Beloved Allies,
The flames of conflict, division, and deception rise on the horizon. They are not the end but the beginning—a profound turning point in humanity's Quest toward Destiny. Within this fire lies the seed of transformation: an invitation to rise together, to confront this Meta Crisis with clarity and courage, and to co-create the New World.
2025 is upon Us, and the Time has come.
Over the past several years, We have woven lifetimes of work and wisdom into a framework for collective awakening and action. We built a planetary network, articulated a New Operating System for humanity, published transformative works, and engaged in bold social experiments. These steps along the Critical Path yielded invaluable Progress, but they have not yet united The Movement. Jordan's Journey—brutally painful yet essential—revealed The Greatest Fraud, Deception, and Existential Threat in History.
Now, We see with clarity a truth that ignites The Path: the existing systems cannot be reformed. They must be rapidly transcended before The 7 Year Window of Crisis and Opportunity closes—a Time through which humanity's future will be forged.
What We have discovered and written about the extraterrestrial and interdimensional forces influencing human and planetary affairs may shock and repel some. Many will experience deep Ontological Shock and resist these truths. Yet, We implore you: do not turn away. These realities will soon burst into the collective consciousness, and if humanity remains unaware, it will panic, fragment, and fall into The Trap. The First Three Percent must awaken fully to these realities, ready to guide humanity through the trauma of disclosure with clarity and wisdom.
As We enter this New Year, The Mission and Milestones are clear: to connect and empower The First Three Percent by 2026, creating 300 awakened leaders in every community of 10,000 citizens. Together, these leaders will form a decentralized, 250-million-strong Force For Good capable of guiding humanity through the challenges ahead.
These leaders will self-organize into Self-Governing, Self-Sustaining, and Self-Replicating Teams of 5-7 individuals, aligning their efforts through 90-day Seasonal Quests to produce measurable Progress along the Critical Path. This is how We will forge the Way toward The Goal.
The diversity of individuals and teams will reflect the infinite diversity of life on Earth. Some will build what is needed, others will repair what can be saved, and still others will dismantle what no longer belongs in Our New World. Some will teach, all will learn. Some will design, some will build, some will guide, and others will follow.
Each Individual, Team, Community, and Bioregion will cultivate its own unique identity, governance, economy, and culture. All remain sovereign, autonomous, and free.
Yet, Powered by Lionsberg, shared protocols, patterns, and Minimum Standards of Interoperability will enable resources, wisdom, and relationships to flow seamlessly, uplifting and empowering All.
At the heart of this Mission lies one sacred act: Passing The Flame.
The Quest to connect and empower The First Three Percent by 2026 is Our Critical Path. Each of Us must become a beacon—identifying those awakening, sharing this Vision, and inviting them to join The Lionsberg Alliance. Without this act of multiplication and unity, humanity cannot succeed.
Passing The Flame is not optional; it is vital. Together, We can awaken and unite the leaders humanity desperately needs. But it begins today, with Us.
This year must not repeat the patterns of idle meetings, explorations, or commitments in word but not deed. It demands a bold commitment—a resolute choice to rise into Higher Order Functional Unity and actively co-create The Lionsberg Alliance. This is your moment to step forward as a beacon of light, purpose, and love. As you feel the Spirit move you, We invite you to take the first step: review the materials below and RSVP Here.
What will be different this time? We have transformed. We have dismantled illusions. We have tried and failed, and We have learned. This time, We demand far greater COMMITMENT from a more selective group.
If you are ready to join The Lionsberg Alliance, forge or join a Team, embark on meaningful Seasonal Quests, and Pass The Flame to The First Three Percent, please see one or more of the invitations below and RSVP Here.
You do not need to read everything. If you feel the Spirit move you, simply answer The Call and RSVP Here to Join Us.
As the Existing Order collapses, the opportunity to co-create a New reality arises. This is not mere survival; it is a renaissance—the radiant emergence of a New Civilization. It is the birth of New World where Truth illuminates every action, Love binds every relationship, and Justice forms the unshakable foundation of every system. Together, We can co-create a reality as abundant and harmonious as the Divine Symphony—a world where every being thrives and every soul contributes to the flourishing of All.
The time to rise is now. Will you take your place among those who will shape the future of humanity? Together, We can forge a Path toward The Sacred Ascent—a shared journey to transform Our world and realize Our collective Destiny.
To begin this profound Quest, take the first step and RSVP Here.
This is more than an invitation—it is the opportunity and adventure of a lifetime. Even if direct participation is not possible, your unique gifts—relationships, resources, wisdom—are vital threads in the tapestry We are weaving. Reach out to J directly or at, and let Us align your contributions with this shared Mission for the sake of One and All.
In Service of One and All,
~ J