Template For Analysis

The purpose of this template is to guide individuals and teams through the Analysis process as part of the Lionsberg System of Work. By following this template, individuals and teams will be able to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current situation and the forces, conditions, resources, constraints, and opportunities that impact their work. This information, in conjunction with the Vision and Purpose, will inform the development of the Plan of Action, the Work Breakdown Structure, the identification of Milestones, and the definition of Action Steps required to achieve each Milestone.

Step 1: Define the purpose of the Analysis

  • Clearly state the purpose of the Analysis, including the specific goals and objectives that you hope to achieve.

Step 2: Gather Data and Information

  • Gather data and information from a variety of sources, including:
    • Internal sources, such as previous reports and studies, data from previous projects, and feedback from stakeholders.
    • External sources, such as industry reports, competitor analysis, and market research.
  • Ensure that all data and information is accurate, relevant, and up-to-date.

Step 3: Conduct Stakeholder Engagement

  • Engage with stakeholders to gather additional information and to gain a better understanding of their perspectives, needs, and concerns.
  • Consider conducting surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one interviews to gather information from a wider range of stakeholders.

Step 4: Review the Current Situation

  • Review the current situation, forces, conditions, resources, constraints, and opportunities that impact your work.
  • Consider the following questions:
    • What are the key drivers and trends that are shaping your current reality?
    • What are the current constraints and challenges that are impacting your current reality?
    • What are the current resources and opportunities that you can leverage to achieve your goals?
    • What are the current Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats and Trends (SWOTT) that impact your current reality?

Step 5: Identify Key Issues and Risks

  • Identify any key issues and risks that may impact the success of your work.
  • Consider the following questions:
    • What are the potential roadblocks or obstacles that may impact your work?
    • What are the potential risks that may impact your work?
    • What are the potential consequences of these risks and issues?

Step 6: Develop Contingency Plans

  • Develop contingency plans to address any key issues and risks identified in step 5.
  • Consider the following questions:
    • How can you mitigate or eliminate the impact of key issues and risks?
    • What are the backup plans or alternative options if the key issues and risks cannot be mitigated or eliminated?

Step 7: Review and Refine the Analysis

  • Review the Analysis to ensure that it is accurate, relevant, and comprehensive.
  • Refine the Analysis as needed based on the information gathered, feedback from stakeholders, and any changes to the situation or context.

Step 8: Use the Analysis and Vision to Inform the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Plan of Action

  • Use the information gathered during the Analysis process and compare it to the Vision and Purpose to inform the development of the Work Breakdown Structure and Plan of Action.
  • Consider the following questions:
    • What is the total Scope of Work required to transform FROM your current reality, TO your Vision and Purpose?
    • What are the key Features of Work that must be included in the WBS?

See Lionsberg System of Work to revisit how this template fits in with the rest of the Flow of the System.


By following this template, individuals and teams will have a comprehensive understanding of the current situation and the forces, conditions, resources, constraints, and opportunities that impact their work.

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