Lionsberg Co-Creator's Handbook

(v.0.1 Updated June 2024)

Part I: Welcome to Lionsberg

Welcome to Lionsberg, and to the Opportunity and Adventure of a Lifetime.

We are glad you are here.

I. How to Use This Book

As you embark on this epic Quest towards Destiny, each week you will reach new junctures that will require you to make important and transformational choices.

Our individual and collective ability to Avoid Failure and Succeed on The Quest towards The Goal will rest largely on the quality of the conscious decisions we make.

Because The Means Are The Ends, the New World we All inherit will be the product of what we Embody and Enact along the Way. So however we would like our life and our world to be, today is the day to begin partnering with those around us to embody it. We are all here for that shared mission.

This book is meant to serve as a helpful Guide for our journey. It anticipates some of the Obstacles, Challenges and Goals that lie ahead.

As you read it and Progress on The Quest, please help improve it for All those will follow in your footsteps. Every Defect Is A Gift. Everything about Lionsberg is a Work In Progress, and is built to transform and get A Little Better Every Day.

If you find something missing, co-create it.

If you can improve something, transform it.

If you see something that doesn't belong, remove it.

We are All Co-Creators of The New.

II. Your First Day

Unless you were one of a very few lucky souls, it is likely that like us, you were born into and are emerging out of The Caves of the Old World.

Congratulations on awakening and beginning your Quest towards Liberty, and welcome to life Beyond The Boundary. It is a bit Bright out here, but we will get used to it.

Out here in the Unknown, life is quite different. It is extraordinary. It is beautiful. It is purposeful. It is meaningful. It is creative. It is dangerous. It is adventurous. It is Good.

Most of all, it is Real. But it is also New and different, and it will take some getting used to.

The biggest difference is that Out Here, you are Sovereign, Autonomous and Free. Unlike life in Caves, Out Here there are no Employee Consumer Slaves.

Out here, we are all equal Co-Creators and Co-Stewards of our individual and collective Destiny.

Out Here, you are the captain of the Vessel of your Existence, and your Experience will be exactly and precisely what you cause it to be in partnership with your fellow travelers. There is no "them" "out there" who can walk the Path for us, or Confront and Overcome the Challenges and Obstacles that lie in our Way. It is All up to Us.

If something is broken, fix it. If something is lacking, fill it up. If something doesn't belong, remove it. If someone is hurting or stuck, help them. If you are hurting or stuck, ask for help. If you have something to offer, offer it. If you have a need, ask.

It is up to Us. All of it. We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For.

The moment you find your Self stuck, or wondering what the Next Steps are, remember not to look to Authority. That was the pattern of life in The Caves, but it is deadly Out Here Beyond The Boundary. There are no Employees Out Here.

Look Within. Talk to your Group or Team. If you don't yet have a group or a team, your first task is to forge or join one.

Every Group / Team should be engaged in the most meaningful Quest they can design and undertake for that season / quarter. If you are talking with your Group or Team and things aren't clear, go back to the drawing board, clarify your Quarterly Quests or choose a new one, and get moving again.

As you get into motion and begin communicating to The Movement about what you are doing and Why, The Movement will be able to help you and your Team better Navigate and Steer. We Have Heard it said that It Is Difficult To Steer A Parked Vehicle.

III: A Few Orienting Facts

Lionsberg is self-funding: To ensure freedom, sovereignty, and autonomy, Lionsberg is self-funding and augmented by public support. In the Lionsberg System, capital is viewed as a subordinated tool that we use when and as necessary to accomplish The Goal. This is crucial to preserving our freedom, and with that freedom comes the responsibility to continue discovering creative ways of resourcing The Mission.

Lionsberg is self-governing: The freedom of life Beyond The Boundary comes with the responsibility and authority for self-governance at every fractal level, from the individual, to the group, to the local, to the tribe, to the bioregion, and all the Way up to the broadest Whole.

