January 2025
Through pain, hardship, and wisdom gained through adversity, humanity has learned the Value of Early Warning Systems. These systems buy Us Time—time to act, prepare, and Help One Another find Safety.
This letter is both a warning and an invitation.
We stand at the crossroads of historic peril and possibility. Every life and community on Earth is in grave danger.
Yet, together, We can confront and overcome these challenges if We act now. The decisions We make in the coming days and years could save countless lives and shape a flourishing and abundant future for All.
The 10 or 15 minutes it takes to consider what follows could be among the most important and pivotal moments of your life.
I write with love, urgency, and a profound sense of shared responsibility. Sharing these words has been among the most difficult tasks of my life. A hundred drafts lie in the wastebasket. What I’ve uncovered over the course of my journey through the underworld challenges the very foundations of what We were taught to believe—about the world, Our lives, Our nations, and Our shared future.
For months, I hesitated to share this. The truths We are uncovering are so vast and unsettling that I had to grapple with them myself before daring to ask you to do the same. I also recognize that the implosion of my old life has been confusing for many to watch. But what is being unveiled through this difficult process is so shocking I can no longer remain silent. The Time for hesitation is gone.
The reality I discovered Beyond The Boundary of the world I thought I knew is both profoundly disturbing and immensely important. I would not have believed it had I not personally experienced it, synthesized it through lifetimes of study, and seen it mirrored across history, testimony, and the lived experience of individuals and tribes around the world.
I risk our relationship, my reputation, and the comfort of silence and social acceptance to share this because I believe your life and the lives of those you love are at stake. For generations to come.
We are rapidly running out of time, and I love you too much to remain silent or turn away.
For at least two or three generations, We have forgotten something crucial: Life and Civilization come with a Blueprint and Operating Manual—a guide for the interconnected systems that must be consciously co-created, revivified, and harmonized in order for life to flourish. The rising generations were neither taught this nor handed the maintenance manual.
After decades of neglect and corruption, the very foundations of our vital systems—food, water, shelter, energy, health, security, freedom, democracy, spirituality, and values—are crumbling. And this collapse is occurring at a Time of cosmic and geophysical upheaval, creating interconnected challenges beyond anything in our collective memory.
As We face into these existential threats, We are being reminded that humanity is not alone in the Universe.
Many of you may have heard recent testimonies, including before United States Congress, confirming the existence of advanced Non-Human Intelligence (NHI), and the presence of extraterrestrial craft, bodies, and beings in the custody of multiple governments on Earth. For decades, these realities were ridiculed, concealed, and weaponized. But these beings are not merely theoretical; they are influencing humanity now, just as they have throughout history.
This is not an abstract or theoretical matter. Their actions—spanning physical abduction, rape, genetic engineering, hybridization programs, physical implants, militarized agendas, and beyond—are well-documented across ancient cultures, military reports, and modern experiences. Like many of you, I know people personally affected by these phenomena. I, too, have faced truths and experiences so astonishing that they seemed impossible—until they weren’t, because they were happening.
I share this because humanity’s relationship with these forces, with itself, and with the Source of Us All lies at the heart of the unfolding crises.
Competing Influences: Multiple groups—some benevolent, others malevolent—are vying for influence over humanity and our planet. They have done so for millennia and have co-opted and shaped much of the Existing Order that is now collapsing by design. These influences are operating far beyond the reach of any constitutional authority on Earth.
Catastrophic Cycles: Knowledge of periodic global cataclysms, passed down from ancient civilizations and attributed to extraterrestrial guides, is resurfacing. These cycles, which periodically render much of Earth uninhabitable, are overdue. A wealth of evidence suggests that these events are likely to occur within the lifetimes of our loved ones, and humanity is entirely unaware and unprepared.
Dark Forces: Some of these non-human entities, and the human elites they puppet, systematically harvest and prey upon humanity. Their actions are manifesting in entrenched systems of human trafficking, abuse, Mind Kontrolle, ritual sacrifice, and government-sanctioned horrors beyond imagination.
Ontological Shock: The UnVeiling of these truths will shatter long-held beliefs—about religion, politics, power, and reality itself. Without preparation, the resulting Ontological Shock and Chaos is likely to paralyze and fragment civilization, paving the way for The Final Order.
These truths converge with countless other crises—accelerating extinctions, plummeting sperm counts, geopolitical instability, rampant corruption, economic collapse—into an unprecedented and multidimensional Meta Crisis that demands an equally unprecedented and multidimensional response.
