer - The Hatch Experience and Hatch 360 (network and tech) - via Scott Broomfield
  33. Scott Vineberg - by Jordan via Zachary Marlow and Benjamin Life
  34. Benjamin Life
  35. Christopher Life
  36. Mike Costache
  37. Gil Friend - Via Jordan
  38. Atossa Soltani - Via Jordan
  39. Frank Dixon - Global Systems Change - via George Orbelian
  40. Evan Harvey - Sustainability, strategy, measurement, delivery at Deloitte / NASDAQ - via George Orbelian
  41. Tom Chi - At One Ventures - New $375 Million climate tech fund - Air, Water, Soil, Biodiversity - via George Orbelian
  42. Scott Broomfield - via George Orbelian - Sustainable Brands
  43. Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers - via Scott Broomfield
  44. Peter Lupoff? - - via Scott Broomfield? - family office
  45. James E Hughes - - via George Orbelian - family office
  46. Michael Hartley and Bonnie Hartley - Transition Dynamics - introduced to one another by James E Hughes - via George Orbelian
  47. Marion Rockefeller Weber - via George Orbelian
  48. Kinship Earth - inspired by Susan Davis Moora, connected to Marion Rockefeller Weber - via George Orbelian
  49. Daniel Friedman - Active Inference - via Jordan
  50. Samantha Power - via Day Waterbury - bioregional financing facilities - Finance For Gaia
  51. Or Katzman - via Jordan
  52. Seth Blaustein - [Dollar Donation Club]( - via George Orbelian
  53. Brooke Darshana - via George Orbelian
  54. Connecting the power women of tech
    1. Laurene Powell Jobs - Emerson Collective
    2. MacKenzie Scott
    3. Melinda Gates
    4. Wendy Schmidt
  55. National Geographic Photographers Project - via George Orbelian
    1. Tag and SpatioTemporally locate photos and make visible
    2. Surfacing cultures and biodiversity from around the world
  56. Nobel Peace Prize photographer - via Rick Lukens
  57. Zachary Marley - via Day Waterbury - has a 5 year backlog of film footage and interviews from around the world. We will help set up a production team and unfurl The Story.
  58. - via George Orbelian
  59. - via George Orbelian
  60. Barbara Merz - via George Orbelian
  61. Filecoin Foundation for the Decentralized Web - - via Day Waterbury
  62. Chris Bui - via Jahn Ballard
  63. Kaitlin Donovan - Filecoin Foundation for the Decentralized Web - via Day Waterbury
  64. Phil Dillard - Thruline Networks - via Jahn Ballard
  65. Michael Moore - via Sun and Allen Lundell
  66. Kevin Shin
  67. Mike Almeraris
  68. Barton Christ
  69. Noah Thorpe - via Day Waterbury
  70. Brigham - Goodly Labs - via Day Waterbury
  71. David Hodgson - connected to Jordan Nicholas Sukut, Day Waterbury, and many others. Key in early Weaving of relationships in The Movement
  72. Benjamin Life - via Jordan
  73. Matt Prewitt - RadicalXChange - via Day Waterbury
  74. Josh Whiton - MakeSoil - via Jordan
  75. Kathryn Langstaff - - via Jordan
  76. Gregory Landua - Regen Network - via David Casey
  77. Tibet Sprague - Collaborative Tech Alliance -
  78. Robert (Bobby) Fishkin - Reframeit - via Day Waterbury
  79. Arthur Brock - Holochain - via Jordan
  80. Abu Samra - urban renewal - via Jordan
  81. Sadie Adams - World Systems Solutions - - via George Orbelian
  82. Michael Irish - Sedo Gravitas -
  83. James Canton - via George Orbelian
  84. (Redundant)
  85. David Casey - via Jordan - via Jahn Ballard - via Day Waterbury's invitation to conference
  86. Hael Kobayashi - via George Orbelian -
  87. Kris Messdaghi - via George Orbelian -
  88. Bill Reed - via George Orbelian -
  89. Stephen Gomes - Kinship Earth Flow Fund - continuation of Marion Rockefeller Weber's flow fund
    1. Hanman Lou? - working in china town documenting 30 years of flow fund - most detailed knowledge of data surfaces when analyzing people Susan Davis Moora funded… independent thinkers - /“see what needs to be done and get going
  90. Rick Barrows - via George Orbelian - - Fish Nutritionist (conceptually crucial to healthy farmed fish and eliminating ocean overfishing)
  91. Nik Bertulis - - via Jordan
  92. Steve Schwarz - Art of Tea - via Jordan
  93. Sasha Strauss - Innovation Protocol - via Jordan
  94. Michael Likosky - - via George Orbelian
  95. Robert - via Stessa Thompson
  96. Tom Agramonte - via Chris Bui
  97. Nicholas Churchilio - via Chris Bui
  98. Jack Healy - former amnesty president - Via Rick Lukens
  99. Danny Sheehan - via Rick Lukens and Jahn Ballard
  100. Michael Jensen - via Rick Lukens
  101. Carlos Santana - via Rick Lukens
  102. Travis + Guys that did the Las Vegas dome (tour + geoscopes) - via Rick Lukens
  103. Estelle Kabithi
  104. John Kabithi
  105. Amy (D)
  106. Sean Dilweg
  107. Gil F
  108. Hank K
  109. Jerry M
  110. Maya
  111. Edu
  112. Moses
  113. Tom C
  114. Joseph C
  115. Joshua P
  116. Michael G
  117. Jahn B
  118. Amy
  119. Greg F
  120. Jamaica S
  121. Gary G
  122. Kaiti A
  123. Vincent Arena
  124. Forrist L
  125. Lenna G
  126. Andrew B
  127. John C
  128. Killu S
  129. Stefan V
  130. David W (Invited 3/18)
  131. Doug B (Invited 3/18)
  132. Greg and Emily
  133. Greg and Emily
  134. Piff
  135. Virginia
  136. Virginias kids 1 & 2
  137. Jen
  138. Ian
  139. Phillip
  140. Paul R
  141. Bob K
  142. Elliot Bayev
  143. Wendy E
  144. Wendy M
  145. Sasha S
  146. Kevin J
  147. Terry D
  148. Ron S
  149. Mark L
  150. Ernie H
  151. Russ C
  152. Russ (ND)
  153. Harvest S
  154. Adane C
  155. Dan F
  156. Dan L
  157. James Z
  158. Janet Na
  159. Jon Crabtree

Above The Chaos, April 2024 Above The Chaos Tour Findings

Postponed Invitation

  1. Matt Saiia (reach back out in June)

Declined First Invitation

  1. Doug Breitbart