Domains of Responsibility and Authority

In the context of the Lionsberg System, Domains of Responsibility and Authority represent the various aspects of individual, community and societal functioning that require active stewardship, organization, and governance.

The idea behind these domains is to ensure that every aspect of life and society is properly governed and stewarded, and that responsibilities and authorities are clearly defined throughout the Whole.

Each domain has a specific scope and boundary, and is led by individuals or groups with the relevant skills, knowledge, and authority to guide its operations effectively on the basis of the voluntary consent of those affected by the Domain.


The domains are designed to be interdependent aspects of One Body or Whole, with each contributing to the health and wellbeing of the entire community, society, and Living System. Domains operate at every fractal level, starting with the Individual, and moving up through the family, community, bioregion, state, nation and world from an integration perspective, and covering the wide range of functional areas required for life and community to flourish.

Functional Domains

From a functional perspective, domains of responsibility and authority include but not limited to:

  1. Governance: This domain involves the creation and enforcement of rules, regulations, and policies to ensure the smooth functioning of Lionsberg, as well as navigation of each Domain and the Whole towards its Goals and Values. It includes areas like community leadership, discernment, dispute resolution, and policy development.

  2. Education: The education domain is responsible for facilitating learning opportunities for all members of the community, fostering a culture of continuous growth and development.

  3. Health & Wellness: This domain focuses on maintaining and improving the physical, mental, and emotional health of the community members. This includes healthcare services, wellness programs, and initiatives promoting regenerative lifestyles.

  4. Environment & Regenerativity: This domain is responsible for stewarding Lionsberg's natural environment, promoting practices that are sustainable and regenerative.

  5. Economic Development: This domain oversees the economic activities within Lionsberg and the procure, use, and alignment of resources, working towards a balanced and prosperous economy that benefits all members.

  6. Culture & Arts: This domain nurtures the cultural life and artistic expression within the community, celebrating diversity and fostering creativity.

  7. Science & Technology: This domain is responsible for promoting scientific research and technological innovation that aligns with the values and goals of Lionsberg.

  8. Spirituality & Ethics: This domain guides the community's spiritual growth and ethical behavior, fostering a deep connection with the Creator and a strong moral compass.

  9. Meaningful Relationships and Community: This domain guides the formation, growth and strengthening of meaningful relational bonds, cultivating a deep sense of belonging and community.

Each of these domains operates under the overarching philosophy and principles of Lionsberg, working in harmony to create a balanced, thriving community.

Integration Domains

Each of the functional domains, like organ systems of a body, must be integrated and aligned into Higher Order Functional Unity within each of the Integration Domains at each level of analysis. Integration domains include but are not limited to:

  1. Individual

  2. Marriage

  3. Family

  4. Group

  5. Community

  6. Tribe

  7. Bioregion

  8. State

  9. Nation

  10. Planet

  11. Human System

  12. Living System / Universe

Roles and Responsibilities

Leaders within each domain are responsible for:

  1. Visioning and Planning: Setting the vision and strategic direction for their domain in line with the overarching goals and values, and developing wise written plans of action.

  2. Execution: Implementing strategies, programs, and initiatives that align with the domain's vision and plans, and the vision and plans of the Whole.

  3. Monitoring and Evaluation: Tracking the progress and effectiveness of initiatives, making adjustments as necessary to ensure alignment with the desired outcomes.

  4. Communication: Keeping the community informed about their domain's activities, progress, and plans.

  5. Collaboration: Working in partnership with leaders from other domains to ensure integrated and coordinated efforts across Lionsberg.

Formation From The Bottom Up

Domains emerge organically from the bottom up, beginning with the Individual, and emerging each time a Group unites around a Purpose or Goal.

Voluntary Consent

Domains can only emerge and co-create themselves through the Voluntary Consent of Participants.


The authority within each domain is exercised in a way that aligns with Lionsberg's values of mutual respect, cooperation, and servant leadership. Leaders are granted the necessary authority to guide their domains effectively, but this authority is always exercised with a deep sense of responsibility and accountability to the community. Decision-making within each domain is participatory, involving community members in ways that are appropriate, generative, and feasible.

Fields of Agreement

Each domain is governed by an implicit or explicit Field of Agreements. Lionsberg encourages participants in each domain to make their Agreements more conscious and explicit, so that they can be evaluated, consciously consented to, and continuously improved.


The Domains of Responsibility and Authority are a key component of Lionsberg's governance structure. They ensure that all aspects of community life are attended to and that the community functions in a harmonious and integrated way. Each domain, while having its unique focus, works towards the common goal of manifesting a new era of covenant relationship between the Creator and all creation, and regenerated, renewed, and restored world.

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