Commander's Intent in the armed forces is akin to Designer's Intent in architecture, engineering, and construction.
This notion is crucial to the Lionsberg System.
The Commander's Intent is the Endstate the Commander desires.
It is the Unifying Principle or Unifying Focus that draws all Subordinate elements up into Higher Order Functional Unity.
In general, Commanders Intent must:
Why introduce the notion of Commander's Intent into a System that is not based on Command And Control?
Crucially, the notion of all Sovereign, Autonomous, and Self Governing elements voluntarily aligning themselves to a shared Highest Intention and Greatest Good... what liberates us All from inevitability of being subordinated to a structure of authoritarian control.
When the Meta Commander of All is One, each and every Individual and Locality is liberated from ever having to obey a local directive that in their Best Judgment violates the Universal Commander's Intent.
Additionally, they gain an objective philosophical, moral, and legal defense for rejecting / refusing to validate or participate in any Proposal or directive that, in their Best Judgment, would prevent the Group from accomplishing its Aim in full harmony and integrity to the Commander's Intent.
Beyond liberation from the obligation to obey orders that contradict the Highest Intention, Commander's Intent / Designer's Intent also implies an Affirmative Responsibility of every Individual and Locality to organize them Selves, their Families, their Groups, and their Resources, to help Progressively Realize the Highest Intention.
Forward to 9.39 The Order Of Intentions And The Meta Intention
Back to 9.37 The Propagation Of Evil Intent Through A System
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