The Lionsberg Handbook

This is a Work In Progress that Aims to bring together various guides into a comprehensive handbook. Please be patient with tones, tenses and voices that are not coherent as we work to bring a vast conceptual landscape into form.


Welcome to Lionsberg
Lionsberg Manifesto
Lionsberg Introduction
Lionsberg Invitation

The Story

The Story
The Story of Lionsberg
The Book of Lionsberg

The Context

The Context

The Solution

The Solution

The Structure

The Structure

The System

The System

The Strategy

The Strategy

The Plan

The Plan

Your Starting Point and Role

The Playbook

  1. The Seven Steps of Transformation
  2. The 12 Pillars of Lionsberg

A Vision Of A More Perfect World

Lionsberg begins with a massive, positive, and good Vision of the Best Possible Future for All.

Vision Lionsberg Vision
Lionsberg Mandate
Best Possible Future
On Earth As it Is In Heaven

Aiming At The Goal

It then sets this Vision and Goal as the Aim of the System, and empowers individuals and groups around the world to align their vision and aim with the Meta Aim of All.

Aim Meta Aim
Meta Goal
One Thing
Aligning Stacking Up And Aligning

Progressing Towards The Goal

Having aligned our Aim, the system then connects and empowers sovereign autonomous individuals, organizations and groups to Help One Another progress towards The Goal.

Navigation Issue

Universal Principles and Values

Having inspired, aligned, and empowered sovereign autonomous groups to progress towards The Goal, the System then sets out universal Principles and Values to create the boundaries in which creative progress can occur.

The Lionsberg System of Values

Levels of Abstraction

The Lionsberg System sets out a sophisticated and differentiated view of the various levels of abstraction, starting with and ending with pure consciousness. This understanding is critical to informing where and how perception, thought, analysis and action are occurring.

Levels of Abstraction

A Comprehensive System of Systems

Lionsberg System

The Lionsberg System of Self-Governance

The basis of Progress towards The Goal within the boundaries of shared Vision and Values is Self Governance and Integrated Delivery. As a System purpose-built to empower sovereign autonomous progress towards shared goals and values, the Lionsberg System is based on Self Governance from the bottom up.

Governance Basics

The Function Of Governance
Limitations of the Old Systems
How Now Shall We Govern Our Selves?
Conditions of Satisfaction For System Of Governance

Self Governance

Self Governance
Conscious Agency

The Lionsberg System of Governance

Lionsberg System of Governance

Individuals, Groups, and Communities


Organization, Federation, and Co-Operation

Organize and Federate
Forging Or Joining A Team
Fractal Sovereignty Organizations The Lionsberg Way


Functional Accountability
Levels of Abstraction
Servant Leadership

Proposals and Quests



Decision Making

Decision Making Proposals
Meaningful Objection Delegation

Rights and Responsibilities

Rights and Responsibilities
Universal Rights
The Harsh Reality of Where We Are
Universal Responsibilities


Wisdom Council
Coaching and Mentoring

Minimum Standards of Interoperability

Minimum Standards of Interoperability

Federal Governance

Lionsberg Constitution

Lionsberg Structure
Flexibility And Compatibility
Legal Infrastructure

Transparency and Accountability

Federal Governance
Power Of The Republic Universal Rule Of Law
Local Rule Of Law

Separation Of Power
Executive Branch
Lionsberg Legislative Branch Judicial Branch
Regulatory Branch
Core, Official, and Ancillary Groups

Wisdom Council
Provisional Legal and Governance Structure

Founding Leaders Founding Leader Phase At Federal Level

A New Sovereignty Interoperation among a diverse array of structures and approaches

Common Governance Issues

Campaigning and Making Promises

The Lionsberg Economic System

The Lionsberg Economic System

The Lionsberg System of Justice

The Lionsberg System of Justice The Lionsberg System of Reconciliation

The Lionsberg System of Work

The Lionsberg System of Work

The Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System

The Lionsberg System includes an Integrated Delivery System purpose-built to produce Throughput (or delivery) of flourishing and abundant life for All.

Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System
Projects Program Everything Is A Project
The Meta Project
The Prototype

The Lionsberg System of Culture And Community

Lionsberg System of Culture and Community
Lionsberg Community
Lionsberg Culture
Lionsberg Code

The Lionsberg System of Flow

Flow State Individual Flow Group Flow Community Flow Resource Flow Information Flow (Data Structure to Facilitate) Knowledge Flow Wisdom Flow

The Lionsberg System of Story

Forward Looking Story Backward Looking Story

Problems, Needs, and Issues

Problems and Needs
Total Nested Hierarchy of Issues
General Issues
General Solutions
Specific Issues Specific Solutions Identifying And Solving Issues
Issues and Solutions Marketplaces
Offers and Requests Marketplaces

Goals And Aspirations

Goals and Aspirations
Meta Aspiration
Meta Goal
Total Nested Hierarchy of Goals

Transformation And Development

Human Development
Group Development Community Development Elevation Initiative

Shared Infrastructure, Services, and Support

Lionsberg System of Infrastructure, Services, and Support

The Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System


Introduction To Integrated Delivery
Why Integrated Delivery
Essential Elements Of Integrated Delivery
The Goal Throughput
Throughput Of The Goal What Is Integrated Delivery? The Five Big Ideas Of Integrated Delivery The Structure Of Integrated Delivery
The Code Of Integrated Delivery Collaboration
Commitment Based Management Commitments
Network of Commitments
Tracking Commitments
Making And Securing Commitments Zero Blame Environment
Every Defect Is A Gift
Continuous Improvement Retrospectives Tools
A3 Reports Root Cause Analysis And The 5 Whys
Value Stream Mapping
Planning System Quick Fixes Advantage Based Decision Making
BIM And Real Time Estimating Target Value Design (TVD)
The Economic Case For IPD
Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System
Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System Warning Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System Starting Point Handoff Points

Program Development

The What And Why Of The Program The How Of The Program Failure of Existing Institutions to Address the Grand Challenges and Global Goals Heroes On The Front Lines Worksite Earth Sovereign, Autonomous, And Coordinated Groups
Higher Order Functional Unity Superordinance Meta Project Framework Meta Community Framework
Embodying The Abstract The Myth Of Lionsberg
A Story, System, Structure, Community, Platform, Project, Game, Way
New Language
The Lionsberg Critical Path The Lionsberg System And Structure Provisional Structure
The Lionsberg Platform
Social Dimensions Social Experiment Lionsberg Launch Receiver
Acting As If We All Are The Receivers
The Charge Of The Receiver The Sovereignty Of The Receiver Co-Creating The New World
A New Vision, Intention, Philosophy, and Program of Action Mission Control
Meta Fund Proposed Systems, Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure
Lack Of Existing Infrastructure And Access Prevalence Of Deceit And Propaganda Equal Opportunity For All Bottom Up Scaling Up Systems, Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure
An Ecosystem, Prototype, And Kit Of Parts
The Prototype Integrated Delivery Of Each Element A Commons For All The Systems And Infrastructure Of The New Era
Time Critical First Steps Towards the Goal Meta Project Program Statement
Cooperation Vs. Competition Core Enterprise

2.0 Program Development - Coming Soon (Breaking down and incorporating into the above)

Program Delivery

Instantiation Of The Prototype Availability And Priority Of Instantiation Domains
Adverse Forces
System Wide Master Plan
Living System Alignment Program Services And Support
Guilds Program and Process Management Guild

(Coming Soon - Breaking Down and Incorporating Into The Above) 3.0 Program Delivery
Project Delivery Guide
Template For Project
3.3 Communications and Reporting

Integrated Delivery Conclusion

4.0 Conclusion


  1. The Lionsberg System of Governance
  2. The Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System
  3. The Lionsberg System of Work
  4. The Lionsberg Economic System
  5. The Lionsberg System of Culture and Community
  6. The Lionsberg System Of Spirituality, Purpose And Meaning
  7. The Lionsberg Energy System
  8. The Lionsberg Water System
  9. The Lionsberg Information System
  10. The Lionsberg Intellectual Content System
  11. The Lionsberg Publishing System
  12. The Lionsberg Dynamic Exchange System
  13. The Lionsberg Integrated Wellbeing and Development System
  14. The Lionsberg House of Wisdom
  15. The Lionsberg House of Culture
  16. The Lionsberg Academy
  17. The Lionsberg Outreach and Broadcast System
  18. The Lionsberg Integrated Wellbeing and Development System
  19. The Human System Living System Interface
  20. +++ (all core interoperable "organ systems" of the human system, across all pillars of society, reintegrated synergistically with the living system that contains it)


In The Beginning... A True Myth
Why Story?
Working Together To Make It So
Who We Are
Who We Are Becoming
New Language
Progressive Articulation
Progressive Realization
Elements Of The New
Filling Up What Is Lacking
Removing What Does Not Belong
Cultivating The Green Shoots
That Which Is Longing To Emerge
Inbreaking And Displacing

