Agreement to Join The Lionsberg Alliance

This is preliminary draft to capture the Spirit and Essence of Our Collaboration. If you see ways to improve it, We can do that Together.

Beloved One,

On its Quest towards Destiny, humanity is at a crossroads, standing before The Final Test—a moment of profound challenge and opportunity. Around the world, millions are awakening, stepping into their unique roles to help heal, elevate, and regenerate our shared reality. Yet in isolation, even the most gifted among Us lack the resources, relationships, and collective strength to transform the root causes of suffering and forge The Future We Seek.

Lionsberg was purpose-built to guide and empower humanity in this Quest: to confront and overcome the Meta Crisis and co-create Heaven On Earth. To succeed, We must identify, connect, and empower The First Three Percent—a planetary grid of leadership, light, and love—by 2026. This is Our Critical Path, and time is short.

You are here for a reason.

This agreement invites you to step forward as a sovereign, free, and uniquely gifted individual to join The Lionsberg Alliance: a voluntary federation of awakening souls united in purpose and service to One and All.

By participating in The Alliance, you affirm your alignment with the principles of truth, love, justice, stewardship, and wisdom, and commit to co-creating the Best Possible Future for All. Together, We can weave a tapestry of strength and abundance, lifting One Another and Our world toward the fullness of Our shared potential.

The Principles We Stand Upon

  1. Sovereignty Within Unity
    Each ally joins first as an individual—sovereign and free. This ensures that each of Us can learn, grow, and move across teams, communities, and organizations as Our unique paths unfold. While no individual is tied to a single team, all agree to act in service of The Whole, ensuring every success strengthens The Alliance.

  2. Service to One and All
    Participation reflects a commitment to co-create abundance and harmony, honoring the interexistence of All life with its Source and uplifting the dignity and sovereignty of all beings.

  3. Unity Through Diversity
    The Alliance thrives on the unique contributions of All its members. Together, We weave diverse strengths into a Higher Order Functional Unity—a body far greater than the sum of its parts.

  4. Co-Operative Governance and Just Economics
    Members commit to fostering transparency, justice, and shared stewardship of teams, organizations, communities, and resources. No ally is a mere “employee”, nor does any one "own" the labor of others; All are empowered co-creators and co-stewards of their teams and communities, contributing to a wise and democratic framework that reflects the will and wisdom of One and All.

  5. Minimum Standards of Interoperability
    To function as One Body, The Alliance establishes basic agreements, protocols and practices that enable collaboration and mutual support. These Minimum Standards of Interoperability ensure that Our diversity strengthens rather than fragments Us.

  6. Evolution and Growth
    The Lionsberg System is a living framework, designed to emerge, evolve and adapt as We co-create Our New Civilization. By joining, you contribute your unique skills and insights to its continuous refinement, helping it meet the needs of humanity and beyond as The Movement grows.

The Commitments We Honor

By joining The Lionsberg Alliance, you affirm your willingness to embrace these simple yet profound commitments, which form a unified foundation for The Whole.

  1. Join as a Sovereign Individual:
    Stand as a free, unbound individual while contributing uniquely to The Whole. Strengthen the autonomy and capacity of your Self, your Teams, and your Communities to Self-Replicate and Self-Sustain.

  1. Embrace Shared Principles and Protocols:
    Align with Truth, Love, Justice, Wisdom, Stewardship, and Co-Creation, while abiding by the Minimum Standards of Interoperability, Helping One Another, and Doing No Harm.

  1. Engage in Seasonal Quests and Share Stories of Transformation:
    Forge autonomous teams, participate in aligned 90-day Seasonal Quests that advance the Critical Path, and share Stories of Transformation that inspire and amplify momentum.

  1. Contribute The First Tenth to The Commons:
    Dedicate 10% of your time and resources to The Commons (4-5 hours weekly, and a meaningful monthly resource contribution), empowering mutual aid and collective flourishing.

  1. Pass The Flame:
    Actively identify others who are awakening, share this Vision, and invite them to join The Lionsberg Alliance. Commit to empowering The First Three Percent by 2026, multiplying Our collective strength and reach within the Critically Effective Time Limit.

  1. Walk The Path of The Sacred Ascent:
    Rise to your highest potential by helping All others do the same, co-creating a New Civilization founded on Wisdom and Unity while embodying a New Way of Being aboard Earth.

  1. Federate Everything and Act with Integrity:
    Pursue opportunities, insights, and resources through Federated Teams within The Lionsberg Alliance, ensuring that every success strengthens The Whole and enriches The Commons. Build Trust, Reciprocity, and Ongoing Mutual Consent in every relationship by acting transparently, sharing openly, and honoring Commitments in every relationship.

These commitments are not burdens but sacred invitations to rise together. Lionsberg provides the tools, guidance, and community needed to empower Us All to co-create joyfully as One Body.

A Sacred Invitation

By accepting this invitation, you affirm your willingness to:

  • Join as a sovereign individual, free and unbound.
  • Embrace the principles of truth, love, justice and co-creation.
  • Forge Teams and engage in meaningful Seasonal Quests that advance the Critical Path towards The Goal.
  • Contribute The First Tenth of your unique gifts and the resources We co-create to The Commons, knowing that as you lift up All others, you too will rise.
  • Pass The Flame, doing your part to invite, connect, and empower The First Three Percent by 2026.
  • Walk The Path of The Sacred Ascent, rising towards the fullness of your potential and co-creating a New Civilization, by helping All others do the same.

This agreement is not a binding contract but a living covenant—a sacred trust rooted in love, honor, and the freedom to choose your path at every step. Participation in any relationship, Team, or Alliance requires Ongoing Mutual Consent, and All are free to exit at any Time.

The First Step

Humanity’s future depends on what We co-create together. Your journey begins here, with the choice to align as One Body and unite Our efforts to meet this moment.

Will you walk with Us?

To take the first step, RSVP Here.

In Service of One and All,
~ J

The Seven Commitments of Every Co-Creator