The systems humanity depends on—government, economy, religion, food, energy, etc.—are failing, not by accident but by design. Their Collapse is the inevitable outcome of corruption, exploitation, and disconnection from wisdom, truth and the interwoven fabric of Life and Source ItSelf.
Elites are not preparing to save humanity; they are genocidally conspiring to save themselves while keeping the masses intentionally unaware. Plans for mass depopulation are well-documented. Resources are being hoarded, underground bases and bunkers are being built, and whispers abound of a “managed extinction” of the human species.
The signs are everywhere for those willing to see them. Ancient structures and present trends point to cycles of catastrophe. Whistleblowers testify to advanced technologies and non-human interference. Species are vanishing at alarming rates. Global elites openly discuss strategies for mass population reduction.
If we remain passive and follow the omnicidal logic of the Existing Order to its end, billions will die in the Collapse. The survivors will face Tyranny under The Final Order that lies on the other side of Chaos.
Under such a scenario, no amount of money, no height of walls, no strength of borders will be able to protect a family, locality, or nation. If We collectively allow civilization to Collapse, no one is safe, insulated, or free.
With figures like Trump and Musk talking about "liberating" the people of the United States, Canada, England, Greenland, Panama, etc. from their respective governments, many are excitedly placing their hopes of salvation in the hands of various billionaires, politicians, or religious figures.
This is precisely the predestined path towards enslavement under The Final Order.
Any reasonable amount of research and discernment reveals that these "front figures" being placed into the Visible Power Structures are mere pawns in a game of far Deeper Invisible Power Structures.
The challenges We face are at least planetary in nature, and by definition and design cannot be solved by any existing political or constitutional authority on Earth.
The billionaires and politicians who pit some group of "us" versus some "them" are precisely the agents of the kontrolle structure.
Humanity can only pass The Final Test together as One Body.
So what is the solution?
Even in this Darkness, there is hope. The Collapse of Old systems creates space for something New—a world reborn, a civilization restored.
Imagine ecosystems regenerated, communities refounded upon universal values thriving in harmony with nature, economies built on mutual care and abundance, and societies guided by universal wisdom, truth and justice. This is not a distant dream; it is both a calling and a destiny for our time. It is a spiritual and moral imperative within our reach. For the first time in millennia, humanity can co-create a flourishing future for All.
But The Window is closing fast.
Over the past seven years, we have collaborated with a planetary network to discern a Vision, Strategy, and Plan, while laying the foundations for its realization.
While the Critical Path addresses complex challenges, the essence of the Tipping Point Strategy—and the actions you can take—is surprisingly straightforward. The building is on fire and humanity is asleep, so We are going to awaken, unite, and help one another to safety.
For those wanting more detail, The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan lays out the 10 Year Grand Strategy in detail.
Please, don’t dismiss this letter. Reflect on it. Discuss it. Pray on it.
Time is short, but it is not too late. Together, We can rise to meet the challenges ahead and forge a flourishing future. The choices We make today will echo through generations—let us make them boldly, wisely, and together.
At such a crucial juncture, each and every individual and locality has a role to play and something to contribute.
There are thousands of wonderful people around the world who recognize these issues and are working towards these ends. Among those, I humbly offer all of myself in service to you and your loved ones. Over the next 24 months, I am going to do my best to build a movement upon the Vision, Values, and Infrastructure forged over the last 7 years, Powered by Lionsberg. But We cannot do this alone.
If you would like to collaborate or have any wisdom, resources, or relationships to contribute, please Respond Here. No later than the end of January, I will schedule a meeting to kick off 2025 - Season 1 - Rising From The Ashes, and communicate next steps based on the resources and relationships in play.
Every historic movement begins with a single step. Your voice, wisdom, and actions matter more than you realize. Together, we can turn this vision into reality. Once again, if you resonate with this message and would like to participate or contribute, please Respond Here.
With all my love and hope,
~ J
No single letter can encompass the scope of the Meta Crisis We face, but the following key points demand our immediate attention and dialogue:
None of Us have all the answers. What we do know is this: Something is profoundly wrong, antithetical forces are in control of the collapsing Existing Order, and civilization on Earth must be refounded within a single generation. The convergence of these crises demands an unprecedented, unified response as outlined in The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan.
We cannot solve this alone. But together, we can rise above the Chaos, rebuild what has been lost and destined, and co-create a flourishing and abundant future for All.
Let Us All arise as One Body to co-create Heaven On Earth and Beyond.