Lionsberg is self-sustaining: Every self-governing fractal level is also self-sustaining. Unlike the Old World of employee-consumer-slavery, Out Here we are all responsible for our own flourishing, and for the flourishing of All those around us.

Lionsberg is self-replicating: On the epic Quest towards Destiny, none of us can reach The Goal unless and until all of us reach The Goal. This means that the core function of every group is to flourish, self-replicate, and help new groups emerge, progress, and self-replicate. We monitor self-replication and growth via the Lionsberg Cycles of Growth and the Lionsberg Cycle Time. Remember, our near term target is to connect and empower The First Three Percent by 2026.

Lionsberg is a True Myth: Lionsberg is an incarnation of the archetypical story about We The People, who in a moment of Meta Crisis, arose and united to confront and overcome the grand challenges, accomplish the global goals, journey towards The Promised Land, while forging the Best Possible Future for All. It is a myth, but it is True, because we are causing it to be so.

IV: Life as a Sovereign, Autonomous Agent

While the Power Structures of the Old World were exceptionally effective at keeping everyone divided, conquered, siloed, and optimally disempowered, the universe of Lionsberg is different.

Every Citizen of Lionsberg eternally becomes ever more Sovereign, Autonomous and Free. We sometimes call this Conscious Agency.

The Pattern Language of the New World calls for individual and local self-governance, agency, and flourishing, in the context of Higher Order Functional Unity. We progress on our Quest towards that Destiny through our Practice of acting that out.

This means that you have no "manager". No "boss". No external Authority but One and All. No accountability except to God and those who you voluntarily choose to collaborate with towards shared Goals and Values.

Your life, your groups, your community, your bioregion, your world, and Lionsberg as a Whole are All yours to navigate towards The Goal.

So figure out what One and All desire, that is uniquely yours to do, that no one else is doing, choose a Quest, forge or join a Team, and get moving.

And as you Move and Progress towards The Goal, remember that because Out Here we are All responsible and empowered to steer the Vessel towards Destiny, the most important thing you can ever do is help those around you become every more capable of skillfully navigating the Vessel towards The Goal. Navigation towards The Goal is the essence of Governance, and the essence of the Lionsberg System.

While every individual and group is Sovereign and Free, if we do not wisely collaborate to Navigate The Vessel towards The Goal in a Spirit of Unity, Harmony, and Coherence, we will tear it apart and find our Selves once again enslaved in the Old World.

This means that we must balance our Liberty with the pragmatic necessity of functionally and effectively organizing ourselves in Higher Order Functional Unity as a Body that can actually meet needs, solve problems, accomplish goals, and Progress on The Quest.

Part II: Welcome to Life Beyond The Boundary

The Three Supreme Agreements

Life, Community, and Collaboration Beyond The Boundary revolve around voluntary Agreements and Commitments.

There are Three Supreme Agreements that ensure that The Game can be played indefinitely into the future, across all conceivable domains, in a Way that continuously improves, enhances, and enriches life for All.

  1. Love One
  2. Love One Another
  3. Love All

The Three Supreme Agreements establish the Love of One, One Another, and All as the foundational principle and defining essence of all interaction in the Domain of Lionsberg.

From these, the entire Lionsberg System of Values is derived.

What all of these Values Share In Common is something like a Spirit or Essence, that makes it intuitively clear what Patterns Of Action and Ways of Being lead to Success and Flourishing, and which lead to Failure and Death. Let's Help One Another flourish and succeed, and avoid failure and death.

The Three Supreme Agreements are the backbone of the basic Covenant, or Field of Agreements, that protects all participants in the Domain of Lionsberg.

Domains and Fields of Agreement

Everything within Lionsberg is divided up into SpatioTemporal Domains, or Domains of Responsibility and Authority. Each Domain has an Identity, a Purpose, a Selectively Permeable Membrane, and is covered by a Field of Agreements.

The Selectively Permeable Membrane of each Domain can be crossed on the basis of Voluntary Mutual Consent.

