To accomplish The Transformation within a single generation, We are targeting a 10 Year Grand Strategy, backed by a 20 Year Generational Contingency.
Following The 7 Year Window of Preparatory Work and Learning, we Aim to accomplish The Transformation as rapidly as possible Without Harm or Disadvantage to Any, nominally during the course of the 10 Year Grand Strategy that began March 1, 2024. We have established and are carefully managing a 20 Year Generational Contingency to ensure completion within a single generation.
Ideally, The 90 Day Sprint will catalyze the first 8 to 10 Lionsberg Cycles of Growth, uniting the first 55 to 144 Lionsberg Co-Creators into an Optimally Decentralized Team of Teams.
This will enable the nomination of 5 to 20 respected representatives of The Movement to assemble and seed the System Wide Master Planning Group and System Wide Master Planning Process, emerging with a joint Strategy and Plan for a subsequent 90 day cycle that advances the Critical Path and all relevant aspects of The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan.
Completing at least another ~5 Lionsberg Cycles of Growth during the following quarter will connect another ~200 to ~1,000 of the Wise Right Lionsberg Co-Creators, leading to the opportunity for the first larger summit / Lionsberg General Assembly meeting.
At the first Lionsberg General Assembly representatives from The Movement will refine and collectively ratify the 10 Year Grand Strategy and The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan.
The New Vision and Plan will thereafter be broadcast at planetary scale to present humanity with a viable alternative to the failing Existing Order.
Rapid acceleration through the early milestones is crucial to ensure that The Movement can pull NATO / Russia / Ukraine / China / Israel / Iran / North Korea et al back from the potentially Omnicidal World War IV that already is spilling over into Reality, and implement the Progressive Disarmament and transformation of our High Science Technology FROM Weaponry TO Livingry during the 10 Year Grand Strategy.
Forestalling World War IV enables the reallocation of $15 Trillion to $20 Trillion of planned military and defense spending towards co-creating flourishing and abundant life and responding to emergent disasters in service of One and All, as a positive alternative to the omnicidal Collapse of the Existing Order.
From there, The Milestones mark the Way through the coming millennia and towards The Goal.
After The Greatest Celebration and Jubilee In History in ~2034, we will be prepared to Pass The Flame to the rising generations and expand our species beyond the SpatioTemporal limits of Worksite Earth towards Interexistence as an Interstellar species prior to this Solar System becoming uninhabitable.
In terms of Time and Space, we are being challenged to simultaneously discern, think, speak, plan, and act across the Largest Conceivable Expanse of Time and Space, while becoming exceptionally skilled at forging Teams and succeeding in specific, measurable, Time and Space bound Quarterly Quests that advance the Critical Path towards The Goal. Right here in our current Domains of Responsibility and Authority.