Lionsberg System of Work

I. Introduction to the Lionsberg System of Work

I.A. Overview of the Lionsberg System of Work I.B. Purpose of the Lionsberg System of Work I.C. Benefits of using the Lionsberg System of Work

II. Forging or Joining Teams

II.A. Importance of forming or joining teams II.B. Steps for forming or joining teams II.C. Integrating Teams into a Team of Teams

III. Communication and Collaboration

III.A. Overview of the Lionsberg System of Communication III.B. Importance of effective communication and collaboration III.C. Steps for effective communication and collaboration

IV. Aligning Intention and Vision

IV.A. Importance of aligning intention and vision IV.B. Steps for aligning intention and vision IV.C. How aligning intention and vision relates to the Lionsberg System

Note: Update this to Vision and Purpose instead of Intention and vision so it ties better into other writing.

V. Analyzing What Needs to be Done

V.A. Importance of analyzing what needs to be done V.B. Steps for analyzing what needs to be done
V.C. How analysis relates to the Lionsberg System

VI. Planning the Work

VI.A. Importance of planning the work
B. Steps for planning the work C. How planning the work relates to the Lionsberg System

VII. Resourcing the Work

A. Importance of resourcing the work B. Steps for resourcing the work C. How resourcing the work relates to the Lionsberg System

VIII. Executing the Work

A. Importance of executing the work B. Steps for executing the work C. How executing the work relates to the Lionsberg System

IX. Measurement, Reporting, and Continuous Improvement

A. Importance of Measurement, Reporting, and Continuous Improvement B. Steps for Measurement, Reporting, and Continuous Improvement C. How Measurement, Reporting, and Continuous Improvement relates to the Lionsberg System

X. Integrating into the Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System

A. Overview of the Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System B. Steps for integrating into the Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System C. How the Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System relates to the Lionsberg System

XI. Your Personal System of Work

A. Importance of a Personal System For Accomplishing Meaningful Work B. Steps for Designing and Operating Your Personal System of Work
C. How Your Personal System of Work relates to the Lionsberg System and the New World D. Prototype for Your Personal System of Work

XII. Conclusion

A. Recap of the Lionsberg System of Work B. Final thoughts and recommendations

XIII. Templates, Tools, and Current Best Understandings