Every time two or three gather and co-create and Name a new Team or Group, a New Domain is brought into existence.

Your First Quarter

Now that you are settling into life Beyond The Boundary as a Sovereign and Autonomous Conscious Agent co-operating in a Spirit of Love with your fellow travelers on our shared Quest towards The Goal of Greatest Worth... is time to begin Being and Doing in Community.

The Lionsberg Experience is designed to help guide you through this over the course of your first quarter.

In general, your first quarter will consist of getting your feet on the ground, discovering how to be and become, articulating Your Story, deciding what to do, forging or joining a team, and lining up your first Quarterly Quest.

Discovering How to Be and Become

After life in The Caves, it is important to remember that the most important thing we are here on Earth to do is to become the fullness of Who we were each uniquely created to be, by helping All others do the same.

We cannot Progressively Realize the New World without Becoming the kinds of people for whom that New World is a Reality.

So the first thing to do, is to relax and to be. Together. In Community. Getting to know One Another. Building Relationship. Helping One Another Heal, Transform, and Become who we are each uniquely created to Be.

Deciding What to Do

In order for the Lionsberg System to function properly in service of One and All, every individual and team must become Self-Governing, Self-Sustaining, and Self-Replicating, continually choosing their own Meaningful Conversations and Quests to advance. No one can tell you what to do.

Unlike the companies of the Old World, where "employees" were typically hired to fulfill specific roles, life as a Sovereign Conscious Agent requires that you are continually observing the world around you, reorienting, dialoging, negotiating, and engaging in the most Valuable and Meaningful Work that you and those around you are capable of doing in service of One and All.

The Right Questions contains some helpful guiding questions as you decide What To Do, such as:

  • What projects are on or near our shared Critical Path towards The Goal?
  • What upcoming Milestones could I and my Teams help make progress towards?
  • What other Teams would we need to collaborate with to ensure that the next Milestones are reached within the Critically Effective Time Limit?
  • What should we be doing, that is not currently being done, that I am able to do and passionate about doing?
  • What project could be accomplished in the next 90 days that would produce the highest quality and quantity of service to One and All?
  • What valuable project is most likely to keep me and my team(s) in our Zone Of Optimum Development?
  • What valuable project would leverage my unique strengths the most?
  • What valuable project would be the most meaningful and rewarding to engage in?

Everything Is A Project

As you discover What To Do, remember that everything in The Great Game of Lionsberg, including our being and becoming, is a project.

The Total Nested Hierarchy of Projects that we (and All Creation) are engaged in is united by the conceptual (and Ultimately Ineffable) Meta Project.

Treating everything as a project is a core Discipline and Practice that enables us, over the course of quarters, years, and generations, to progressively develop our capacity to accomplish ever greater things in community, and to ensure that those Ever Greater Things can be systematically resourced across the ecosystem.

It also ensures that as we and future generations continually choose new Quarterly Quests and engage with new teams in new places and times, everyone can get up to speed quickly.

This is a cornerstone of the Lionsberg System and Approach.

Forging or Joining Teams

Everything Is A Project, and all Quests Are Undertaken By Teams.

Ideally, teams should be at least 3, and no more than 16 people. We Have Heard that 4 to 6 or 5 to 7 individuals is often an optimal team size. As teams approach 10 to 12 people, they should begin cross-training, recruiting, and preparing to split into two co-operative teams.

This is how the most excellent Teams become Self Replicating.

Teamwork is crucial to ensure that no one is operating in isolation, and that the success or failure of any given Project / Quest does not rest on one person.

This is also crucial to the self-sustenance, self-replication, and growth of The Movement towards The Goal.

The twin conventions that Everything Is A Project, and that Quests Are Undertaken By Teams creates a continuous decentralized governance and resource allocation process whereby people have an idea, recruit other people to work on it with them, and Dialogue, Discern, and Decide in community how to allocate the time, energy, attention, and resources available to them towards the most Valuable Potentials.