False Dichotomies
Lionsberg Lexicon

From Another Guide (Process and Integrate)

The Question

Lionsberg Question

The Name

Lionsberg Name

The Metaphor

Lionsberg Metaphor

The Purpose

Lionsberg Purpose

The Intention

Lionsberg Intention

The Mission

Lionsberg Mission

The Process

Lionsberg Process

The Lionsberg Way

Lionsberg Way

The Lionsberg System and Approach

Lionsberg System and Approach Lionsberg System

The Transformative Quest

Lionsberg Quest

The Movement

Lionsberg Movement

The Game

The Great Game of Lionsberg

The Economy

Lionsberg Economic System

Success and Failure

To avoid Failure and achieve Success, we must Help One Another Progress along the Critical Path that marks the Way towards The Goal.

The Meta Crisis

The Movement will be "pulled" towards The Goal by inspiration, and "pushed" towards The Goal by the pain and dysfunction of the Meta Crisis.

No One Left Behind

We will Do Our Best to invite All, and ensure that no one is left behind.

Sovereignty and Autonomy

Each individual, group, and community is and must remain Sovereign, Autonomous, and Free.

All collaboration and Decision Making occurs on the basis of Voluntary Consent.

A Decentralized Federation

Lionsberg is emerging as a decentralized federation. Decentralization will ensure Sovereignty, Autonomy, and Anti-Fragility. Federation will afford Higher Order Functional Unity among Sovereigns.

Shared Infrastructure, Resources, and Support

Lionsberg will continuously improve a Commons of shared infrastructure resources, and support to connect and empower Sovereigns.

Reciprocal Contributions

The current Hypothesis is that we should voluntarily allocate ~10% of the Flow of time, energy, and resources to co-operate at the federal level. These Reciprocal Monthly Contributions will initially be stewarded and allocated by the US 501(c)(3) to operate the Core Enterprise and continuously improve the commons of shared infrastructure, resources, and support.

Universal Wisdom, Principles, and Values

Lionsberg and The Movement are bounded by universal Wisdom, Principles, and Values that govern the domain and our progress.

The Great Game of Lionsberg

To invite the spirit of play and ensure The Movement is accessible to All, we are Co-Creating The Great Game of Lionsberg.

The Meta Project

To invite the spirit of competence and ensure The Movement succeeds, we will Act As If our Work were part of one universal Meta Project.

The Battle

To ensure we are not naive about the forces of ignorance and evil that will beset us, we will Act As If we are in The Battle for The Future of life and society on Earth.

The Call to Adventure

While we have forged a hypothesis and charted some milestones, the reality is that we are embarking on a transformative journey into the Unknown. It will be an Adventure.

Governance and Navigation

To help us Navigate towards The Goal, we will continuously improve the Lionsberg System of Governance.

Obstacles and Opportunities

Our single-minded focus and Navigation towards The Goal will illuminate the Obstacles and Opportunities that stand in our Way.

Tools and Anti-Tools

The necessity to grapple with Obstacles and Opportunities will reveal Tools and Anti-Tools.

Higher Order Functional Unity

Avoiding Failure and achieving Success will require that we forge out of our diverse parts one Higher Order Functional Unity actually capable of meeting the needs, solving the problems, and accomplishing the goals at hand.

The 7 Year Window of Crisis and Opportunity

Our hypothesis is that we are now in The 7 Year Window of Crisis and Opportunity, and that Success demands that The Movement engage All humanity within this window of time.

The First 18 Months

The first 18 months, from May 2023 to November 2024, are particularly critical. During this time, The Movement must reach escape velocity and elect an independent U.S. President with a global mandate to implement the New Vision and Plan. This makes all subsequent milestones possible.

The Lionsberg Communications System

We will communicate via the Lionsberg Communications System. This provides an archivable, searchable, harvestable, indexible place where what we think and know can emerge.

The System Wide Master Plan

We will continuously improve a System Wide Master Plan to ensure that every individual, group, and community understands the New Vision and Plan, and the Critical Path.

The Lionsberg Navigation System

We will navigate together by continuously improving the Lionsberg Navigation System. In its minimum viable form, this consists of:

  1. Periodic Requests For Guidance from Lionsberg out to the array of autonomous groups, and reciprocal Requests For Guidance from each group back to Lionsberg.
  2. Progressive implementation of the Lionsberg System of Governance.

The Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System

We will progressively implement the Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System to stack up, align, and resource Throughput of The Goal.

The Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System will track the Network of Commitments between Groups relative to the Critical Path.

Lionsberg Constitution