III.A. Overview of the Lionsberg System of Communication

The Lionsberg System of Communication is a comprehensive system designed to provide guidelines and best practices for effective communication among individuals, teams, organizations, and communities within the Lionsberg System. The system encompasses a wide range of communication methods and techniques, including verbal and written communication, as well as the use of technology to facilitate communication.

The goal of the Lionsberg System of Communication is to ensure that everyone has the information they need, when they need it, to effectively accomplish their work, and to advance towards our overarching and uniting Goals and Values. The system is designed to facilitate communication within teams, among teams, and across the community as a whole, and to provide a framework for ensuring that everyone is working together effectively.

The Lionsberg System of Communication provides guidelines for effective communication, including recommendations for how to communicate clearly and effectively, how to handle conflicts and misunderstandings, and how to use technology to support communication. The system also includes tools and resources to help individuals, teams, organizations, and communities implement the guidelines and best practices, and to continuously improve their communication processes over time.