Structuring and Federating Your Teams

Every Self-Governing, Self-Sustaining, and Self-Replicating Team / Group should choose a Wise Right Structure to protect and facilitate its emergence.

Tier 1

By default, every Team and Group in the Lionsberg System begins as a Private Voluntary Association of Individuals.

Tier 2

Teams / Groups that will be more persistent may want to strengthen their structure into a Private Ecclesiastical Voluntary Membership Association (PEVMA). This structure is protected as an inalienable right of individuals to associate and pool resources and commitments for valid shared aims.

Tier 3

Teams / Groups engaged in activity that requires aggregating and channeling philanthropic resources may benefit from leveraging the Lionsberg 501(c)(3) non-profit to establish a Fiscal Sponsorship, Donor Advised Funds, or other such mechanisms.

Tier 4

Teams / Groups engaged in commercial activity will often choose to establish a Federated Stewardship Structure to protect them and their value-creating activities.

For an example of a Federated Stewardship Structure see the Lionsberg Provisional Structure.

Teams / Groups are Sovereign, Autonomous, and Free, and may choose any structure they wish, recognizing that only structures that honor the Minimum Standards of Interoperability may receive the benefits of being part of The Lionsberg Federation.

Popular legal structures include:

  1. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)
  2. Worker-Owned Co-Operatives
  3. Limited Liability Companies stewarded by Perpetual Purpose Trusts
  4. Limited Liability Companies stewarded by the Lionsberg Commons

Leveraging The Commons To Begin

The Lionsberg Provisional Structure was created as a legal Commons that acts like a Mother Tree to facilitate and nurture the emergence of Federated Stewardship Structures. The first Mother Tree was planted in North America. Soon, additional Mother Trees will be planted in Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, Oceana, etc.

Each unique creation requires a uniquely appropriate Structure to facilitate its emergence. Further, Structures should be built to evolve and transform over Time and Subsequent Generations as the organism within it grows.

Even if a Team / Group imagines that eventually it would like to undertake the effort and expense to administer an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit, We highly recommend leveraging the Lionsberg Legal Commons to begin with a simple fiscal sponsorship.

Even if a Team / Group imagines that eventually it would like to establish a Perpetual Purpose Trust or Multi-Stakeholder Co-Operative to steward its value creating activities, leveraging the Lionsberg Legal Commons to spin up a simple federated LLC is an easy and low cost way to begin. The Stewards of the LLC can "Act As If" they are a co-op for as long as it is the Wise Right Thing to do, before spending the Time, Energy, and Resources to organically complexify their legal structure over Time.

By far the easiest way to establish a Federated Stewardship Structure is via an LLC stewarded within the Lionsberg Commons. Such Special Purpose Vehicles can be launched by The Commons within days, and remain Self-Governing and Free to evolve into any other appropriate structure as they mature.

For example, a group starting a company to design and build physical facilities for ecosystem restoration communities might start out as an LLC stewarded within The Commons, and then choose to evolve into a multi-stakeholder co-operative ecosystem once the network of co-operators, clients, trade partners, and physical communities begins to mature.

Because most of our activities are international, stewarding the Equity of the enterprise in this way dramatically simplifies a multitude of issues relative to taxes, international ownership, differences

Stewardship vs. Ownership, Influence vs. Control, and Infinite vs. Finite Games

The Lionsberg System is designed as a co-operative ecosystem that values Stewardship over Ownership, Influence over Control, and Infinite Games over Finite Games.

While Teams are free to default to the simple "employee ownership" paradigm of the Old World, as soon We begin dividing a Domain up into percentages of ownership, we create a closed finite game that ensures many different kinds of issues and limitations down the road.

By choosing from the outset to co-operate on the basis of shared stewardship of the Domains we establish, we open up the possibility for Infinite Games that can be played indefinitely into The Future We Seek.

Intrapreneurship vs. Entrepreneurship - Federating Everything

The Lionsberg System is created as a bounded ecosystem in which we Federate Everything around The Commons.

