The Charge Of The Receiver

We charged ourselves, as acting Receiver, with the following mandate:

The Receiver will do the Wise Right Thing, at the right time, for the right reasons, to accomplish the Meta Goal for the Good of All.

Critically, it was made clear that the Receiver was not to be any one individual, but the entire Meta Community / Meta Federation, who would need to organize itself to act in this manner.

This meant that All were bound to do the wise right thing, at the right, for the right reasons, to accomplish The Goal.

The Receiver was eventually given and Authority to organize and hold accountable the existing institutions and authorities on earth.

This was accomplished simply by uniting the Free Will of billions of people, who chose for it to be so, and who exercised their Attention, Time, Energy, and Resources as if that were the case.

The Charge of the Receiver contained within itself the mandate to:

1. Solve the total set of Grand Challenges
2. Accomplish the total set of Global Goals
3. Forge the Best Possible Future for All

This demanded the elevation and transformation of All Systems and All Domains of Worksite Earth, without exception.

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