General Solutions

The total set of problems, needs, issues and opportunities generally inherent in any human endeavor can be generally classified as General Problems / General Needs / General Issues, and General Opportunities.

Occasionally, there is a very unique problem, need, issue or opportunity that is uniquely specific to a Time and Space. These can be called Specific Problems, Specific Needs, Specific Issues, and Specific Opportunities.

General Issues should be solved through General Solutions.

Just as it would be foolish to solve General Issues as if they were being encountered for the first time, so too would it be foolish to attempt to implement General Solutions as if they were being implemented for the first time.

General Solutions usually require some kind of infrastructure, process, procedure, and guidance to get through.

In short, each General Solution is its own Sub System.

These General Solutions become like a modular Kit of Parts, contained in a Prototype, that can be localized and instantiated in any domain. The Prototype is like a Pattern Of Action that can be improved and repeated over and over again.

Each time a General Solution is implemented, the General Solution should learn and improve as part of the total System of Systems that is continuously learning and improving.