While any individual or team is free to leave at any time and "go out" to pursue an idea "on their own", we know that the real Value and Potential lies not merely in our individual efforts, but in the Synergies and Relationships among us.

Because we are co-creating One Future as One Body, Our Aim is to build an ecosystem of multi-generational interconnected relationships and trust, where we are confident that any ideas and "intellectual property" (as it was called in the Old World) that are expressed into The Commons are cultivated and developed In Community for the Good of All. This ensures that as a cultural norm and Value, whatever gets built gets federated, so that We and our Successors All have an equal stake in the multi-generational Value we are co-creating.

Federate Everything.

Aggregating and Coordinating The First Tenth

Our Aim is not to build a thousand independent teams to compete with one another, but to build millions of autonomous teams to co-operate with One Another as One Body towards One Future and One Goal.

Co-operating as One Body requires aggregating and coordinating The First Tenth of our available Flow of Time, Energy, Attention and Resources to continuously improve The Commons and expand The System.

As we unite and empower The First Three Percent of the population, this will ensure that every Team, Group, and Locality has access to world class tools, resources, technologies, services, and support far beyond what any could afford to access in isolation.

Finding Out What Is Happening

To find out What Is Happening, you can reference the Lionsberg Dispatch, the Above The Chaos channel, or the lists of Active Teams and Active Projects, but a far Better way is to talk with other humans.

Talking with other humans is Better than solely looking at lists, because it opens up Dialogue, builds relationships, helps people get to know you, and folds your wisdom, insights, and questions into the collective dialogue.

By asking around, and sharing with others Who You Are, Your Story, Your Purpose, Your Calling, Your Concerns, Your Capabilities, etc., the Community will be able to help match you up to other people, opportunities, needs, and ideas in ways that a list never could.

The 10 Year Grand Strategy cannot actually succeed unless We truly become a Community.

Progress and Throughput of The Goal

As a Conscious Agent with Responsibility and Authority to Consciously Choose your own Teams and Quests, you will notice that you and your teams will be continually presented with an array of Opportunities, Threats, and Temptations.

One of the most important concepts of the Lionsberg System is the notion of Critical Path Progress towards the Milestones that mark the Way towards The Goal.

Always remember Where We Are Going and Why, and focus Time, Energy, and Attention (TEA) on Milestones that mark the Critical Path towards The Goal.

Whatever you do, before you undertake a Project, ensure that it is not tying up Resources that could be allocated to Teams advancing the Critical Path. It might be that you have a brilliant idea that should definitely be done, not now, but rather in a quarter or three at the Wise Right Time. Always remember that we are walking in the Way of Kairos, not merely Chronos.

How Lionsberg Collectively Decides What Is Most Important and Valuable to Do Next

Lionsberg does not make governance and resource allocation decisions centrally, but rather relies on the distributed intelligence of the Community.

What Lionsberg as a Whole is working on at any given time is the sum total of all the Projects being done by the distributed array of Teams to advance along the Critical Path.

This process co-operates similar to the way that bees and ants scout out the most Valuable opportunities and threats, dance and dialogue, and then allocate collective energy towards the Highest and Best available options surfaced in Community.

More concretely, this process occurs through the mechanism of Discernment and Consent around Proposals.

Individuals may make Proposals to the Groups / Teams they are engaged in, and Groups / Teams may make Proposals to the Whole.

Once decisions are made, they are constantly tested against Reality to ensure that they continue to be correct, and to see whether they can be improved. The Whole is constantly shifting and morphing as a consequence of the daily, weekly, and quarterly micro-decisions being made by Autonomous Individuals and Teams.

As we navigate through The Wilderness on our Quest towards The Promised Land, we do not pretend that Reality will be easy or smooth to traverse. It requires constant Discernment, Wisdom, Governance and Navigation.

