Integrated Delivery Of Each Element

Critically, it was discovered that not only could the total Program best be delivered on a lean integrated basis, but further that each of the Total Nested Hierarchy of Goals themselves should also be delivered, across time and in each local area, on the basis of integrated delivery.

While slightly complexifying the idea of integrated delivery, the insight that total human and living systems flourishing could be accomplished through an overarching and uniting lean integrated delivery approach brought unprecedented coherence and integrity to the Program at every fractal level.

Because this idea forced an evolution of philosophy and process beyond traditional lean IPD, this higher order system was called the Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System to differentiate it from is predecessors.

The Receiver concluded that these lean integrated delivery principles should be implemented throughout every aspect of the Program to optimize Value and minimize Waste in delivering The Goal.

The core principles of the Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System will therefore be incorporated into the IPD Team Agreements. The principles are integral to the overall approach for designing, implementing, and operationalizing the New World, and are described in more detail in sections below.

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