Above The Chaos, The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan

By Jordan Nicholas Sukut, 2024.04.25 (updated 2024.04.25)

A post in Above The Chaos

Now that some of the Wise Right People are engaged and it is becoming more possible to Believe, the time seemed right to further articulate and concretize the 10 Year Grand Strategy, Plan, and Budget.

The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan lays out the ~$15 Trillion, 10 year budget for the largest joint venture in human history, coupled to a gradual redirection of the military expenditures and government and economic waste of humanity towards Trillions of dollars of meaningful Quarterly Quests that advance us along the Critical Path towards The Goal, leading towards The Greatest Celebration and Jubilee In History by 2034.

As of March 1, 2024, the 10 Year Grand Strategy is underway. As of April 2024, we are slightly ahead of schedule. It is entirely possible if enough people awaken, unite, and believe, quickly enough. Who knows how long The Window will remain open.

The strange thing is, it appears we only need $2 Million to $10 Million to start The Snowball that reallocates trillions of dollars of socioeconomic flow.

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