What Is Integrated Delivery

Integrated Delivery is a philosophic approach for designing a production or delivery system that maximizes Value creation, while progressively eliminating Waste.

Value can be defined as Throughput of the Goal of the System.

Simply put, Integrated Delivery uses lean design-build principles in a process-centered approach to developing and delivering a program of action.  Lean principles were originally implemented in manufacturing and first “discovered” by experts reviewing and documenting the Toyota Production System.  Toyota had shown great success with a new and different type of production line that required each step in the process to produce only what was needed by the next step in the process and to view anything else as waste.  The behaviors and tools used by Toyota were documented and used to define a lean system.

Subsequently, it has been discovered that these principles closely map to the way that Living Systems operate. Over time, the goal of the Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System is to continually merge the creative capacity of humanity towards harmony with the way Creation itself creates.

The essence of Lean Integrated Project Delivery is to view any program of action as a UNIFIED SYSTEM properly designed to produce throughput of THE GOAL into reality. The Goal is to bring the Design Intent, as articulated in the plans and specifications, and as understood through discernment and collaboration, into Reality.

In the 1990s, various people in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction industry began developing independent strategies for applying lean principles in the delivery of construction projects.

When applied to construction, lean changes a project from a combination of activities to a system of dependent and variable tasks that must be managed based upon the unique human interactions that support work being done. In short, it transforms the Program of Action into a Goal Delivery System.

The idea of a design build program as a system requires all participants to focus on the Flow of Work on the entire project and not just for activity optimization within their own silo. It requires that all participants work together collaboratively to optimize at the highest level, rather than sub-optimizing at the local level.  Lean Project Delivery, a term used to describe the application of lean to design-build projects, establishes a project where the owner, the design team, the builder and operational personnel work together to design a project that delivers the owner’s identified goals.  Thinking of a design-build project as a single collective enterprise requires readjusting traditional notions of project delivery and economy.  Like lean manufacturing systems, lean construction and Integrated Project Delivery embraces very specific behaviors and tools, which have a substantially beneficial effect on the entire project.

For the human species at this moment in history, if we do not rapidly embrace a higher order methodology to optimize at the highest integrated level for the wellbeing of All, we will fail.

Let’s not fail.

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