V.A. Importance of analyzing what needs to be done

In order to achieve our shared goals and objectives, it is important to have a clear understanding of what needs to be done. This requires careful analysis of the existing forces and conditions bearing on our present Reality.

Analysis is a key component of the Lionsberg System, and is essential for ensuring that everyone is working together in an informed, wise, and effective way towards shared goals and objectives.

Analysis helps to break down complex problems and challenges into smaller, more manageable pieces, and provides a framework for understanding what needs to be done in order to achieve our shared goals and objectives. It also helps to ensure that everyone shares a basic understanding current realities, is working towards the same goals and objectives in a nuanced and sophisticated way, and that everyone's efforts are aligned with one another, Reality, and The Goal.

In contrast to Vision and Intention, which align us towards Where We Are Going, Analysis helps us understand the present Reality of Where We Are, and the Chasm that must be crossed to achieve our Vision.

In the context of the Lionsberg System, analysis is used to understand the challenges and opportunities that exist in each team, organization, and community, and to identify the steps that are needed to address those challenges and opportunities effectively to advance both the local and the Whole towards The Goal. Analysis is also used to evaluate the effectiveness of our work, and to continuously improve our processes and practices over time.

By conducting regular analysis and by using the results of that analysis to inform our work, individuals, teams, organizations, and communities can ensure that they understand Reality, are working together effectively towards shared goals and objectives, and can continuously improve the way that they work together over time.