
It was determined that in order to effectively unite the forces of Goodwill above the lines that usually divided them, this single organism / Higher Order Functional Unity inherently had to be Superordinate to, and not Subordinate to, any existing nation, institution, or ideology.

If the New Program and Community was subordinate to any existing institution, religion or ideology, it would be rejected immediately at face value by billions of the people that urgently needed to unite to confront and overcome the existential threats. If it was subordinate to any existing nation or institution, it would exist at the will of a corrupt power structure that could compromise its integrity.

Based on this understanding, a key structural design criteria was established: the Sovereignty and inherent worth of each Individuality and Locality flowing directly from the Source of Life.

It’s right and responsibility to exist, act properly, rightly relate to all other forms of life, and do what is required to fulfill the Highest Intention and Greatest Good is not derived from any human source or institution. It is an ethical imperative and Right derived directly from the Source and Sustainer of life.

Thus, A New Sovereignty would need to be Co-Created.

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