The Myth Of Lionsberg

Establishing a structural Embodiment that could actually gather and distribute resources, rightly relate to participants, rightly relate to the world, and Enact The Plan required that something be created and named, which could actually be referred to, registered in different places as needed, take in funds, establish bank accounts, pay taxes, and properly interface with the various elements of the Old World.

After working with multiple branding companies and considering thousands of names, the mythical name Lionsberg was revealed.

Recognizing the need for both a New Way of Being together, and a new way of acting together, and the need for that way of being and doing to show up in every nation and community around the world... was determined that at the highest level, Lionsberg needed to exist merely as an Idea, Story, and Myth.

Like the Ideal, it would need to exist Superordinate to any existing nation, institution, or ideology, as a Sovereign gathering place in which Sovereign Actors could come together to work on the One Thing that unites All.

One level down from the Idea and Myth of Lionsberg, would be a Sovereign and Voluntary Community or Association of Individuals and Small Groups.

Because Sovereign Individuals have an inherent right and responsibility to rightly associate and relate to One Another, this would ensure that the highest conceptual level of the Community / Federation was not rooted in any institution or organization that could be corrupted, co-opted, stopped, or instructed by any enemy or authority.

Once established as a conceptual and working reality, a voluntary association of Sovereign Individuals could then begin to add to itself over time the voluntary association of rightly related organizations, communities, and institutions as required to accomplish The Goal.

It could also begin to establish for itself, in domains around the world, the kinds of legal and technological infrastructure that would be required to accomplish The Goal.

Thus, the Myth Of Lionsberg was born.