Vision and Purpose are the guiding reason and Aim that define an individual, team, initiative, organization, or community. They provide direction, motivation, and focus, and help to align individual and collective efforts towards shared goals and values.

In the context of the Lionsberg System, the shared Vision and Purpose is the foundation of the Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System and the Lionsberg System of Work. They provide a shared understanding of the desired outcome and Goal, and help to align individual and collective efforts towards the single overarching and uniting reason for the existence of the System and each of its constituent elements.

At the individual level, each person's Personal Vision and Purpose is aligned with the shared Vision and Purpose of the Lionsberg System and the teams they participate in, providing a personal roadmap for achieving their own goals and aspirations in the context of the System. By aligning their Personal Vision and Purpose with the shared Vision and Purpose of the Lionsberg System, individuals can focus their efforts and work together effectively towards the shared Vision and Goals of the System.

Vision and Purpose is a critical component of the Lionsberg System, and is essential for Stacking Up And Aligning individual and collective efforts towards a common Goal and for bringing the shared Vision Into Reality.

Template For Vision and Purpose