The Lionsberg System And Structure

To initially accomplish these functional requirements, a uniquely designed legal structure was instantiated to steward and allocate infrastructure and resources. From the array of design criteria, it was determined that the most secure legal domain for the first instantiation of structure was the United States, that the most secure state within the United States was Delaware, and that the most secure legal stewardship entity available at the time was a 501(C)(3) public charity.

Thus a 501(c)(3) named Lionsberg, Inc. was instantiated to be able to act in certain ways to help the Community accomplish its Goals.

In order to be able to deal with the combination of for-profit and philanthropic resources flow, a C Corporation solely-owned by the 501(c)(3) was also established.

Place holders were added to the conceptual structure for subsequent elements of the Federation, such as 501(c)(4)s, co-ops, credit unions, and other structures that would likely need to federate and coordinate to accomplish the Goal.

It was further recognized that these initial structures would need to be guided and coordinated as instruments deployed in concert with what would eventually be dozens of hundreds or instantiations around the world.

See Provisional Structure.

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