The Seven Commitments of Every Co-Creator

By joining The Lionsberg Alliance, you affirm your willingness to embrace these simple yet profound commitments, which form a unified foundation for The Whole:

  1. Join as a Sovereign Individual:
    Stand as a free, unbound individual while contributing uniquely to The Whole. Strengthen the autonomy and capacity of your Self, your Teams, and your Communities to Self-Replicate and Self-Sustain .

  1. Embrace Shared Principles and Protocols:
    Align with Truth, Love, Justice, Wisdom, Stewardship, and Co-Creation, while abiding by the Minimum Standards of Interoperability.

  1. Engage in Seasonal Quests and Share Stories of Transformation:
    Forge autonomous teams, participate in aligned 90-day Seasonal Quests that advance the Critical Path, and share Stories of Transformation that inspire and amplify momentum.

  1. Contribute The First Tenth to The Commons:
    Dedicate 10% of your time and resources to The Commons (4-5 hours weekly, and a meaningful monthly resource contribution), empowering mutual aid and collective flourishing.

  1. Pass The Flame:
    Actively identify others who are awakening, share this Vision, and invite them to join The Lionsberg Alliance. Commit to empowering The First Three Percent by 2026, multiplying Our collective strength and reach within the Critically Effective Time Limit.

  1. Walk The Path of The Sacred Ascent:
    Rise to your highest potential by helping All others do the same, co-creating a New Civilization founded on Wisdom and Unity while embodying a New Way of Being aboard Earth.

  1. Federate Everything and Act with Integrity:
    Pursue opportunities, insights, and resources through Federated Teams within The Lionsberg Alliance, ensuring that every success strengthens The Whole. Build Trust, Reciprocity, and Ongoing Mutual Consent in every relationship by acting transparently, sharing openly, and honoring Commitments in every relationship.

These commitments are not burdens but sacred invitations to rise together. Lionsberg provides the tools, guidance, and community needed to empower Us All to co-create joyfully as One Body.

Why These Commitments Matter

The Seven Commitments unite individuals, teams, and communities into a harmonious whole. They serve as a foundation for collaboration, reciprocity, and shared purpose, ensuring that every effort contributes to The Goal while empowering each member to thrive.

By embracing these commitments, you join a Force For Good far greater than the sum of its parts. Together, We rise.