Lionsberg Cycles of Growth
The Lionsberg Cycles of Growth chart the Fibonacci sequence and model the progression of The Movement as Co-Creators join and advance along the Critical Path FROM the Old TO the New. Each cycle represents an unfolding of unity, purpose, and co-creation, starting from the Source and spiraling outward into a flourishing, interconnected world.
This model not only symbolizes natural growth and harmony but also serves as a strategic guide for tracking the expansion of The Movement in real time.
How It Works
- Source: The One origin of All—the Divine emanation of Spirit and Incarnation.
- Cycles: Each cycle represents an increasing number of Co-Creators joining and contributing to the New Civilization as The Vision unfolds.
The Cycles
- Source
- Spirit
- Incarnation
- Cycle 0: J
- Cycle 1: J + 1 Co-Creator
- Cycle 2: 3 Co-Creators
- Cycle 3: 5 Co-Creators
- Cycle 4: 8 Co-Creators (0.0000001%)
- Cycle 5: 13 Co-Creators
- Cycle 6: 21 Co-Creators
- Cycle 7: 34 Co-Creators
- Cycle 8: 55 Co-Creators (0.000001%)
- Cycle 9: 89 Co-Creators
- Cycle 10: 144 Co-Creators
- Cycle 11: 233 Co-Creators
- Cycle 12: 377 Co-Creators
- Cycle 13: 610 Co-Creators
- Cycle 14: 987 Co-Creators (0.00001%)
- Cycle 15: 1,597 Co-Creators
- Cycle 16: 2,584 Co-Creators
- Cycle 17: 4,181 Co-Creators
- Cycle 18: 6,765 Co-Creators
- Cycle 19: 10,946 Co-Creators (0.0001%)
- Cycle 20: 17,711 Co-Creators
- Cycle 21: 28,657 Co-Creators
- Cycle 22: 46,368 Co-Creators
- Cycle 23: 75,025 Co-Creators (0.001%)
- Cycle 24: 121,393 Co-Creators
- Cycle 25: 196,418 Co-Creators
- Cycle 26: 317,811 Co-Creators
- Cycle 27: 514,229 Co-Creators
- Cycle 28: 832,040 Co-Creators (0.01%)
- Cycle 29: 1,346,269 Co-Creators
- Cycle 30: 2,178,309 Co-Creators
- Cycle 31: 3,524,578 Co-Creators
- Cycle 32: 5,702,887 Co-Creators
- Cycle 33: 9,227,465 Co-Creators (0.1%)
- Cycle 34: 14,930,352 Co-Creators
- Cycle 35: 24,157,817 Co-Creators
- Cycle 36: 39,088,169 Co-Creators
- Cycle 37: 63,245,986 Co-Creators
- Cycle 38: 102,334,155 Co-Creators (1%)
- Cycle 39: 165,580,141 Co-Creators
- Cycle 40: 267,914,296 Co-Creators (3%)
- Cycle 41: 433,494,437 Co-Creators
- Cycle 42: 701,408,733 Co-Creators
- Cycle 43: 1,134,903,170 Co-Creators (13%)
- Cycle 44: 1,836,311,903 Co-Creators
- Cycle 45: 2,971,215,073 Co-Creators (First 1/3)
- Cycle 46: 4,807,526,976 Co-Creators (Center Mass)
- Cycle 47: 7,778,742,049 Co-Creators (Last 1/3)
- Cycle 48: All Who Desire in Perpetuity (Holdouts + Future Generations)
- Cycle 49: The 3-Year Lag (Joining + 3 Years, or Age 15 + 3 Years)
- Cycle 50: The New Era Begins
At least the first 144 people will be added to the Lionsberg Co-Creators page.
The Lionsberg Cycle Time measures the rate of growth of The Sacred Tree.
Comparisons and Context
For a sense of scale:
- Cartogram of World Population
- List of Countries by Population
By the completion of the 40th cycle, as The First Three Percent are engaged, Lionsberg will represent the 5th largest sovereignty on Earth—exceeding the population of all but the world’s most populous nations and establishing a transformative New global presence.
Pages that link to this page
- The Sacred Tree
- The Fibonacci Unfolding Model
- Spring 2024 Experiment
- Lionsberg Cycle Time
- Lionsberg Resource Runway
- Milestones
- Above The Chaos, Reconciling the Critical Path, and Confronting and Overcoming The Giants
- Lionsberg Co-Creators
- The Invitation, Cycle 3
- The Invitation, Cycle 7 (old)
- The Invitation, Cycle 8
- The Invitation, Cycle 9
- Lionsberg Plans and Specifications
- Above The Chaos, 2024.03.31 Lionsberg Dispatch
- Above The Chaos, An Astonishingly Simple Plan
- Above The Chaos, April 2024 Above The Chaos Tour Findings
- Above The Chaos, Cycle 8 Invitation and New Video
- Above The Chaos, Game Plan For March
- Above The Chaos
- Above The Chaos, Request For Resources - Tranche 2
- Above The Chaos, Running The Play
- Above The Chaos, The 10 Year Movement, Grand Strategy, and the Greatest Celebration in History
- Above The Chaos, The Invitation
- 144 Threads - A Desperate Prayer to Weave Humanity's Last Best Hope (Full Draft)
- Pass The Flame - Illuminating the Way Beyond the Meta Crisis
- The Lionsberg Book of Metaphors
- Lionsberg Co-Creator's Handbook (v.0.1)
- 8. Timing
- The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan
- 46. Exchanging Diplomatic Recognition
- 31. Milestones and Growth Cycles
- 138. Measuring Progress