For Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. - Ephesians 6:12
As difficult as it may be to accept, We Are Not Alone in the Universe, nor does humanity understand what Universe is.
Because the Visible Power Structures and their Puppeteers weaponized both science and religion to conceal from humanity the Truth, the fragments of Truth found in both Science and religion have been so obfuscated, distorted, and confused as to render the Landscape of Reality nearly unintelligible.
In The Caves of the Old World, we were brainwashed into contradictory and mutually exclusive religious, ideological, and scientific paradigms, each of which reflected enough fragments of Truth as to apparently legitimize itself, while simultaneously systematically separating humanity from the ability to effectively navigate towards a Unified understanding of Reality as it actually is, and Our place within it.
When it came to Aliens, Fascists, and Giants - Our Epic Battle for The Future of Civilization, we were presented with the flat rejection of a false elementary notion of God by Science, while simultaneously being asked to bow down to False Idols and arrogant Statements of Faith by many religious denominations.
Various religions retained their encoded Wisdom regarding Angels, Demons, and Spiritual War. This was often not taken seriously as a present reality.
When it came to ghosts, interdimensional beings, extraterrestrial life forms, and other various forms of non-human intelligence, these remained largely in the realm of fringe groups and conspiracy theories.
In The Book of Lionsberg and the Lionsberg Narrative Universe there exists a phenomenon called The Threshold Of Knowing. After exiting The Caves, in order to cross beyond The Boundary and into The Wilderness individuals must pass through The Threshold Of Knowing.
Passing through The Threshold is simple, but difficult. It requires individuals to admit that We Do Not Know.
As we begin to explore the territory of the Aliens, Fascists, and Giants - Our Epic Battle for The Future of Civilization, let us suspend Judgement and Ideology, open our minds, and do our best to Navigate Towards Truth, no matter where it leads or how it relates to what we were brainwashed to believe by the Keepers of The Caves.
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