For Good or Evil to be embodied at scale in the Human System, it must propagate through the System via human nodes.
Let us imagine that there is an evil impulse to round up an entire ethic group and place them in concentration camps.
In Religious language, this could be thought of as a Satanic or Demonic impulse or spirit, looking to "possess" a human being who would begin to Embody / Enact it.
When the evil impulse collides with an individual human Mind, we can hope that it will collide with a Coherent and Properly Ordered System, whose System Of Defense will quickly detect the Anomaly, sense that it is entirely antithetical to the Wisdom, Principles, and Values of the System, and vanquish it before it takes root.
This is perhaps akin to an air defense system detecting and taking down a missile of the enemy.
Have been shot down / repelled by the first human, let's imagine that the Satanic impulse / drive continues on, probing and testing the defenses of many other hearts and minds.
Finally, it is able to "possess" of "infect" a weak mind with the idea. Like a virus.
Now living in the weak host, it sucks life force from the host to advance itself, and continues to seek others to infect.
This now becomes something like a battle between the evil pathogen, and individual and collective immune system of humanity.
If each of the other human beings surrounded the possessed individual is strong enough, their Systems will immediate reject and vanquish the Evil Impulse that is presencing and proposing itself.
Either they will be able to help, heal, and cure the one infected by the evil impulse, or the evil impulse will destroy its host.
Either way, the impulse dies with only one victim, and the millions of victims it sought to destroy are spared.
Conversely, an evil impulse can spread like a pandemic through a tribe, nation, or people, who one day awaken from their genocidal rage, looking down at their blood stained hands with horror and wondering what possibly could have collectively possessed them to do or allow such a thing.
Therefore it is the Strength, Sovereignty, Autonomy, Integrity, Courage, and Coherence of each and every Individual Being that determines what impulses can, and cannot, propagate through the Human System.
The Key is that each and every individual, as a Sovereign and Autonomous Conscious Agent of the One, must Do Their Best to use the fullness of their Being to sense and Embody what is most Right and Good, and refrain from Embodying anything that is Anti-Good.
If each of the 8 billion of us helped one another become strong, healthy, and whole, there would be no place in humanity for Evil to take root and begin propagating through the System.
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