Designer's Intent

If we are to build any project, it starts with an intention.

A designer, architect, or engineer then translates conceptual intention into a written set of plans and specifications that attempt to articulate that intention into written and artistic form, so that people can work together to bring it into reality.

The job of every co-worker who steps foot onto the project is to truly understand and do their very best to fulfill the intention or "spirit" of the plans and specifications.

This is called “Designer’s Intent”.

The Designer’s Intent is a powerful contractual and legal concept. A two dimensional set of blueprints, or 3 dimensional model, cannot possibly convey every detail of every system perfectly. The concept of Designer’s Intent says that each qualified person is required to understand not only the exactly what is drawn in front of them, but to understand what the Designer actually intended the outcome and function to be. If we are unsure, we are obligated to submit a Request for Information and ask questions. Before we implement, we prepare Submittals so that the Designer can concur with our understanding prior to spending time and money.

For example, if one is an electrician, they are required not just to blindly follow the lines on the drawing, but to actually understand what it is that the electrical system is supposed to do, how it is to function, and to ensure that the system that they construct fulfills that intention. They must understand and fulfill the Intent of the design. If something is missing on the plans, and they build exactly what is on the plans and the system does not work, it is not an excuse to point out some technicality in the drawings. As a professional who should have known, or asked, they will be required to remove or repair the work to bring it into conformance at their own expense.

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