Lionsberg collectively as One Body is responsible for maintaining the uniting Vision, Principles, and Values, and Co-Creating and Continuously Improving The Conditions and The Commons within which the emergent process of venturing together into the Unknown and towards The Goal can manifest and succeed.

It also continuously improves the shared Strategy and Plan via the System Wide Master Planning Process so that all individuals and Teams have a clear picture of the Milestones that mark the Way towards The Goal.

The role of Lionsberg collectively is simply to serve and empower All those who have their feet on the Path towards The Goal as we learn together how to Embody and Enact the Pattern Language of the New World we are co-creating.

Cultural Norms and Expectations

Everyone on the Path is committed to co-operate in a Spirit of Love and do their best to help and not harm one another.

In general the expectation is that we all do our best to learn The Rules of The Game, and become the best players / practitioners / teammates / citizens / community members we are capable of becoming.

As we look over the millennia towards the horizon of destiny, it is the Culture, Processes, Norms, and Values that persist, not the individuals, projects, or teams.

Culture, the Way we do things around here as a human species, trumps everything. It became the Root Cause of the Meta Crisis, and it is The Key to The Promised Land.

Part III: The Lionsberg Experience

Now that we have solved the basics of getting up and running, in Teams, engaged in Meaningful Conversations and Quests, that advance us collectively through the Milestones that mark the Way towards The Goal, it is time to discover how we Help One Another discover and achieve the fullness of our Potential, at each fractal level of analysis.

The Lionsberg Experience is not just about elevating and transforming our world; it is about elevating and transforming all aspects of our lives.

Out Here Beyond The Boundary, every aspect of the development and progression of your Self, your Families, your Teams, your Communities, your Bioregions, your Tribes, your Nations, and Lionsberg as a Whole are now under your Conscious Agency, Responsibility, and Authority.

You are the Author of (Y)Our Future. You Are The First Agent.

There Is No Them "out there". We are responsible, together, for every aspect of our existence, flourishing, and success, for our Selves, and for All.

The Lionsberg Experience aims to continually meet every individual, team, and locality right where they are on the Path, and help them stay in the Zone Of Optimum Development that empowers them to rise towards the fullness of their unique potential.

Personal Development

Coming Soon

Team Development

Coming Soon

Community Development

Coming Soon

Lionsberg Development

Coming Soon

Global, Interplanetary, and Interstellar Development

Coming Soon

Part IV: Integrating Our Quests and Progress

Stacking Up and Aligning Quests

Individual and Local Quests are (ideally) stacked up and aligned through the various Levels of Analysis to produce Throughput of our shared Goals and Values via the Critical Path revealed by the System Wide Master Planning Process.

Our shared Goals and Values reveal and lead us through the Milestones that mark the Way towards The Goal.

Minimum Standards of Interoperability

In order for the Work done in Teams to be Integrated into the Whole, all Teams must honor the Minimum Standards of Interoperability.


Coming Soon

Requests For Information / Guidance

Coming Soon


Coming Soon

Integrating and Shipping Work

Coming Soon

Quality Assurance

Coming Soon

Co-Creating as a Team of Teams

Coming Soon.

Ecosystemic Resource Flows

Coming Soon.

Part V: Monitoring Progress

Progress is monitored against the Milestones that mark the Way towards The Goal via the System Wide Master Plan and Mission Control.

Part VI: Growing The Movement and Passing The Flame

Your Most Important Role

Remember, We are One Body. None of us can realize The Goal unless and until we All Progress FROM the Old TO the New.

Your most important role is to Pass The Flame to those who awaken and are ready.

Every individual may invite up to one individual a week to Join The Movement, and may nominate additional individuals for consideration by others with available invitations.

Successful Integration

We will know The Flame has been successfully passed when each new co-creator:

  1. Accepts The Invitation to Join The Movement
  2. Forges or Joins a Group / Team
  3. Initiates a Quarterly Quest
  4. Contributes - Time / Energy / Resources / Relationships
  5. Passes The Flame to the next Wise Right Individual