9. The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan

The only other Translation effort of this scale we are aware of in human history is the bible, with Wikipedia serving as another significant example.

The resource intensiveness of reaching out to the entire human species across languages and levels of consciousness, education, and abstraction during The 7 Year Window of Crisis and Opportunity demands a graduated Tipping Point Strategy rooted in a Shift In Consciousness.

The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan therefore focuses on the laser focused initial Milestone of connecting and empowering The First Three Percent of the human population by 2026, while establishing a parallel system of governance and co-creation for The Movement. By focusing initially on reaching only the most enlightened, mission-and-values-driven, and competent Citizens, we dramatically limit the scope of issues we are grappling with during the first 30 months of the 10 Year Grand Strategy, while developing the resources and capacity to subsequently reach out across progressively more distant languages and levels.

This strategy offers an immediate and viable path to co-creating a decentralized, enlightened, and capable Force For Good that can lead the subsequent uplifting of the entire human population and Living System We interexist as aspects of.

It is up to you, that first three percent, to learn to leverage the Lionsberg System to Co-Operate in Higher Order Functional Unity as One Body and Mind to meet the needs, solve the problems, and accomplish the Goals inherent in the rest of The Story and the 10 Year Grand Strategy.

Lionsberg Co-Creator's Handbook (v.0.1) offers a starting point.

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